Storm surge fortnite как работает

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

A “storm surge warning” may appear during Fortnite matches, and what it means is that players who have the lowest damage dealt during that match will periodically receive damage until the storm surge ends or until they are no longer among the lowest damage dealers. This mechanic was introduced in the v6.31 patch in season six, and its behavior is predictable.

According to the patch notes of that season, “if a certain amount of players are remaining by the time the Storm finishes closing, a Storm Surge will activate.” This was created to prevent overly-passive matches where all players focus solely on surviving instead of eliminating their opponents. Storm Surge activates according to the following pattern:

  • If there are 60 players remaining after Circle One closes
  • If there are 44 players remaining after Circle Two closes
  • If there are 30 players remaining after Circle Three closes
  • If there are 20 players remaining after Circle Four closes
  • If there are 16 players remaining after Circle Five closes
  • If there are 14 players remaining after Circle Six closes
  • If there are 12 players remaining after Circle Seven closes
  • If there are six players remaining after Circle Eight closes
  • If there are two players remaining after Circle Nine closes

How to avoid Storm Surge damage

There are two ways of not being a victim of the Storm Surge: deal more damage than the players who deal the least damage, or wait for the player threshold to be met on that match. You’ll receive a warning and start losing health passively if you’re part of the victims of the Storm Surge, so the best and most efficient way is to look for a victim and spray them down.

But the best way of never being hit by Storm Surge is to have a hybrid playstyle. Focus both on survival, but remember to take shots and be aggressive against enemies who are vulnerable to your plays. Fortnite is not solely a shooter game, but it’s also not solely a survival game.

The next time you see a Storm Surge warning in a match you’re watching, that’s what’s happening. You likely won’t see it in your own matches, unless you’re high ranked in Arena, but even there players tend to be aggressive enough that Storm Surge rarely kicks in.

How to avoid Storm Surge damage

There are two ways of not being a victim of the Storm Surge: deal more damage than the players who deal the least damage, or wait for the player threshold to be met on that match. You’ll receive a warning and start losing health passively if you’re part of the victims of the Storm Surge, so the best and most efficient way is to look for a victim and spray them down.

But the best way of never being hit by Storm Surge is to have a hybrid playstyle. Focus both on survival, but remember to take shots and be aggressive against enemies who are vulnerable to your plays. Fortnite is not solely a shooter game, but it’s also not solely a survival game.

The next time you see a Storm Surge warning in a match you’re watching, that’s what’s happening. You likely won’t see it in your own matches, unless you’re high ranked in Arena, but even there players tend to be aggressive enough that Storm Surge rarely kicks in.

I’ve been watching all of the World Cup qualifiers, and sometimes the screen will say “storm surge warning”. It never seems to do anything, though. Can someone explain to me what it does/means? Thanks.

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If the lobby has a certain amount of players alive in a specific zone the players who dealt the least damage will receive the storm surge which deals damage to health. Not sure what the numbers are behind it though

A “storm surge warning” may appear during Fortnite matches, and what it means is that players who have the lowest damage dealt during that match will periodically receive damage until the storm surge ends or until they are no longer among the lowest damage dealers. This mechanic was introduced in the v6.31 patch in season six, and its behavior is predictable.

According to the patch notes of that season, “if a certain amount of players are remaining by the time the Storm finishes closing, a Storm Surge will activate.” This was created to prevent overly-passive matches where all players focus solely on surviving instead of eliminating their opponents. Storm Surge activates according to the following pattern:

  • If there are 60 players remaining after Circle One closes
  • If there are 44 players remaining after Circle Two closes
  • If there are 30 players remaining after Circle Three closes
  • If there are 20 players remaining after Circle Four closes
  • If there are 16 players remaining after Circle Five closes
  • If there are 14 players remaining after Circle Six closes
  • If there are 12 players remaining after Circle Seven closes
  • If there are six players remaining after Circle Eight closes
  • If there are two players remaining after Circle Nine closes

Storm Surge - How does it work?

We have all heard of storm surge in competitive Fortnite. If X players are alive by X circle, then you must be above a certain damage dealt threshold in order not to take damage.

Can anyone explain the mechanics behind how it works? Because I feel like few people understand.

How much damage is dealt to the player below the threshold?

How frequent is this damage dealt to the player?

What are the numbers of players alive at which circle which trigger storm surge? Does it ever end?

These are just some of the questions I have, but if anyone has answers, I would love to know more!

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25 is too much,wayyyyy too much maybe 10 would have been acceptable

Storm Surge deals 25 damage, in 5 second increments. Like the normal storm, it ignores shields and gets dealt directly to your health. And if you’re killed by Storm Surge, you cannot be revived by a teammate.

How to avoid Storm Surge damage

There are two ways of not being a victim of the Storm Surge: deal more damage than the players who deal the least damage, or wait for the player threshold to be met on that match. You’ll receive a warning and start losing health passively if you’re part of the victims of the Storm Surge, so the best and most efficient way is to look for a victim and spray them down.

But the best way of never being hit by Storm Surge is to have a hybrid playstyle. Focus both on survival, but remember to take shots and be aggressive against enemies who are vulnerable to your plays. Fortnite is not solely a shooter game, but it’s also not solely a survival game.

The next time you see a Storm Surge warning in a match you’re watching, that’s what’s happening. You likely won’t see it in your own matches, unless you’re high ranked in Arena, but even there players tend to be aggressive enough that Storm Surge rarely kicks in.

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