Robbery homicide division что это

Обновлено: 17.05.2024

NOTE: The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) featured in the Major Crimes Universe is fictional but it's loosely based on the organization of the real LAPD from 2005, the year The Closer premiered. This article about the Robbery-Homicide Division is fiction, as the way it's depicted in the Major Crimes Universe differs from its real world counterpart.

Organizational structure


Part of


The Robbery-Homicide Division (RHD) of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) investigates select homicides, threats against officers, bank robberies and other selected robberies, extortions, sex crimes, and kidnappings on a citywide basis.

In the Major Crimes Universe , the Major Crimes Division (MCD) has taken over many of RHD's original duties, mostly relating to homicides but also others. This caused many problems in the beginning between RHD and the Priority Homicide Division (which later became the Major Crimes Division), as RHD was unaccepting of the new division which began to assimilate RHD's investigative responsibilities into itself. This interdepartmental rivalry has since been resolved and both divisions seem to accept their position within the LAPD.

Additionally, the Special Investigation Section, which is a part of RHD in real life, is a part of the Special Operations Bureau in the Major Crimes Universe.

Robbery-Homicide Division

Telephone Numbers (Monday through Friday from 6 AM to 6 PM)
Commanding Officer 213-486-6850
Robbery Special Section 213-486-6840
Homicide Special Section 213-486-6890
Gang Homicide Unit 213-486-6860
Special Assault Section 213-486-6910
Cold Case Homicide Special Section 213-486-6810
Special Investigation Section 213-486-6880
800 Task Force 213-486-6830

Established in 1969 by combining the once separate Robbery Division and Homicide Division, today’s Robbery-Homicide Division is comprised of approximately 110 sworn and civilian personnel under the command of Captain Jonathan L. Tippet . RHD is comprised of five sections (Robbery, Homicide, Special Assault, Cold Case Homicide, and Special Investigation Sections), each under the supervision of a lieutenant and tasked with investigating or providing surveillance support for a wide variety of select crimes that are often high profile in nature. RHD detectives attend quarterly meetings with detectives throughout the City, where crime trends, suspect information and investigative techniques are discussed to ensure that investigations of a serious nature are shared across geographic boundaries. The sections also serve as liaisons between other law enforcement agencies regarding cases of mutual interest and, when required, orchestrate multi-divisional and/or multi-agency task force investigations.

The following is a list of the RHD sections and their investigative responsibilities:

The Robbery Special Section is responsible for investigating the following on a City-wide basis:
•Extortions or threats of extortion when:
o a prolonged investigation is required, and
o the suspect has threatened to do unlawful injury to the person or property of
• Extortions by any means, including explosives, involving an adult or juvenile victim or suspect and the extortion is directed against a bank, bank employee, bank messenger, federally insured credit union, savings and loan institution, or armored car facility;
• Kidnappings when:
o There is the potential for serious bodily injury or death; or
o The facts indicate a connection to a major Citywide problem; or
o A prolonged investigation is required, or
o The investigative resources required exceed geographic Area detective division capabilities, or
o A ransom demand is anticipated or has been made•Incidents involving smuggled, undocumented persons when kidnaps and extortions are involved;
•Commercial robbery series where a prolonged investigation is required or the investigative personnel required exceed geographic Area detective divisions resources;
•Robberies of banks, bank employees, customers followed from banks, bank messengers, credit unions, savings and loan institutions, or armored car facility and the investigation of ATM Robberies;
•Robberies of banks, bank employees, bank messengers, credit unions, savings and loan institutions, or armored car facilities.

In addition, the Robbery Special Section also coordinates all adult live line-ups. NOTE: Live line-ups for juvenile subjects are handled by the District Attorney Liaison at the associated Juvenile Hall.

In addition to performing directed, periodic audits of divisional Murder Books, reviews of select investigations and/or case-specific habeas corpus issues, the section is tasked with reviewing all murder Follow-Up Reports submitted for clearance as “Cleared Other.”

