Xe sky variations morrowind что это

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

При запуске появляется надпись: One of the files that "XE Sky Variations.esp" is dependent on has changed since the last save.
This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message
but not necessarily fix any errors.
One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play.

Этот плагин СЕЙЧАС выключен (или неверный), а в загружаемом файле он был включен, нужно его снова установить/включить, или грузить другой сейв, до использовагия этого .esp

esp это если я не ошибаюсь какое то дополнение или аддон (мод), попробуй выключить его

Morrowind Graphics Extender XE (MGE XE) - Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind

Программа в тысячу раз улучшающая графику Морровинда. Есть поддержка динамичных теней, высококачественных шейдеров, прорисовки дальнего ландшафта и много других фич. Стандартная мутная вода становится в разы красивей, на ней появляются волны, высоту которых можно регулировать, а во время дождя от каждой капли расходятся концентрические волны. А красота солнца ну просто потрясает воображение. Также можно настраивать положение камеры в виде от третьего лица, задавать особые действия для любых клавиш, настраивать скорость ветра, плотность тумана и ещё тысячу других вещей.


Видеокарта с поддержкой шейдеров 3.0. Встроенные видеокарты вероятней всего не поддерживаются.
Достаточно мощный компьютер.
Установленное дополнение Bloodmoon.


Все объекты отбрасывают тени, движущиеся вместе с движением солнца. Всё как в жизни!
Набор шейдеров высокого качества.
Нормальная функция снятия скриншотов. Просто нажмите PrintScreen.
Исправлено выскакивание объектов у границ экрана. Теперь трава и Distant Land не замедляют производительность ни на один кадр.
Трава расступается под ногами игрока и лучше освещена.
Шейдеры не влияют на прицел, не растекаются по экрану во время загрузки, не портят ролики.
В оконном режиме окно прилипает к краю экрана, позволяя пользоваться Alt-Tab.
Новые подводные эффекты.
Вода отображается на локальной карте, в то время как обычный MGE не позволяет ей там рендериться.
Поддержка исправления качества UI из Morrowind Code Patch.
Рассеивание тумана, улучшенное небо, рассветы и закаты.


A graphics improvement add-on to the Morrowind engine, for longer viewing distances, great sunsets, fine shaders and better lighting. Supports MWSE 2.1 beta, included as part of the installer, so that the newest Lua gameplay mods work straight away. As an engine mod, this is not compatible with OpenMW.

Morrowind GOTY or Bloodmoon fully patched.
Any graphics card made since 2009 or so.
Windows Vista SP2 or later (Windows XP is not supported since MGE XE 0.11.2).
Morrowind Code Patch, if you want to use MWSE.

MGE XE provides:

- Resolution and FoV configuration.
- MWSE 2.1 support. Amazing new mods have full access to customize Morrowind's UI and gameplay mechanics.
- Distant world rendering. As long or short a viewing distance as you want, with spectacular atmospheric colourations.
- New water rendering, with simulated ripples from the player and from raindrops.
- Solar shadows, that smoothly update with the time of day.
- Shaders like SSAO, Sunshafts, and HDR.
- Per-pixel lighting. For better performing graphics cards, it improves the rendering of lights and and fixes colour shifts caused by the old engine.

The main feature is the distant world. The MGE XE program takes your mod list, and builds a lower detail version that can be used to render the distant world in-game. It's built by the "Distant land generator wizard" on the Distant land tab. You'll need to re-run the generator if you add or remove any mods that change the world, otherwise the distant world will appear out of date compared to your mods.

The new water, shadows, and lighting are integrated into distant land. They are all dependent on the distant world data to know about the world beyond the area near the player. So, generate distant land and all these features will be available.

2. Run the MGE XE installer. It will add a new configuration program, MGE XE, to your Morrowind directory and to the Morrowind section of your start menu. All Visual C++ and DirectX updates are now included in the installer.

You will be given the choice to update MWSE in the installer, which requires internet access. For a manual installation, extract the archive files to your Morrowind directory and run MWSE-Update.

3. Run the main MGE XE program, which sets all the graphics configuration. If you're using Mod Organizer 2, you need to run MGEXEgui from within MO2, as it generates files inside Morrowind's Data Files directory.

Configure your graphics setting in the 'Graphics' tab, and generate distant land in the 'Distant Land' tab. There is an instruction tab for further details. If later on you add world-changing mods to your mod list, you will need to re-run the generator to see the changes in the distant world.

4. If you use Steam, you should turn off the Steam overlay (in Steam, right click Morrowind > Properties). If you use Crossfire/SLI, turn off "Pause world rendering in menus" in the In-game tab, to avoid performance reductions, as this feature is SLI unfriendly.

5. There is an optional mod, 'XE Sky Variations', that will randomize the sky colour and sunrise/sunset every day. It requires "High quality atmosphere" enabled in distant land, and MWSE installed and enabled.

