Torchlight 2 как подключить геймпад

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Здравствуйте. Игра Torchlight 2 вышла в сентябре 2012 года. Игру ты можешь установить на ПК или ноутбук, которые могут работать не только на Windows ОС. Чтобы ты мог вносить изменения в игру, тебе нужно пользоваться настройками. В настройках есть раздел - управление. В этом разделе игры ты можешь видеть клавиатуру и ее раскладку. Также ты сможешь вносить изменения в раскладку. Но если ты подключишь какой-то геймпад, то он тоже начнет отображаться, и ты его сможешь настраивать, использовать.

Приветствую! На самом деле довольно часто люди играют в данную игру и на джойстике тут самая большая проблема, что бы игра обнаружила после подключения ваш контроллер и главная задача игрока который хочет поиграть как раз подружить игру со своим геймпадом. Для начала просто включите его в компьютер и запустите игру и посмотрите реакцию, если нету в настройках его обновите для него программное обеспечение и попробуйте еще раз. И потом уже в настройках управления настраиваете его как хотите.

Torchlight 2 как подключить геймпад

9 мар. 2016 в 13:55

*PLEASE KEEP IN MIND THIS IN NO WAY MEANS WE ARE OFFICIALLY SUPPORTING CONTROLLERS. This is our take on the steam controller profile. The game was designed for KB + M controls and only those do we officially support.*

We've added an official Steam Controller configuration for Torchlight/Torchlight II titled "Runic Official". We will tweak it here and there based on your feedback before setting it as the default controller scheme. For now, you will find it in the Community section. Happy hunting!

Jason Lamb - QA Lead

*Edit: List of bindings -

Keep in mind this is was created using the default in-game control mapping for Torchlight II. If a player has made any modifications to the in-game controls this might not work.

Joystick = Move/Target
Joystick Click/Hold = Move without targeting
LTouchpad = Mouse
LTouchpad Click = Weapon Set
A = Primary Attack
B = Open/Close/Cancel
X = Secondary Attack
Y = Switch Secondary
LB = Skills/Stats
RB = Inventory/Pet Inventory
RTouchpad = Touch UI for Hotkeys 1-4
LT = Hold Position
RT = Toggle for Touch UI Hotkeys 5-8
LG = Best Mana potion
RG = Best Health potion
“Start” button = Main menu
“Back” button = Map position

9 мар. 2016 в 21:05 9 мар. 2016 в 21:46 10 мар. 2016 в 1:12 I didn't see it either. Are we supposed to manually import it or something?

10 мар. 2016 в 12:59

Originally we were going to have it in the Community list as we were hoping for a little feedback, but for some reason it wasn't appearing for everyone. We've since made it the 'Recommended' setting and we hope you enjoy playing it this way. Thank you for your patience!

11 мар. 2016 в 23:54

While this was indeed a very pleasant surprise, there are several glaring issues that highlight the need for a true native support for controllers.

Firstly, and noticible right off the bat, is the way analog character movement is handled. Unless you're playing with the camera perminantly set to a very specific zoom level, the radius limit does not behave the way it should. The default camera view has everything zoomed out so far, that even slightly tapping the stick sends your character out several paces. Zoom the camera in TOO far, and you can't move at all.

Then of course, is the matter of the cursor being on the screen at all times. It's quite immersion-breaking.

Secondly, is the lack of any sort of auto-targetting. This is a function that is essential to ARPG's that have any form of true controller support. The reasons for this are fairly obvious - moreso for ranged characters than melee.

Thirdly, we need an interact button that is enabled when walking up to certain elements: Picking up items, talking to npc's, activating waypoints, entering zones, etc.

I wish - and indeed HAVE wished for many years - with all my heart, that a truely native support for controllers was added in the same way as Torchlight 1 for the consoles. It was done so beautifully and so perfectly, that even to this day I would rather fire up my old XBox, eschew any modding potential, and sink a few hours to fuel my nostolgia.

If you're unwilling to design a whole new interface like was done in TL 1 - which is completely understandable - it has been demonstrated in other games (such as Marvel Heroes in their latest patch, Grim Dawn, and others) that it is perfectly viable to have a mouse cursor appear when UI elements are toggled on, and control the mouse with your analog stick if you're not using a Steam controller.

If you can give us the exact same native controller support as TL1 had, and simply have the mouse cursor toggle on whenever a UI panel was open, I for one would be incredibly happy, and would even go so far as to throw sums of money at you.

Summary of requests:

1. Zoom function with adaptable move radius. (Allowing WSAD could solve this.)
2. Invisible cursor, toggled on when opening UI panels.
3. Auto targetting.
4. Item/NPC/World interaction with "A Button" when simply walking near them.
5. As darn close to Torchlight 1 for consoles as possible! (Seriously, it was a thing of beauty! *sniff*)

<i>[Note: Typed in a fit of insomnia-driven madness, and likely filled with spelling errors and miscillanious incoherence.]</i>

12 мар. 2016 в 3:00 Very nice, works fine with SteamOS on my Alienware Steam Machine. 17 мар. 2016 в 15:46

While this was indeed a very pleasant surprise, there are several glaring issues that highlight the need for a true native support for controllers.