The Cold Case Homicide Special Section is responsible for:
• Investigating select “cold case” homicides
NOTE: A “cold case” homicide is defined as any unsolved homicide in the City that was committed more than five years ago, and has no significant leads, and is no longer being actively investigated by Area detectives based on a lack of solvability factors and/or workload.
• Investigating or assigning cold Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) “hit” cases City-wide;
• Screening select cases and identifying solvability factors;
• Submitting requests to Forensic Sciences Division (FSD) for various types of analysis;
• Submitting annual requests for grant funds to the National Institute of Justice (NIJ).

The Gang Homicide Unit (GHU) targets specific gangs and their involvement with certain criminal activity including, but not limited to, murder and other associated gang related crimes. There is also a full-time Crime Intelligence Analyst assigned to the unit to assist with telephone call data analysis, case charting, and link analysis. The GHU has specific knowledge of and experience with federal Racketeering Influence Corrupt Organization (RICO) prosecutions, and a great deal of experience in preparing court orders and search warrants to obtain business and telephone records related to Dialed Number Recorders (DNR), cell site towers, cell phone tracking, text message retrieval, and state and federal wiretap applications.

The Special Assault Section is notified when any of the following crimes are committed in the City, but only assumes the following investigations at the discretion of the Commanding Officer, RHD.
• Sexual assaults during:
o Hot prowl burglary;
o Business burglary;
o Home invasion robbery;
• Sexual assaults committed by a stranger when a firearm is seen;
• Sexual assaults committed by a stranger where the victim is admitted to a hospital due to injuries sustained during the assault;
• Sexual assaults committed by a stranger where the victim is kidnapped by being forced into a vehicle and transported to a secondary location;
• Sexual assaults where the identity of the victim or suspect is of a high-profile nature;
• Serial sexual assaults;
• “Cold case” sexual assaults.

NOTE: Pursuant to Detectives Notice dated June 22, 2018 titled “Cold Case Sexual Assault – Redefined,” a “cold case” sexual assault is defined as any unsolved sexual assault in the City that was committed more than five years ago, and has no significant leads, and is no longer being actively investigated by Area or Bureau detectives based on a lack of solvability factors and/or workload.
• Sexual homicides;
NOTE: Indicators of sexually related homicide may include: the victim’s attire or lack thereof, exposure of the victim’s sexual parts, sexual positioning of the body, insertion of foreign objects into the victim’s body cavities, evidence of sexual intercourse (oral, vaginal or anal), and/or evidence of substitute sexual activity, interest or sadistic fantasy.

The Special Investigation Section (SIS) is the Department's tactical surveillance unit. The primary objective of SIS is to determine if a suspect(s) under surveillance is connected to the crime(s) under investigation, and, if probable cause exists to arrest, to locate and arrest the suspect(s). Although assigned to RHD, SIS is available to any Department entity seeking surveillance on active criminals/crimes.


Venice Beach is the second largest tourist attraction in California, after Disneyland

The LAPD was established in 1869

The Los Angeles Police Academy was used for the 1932 Olympic Game's pistol and rifle competitions

The Los Angeles Police Academy remains a favorite of filmmakers, whose "Academy Arches" are recognizable around the world


Полиция Лос-Анджелеса: всё самое интересное о третьем по величине полицейском департаменте США

«Служить и защищать» — такую надпись вы встретите на каждом патрульном автомобиле департамента. Это официальный девиз полиции Лос-Анджелеса, утверждённый в 1955 году.

Первая статья, по общей структуре полиции США, многим понравилась, поэтому я решил развивать данную тему и дальше. На этот раз речь пойдёт о полиции Лос-Анджелеса, которую вы могли видеть во многих фильмах, а также в знаменитой GTA: San Andreas.

Лос-Анджелес — второй по численности населения город в Соединенных Штатах Америки. Правопорядок в городе обеспечивают 4 структуры: портовая полиция, полиция аэропорта, управление общественной безопасностью и полицейский департамент, о котором и пойдет речь.

