Darkest dungeon топ пати

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

In order to make runs through Darkest Dungeon more successful, it's important to use the best heroes in your party.

Every hero in Darkest Dungeon is an expendable cog in the grand scheme of things. After all, the fabled manor in which the game takes place is a meat grinder where adventurers go in and treasure comes out, with or without the majority of those adventurers. Even so, you'll want to practice a bit of consideration for human rights and think of preserving the lives of said adventurers.

With that in mind, picking the highest pedigree of these heroes ensures that some or most of their comrades make it out of dungeons alive. Some of them just happen to be more efficient than others in their intended roles. They're either easier to pilot or simply fit in well with any party. Make sure to include these heroes in your party to lighten up the Darkest Dungeon if only a little bit.

10 Vestal

  • Best healer in the game
  • Can stun enemies

The best hero for keeping your other heroes alive is none other than the Vestal. She's the cleric or medic equivalent in this game and has several healing skills that other heroes will find pretty hard to match.

She fits in all parties unless you're not keen on keeping everyone's health in check. Aside from her healing skills, the Vestal also has some decent stun abilities which put her in a pure support role. Even trinkets intended for her tend to turn her into a healing bot.

9 Plague Doctor

  • Offensive support role
  • Stun and Blight scale well into late-game

Think of the Plague Doctor as a polar opposite of the Vestal, but more emo. She's highly intent on reducing the enemies' health in the most sinister way possible. That's why she has some reliable Stun and Blight skills to do the trick.

This puts the Plague Doctor on quite a high tier compared to other support classes since both of those skills can be lifesavers in long dungeons or in boss fights. Stun takes enemies out of combat while Blight is deadly against enemies with high protection.

8 Crusader

  • Well-rounded hero
  • Deals high damage
  • Can heal stress and health

You simply can't go wrong with the Crusader. He's one of the first heroes to be introduced in the game and still holds well no matter which dungeon or level. This here's a well-built character that can do tons of damage and also look after his teammates.

He's one of the best frontline heroes in the game. When not purging heretics in dungeons, he's either healing stress or offering protection during the heat of battle. Plus, he looks great and intimidating with all that armor.

7 Arbalest

  • Off-field healer
  • Deals high damage and higher with Mark
  • Can hit backline enemies

The Arbalest is another military man whom you wouldn't want to ignore for a party. Because backline enemies in Darkest Dungeon are a death sentence and the Arbalest can deal with them fast.

Her powerful ranged attacks have good coverage as long as she's in an optimal rank in the party. More than that, she makes for a reliable healer during camping with her field medic skills. With her in the party, you can even probably forego the need for a Vestal.

6 Hellion

  • Great frontline hero
  • Deals high damage
  • Can go toe-to-toe with the enemy frontline
  • Has decent Bleed damage

The Hellion would be another solid option or alternative for the frontline if the Crusader is too sanctimonious or preachy for you. She's focused on one thing only: dealing damage to any hostile in front of her and that usually means enemy frontliners.

The Hellion can hit multiple frontline enemies at once and at times, even cause them to bleed. Even without that kind of utility, she's still incredible at dealing big chunks of immediate damage.

5 Man-At-Arms

  • Best tank in the game
  • Can also protect other party members if need be

Man-at-Arms is Darkest Dungeon's attempt to make the game a bit easier for anyone as he's one of the few certified meat shields in the hero roster. Lore-wise, he can no longer strike with his sword-arm as hard as he could in his prime.

Hence, he makes up for it in an overwhelming amount of defense. A Man-at-Arms in any party can draw fire to himself. When it comes to offensive utility, you can also take advantage of his Stun skills and push attacks to mess up the enemy team.

4 Highwayman

  • Glass cannon
  • Flexible and high damage dealer
  • Can cause Bleed

The Highwayman is best summed up as a more versatile version of the Hellion except less suited for the frontlines. This pure damage-dealer class knows several ways of murder, be it bleeding an enemy to death or putting holes in their heads.

He's awesome for boss fights due to his penchant for dealing multiple kinds of damage types such as area, melee, Bleed, or ranged. Other than that, he really doesn't have other uses for the party but he doesn't need to have other roles anyway.

3 Houndmaster

  • Several roles
  • Has everything you want in a hero

An even better jack-of-all-trades than the Crusader, the Houndmaster does everything and does it well. Thanks to his good boys, he can also stress heal on top of being able to heal himself and his dogs.

