Burnout paradise когда вышла

Обновлено: 02.07.2024


Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box is a re-release of Burnout Paradise with all of its free updates and Game Changing Content Packs at the time of release; Astaire, Bogart, Cagney, Burnout Bikes, PlayStation 3 Trophies (PlayStation 3 release), the Party Pack, and the Free February Update. It is the first Burnout game to be released on the PC.

It was released on February 5, 2009 for PC in North America, and on February 6, 2009 for PC, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360 in Europe and Asia. Users who bought the game via the EA Downloader Store were able to gain access to the game 4 days before its worldwide release.

A 10th anniversary Burnout Paradise Remastered definitive release in March 2018 on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One includes all downloadable content, which still has it multiplayer servers running.


In February 2009, a demo for Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box was made available for download for PC from Criterion Games's and EA's websites as well as from discs that were distributed worldwide. In the demo, you start the game with the first vehicle (Hunter Cavalry) and progress to unlock the second two (Hunter Mesquite and Nakamura SI-7). All areas of Paradise City are accessible. Every event in Burnout Paradise is also available. You can even play online. However, the player will only be able to play the demo until the 15-minute time limit runs out.

PC System Requirements

Higher Spec computers will receive better quality.

Quality Comparison

All images have been taken at 1280 x 1024 in a 5:4 aspect ratio.
Click images for a higher resolution.
Settings Low Medium High Highest Ultra
Textures Standard High Highest Highest Highest
Env Mapping Low Low Standard Standard Standard
Shadows Low Medium High High High
Anti-Aliasing 0 0 0 x8 x8
SSAO Off Off Off Off On

Increasing Quality

Nvidia and ATi graphics cards come equipped with software which can edit the final displayed quality. This software can be usually accessed via a manufacturer logo displayed on the right hand side of the taskbar.

ATi also offer a program called AMD Fusion Utility which can offer greater quality for those with AMD processors and ATi Graphics cards although this program can have negative effects on overall PC performance if used incorrectly.

PC Version Additions

During the development of the additional content for the console version of Burnout Paradise, a number of additions were added to the PC version of the game. These additions are only available for the PC version.


It was developed with the PlayStation 3 as lead platform, as well as re-released as Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box in February 2009 on its original platforms alongside a PC release.

A 10th anniversary Burnout Paradise Remastered definitive release in March 2018 on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One includes all downloadable content, which still has it multiplayer servers running.

It is the first Burnout game to feature a seamless open-world city with no loading times or online lobbies entering multiplayer free-burn sessions, and is the first Burnout game to be released on the PC.



Burnout Paradise includes returning events from previous Burnout games along with new game types like Burning Route, Marked Man, and Stunt Run.


Takedowns in Burnout Paradise are much the same as they were in Burnout Revenge with the exception of T-Bone Takedowns.

Main article: Takedown


Burnout Paradise was shipped with 69 stock cars that are progressively unlocked by winning events. Each of these cars has an enhanced version that is unlocked by completing a Burning Route. Six of the stock cars have carbon versions that change the boost type from the original version. There are also seven sponsor vehicles that were included in the game to promote the game's retailers.

Since the game's release, free and premium downloadable vehicles have been released introducing new boost types and even motorbikes to the game.


Burnout Paradise vehicles each have one of six different types of boost systems.

    allow drivers to perform Burnouts and Boost Chains similar to the boost systems featured in Burnout, Burnout 2: Point of Impact and Burnout Dominator. allow drivers to boost with any amount of boost in the bar. Successfully performing Stunts and applying Driving Skills earns the driver more boost than performing takedowns. allow drivers to boost at any time. Aggression cars have a boost bar similar to the one in Burnout 3: Takedown, Burnout Revenge and Burnout Legends, which increases in length for every takedown you perform but shrinks when you crash or are taken down. , including the Nakamura Rai-Jin Turbo RWD, the Hunter Olympus and the Bikes released in the Bike Pack, have no Boost but have quicker acceleration. cannot be turned off once activated until you either crash or brake to a standstill. The only vehicle to currently use this is the Carson Extreme Hot Rod, which is a part of the Boost Specials DLC pack. can be switched at any time between three boost types; Aggression, Stunt and Speed. The only vehicle to currently use this is the Montgomery Hawker Mech which is a part of the Boost Specials DLC pack.


Burnout Paradise takes place in Paradise City, which is divided into 5 districts; Downtown Paradise, Silver Lake, Palm Bay Heights, Harbor Town and White Mountain. The downloadable Big Surf Island Update added an additional district off the coast of Paradise City.



According to Alex Ward, a developer from Criterion Games, this game is a "complete reinvention" of the Burnout series. He also said "To create truly next-generation gameplay, we needed to create a truly next-generation game, from the ground up." Despite being in an open world the game still retains the high 60-frames-per-second frame rate most Burnout games have used. Originally compromises such as the lack of day and night cycles and weather conditions were made.

Records can be kept on a player's drivers license and there are statistics such as fastest time and biggest crash for every street in the game. Crash mode has been removed and replaced with Showtime. Unlike Crash Mode, the player now has full control over where they initiate Showtime.

Races are no longer specific lengths. Races are simply started by pulling up at any of the 120 traffic lights around Paradise City and applying the accelerator and brake at the same time. Online races have been given additional customization settings such as;

  • Boost Group - Where the Host may choose the cap limit for cars used.
  • Traffic - Choosing whether traffic is on or off. (No longer available for ranked races after the Cagney update).
  • Start, Finish and Checkpoints - Online events can have up to 16 checkpoints. (No longer available for ranked races after the Cagney update).