Совет полицейских комиссаров выполняет функции главы департамента, действуя в качестве корпоративного совета директоров. Определяет политику департамента и осуществляет надзор за его деятельностью. Комиссары работают совместно с шефом полиции, который выполняет функции главного административного сотрудника и подчиняется совету, состоящему из пяти гражданских сотрудников.

Комиссары назначаются мэром города и утверждаются городским советом. Занимать данную должность можно не больше двух пятилетних сроков. Члены совета тратят на работу 25-30 часов в неделю, выступая в качестве голоса граждан в делах полиции. Они отображают интересы общества, рекомендуют реформы, направленные на:

  • улучшение обслуживания населения департаментом;
  • сокращение преступности и страха перед преступностью;
  • поддержку программ охраны общественного порядка.

Заседания совета проходят еженедельно и следуют опубликованной повестке дня, состоящей из рутинных вопросов, представляющих интересы для департамента, а также вопросов политики, которые могут представлять интерес для сообщества

Действующий шеф — Чарли Бек. Фото LeonardFiles, flickr

Шеф полиции — самый высокопоставленный сотрудник департамента. Назначается мэром, подлежит утверждению комиссарами и городским советом, и занимает должность максимум два пятилетних срока.

Отвечает за планирование, эффективное управление и функционирование департамента под руководством Совета Комиссаров полиции. Шеф распоряжается годовым бюджетом 1.189 млрд долларов и командует 10,354 офицерами под его юрисдикцией. Заработная плата на должности шефа полиции Лос-Анджелеса в 2018 году составляет 307291 долларов.

На данный момент шефом полиции является Чарли Бек, служащий в департаменте с 1977 года.

Его можно часто встретить на улице города за рулем мотоцикла департамента. Шеф любит, в свободное от основных обязанностей время, заниматься патрульной деятельностью.

Он также является чемпионом страны по полицейскому и пожарному мотокроссу. В его копилке множество медалей с государственных, национальных и международных соревнований.

Двое детей Чарли Бека являются полицейскими Лос-Анджелеса.

Департамент поделен на несколько офисов, каждый из которой охватывает спектр задач. Офисами руководят офицеры в звании Assistant Chief. Пример общей структуры:

—— Divisions/Area (Дивизия, Зона покрытия)

——— Section/Platoon/Unit (Секция, Платун, Юнит)

В данном офисе сосредоточены все патрульные офицеры, которые работают в одной из 21 полицейских станций, находящихся в Лос-Анджелесе. Основная задача офиса — контроль за порядком в городе.

Офицеры офиса операций занимаются патрульной деятельностью, как пешей, так и на автомобилях. Отдельные юниты используют для передвижения велосипеды, квадроциклы и небольшие скутеры.

Здесь сосредоточены дополнительные силы департамента, которые нужно задействовать при борьбе с преступниками. К примеру, при каждом преследовании в воздух поднимается вертолет, который координирует офицеров снизу и не дает преступнику покинуть поле зрения офицеров.

Counter-Terrorism and Special Operations Bureau

Бюро предоставляет департаменту специализированные тактические ресурсы для поддержки операций во время повседневной деятельности. Члены бюро оказывают помощь во время серьезных беспорядков и повышенной угрозы терроризма. В состав бюро входят такие дивизии как: Air Support (воздушная поддержка) и Metropolitan (борьба с преступностью), куда входит, пожалуй самая интересная — S.W.A.T.

Special Weapons and Tactics (Platoon D) — элитное подразделение департамента, куда закрыт вход обычным офицерам. Чтобы попасть в данную дивизию, кандидаты должны отработать в департаменте минимум 2 года, а также пройти все психологические и физические тесты.

  • обработка ордеров с высокой степенью риска
  • обработка вызовов, связанных с самоубийцами
  • проведение операций по спасению заложников
  • обработка вызовов по забаррикадировавшимся преступникам

В качестве вооружения офицеры метро используют штурмовые винтовки CAR-15 и M4, дробовики Remington 870, а также более легкие пистолеты-пулеметы.

Офицеры Platoon D очень часто передвигаются на немаркированных автомобилях. Специальную технику, которая продемонстрирована выше, используют только при серьезных спецоперациях.