When upgrading from a previous MGE XE: Run the installer, or manually extract the archive to the Morrowind directory. Run MGEXEgui and regenerate distant land.

Custom modded shaders you've installed may or may not be compatible, so you should check with the authors for an update, test it yourself by checking mgeXE.log after the game for error messages, or stick to the default shaders.

Uninstall from Control Panel or by running uninstall_MGEXE.exe. If you installed manually, delete MGEXEgui.exe, d3d8.dll, dinput8.dll and the mge3 directory.

Shader core mods. It's possible to edit MGE XE rendering if you know HLSL. This mod system replaces the previous strategy of replacing the core shaders, that ensured problems on upgrade. If a shader mod does not compile, the game continues with standard shaders, and you get a visible warning.

To start modding, examine the shaders in Data Files/shaders/core/; any file that starts with "XE Mod" can be copied to the Data Files/shaders/core-mods/ directory. Shaders in core-mods will override the standard rendering when present. They can be distributed in your mods safely, and can be simply deleted once they are no longer needed.

If you get a message in game "MGE XE serious error condition. Exit Morrowind and check mgeXE.log for details.", you can see the log file by clicking the "Show mgeXE.log" button in the Config tab of MGEXEgui. You may be able to discover what's wrong from the error message.

Reporting in game crashes: Open MGEXEgui, on the Config tab click "Show last mgeXE.log". Add it to your report.

Reporting distant land generator crashes: Open MGEXEgui, on the Config tab click "Show DL generator log". Add it to your report.

Many people have worked on MGE over the years, and the sum of their ideas and hard work implementing them has improved Morrowind by a huge amount. MGE XE is based on the MGE code.

MGE was written by Timeslip, LizTail, Krzymar, and Phal. MGE XE is currently being developed by Hrnchamd.
Thanks to the Morrowind community for all the inspiration and feedback.

Changelog (newest first)
- Distant land generator now selects the LOD detail at 1 cell distance from models that contain LOD nodes.
- Fix distant land generator crash when handling some configurations of LOD nodes.

- Distant land generator has improved compatibility with systems using languages with multi-byte character encodings (such as Shift-JIS). For these systems, it should be much less likely to fail generation or to generate corrupted distant land.
- Distant land generator now selects the lowest detail LOD from models that contain LOD nodes (mods like Morrowind Optimization Patch).
- Prevented special wireframe and stencil effects from affecting shaders and other effects rendering.
- Fixed a rendering issue with some texture decals generating incorrect lighting and extra shadows on the object they are applied to.

- Small change to distant land generation to avoid distant rendering issues in end game interior cells.
- Distant land generator should no longer generate toolbar related exception pop-ups.
- Updated GUI resolution selector. Largest resolutions appear first. It should display the intended warning if the resolution could not be changed.

- Fixed some distant interiors cells not rendering as distant. An issue with the distant generator output could cause the game to fail to load some distant interiors in some cases. Regenerate distant land for this fix.
- Minor fix to per-pixel lighting. Checks how many UV sets are actually used before failing with purple rendering output and a warning. Some models have >4 UV sets for no reason.

- Fixed excessive heavy fog in storms, blizzards, and foggy weather, particularly if using short draw distances. Storms now have a minimum visibility distance comparable to vanilla.
- Minor fix to per-pixel lighting. Supports up to 4 UV sets in NIFs, and logs a warning if there are more than it can handle.

- Fixed an issue with exponential fog which caused near rendering to be all black, when the effective draw distance is high (clear weather, draw distance > 16 or high custom fog start distance).
- The lantern of the chargen boat no longer appears in reflections when the boat is gone.
- Tuned sunrise/sunset slightly to reduce banding from over-saturation.

- Actually updated French localization, thanks to Redondepremière. Accidentally did not get included in 0.13.0.
- Fixed nearly all distant landscape heightfield artifacts, which were appearing as terrain glitches. Land bias changes are no longer required.
- Reworked HDR shader to functionally brighten dark scenes, while having minimal effects on bright scenes. Adapts to brightness quickly, but dark vision takes more time to adapt to. Should make dark areas of the game more playable.
- Changed sky scattering to transition from sunrise colours to a blue sky more quickly after sunrise. Updated distant land fog to blend better with near fog, which was noticable with shorter view distances.
- Changed automatically set distant statics distances to a minimum of 4 cells, to minimize near pop-in.
- Disable exponential fog if distant land is initially off. Makes sure the water shader has the correct fog mode when distant land is intended to be off.

- Adjusted high quality sky scattering to create an overall brighter sky. Aims for a bright and vibrant blue during the day, and a more intense sunrise/sunset.
- Rendering bias for distant land and water improved. Unfortunately this means water shader mods have to be updated to render correctly.
- Exponential fog now uses an auto distance multiplier that fades exactly to the fog colour at fog end distance. Tthe multiplier has been removed from configuration. The auto distance function for near fog is tuned for better near visibility while retaining atmosphere.
- Capture screenshots with or without UI, depending on shift key. Using shift always captures UI.
- Correct issue with SSAO making fogged objects slightly lighter, in good weather with sky scattering, where draw distance was
Returns the value of a game setting. The index number can be looked up in a separate text file available at the MGE XE beta page.