The damage system has also undergone retooling. There are now two different types of crashes based on the condition of the car after the crash. If the player's car manages to retain all four wheels then the player may drive out of the crash and continue playing. If a player's car loses any of its wheels, flies outside of the game's map or reaches "Critical damage" then the car is "wrecked" and the player will have to wait until their car is reset.

Cars can also be compressed and deform around objects as you crash into them. Alex Ward confirmed in the Official Crash FM podcast that cars may not be ripped in half as concept pictures and early information stated. There are also other cars which can be obtained by typing in a sponsor codes such as the Krieger Walmart WTR or the Hunter BestBuy Oval Champ although these codes only work for certain regions.

When starting the single player mode, players are assigned a learners permit and a single vehicle. Players must race and win events to earn points towards higher licenses. Licenses range from Class D to Criterion Elite. After earning a new license, events reset to allow completion towards their next license.

Vehicles now have manufacturer and model names which are loosely based on real-world cars but are mostly fictional. Customization is limited to color and can be done in real-time by driving through a paint shop or by selecting the color in the Junkyard. Other real-time changes include driving through a gas station or repair shop to automatically refill your Boost Bar and repair your car respectively. This allows you to extend a Road Rage event beyond the vehicles damage limit.

The online lobby system used by previous Burnout games has been replaced by a streamlined system known as "Easy Drive". While driving, players simply hit right on the D-Pad and the Easy Drive menu pops up on the bottom left hand corner of their screen. From there, players are able to invite another player from their friends list. Once friends have joined the game, the hosting player is then able to pick from a variety of events to play. A player can also join or host an open Freeburn Online session.


Burnout Paradise has received great reviews. The main complaint from the reviewers was the lack of restarts. For example, to restart a race after a loss, players had to turn around and drive back to the start line. This however, was fixed in the game's Free February Update, allowing for quick restarts after or during any event.

Game Changing Content

Criterion Games have been releasing downloadable Game Changing Content to enhance Burnout Paradise. They have stated that they will provide new content for at least a year after the game's original release in January 2008.

Игрок начинает свою карьеру гонщика в прекрасном городке Paradise, где без перерывов работает Crash FM со своим DJ Atomica.

Режимы игры [ ]

Всего есть 5 режимов игры для автомобилей и 2 режима - для мотоциклов:

  1. Гонка/Race - Автомобили - Нужно приехать к финишу раньше соперников. Но суть игры в том, что определенного маршрута гонки нет - каждый сам выбирает свой маршрут.
  2. Охота/Road Rage - Автомобили - За отведенное время, нужно разрушить указанное количество машин. Но нужно быть осторожнее, ведь прочность у твоей машины не бесконечна.
  3. Погоня/Marked Man - Автомобили - Нужно прибыть в определенную точку, пока твою машину не разрушили. Время неограниченно.
  4. Экстрим/Stunt Run - Автомобили - За отведенное время, нужно набрать как можно больше очков. Очки даются за трюки: штопоры, полет, дрифт, разбивание стендов и т.д. Если закончится время, игроку дается "Последний шанс" - в это время игрок может набрать столько очков, сколько сможет. "Последний шанс" заканчивается, если игрок допустил аварию или закончилось время на цепочку трюков.
  5. Заезд на время/Burning Route - Автомобили - За отведенное время игрок должен прибыть к месту назначения. За успешное выполнение задания, игрок получает улучшенную версию машину, на которой игрок проходил испытание.
  6. Дневной заезд - Мотоциклы - За отведенное время, игрок должен приехать к финишу. На заезд можно попасть с 8 утра до 10 вечера по игровому времени. После этого времени, они становятся недоступны.
  7. Ночной заезд - Мотоциклы - Суть такая же, как и у дневного заезда. Только режим доступен с 10 вечера до 8 утра по игровому времени.

Для чего проходить эти гонки? Чтобы открывать новые автомобили и мотоциклы, но это еще не все.

Права [ ]

Права являются основным показателем прогресса в игре. Игра считается пройденной после получения Burnout License. После победы в определенном кол-ве гонок, игрок получает новые права, а все его пройденные гонки (кроме Заездов на время) сбрасываются.

  1. Class L License - выдаются в начале игры
  2. Class D License - выдаются после победы в 2 гонках
  3. Class C License - выдаются после победы в 7 гонках (9 суммарно)
  4. Class B License - выдаются после победы в 15 гонках (24 суммарно)
  5. Class A License - выдаются после победы в 26 гонках (50 суммарно)
  6. Burnout License - выдаются после победы в 40 гонках (90 суммарно)
  7. Burnout Elite LIcense - выдаются после победы во всех 120 гонках (183-210 суммарно, зависит от кол-ва пройденных Заездов на время)
  8. Criterion Elite License - выдаются после прохождения игры на 100%

Вне гонок [ ]

Если проезжать по городу, то можно обнаружить стенды, заграждения, лампочки и т.д. Если хотите пройти игру до конца, то нужно:

Дата выхода Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box на PC, PS3 и Xbox 360 в России и во всем мире

Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box уже вышла на PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360.

Вы уже можете купить и скачать игру или оформить предзаказ. Цены начинаются от 182 рублей. Посмотрите список магазинов, в которых можно купить Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box и сравните цены.

Дата выхода Burnout Paradise Remastered на PC, PS4 и Xbox One в России и во всем мире

Burnout Paradise Remastered уже вышла на PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch.

Вы уже можете купить и скачать игру или оформить предзаказ. Цены начинаются от 329 рублей. Посмотрите список магазинов, в которых можно купить Burnout Paradise Remastered и сравните цены.

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