The Houndmaster also does Bleed damage and can mark enemies. He can also attack all ranks and shred some of the enemies' protection. He's just so good and self-sustaining in any party that having four of him will work well no matter the content.

2 Occultist

  • Can also heal
  • Effective at disrupting enemy formations

The Occultist is also another semi-jack-of-all trades that can heal and deal some devastating utility and damage to the enemy. Having him in a party makes it automatically better even from just one skill.

That skill would be Daemon's Pull; it can ruin the enemy's formation and make them waste a turn or open up their vulnerabilities. Otherwise, the Occultist's wide-sweeping attacks and damage mitigation are also enough for any party.

1 Bounty Hunter

  • Great single-target damage
  • Can Stun repeatedly

Speaking of disrupting enemy tactics, the Bounty Hunter is an expert anarchist in the field. He can easily pull enemies and make them more vulnerable, true enough to his name.

What he excels in the most is doing high amounts of single-target damage as well as incapacitating a single enemy repeatedly thanks to his advanced Stun skills.

Darkest Dungeon - Лучшая команда

Игра построена таким образом, чтобы игрок испытывал как можно боли и страданий во время прохождения. Тем не менее лучшая команда в Darkest Dungeon, которая будет неплохо разбираться со всеми монстрами существует и сегодня мы ее рассмотрим:

Особенности Варвара и Крестоносца:

  • Крестоносец имеет довольно сильное лечение и удары по нежити, плюс возможность различными способами восполнять факел;
  • Варвар имеет сильные удары и 200% шанс стана на цели в первых двух слотах.

Именно благодаря такой подборе вы получаете шанс не застрять где то на средине игры и не забросить ее. Впрочем это лишь один из вариантов, а в видео ниже вы можете узнать еще о трех возможных вариантах пати.

Darkest Dungeon Best team comp

These are the most powerful party setups to destroy evil. Every dungeon demands different heroes. If you don’t send the right heroes, few will come back home. Send these lineups, and your heroes will be coming back with bags of gold and rare trinkets every time.

Best Party Setup for Ruins

  • 1. Crusader
  • 2. Crusader
  • 3. Crusader
  • 4. Plague Doctor

Why this party?

  • Equipped with holy lance, your crusaders can hit almost every spot.
  • Blight deals with high PROT enemies.
  • Utilizes Crusaders high damage in the ruins.
  • Three health and stress heals.

Second Best Setup for Ruins

Professional in the front, party in the back.

  • 1. Crusader
  • 2. Crusader
  • 3. Vestal
  • 4. Plague Doctor

Why this party?

  • Vestal heals for longer dungeon runs.
  • Tanky frontline with high damage capabilities.
  • Double stun for the frontline.
  • Trade-damage potential from the first listed party for more stable and safe lineup.

Best Party Setup for Warrens

  • 1. Flagellant ( Hellion works here too)
  • 2. Highwayman
  • 3. Jester
  • 4. Houndmaster

Why this party?

  • Beasts are weak to bleed attacks.
  • All party members can hit multiple enemies.
  • Stress and self-heals along with good evasion.
  • Camping skills provide surprise bonuses for this party.

Second Best Setup for Warrens

  • 1. Hellion
  • 2. Houndmaster
  • 3. Houndmaster
  • 4. Occultist

Why this party?

  • All units can hit all positions
  • Mark synergies between Houndmasters and occultist.
  • Houndmaster is good at killing beasts
  • There are plenty of bleed abilities in the comp.

Best Party Setup for Weald

  • 1. Flagellant ( Hellion works here too)
  • 2. Highwayman
  • 3. Jester
  • 4. Houndmaster

Why this party?

  • Humans are weak to bleed attacks.
  • The weald is very similar to the warrens. The same comp shines here.
  • The evasive heroes are good against the low accuracy enemies unless marked.
  • Heroes can multiple hit enemies with bleed attacks.

Second Best Setup for Weald

  • 1. Bounty Hunter
  • 2. Houndmaster
  • 3. Plague Doctor
  • 4. Arbalest

Why this party?

  • Mark synergy for heavy single target damage.
  • Weald enemies are vulnerable to movement attacks.
  • All party members can move enemies out of position
  • Arbalest can clear marks to reduce enemy damage output.
  • Plague Doctor can heal blight and bleed attacks.

Best Party Setup for Cove

Why this party?

  • Man at arms can tank heavy damage and protect weaker heroes.
  • Abomination can blight two positions at once.
  • Occultist can move backliners out of position.
  • Occultist is also good at killing eldritch.
  • Plague Doctor cures bleeds and can blight fish enemies.

