Hitman 3 когда выйдет в steam

Обновлено: 05.07.2024


8 янв в 9:56 I was only aware of this, HItman 3 coming to steam on 2022 just 1 min before I made this discussion. Can someone tell me why is this happening? I'm too lazy to do the research and everything. I hope someone can give me a straight answer right away 8 янв в 10:24 epic games paid alot money to make hitman 3 exclusive for one year on their platform. 8 янв в 11:08 epic games paid alot money to make hitman 3 exclusive for one year on their platform.

1 You can add any game as non steam game to steam so please stop crying river LMAO. 8 янв в 15:08 You can add any game as non steam game to steam so please stop crying river LMAO. so i can play h1 and h2 levels that i have in steam?

1 Yes assuming your IO account is linked to your steam account and you use same account in Hitman 3. 9 янв в 2:00 You can add any game as non steam game to steam so please stop crying river LMAO.

Which limits the amount of features such as Screenshots, Achievements, Steam-Guides etc.
Also locks you out of reviewing the game besides telling your friends "Buy" or "Don't buy".
Not to mention the community hub and their discussions which was severely used by the community on Hitman and Hitman 2. even on the older parts of the Hitman franchise.


9 янв в 3:19 You can add any game as non steam game to steam so please stop crying river LMAO.

Which limits the amount of features such as Screenshots, Achievements, Steam-Guides etc.
Also locks you out of reviewing the game besides telling your friends "Buy" or "Don't buy".
Not to mention the community hub and their discussions which was severely used by the community on Hitman and Hitman 2. even on the older parts of the Hitman franchise.

I'm starting to get annoyed with all these trade wars, we can't even buy the game keys and put it on steam it's only Epic game

I hate Epic game it's poorly designed and then in terms of price there is no difference, I have all my games on steam for years and you still have to change platforms for a game.

Otherwise what do you think of Hitman 3?

There are plenty of threads on this topic in the Hitman 2 forums. You should keep the discussion there. There are plenty of threads on this topic in the Hitman 2 forums. You should keep the discussion there.
Because these boards are for discussions about Steam. Game-specific threads belong in game-specific hubs.


Maybe you'll grow up one day and just buy games and stop being fanboy of stupid ass launcher.

Then you can just buy any game whenever.

Maybe you'll grow up one day and just buy games and stop being fanboy of stupid ass launcher.

Then you can just buy any game whenever.

It's not being a "fanboy". It sucks as a consumer to spread purchases over half a dozen platforms. Just because most of us have accepted it, it doesn't make it okay.

That being said, I agree with this:

There are plenty of threads on this topic in the Hitman 2 forums. You should keep the discussion there.

If you look at purchases of base game and dlcs vs GOTY, your clearly see why not only the developers took the deal but why epic knew they would get it.

Any shop front platform could have played the same card as im sure IO would have taken a better offer. Steam does not need to make a name for itself or worry about the members it has to gain. Hitman 3 isnt going to draw a massive crowd like GTA for instance so only a fan and ardent player would find this a negative.

Having the latest game is nothing more than bragging rights, impatience as a game not played no matter the year bought is still a new game to that individual.

If you look at purchases of base game and dlcs vs GOTY, your clearly see why not only the developers took the deal but why epic knew they would get it.

Any shop front platform could have played the same card as im sure IO would have taken a better offer. Steam does not need to make a name for itself or worry about the members it has to gain. Hitman 3 isnt going to draw a massive crowd like GTA for instance so only a fan and ardent player would find this a negative.

Having the latest game is nothing more than bragging rights, impatience as a game not played no matter the year bought is still a new game to that individual.

IO is an independant studio now. They get a better cut through EGS. That's the only reason.

My advice is to wait one year and buy the game in 2022 if your unhappy about epic games stroe. No point moaning on the forums, forums users can't do crap to change anything. What you need to do is moan to valve to get theses games back. Otherwise 2021 will be another year games go epic exclusives.

Because these boards are for discussions about Steam. Game-specific threads belong in game-specific hubs.
Let's not try to be police, policing the boards. Valve clearly don't have issues with people posting , so nobody should.
Let's not try to be police, policing the boards. Valve clearly don't have issues with people posting , so nobody should.
Apparently they do, since game-specific conversations are closed or moved to the right forum all the time. Either way, this conversation is boring and pointless so time for me to unsubscribe.
Let's not try to be police, policing the boards. Valve clearly don't have issues with people posting , so nobody should.
Apparently they do, since game-specific conversations are closed or moved to the right forum all the time.
I know mod do move threads sometimes, but not all the time, many threads and posts slip thought the net. But users are just that 'users' and shouldn't be dictatoring to others about posting.

Maybe you'll grow up one day and just buy games and stop being fanboy of stupid ass launcher.

Then you can just buy any game whenever.

It's not being a "fanboy". It sucks as a consumer to spread purchases over half a dozen platforms. Just because most of us have accepted it, it doesn't make it okay.

That being said, I agree with this:

In my opinion you are a fanboy once you start boycotting games purely because they are not available on your launcher of choice. Which seems to be the case here.

It's not being a "fanboy". It sucks as a consumer to spread purchases over half a dozen platforms. Just because most of us have accepted it, it doesn't make it okay.

That being said, I agree with this:

In my opinion you are a fanboy once you start boycotting games purely because they are not available on your launcher of choice. Which seems to be the case here. So lets say ill refuse to go to restaurant where they cook bad, and service is terrible and instead choose one where food tastes better and service is also good. does that make me a fanboy?
In my opinion you are a fanboy once you start boycotting games purely because they are not available on your launcher of choice. Which seems to be the case here.

So lets say ill refuse to go to restaurant where they cook bad, and service is terrible and instead choose one where food tastes better and service is also good. does that make me a fanboy?
That's a bit of a strange comparison to be honest. Since it's not available on Steam. (yet)

But, if i don't like the interior of Burger King, where they sell my favorite burger,
and McDonalds doesn't sell that burger but is my favorite place to go for food in general, it indeed won't be a reason for me to boycot Burger King purely for the fact they don't sell it at McDonalds. I would still buy the burger at Burger King because it's not available at McDonalds.

Компания IO Interactive решила порадовать поклонников стелс-экшенов и самого Агента 47, поэтому предоставила геймерам возможность совершенно бесплатно получить HITMAN 3 для ПК и консолей.

«Hitman 3: бесплатный начальный набор» доступен с 30 марта на PC, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PS5 и PS4.

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