Gunfire reborn топ сборки

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

11 июн. 2020 в 11:29

This involves Scrolls too yes, personally, I love dual wielding WildHunts with the Deft Hands Scroll and sometimes also that one ability Ao has that lets you EXTEND your dual wield time after shooting 20 rounds at any time. Combining the two in a close combat situation makes it easy to clean house in one go without spending any ammunition and the sheer Damage output let me kill Lu Wu/Mu/wtfe we hate him in 2 seconds. This is how I got both the No Damage Boss Fight Achievement and the Kill in <10s Achievement.

Do tell me of your fantasy or favorite settups! how would they work? I must know

11 июн. 2020 в 11:46 as crown prince, need 2 ascendent, acidic explosion and the noxious bomb ( the ascension that up the grenade damage), run to third level grab the first electric fist you found and any corrosive weapon go to craftman and change gemini to share elem. around 25 min to beat the game still working on how i can go for 20 min sub with that build. miasma op. 11 июн. 2020 в 12:08 11 июн. 2020 в 12:22 11 июн. 2020 в 13:59
I've been struggling. furthest I've gotten is the 2nd boss. I just unlocked Ao Bai yesterday, gonna try this. 11 июн. 2020 в 16:11

I had an extended magazine fire dragon, with the mod that says +10% lucky hit per (x) ammo fired, resets on reload. I also had against the flow scroll (gain ammo in your magazine every second after hiting an enemy, if you dont damage in an enemy for the last 4 seconds you lose one ammo from supply every second), and the scroll where killing an enemy under elemental effect gains you 10 ammo in magazine.

So I didnt reload, and I dont know how much lucky shot I stacked up, but I was hitting for 7000 on the low side, and I saw 15,000+ more than once

11 июн. 2020 в 20:15 Lightless shield and bloody ammo with dragonchaser right click on their heads hold left click = stream of bullets without actually taking bullets since lightless shield apparently blocks bloody ammo without actually taking a charge. If thats bad then.
Ao Bai
Bloody ammo + lightless shield
Dual hippos
11 июн. 2020 в 20:17

Explosives build on Kitty Cat. I posted the general idea of it in another post asking if explosive builds are viable, so I'll copy and paste my response here with some added information about scrolls.

Explosives are very very very strong on Stages 1 and 3, as enemies tend to stay grouped throughout the levels.

I personally love running explosives on the Cat, and picking up the next boss's weakness as my secondary. I recommend picking up smoke grenade upgrades with this build.

In particular, these upgrades are key for explosives.

- 300% damage -50% Elemental Effect
- Decreased Outgoing Damage + Increased Damage Taken (I think it's called Hex)

Hero Skill
- Increased Damage by 300% on chain target, 50% increased Damage to nearby enemies
- Longer Duration
- Wider Range

This build is absolutely stupid in stages 1 and 3, and gives your allies a lot of breathing room on stage 2, as you can CC rushers like crazy.

This also allows you to do so much raw damage, that you don't need crit scrolls. Feel free to give them to your allies so they can pick off high priority ranged targets. Also, make sure you ask them for their Brutal scroll. It'll buff your Ability, Buffed Smoke Grenades, and Explosive damage.

You can also proc lucky hits with explosives, which are basically crits for your rockets.

Here are some scrolls you should think about with an explosives build. This list ignores the obvious damage scrolls you use on any build.

Brutal Gloves - Increases your dps across the board. You don't need crits.

Improved Clip - Your weapon is heavy. You move slow. Movement Speed good.

Ammo Belt - Quality of Life. Special Ammo capacity is pretty low.

Final Judgement - Your AoEs cover big areas. Execution is great.

Abnormal Speed - Movement Speed still good.

Brief Respite - Invuln when swapping. Swap to default weapon for invuln and move get out of danger quickly.

Bloody Ammo - 0 in the mag, keep boomin.

Ninja Invincibility - You take a while to shoot. This is one not many people think about.

If you have a god tier explosive weapon with ONE 'bullet' per mag, make sure you ask your friends for their Preemptive strike. It increases first round in the chamber's damage. ONLY take it if you have a one round mag. If you have a multi-round mag, but have a kunai user on your team, give it to them.