Firstly, and noticible right off the bat, is the way analog character movement is handled. Unless you're playing with the camera perminantly set to a very specific zoom level, the radius limit does not behave the way it should. The default camera view has everything zoomed out so far, that even slightly tapping the stick sends your character out several paces. Zoom the camera in TOO far, and you can't move at all.

Then of course, is the matter of the cursor being on the screen at all times. It's quite immersion-breaking.

Secondly, is the lack of any sort of auto-targetting. This is a function that is essential to ARPG's that have any form of true controller support. The reasons for this are fairly obvious - moreso for ranged characters than melee.

Thirdly, we need an interact button that is enabled when walking up to certain elements: Picking up items, talking to npc's, activating waypoints, entering zones, etc.

I wish - and indeed HAVE wished for many years - with all my heart, that a truely native support for controllers was added in the same way as Torchlight 1 for the consoles. It was done so beautifully and so perfectly, that even to this day I would rather fire up my old XBox, eschew any modding potential, and sink a few hours to fuel my nostolgia.

If you're unwilling to design a whole new interface like was done in TL 1 - which is completely understandable - it has been demonstrated in other games (such as Marvel Heroes in their latest patch, Grim Dawn, and others) that it is perfectly viable to have a mouse cursor appear when UI elements are toggled on, and control the mouse with your analog stick if you're not using a Steam controller.

If you can give us the exact same native controller support as TL1 had, and simply have the mouse cursor toggle on whenever a UI panel was open, I for one would be incredibly happy, and would even go so far as to throw sums of money at you.

Summary of requests:

1. Zoom function with adaptable move radius. (Allowing WSAD could solve this.)
2. Invisible cursor, toggled on when opening UI panels.
3. Auto targetting.
4. Item/NPC/World interaction with "A Button" when simply walking near them.
5. As darn close to Torchlight 1 for consoles as possible! (Seriously, it was a thing of beauty! *sniff*)

<i>[Note: Typed in a fit of insomnia-driven madness, and likely filled with spelling errors and miscillanious incoherence.]</i>

Agree with everything here. Character movement stalls at terrible times and no targeting (and no target info) are the most glaring issues for me.

I also agree whole heartedly about the need for native support. Torchlight 1 handled superbly with a controller. It is a terrible shame that Torchlight 2 does not.

While I'm grateful the team put the work into this, I will unfortunately not use it

Torchlight 2 как подключить геймпад

Torchlight II

14 июл. 2013 в 17:38 I have never played a game like this and am transitioning over from console back to PC. I am quite old, but never played Diablo. For $5 I'd like to pick this up though. Anyone played this with a 360 controller before? Thanks 14 июл. 2013 в 18:08 I've been on the fence about Torchlight 2 because of this, I hope it was added, the game can be found on consoles after all. 14 июл. 2013 в 18:08

That being said, even if you mainly have played on consoles in more recent times, it may behoove you to still try with keyboard and mouse. Controls are quite basic, point and click, press 1 - 4, you may end up having a better time with kb/m. YMMV

M/K = Carpal tunnel syndrome

Gamepad is where the fun is: relaxed and laid back sitting position. All those narrow-minded m/k apostles can go to hell for all I care.

14 июл. 2013 в 18:39 I prefer to chill on my couch, hence the need/want for controller games. Looks like getting a controller to work with this game is going to be a hassle :(

He is playing with the 360 controller.

14 июл. 2013 в 18:47 I use jtk374 for other games, haven't tried it with this one yet as I just bought it but you can set your controller buttons to keyboard keys. 14 июл. 2013 в 20:04

If anyon else wants to try 360 controller download file from link below, right click, run as administrator and wala. Worked first shot for me, didn't have to do anything else :)

14 июл. 2013 в 20:15

M/K = Carpal tunnel syndrome

Gamepad is where the fun is: relaxed and laid back sitting position. All those narrow-minded m/k apostles can go to hell for all I care.

I got really bad tendonitis in my left thumb this year from using a 360 pad. :-( Doctor said I can't even pick one up again for at least a month and a half, and the way my thumb grinds and pops now I'm afraid I'll never be able to use one again. So gamepads aren't perfect either. :-/

M/K = Carpal tunnel syndrome

Gamepad is where the fun is: relaxed and laid back sitting position. All those narrow-minded m/k apostles can go to hell for all I care.

Управление H/Д

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что именно Вы хотите перенастроить?

Просто если Вы об обычном управлении. то не вижу никакой сложности:
1. Заходите в Параметры и там выбираете Управление

2. И в Управлении уже выставляете необходимые клавиши.

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