Extra alignment tab has been changed to cr ошибка латех

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

This is an error you may encounter in LaTeX when a tabular environment is being processed. “Alignment tabs” are the & signs that separate the columns of a tabular (or array or matrix) environment; so the error message

could arise from a simple typo, such as:

where the second & in the first line of the table is more than the two-column ll column specification can cope with. In this case, an extra l in that solves the problem. (If you continue from the error in this case, jim will be moved to a row of his own.) Another simple typo that can provoke the error is:

where the \\ has been missed from the first line of the table. In this case, if you continue from the error, you will find that LaTeX has made a table equivalent to:

(with the second line of the table having only one cell).

Rather more difficult to spot is the occurrence of the error when you’re using alignment instructions in a p column:

the problem here (as explained in tabular cell alignment) is that the \raggedright command in the column specification has overwritten tabular s definition of \\ , so that happy appears in a new line of the second column, and the following & appears to LaTeX just like the second & in the first example above.

Get rid of the error in the way described in tabular cell alignment — either use \tabularnewline explicitly, or use the \RBS trick described there.

The amsmath package adds a further twist; when typesetting a matrix (the package provides many matrix environments), it has a fixed maximum number of columns in a matrix — exceed that maximum, and the error will appear. By default, the maximum is set to 10, but the value is stored in counter MaxMatrixCols and may be changed (in the same way as any counter):

I am using the ACM SIG template and trying to create a table of 4 columns.

I get the error mentioned in the title of the question. I know the standard reasons why this error can occur.

But my question is: Is it possible that the template or .cls file is controlling the maximum number of columns in a table ? If it were, would I get a different error than this?

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7 Answers 7

The error can be reproduced by

The problem is caused by the extra column you try to insert. The tabular environment expects two columns but three is inserted.

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Not all extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr errors are found via Google or Bing. Something as simple as defining a macro with arguments and forgetting the argument before the first \\ will reproduce the error.

Same thing with \newcommand .

That is the very same error as in the other cases, because you are trying to typeset 8 columns, but only four are expected. But @Johannes_B ok, it complains that two many columns are used. vague to say the least. And if the information out there is vague then it just defeats the purpose. Who wrote or came up with the idea to have the error extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr then?

Hi,I had the same question and googled to this page. At last, I solved this problem by add one more c, the correct case should like below:

Here's another way you can get this error (the error is still that there are too many columns, but if you're as stupid as I am that isn't obvious):

I was using && instead of & for some reason. So I had twice as many columns as I thought. I couldn't figure out what was wrong for a long time, because all the answers here said "this error is caused by having too many columns!" and I was like, "I don't have too many columns!".

So if anyone out there shares my && disability, hopefully this answer will help you :)

Example with error:

Example without error:

Welcome to TeX.SX! Thank you for suggesting this solution. Could you elaborate a bit, and/or provide a minimal working example (MWE) that illustrates your solution?

Another way to get a ! Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr error is to use an alignment command ( \centering , \raggedleft , \raggedright ) in the last row of a tabular environment (when using p<> formatting, of course).

For example, this code will give an error:

But this code will not:

enter image description here

We can use the environment center to overcome this problem, with the caveat that we will have extra vertical spaces. (needless to say, you may change to c column formatting, if you are willing to give up width control ;))

I have created a table in Latex and it has stopped displaying it but I need it to work on the document I am currently working on. When I input into a new document, it works again. I am getting the following errors:

LaTex error: Illegal character in array arg. Overfull \Hbox (56.47151pt too wide) in paragraph at lines at lines 70--98

Error alignment tab has been changed to \cr.

It does not work either when I include the array package. I am using the following packages:

2 Answers 2

Specify your tablar correctly with extra vertical bars | at the beginning and at the end. In addition escape the percent sign with a backslash \% , otherwise it has a meaning as a program code.

Hope this would work for you?

36.5k 5 5 gold badges 43 43 silver badges 82 82 bronze badges Also for others encountering this issue, "&" will also throw and error if you are using kableExtra. I just used "+" instead, but you can also use "\\&" to escape the ampersand.

I encountered the same error when omitting a justification argument for one of the aligned columns. In this example, I want to left justify two equations using an array rather than a table :

For which we see the same error:

Indeed the principle of the issue is the same as for \tabular , however adding vertical bars | will not fix the problem. Only by adding the missing l in \begin (which becomes \begin ) resolved the error.


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1 Answer 1

Concerning the first problem, "Illegal character in array arg", it is indeed cause by by an unrecognised argument to tabular.

Legal arguments are supposed to describe column types and are c (centered), l (left aligned), r (right aligned), p (top aligned paragraph) and | to describe an intercolumn rule for the most common ones. There are packages that add extra column types, but in your code \begin 's' is unknown and do not correspond to a valid column type. 'm' exists to specify a middle aligned paragraph in the 'array' package; it would require the insertion of the package and an extra argument with the desired width of the paragraph. Just change 's' and 'm' wih legal parameters and all is OK. There are many documentation available that describe valid column types.

The second message says that you specify an array with four columns but the fist line contains 5 entries:

the fifth one is an empty entry following the ampersand after 'Gambia'. Replace it with an end-of-line to suppress the problem.

In R markdown I want to make the table with 2 rows and 8 columns.

I entered this command and it returns this error message.

I guess I entered tabular right and nothing to be calculated.

They' are just texts and numbers.

I tried to search similar questions and compare the examples codes.

But I don't know how to solve it.

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