Remember that trading is a thing, and keep creating some rad builds. Much love <3

12 июн. 2020 в 3:40 13 июн. 2020 в 17:11

Ao Bai with dual prisms is ridiculously strong, given that you go for the crits/headshots. There are just too many scrolls and ascensions that go extremely well with it:

- Last shot ascension will greatly boost your damage for free due to clip size 1
- Snow boots + corrosion enthusiast scrolls will give you free movement speed, damage reduction and slowness immunity
- No retreat scroll is useful since Ao Bai's grenades are not too amazing, just throw them all out and get extra damage
- There's this scroll that gives more damage for the first half of the clip, but this will boost your damage at all times as well since your clip size is 1 (I think at least)
- Pre-emptive strike due to clip size 1

It also has nice synergy with dual wield:
- Since prism usually has a boatload of ammo, you can easily pick the ascension that adds 100% damage but doubles ammo consumption during dual wield
- Since prism isn't really rapid fire and does good damage per hit, you can get nice benefits from the ascension that doubles the damage of the first few shots during dual wield as well

Getting any scrolls that amplify crits/lucky shots will make it even stronger, and getting some sick inscriptions will make it even more ridiculous (e.g. the one that triples ammo consumption but adds a huge damage boost, or the one that creates lightning balls).

And then there's just the massive amount of benefits that the prism weapon itself has:
- It bounces around, free damage
- It penetrates mobs and shields of big mobs (e.g. horsehead enemy), easy
- Does good damage with decent fire rate
- Usually has way too much ammo, don't need any ammo scrolls to make it viable

It's so good, and there are so many nice synergies besides the scrolls/ascensions that work well on every setup, that finding 2 prisms (even when they have trash inscriptions) while playing Ao Bai is almost a guaranteed win in solo play, given that you don't die from random bs. You'll almost always find some scrolls and ascensions that go well with it. Just spam at head-height and watch just a single prism go through 3 heads at once in a pack of mobs :D

Лучшее оружие в Gunfire Reborn, параметры и статистика

Gunfire Reborn предлагает вам широкий выбор оружия. И хотя при выборе стартового оружия это всегда личное предпочтение, есть некоторые пушки, которые лучше других. В этом руководстве Gunfire Reborn мы дадим вам обзор некоторых из лучших ранних видов оружия, которое вы можете использовать в игре.

Gunfire Reborn лучшее оружие

Прежде чем мы начнем, важно отметить, что это наши личные рекомендации для ранней игры. Вы можете придерживаться этого оружия дольше с правильными надписями / модификациями, если вы решите это сделать.

Gunfire Reborn Лучшее оружие и параметры

С учетом сказанного, вот что мы рекомендуем вам использовать в Gunfire Reborn:

Есть несколько вещей, которые делают Soul Devourer одним из лучших оружий в Gunfire Reborn, особенно в начале игры. Он наносит урон от молнии, который очень хорошо работает против первого босса, Лу Ву. В дополнение к этому, он также поставляется с автоматической загрузкой. Это означает, что вам не нужно перезагружать его вручную. Star Devourer автоматически перезагружается из резервов, когда вы прекращаете стрелять. Некоторые из его характеристик включают в себя:

Также важно отметить, что он наносит дополнительный урон врагам с красной полосой и меньше урона противникам со щитами. Его статистика:

Еще одна пусковая установка, но эта наносит значительно больше урона, чем Frenzied Shark. С другой стороны, в магазине есть только ракета и достаточно долгое время перезагрузки. Я все еще рекомендовал бы придерживаться Бешеной Акулы для DPS, но у Tiger Cannon нет параллели, когда дело доходит до взрывного урона. Его статистика:

Это одни из лучших видов оружия, которое вы можете использовать в начале игры в Gunfire Reborn.

У Gunfire Reborn есть некоторые механизмы, которые трудно понять. В этом руководстве для начинающих мы рассмотрим различные механики в игре, в том числе способности, свитки, лучшее оружие и хранилища в Gunfire Reborn.