Sets the value of a game setting, allowing editing mechanics during play. This setting is temporary and does not save with a savegame, nor does it reset on loading a savegame. Therefore it is necessary to reset any changed settings in start script. The index number can be looked up in a separate text file available at the MGE XE beta page.

[ref] xGetBaseHealth
[ref] xGetBaseMagicka
[ref] xGetBaseFatigue
Returns the maximum health, magicka and fatigue of a reference. If the reference is not an actor it returns 0.

[ref] xIsScripted
Returns if a referenced entity has a local script. Useful if you want to filter scripted items.

[ref] xLastActorHit
Returns the reference of the actor last hit by the player. Works with melee, ranged and spell attacks. The reference updates after every hit.

[ref] xSetEntityName
A working replacement for xSetName which allows you to set the base name of any object, meaning all copies of that object will have their names changed. All types of objects are supported. It avoids the problem of crashing on exit that xSetName causes. Changes to names are not saved with a savegame, but do persist through reloads until the game is exited.

[ref] xSetOwner
Sets the current owner of a reference. This function will fail if the reference does not already have extra data, e.g. an existing owner or a script, or if the string is not an NPC ID. Returns 1 if successful, 0 if failed.

Shows and hides Morrowind HUD elements. Certain elements are turned on automatically in menumode, these are marked with *.

Index | Element
0 Entire bottom row of HUD
1 * Health, magic and fatigue cluster
2 NPC health bar (not confirmed working)
3 * Weapon icon and durability bar
4 * Magic icon and cast chance bar
5 Active spell effects
6 * Minimap panel

time_enum -> Sunrise = 0, Day = 1, Sunset = 2, Night = 3
Sets characteristic weather colours.

Sets the daylight cycle. All times are in hours.

Gets distant land atmospheric scattering colours.

Sets distant land atmospheric scattering colours.

Sets glare view for a weather type. See morrowind.ini for standard values.

Sets cloud speed for a weather type. See morrowind.ini for standard values.

Sets wind speed for a weather type. See morrowind.ini for standard values.

Gets distant land fog parameters for a specific weather. See MGESetWeatherDLFog.

Sets distant land fog parameters for a specific weather. fogDistMultiplier is multiplied by the "Above water fog" distance to get the fog distance for that weather. It has a range of [0, 2]. fogOffsetPercent is the percentage of fog applied at zero distance from the camera. It has a range of [0, 90].

MGEGetWeatherPPLLight ->
Gets per-pixel lighting parameters for a specific weather. See MGESetWeatherPPLLight.

Sets light multipliers used in per-pixel lighting for a specific weather. sunMultiplier affects sunlight, ambientMultiplier affects ambient lighting.

Enables and disables loaded post-processing shaders. Only shaders set in MGEXEgui will work. should be the shader filename without the file extension.

Sets shader variables in loaded post-processing shaders. Only shaders set in MGEXEgui will work. should be the shader filename without the file extension.

[ref] xRayTest
Performs a raycast from the centre of the target reference in the direction . It has two return values: hit will return 1 if it hits anything, or 0 if nothing is in that direction (either sky or void). hit_t will be a ray t-value on a hit, otherwise it will be a large positive floating point value. The t-value is distance relative to the length of . hit_t is equal to the distance to the hit if is normalized. If the length of represents the max search distance, then hit_t
Returns the precise calculated hit position on a mesh surface that the last ray hit. For skinned meshes, this is less precise and the mesh is modelled as a cylinder.

Returns the precise normal of the triangle that the last ray hit. For skinned meshes, this is less precise and the mesh is modelled as a cylinder.

Returns the reference the last ray hit. Returns 0 if the reference could not be resolved.

[ref] xModelBounds
Returns the bounding box extents relative to the centre point of a model, as long as the model is currently loaded and visible in the cell somewhere. The extents are in model local space. Returns all zeroes if the model isn't loaded.

[ref] xTransformVec
Returns the position vector transformed to world space using the reference's transform.

[ref] xModelSwitch
Sets the active child to in a NiSwitchNode with the name . is the index of the child in the children array of the node, starting at 0. If is -1, no children are displayed. This command only works on a reference with a loaded model. The game does not save any changes to NiSwitchNode state.

Morrowind Graphics Extender - Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind

Это программа, значительно расширяющая графические и не только возможности Морровинда. В частности позволяет включить полный обзор (как в Обливионе), использовать полноэкранные шейдеры улучшения графики, изменить управление в бою и назначить специфические действия на различные клавиши, и многое другое.

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Тем, кто уверен в силах своего железного коня, настоятельно рекомендуется версия MGE XE.

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