Second best Setup for Cove

  • 1. Bounty Hunter
  • 2. Occultist
  • 3. Plague Doctor
  • 4. Arbalest

Why this party?

  • Mark synergies help get rid of enemies quickly.
  • All members can move enemies to force them to resort to weaker abilities.
  • Arbalest can reveal the abundance of stealth enemies.
  • Lots of healing capacity between three healers.
  • Occultist has access to two powerful single target stun.

Those are the best lineups per dungeon. Don’t forget to put trinkets on your heroes. Victory loves preparation.

We take a look at party builds for Darkest Dungeon and how to get the most out of the classes you choose.

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The Best Parties For Each Dungeon

Best Party For The Ruins - Crusader, Vestal, Plague Doctor, Grave Robber

This is the first dungeon you encounter in Darkest Dungeon, and it will change over the course of the game depending on your difficulty and experience. For brand new players, here is a good sample build to get you started.


  • Good damage boost against the enemies in this dungeon
  • Available right from the start of the game
  • A strong frontline character


  • Plays in the backline and provides support to your party
  • Both AOE and single-target heal abilities

Plague Doctor

The Plague Doctor is a powerful character who deals heavy Blight damage from the backline. Her skills like Noxious Blast and Plague Grenade can hit each enemy position. Those Stuns, like Blinding Gas, can also provide good crowd control for enemies in the back position.

  • Blight damage is strong in this first Dungeon
  • Stuns are powerful at immobilizing the enemy and giving your other characters a chance to deal damage
  • Strong AOE attacks for targeting enemies in the backline

Grave Robber

  • Offers strong synergy between the Plague Doctor and the Thrown Dagger ability
  • The Grave Robber can move through your ranks, swapping out with the Crusader if needed

Best Party For The Warrens - Hound Master, Bounty Hunter, Jester, Flagellant

Hound Master

  • Big damage boost against beasts, important in this dungeon
  • Cry Havoc reduces stress in the Warrens, which can be run-ending

Bounty Hunter

  • Damage boost against beasts
  • Come Hither and Mark For Death are good pick-ups
  • Synergizes with the Hound Master


Stress is a serious problem in the Warrens (mostly due to enemies like the Swine Drummer and Swine Wretch) so you will need to fit a Jester into your party comp. The Jester has options for both targeted stress relief (Inspiring Tune) and general stress relief (Battle Ballad.) This character will basically act as a sort of stress healer for your run.

  • You need Stress reduction to deal with certain Swine enemies
  • Inspiring Tune and Battle Ballad are pretty much necessary


  • You can mix and match your frontline, but the Flagellant is a good choice
  • The high Bleed damage works well in this dungeon

Best Party For The Weald - Hound Master, Plague Doctor, Highwayman, Hellion


Pretty much every guide for new players recommends that you start with a Highwayman to play in the second position. The Highwayman is an excellent starter hero because he is relatively easy to use, especially compared to some of the other heroes that have a bit more nuance.

A simple strategy for the Highwayman is to have him rotate in and out of the first position. Get forward, deal damage, then move back from the first position to rotate into a hero with more health.


  • A solid frontline character
  • Strong stuns can be useful for immobilizing enemies

Plague Doctor

  • Mentioning the Plague Doctor again seems about right, this character is extremely strong in a variety of dungeons
  • Blight is not as powerful as other dungeons, but the healing abilities are reliable

Hound Master

Hound Master finds his way into this party composition because he can deal well with the fungi that like to hang around the backline of enemy compositions. Just use the Target Whistle to send his hound to the back. Can deal some decent Bleed damage with the Hound Master, as well.

Best Party For The Cove - Occultist, Plague Doctor, Jester, Shieldbearer


The Occultist is an excellent choice for the Cove as his abilities deal extra damage to the Eldritch. Simple abilities like Sacrificial Stab and Abyssal Artillery can be very useful. If you play carefully - and come prepared with bandages - the Wyrd Reconstruction skill can also be extremely useful.

Plague Doctor



In Conclusion

The heroes above are a great starting point for your first run into the dungeons, though, and should provide the balance you need to start upgrading your party.

Amouranth Is No Longer Banned From Twitch

Amouranth's Twitch ban has been lifted after a little more than three days.

Harry Alston is a writer based in the UK. He was once number one in the world on Call of Duty: Black Ops and now spends his days chasing that past glory.

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