Gunfire Reborn Руководство для начинающих

Gunfire Reborn секреты советы и фишки

В этом руководстве мы подробно описали некоторые основные советы и рекомендации, которые помогут вам стать лучше в Gunfire Reborn:

Лучшее оружие
Вы можете держать в игре максимум 2 оружия. Каждое оружие в игре имеет фиксированную черту и случайные надписи. Некоторое оружие также наносит стихийный урон, который превосходен против экранированных и бронированных врагов. Чтобы узнать больше о разблокировке различных видов оружия в игре, вы можете открыть «Оружейную» из главного меню.

Понимание свитков
В игре есть различные типы свитков, которые предлагают как преимущества, так и недостатки при использовании. Свитки также бывают разных раритетов и могут быть заработаны на сундуках и победах над врагами. Есть некоторые, называемые Проклятыми Свитками, которые дают только отрицательные эффекты и подходят для игроков, которым нравится испытание.

Использование способностей
Ваш персонаж в Gunfire Reborn имеет в общей сложности 3 способности: Dash, Grenade, Special. У Dash и Special в игре есть время перезарядки, но вы можете увеличить количество зарядов, собирая определенные Свитки. С другой стороны, гранаты не имеют перезарядки и поставляются с 3 зарядами по умолчанию. Чтобы использовать гранаты, вам нужно поднять зеленые боеприпасы.

В игре есть 3 типа врагов: обычные враги, элита и боссы. Некоторые враги также защищены и бронированы. Элементарный урон от молнии наносит + 50% дополнительного урона к щитам, едкий урон наносит + 50% к броне, а урон от огня наносит дополнительный урон врагам с красной полосой. Имея это в виду, задумайтесь, чтобы иметь все в вашем инвентаре для каждой ситуации.

Сущность Души и Таланты
Победа над врагами и боссами обеспечивает Сущность Души, которая позволяет вам открывать Таланты. Таланты, когда они приобретены, дают постоянный бонус вашему персонажу. В дополнение к этому вы можете использовать Сущность Души, чтобы использовать самовосстановление и открытие Хранилищ.

First things first

Critx = Headshot multiplierLucky shot = traditional "crit." a.k.a "probabilityto do higher damage"

There are a few reasons why you might try the dog:

you forget to use your stun as cat

Ao Bai is a tanky, high dps pupper that sacrifices shields for health and possesses the ability to dual wield. His grenades do burst damage and explode instantly.

Although there a few different dog builds, there a few scroll choices I always make:

Flesh & Bones / Resolute

Since the dog has low shields, my preference is to get "flesh and bones" as soon as possible. This scroll turns your shields to health and grants passive regen. "Resolute" grants bonus damage and movement speed when shields are zero, which combos perfectly with f&b.

This combo eases stress brought on by health management as your HP regens entirely. It also makes all of the shield scrolls and perks useless for you, which means you can pawn them off to hungry cats on your team.

Flesh and Bones, it should be noted, transforms any shields you have into health. If you upgrade your shields before snagging this perk, those shields get turned into health. I always get shields from the upgrade boxes before I get f&b because shields are clutch before you get health regen.

F&B is core for dog, but most cats focus shield, so someone on your team should be willing to part with this. Unless, of course, that cat is focusing on fire element.

Supply Depot

Always-Good Ascension

Sustained fire (50 / 75 /100%) bonus damage for (6 / 6 /20) seconds after a kill

Other perks that are always good -

Double Explosions: two grenades for the price of one - only one rank point. A quick buff.

The basic builds:

Pretty self-explanatory, the explosive build focuses boom-boom damage and uses short-duration dual-wielding as a means of increasing burst damage. Most of the perks we need come from the yellow "Detonation" tree, but there are some standouts in other paths as well.


Primary: Tiger cannon, justice,Secondary: any smg


Explosion Enhancement: (30 / 45 / 100%) Boom Damage and (2 / 4 / 6) meter boom aoe

Mad Bomber: (30 / 45 / 60%) Boom damage, self-damage immunity, and 30% chance to do double damage with max rank

Precise Explosion: (50 / 75 / 100%) bonus explosion damage for single enemies, or groups less than 4 with last perk)

Double Explosions: two grenades for the price of one - only one rank point-

Last Shot: (50 / 75 / 150%) bonus damage for last shot in the magazine. Synergizes very well with low ammo launcher weapons. Not sure how it works with supply depot :(

Sustained fire (50 / 75 /100%) bonus damage for (6 / 6 /20) seconds after a kill

Twin Gunner (100 125 125% bonus damage dual wielding but ammo consumption is doubled (till 3))

Ammo Expert: Regain ammo per second while dual-wielding. Probably only need 1 rank with launcher build.

