Upkeep time rust что это

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

Thanks to Alex Webster's hard work over the past month, we now have a nearly complete set of weapon admire animations. You can press the examine key to take a look at your weapon and/or skins. Default key is 'N', though you may have to bind it manually in the options menu.

I took a peek at a few bases and noticed that their upkeep costs were slightly higher than predicted. I've made a few changes to address this. Tier 2/3 upkeep costs have been increased by 50 blocks respectively. This means that you can add another 50 blocks before your base is considered a higher tier and thus 'taxed' at a higher rate, which means you get a little more leeway with constructions of modest sizes. I also increased the time it takes to actually decay objects by a few hours for Stone and Metal, so Stone will take a total of 5 hours (was 3 per layer) to decay when upkeep is not met, and Sheet Metal will take a total of 8 hours (was 5). Let's see how this plays out and we will revisit things if necessary in the new year.

Something that should have been in game the day we implemented upkeep has been completed: you'll now see a status indicator which gives you easy to read information regarding the status of your building. If it's decaying, a bright red indicator will let you know. If it's not, a green indicator will give you a rough estimate of how long is left, so you don't have to constantly visit the TC to figure it out. These status indicators are only visible if you have authorization for the Tool Cupboard in question, so enemies won't be able to get this information. I've also added some game tips which will pop up and remind to you not only craft a tool cupboard, but to place items inside it if you haven't. If you're a veteran player, don't worry. You'll stop seeing these tips after you've opened the tool cupboard 10 times. Lastly, if you hover over the 'Cost per 24 hours' text, you'll get a small tooltip letting you know the upkeep rate and how many blocks you have placed.

How to use the RUST decay upkeep variable

RUST Upkeep Building Guide

RUST Upkeep Building Guide

This RUST upkeep building guide video is brought to you by our partner Jfarr.

Be sure to browse Jfarr’s past RUST videos and don’t forget to subscribe to his channel for alerts on his latest work!

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Who can enter the RUST decay upkeep variable

Related Decay Upkeep Variables

CommandDefault ValueDescription
decay.bracket_0_blockcount15Between 0 and this value are considered bracket 0 and will cost bracket_0_costfraction per upkeep period to maintain
decay.bracket_0_costfraction0.1Blocks within bracket 0 will cost this fraction per upkeep period to maintain
decay.bracket_1_blockcount50Between bracket_0_blockcount and this value are considered bracket 1 and will cost bracket_1_costfraction per upkeep period to maintain
decay.bracket_1_costfraction0.15Blocks within bracket 1 will cost this fraction per upkeep period to maintain
decay.bracket_2_blockcount125Between bracket_1_blockcount and this value are considered bracket 2 and will cost bracket_2_costfraction per upkeep period to maintain
decay.bracket_2_costfraction0.2Blocks within bracket 2 will cost this fraction per upkeep period to maintain
decay.bracket_3_blockcount200Between bracket_2_blockcount and this value (and beyond) are considered bracket 3 and will cost bracket_3_costfraction per upkeep period to maintain
decay.bracket_3_costfraction0.333Blocks within bracket 3 will cost this fraction per upkeep period to maintain
decay.debugfalse N/A
decay.delay_metal0How long should this building grade decay be delayed when not protected by upkeep, in hours
decay.delay_override0When set to a value above 0 everything will decay with this delay
decay.delay_stone0How long should this building grade decay be delayed when not protected by upkeep, in hours
decay.delay_toptier0How long should this building grade decay be delayed when not protected by upkeep, in hours
decay.delay_twig0How long should this building grade decay be delayed when not protected by upkeep, in hours
decay.delay_wood0How long should this building grade decay be delayed when not protected by upkeep, in hours
decay.duration_metal8How long should this building grade take to decay when not protected by upkeep, in hours
decay.duration_override0When set to a value above 0 everything will decay with this duration
decay.duration_stone5How long should this building grade take to decay when not protected by upkeep, in hours
decay.duration_toptier12How long should this building grade take to decay when not protected by upkeep, in hours
decay.duration_twig1How long should this building grade take to decay when not protected by upkeep, in hours
decay.duration_wood3How long should this building grade take to decay when not protected by upkeep, in hours
decay.outside_test_range50Maximum distance to test to see if a structure is outside, higher values are slower but accurate for huge buildings
decay.scale1 N/A
decay.tick600 N/A
decay.upkeepTrueIs upkeep enabled
decay.upkeep_heal_scale1Scale at which objects heal when upkeep conditions are met, default of 1 is same rate at which they decay
decay.upkeep_inside_decay_ scale0.1Scale at which objects decay when they are inside, default of 0.1
decay.upkeep_period_minutes1440How many minutes does the upkeep cost last? 1440 = 24 Hours
decay.upkeep_grief_protection1440How many minutes can the upkeep cost last after the cupboard was destroyed?
About dg

Dg is the founder and co-owner of Corrosion Hour, a niche gaming community established in 2016 focusing on the survival game RUST. He is an active and contributing member of numerous other RUST communities. As a community leader and server owner for over 15 years, he spends much of his time researching and writing guides about survival games, covering topics such as server administration, game mechanics, and community growth.

RUST Admin Commands 2021

RUST Decay Upkeep Variable, Hints and Tips

RUST Decay Upkeep Variable

New decay upkeep tax system

The decay upkeep tax system requires the tool cupboard to have a specific amount of resources inside of it (24 inventory slots total), to maintain the base and prevent decay.

Player-constructed buildings will have a tax percentage applied to them, that grows cumulatively, as the connected blocks increase.

The tax percentage is calculated based on four server-defined tax brackets, with the final tax being the average of all the blocks in the structure.

The tax brackets are as follows:

  • Bracket 0: 1-15 blocks at 0.1
  • Bracket 1: 16-65 blocks at 0.15
  • Bracket 2: 66-190 blocks at 0.2
  • Bracket 3: 190+ blocks at 0.333

For example, if a structure has 20 blocks (regardless of building grade), 15 blocks will be taxed at 10, and 5 will be taxed at 15%, resulting in a total tax of (15 * 10% + 5 * 15%) / 20 = 11.3%.

This tax is then applied to each block, based on how much it cost to build or upgrade that block.

The final upkeep cost, as reflected by the tool cupboard, is the sum of all block costs, rounded up to the nearest integer.

Our thanks go to Torarnv for helping clarify the tax system.

Decay configurations

Decay timings for each of the building material types can also be set and have varying decay times associated with them. These are the default decay configurations:

  • Twig: 1hr
  • Wood: 3hr
  • Stone: 5hr
  • Metal: 8hr
  • Armored: 12hr

Building Auto-Repair

Video Transcript

Hey guys, Jfarr here.

When you begin building your base and have placed a tool cupboard down, you begin to see in the bottom right of your screen a notification telling you that your building is decaying. This is because you do not have the materials in your tool cupboard to upkeep your base.

How it Works

The upkeep system works by constantly requiring you to put a small percentage of the materials in which the base is made out of into the tool cupboard.

So for a wood base, you would need more wood. For a stone base, more stone. For a metal base, more metal fragments. For an armored base, you would need more high-quality metal.

The tool cupboard will display the amount of resources required for the base to survive 24 hours. If you have any less materials it will last less than 24 hours. If you have more it will last longer than 24 hours.

Upkeep Tax Percentage

The tool cupboard will also show the percentage of the base being taxed. For small bases, the percentage will be 10%. So for example, if you have a small base which has the cost of 3000 stone to create, the upkeep will be 300 stone per day.

After you’ve added more than 16 building structures to your base, the bases 10% upkeep tax will begin to rise. If you decide to build a huge base, you can end up being upkeep taxed 30% of the total cost of your base every 24 hours.

This will require you to constantly monitor and farm for your bases upkeep. So it’s only recommended to build big if you have the time and people to do so.

Remember to constantly watch your upkeep if you’re building or expanding since every building part you place down will affect the upkeep. So things like honeycombing will be very expensive to manage since it adds a lot more walls to your base.

Decay Rate

Storage and Lock Up

Additional use for the tool cupboard is that it can be used as a large chest for resources. So if you need extra storage space, put all your resources into the tool cupboard.

Lastly, remember to lock up your tool cupboard once you have placed it down. This will stop anyone from just walking into your base and owning it. Raiders will not have to completely destroy it to get ownership of the base.


  • Upgrade to a higher tier if you expect your base to decay sometimes.
  • Utilize the tool cupboard as a large chest to save room within your base.
  • Lock the tool cupboard up to ensure no one can steal your land and base.
About dg

Dg is the founder and co-owner of Corrosion Hour, a niche gaming community established in 2016 focusing on the survival game RUST. He is an active and contributing member of numerous other RUST communities. As a community leader and server owner for over 15 years, he spends much of his time researching and writing guides about survival games, covering topics such as server administration, game mechanics, and community growth.

RUST decay upkeep variable

Press the F1 key to first open the in-game console and type in the specific decay variable syntax listed below, then press enter.

The command console will then display the following upon success:

On success the server chat will display:

Use the command below to enable decay upkeep:

The command console will then display the following upon success:

On success the server chat will display:

Use the command below to disable decay upkeep:

The command console will then display the following upon success:

On success the server chat will display:

RUST Admin Commands List, Server Console Commands, and Server Variables

What are RUST Admin Commands?

RUST admin commands and server variables are used by RUST server admins and moderators. Admin commands can be used in and out of the game to initiate actions, such as kicking or banning players, and other related administrative tasks. These admin commands, also known as server commands, can be issued from different locations, such as:

The data table below contains an updated list of all RUST admin and server commands. Use the search field above the data table, to quickly search and filter the list for specific terms.

What are RUST Server Variables?

In addition to admin commands, there are server variables, otherwise known as CVARs or simply server settings. These server variables can also be issued through the various console types and will take effect immediately just like admin commands. Be warned, however, when server variables are issued through the console they are not automatically saved and can be lost on the next server restart.

Last updated on 9/18/2021

About dg

Dg is the founder and co-owner of Corrosion Hour, a niche gaming community established in 2016 focusing on the survival game RUST. He is an active and contributing member of numerous other RUST communities. As a community leader and server owner for over 15 years, he spends much of his time researching and writing guides about survival games, covering topics such as server administration, game mechanics, and community growth.

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