Sharpshooter: Speed reload during dual wield - not necessary if you have supply depot.

Adrenal rush: (-20 / -30 / -40% damage taken for 4 / 6 / 20 seconds after kill)

close call: immune for (2 / 3 / 4) secs after getting hit for (25 / 25 / 10% damage)



The infamous "big hippo go brr" build. This build focuses on dual wielding duration with potential for very high lucky shot multipliers. Because we will be spending most of our time in dual wield, we can take perks that give us survivability buffs while akimbo. We stay away from the two dual wield perks that reduce the duration or increase ammo use. Our goal is to keep shooting in dual wield for as long as possible.

This build is more or less the opposite of the last build.

Weapons:As far as the weapons go, try to get two weapons that synergize together in range and fire type. Weapons that make you click your left and right mouse in different rhythms while dual-wielding is kind of a mind fuck.

Two identical weapons like big hippos or star destroyers can be good, but be careful of using two weapons with the same type of ammo unless you have perks or scrolls that grant you ammo.

Having two weapons with different elemental effects is an easy way to grant combo statuses like manipulation or miasma.

Sample WeaponsPrimary: Aura of Venom (blue ammo)Secondary: Lighting blast

Primary: Big HippoSecondary: Big Hippo

Primary: Fire dragonSecondary: Lightning glove


Battle Tested: Increased Dual wield duration. Last rank grants 2 seconds of dual wield duration per 20 ammo used. This is the skill that keeps you in dual wield forever.

Lucky Ammo: Increased lucky shot in dual wield, maxing this skill causes you not to use ammo when you hit. This is huge. If you get early lucky ammo level 3, then you can skip ammo expert and not worry about ammo types OR the twin gunner tradeoff.

Ammo Expert: Grants ammo while dual wielding. great solution to ammo problems.

Adrenal rush: Kill chain damage reduction, always good. extra huge

Golden Comeback - Less damage taken in dual wield. Great for a duration build like this one.


Go deep with your dual SMGs/ rifles/ chainguns and tear into the enemy. Stay moving and shooting. Kills and shots fired buff you, so keep shooting and killing. Clean up little mobs to keep your multiplier going. Your biggest problem will be ammo so be sure to find something that buffs ammo. Break the pots on the ground if you run out of bullets.

Unleased Potential: (5 / 7 / 9) first shots from dual wield deal double damage. Halves dual wield time.

Last Shot: (50 / 75 / 150%) bonus damage for last shot in the magazine.

Twin Gunner: Twin Gunner (100 125 125% bonus damage dual wielding but ammo consumption is doubled (till rank 3))

Weapons:Primary: Argus (or other shotgun)Secondary: wildhunt (or other shotgun)

Battle Tested (akimbo duration)

Lucky ammo (akimbo damage)

Last Shot (last bullet damage)

Sustained Fire (kill-chain damage)

Unleashed Potential (akimbo damage)

Twin Gunner (akimbo damage)

Ammo expert (ammo refill / 1 rank should be fine)

Adrenal Rush (kill-chain health)

Gold comeback (akimbo damage reduction)

Close call (burst damage reduction)

Survival instinct (akimbo health)

Ok basically every RED and GREEN perk is good for this build. Remember, maxing one perk is more important than spreading everything out. Especially for god perks like Lucky Ammo, Battle Tested, Sustained Fire, Twin Gunner, Unleashed Potential, and Adrenal Rush.


Overall Tips:

If you have two guns of the same type with different inscriptions, use the (1) and (2) keys to ensure you have the right one out for the situation (boss killer weapon, etc)

Two weapons with elementals is awesome cause you can combo with yourself

If you have an acid weapon that has an inscription with "+50% damage to enemies in decay," then your weapon combos with itself. this is good. everyone should know this but I just wanted to make sure.

last shot/supply depot interaction

scorching rounds (do they do explosive damage?) bone dragon? shrieker?

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