Robbery-Homicide Division

Common name


Investigative sections [ ]

Robbery Special Section [ ]

The Robbery Special Section (RSS) is responsible for investigating the following on a citywide basis:

  • extortions or threats of extortion when:
    • a prolonged investigation is required, and
    • the extortion does not involve a juvenile as the suspect or victim, and
    • the suspect has threatened to do unlawful injury to the person or property of another
    • there is the potential for serious bodily injury or death, or
    • the facts indicate a connection to a major citywide problem, or
    • a prolonged investigation is required or the investigative resources required exceeds Geographic Area Detective Division's capabilities, or
    • a ransom demand is anticipated or has been made

    In addition, the Robbery Special Section also coordinates all live line-ups, except those for juvenile subjects.

    Homicide Special Section [ ]

    The Homicide Special Section (HSS) is responsible for investigating the following on a citywide basis:

    • homicides involving:
      • serial killers
      • fire (other than traffic-related fatalities) as the cause of death (arson homicides)

      In addition to performing directed, periodic audits of divisional murder books, reviews of select investigations and/or case-specific habeas corpus issues, the section is tasked with reviewing all murder follow-up reports submitted for clearance as "Cleared Other." The section is also responsible for providing personnel to accompany VIPs visiting the City in order to have investigative expertise immediately available should the need arise.

      Special Assault Section [ ]

      The Special Assault Section (SAS) is notified when any of the following crimes are committed in the city, but it only assumes investigative responsibility at the discretion of the Commanding Officer, RHD:

      A "cold case" sexual assault is defined as any unsolved sexual assault in the city that was committed more than two years ago, and has no significant leads, and is no longer being actively investigated by Area or Bureau detectives based on a lack of solvability factors and/or workload.

      Sex Crimes Unit [ ]

      Cold Case Homicide Special Section [ ]

      The Cold Case Homicide Special Section (CCHSS) is primarily responsible for the following:

      • investigating select "cold case" homicides;
      • investigating or assigning cold DNA "hit" cases city-wide;
      • screening select cases and identifying solvability factors; and
      • submitting requests to Scientific Investigation Division for various types of analysis.

      A "cold case" homicide is defined as any unsolved homicide in the city that was committed more than five years ago, and has no significant leads, and is no longer being actively investigated by Area or Bureau detectives based on a lack of solvability factors and/or workload.

      Detective Bureau

      Tatiana A. Garcia
      Police Administrator I
      Commanding Officer

      Jeffrey A. Thompson
      Police Administrator I
      Commanding Officer


      Chris Waters
      Captain II
      Commanding Officer
      GANG AND
      Under the Chief of Detectives, Detective Bureau (DB) provides functional leadership for detective operations Citywide, which accounts for approximately 1600 assigned detectives. This includes the 21 geographic detective commands throughout the City and all specialized detective functions. DB provides line supervision over the following commands assigned to DB: Commercial Crimes, Detective Support and Vice Division, Gang and Narcotics Division, Juvenile Division, Robbery-Homicide Division, Forensic Science Division and Technical Investigation Division. The Investigative Analysis Section (IAS) of DB is responsible for researching, developing and implementing improvements in investigative techniques and procedures, used by investigative officers. IAS also provides administrative and technical support to DB.


      Detective Support and Vice Division (DSVD) is responsible for investigating missing persons, hate crimes, threats made to public officials/prominent persons, aggravated stalking, piracy and counterfeit sales/goods, animal cruelty, pimping/pandering, pornography, and prostitution/human trafficking.

      In an effort to combat the growing problem of domestic sex trafficking of children in the United States, DSVD partners with the Innocence Lost Task Force, a multi-agency operation that includes the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office, the United States Attorney’s Office, and the Department of Homeland Security.


      Venice Beach is the second largest tourist attraction in California, after Disneyland

      The LAPD was established in 1869

      The Los Angeles Police Academy was used for the 1932 Olympic Game's pistol and rifle competitions

      The Los Angeles Police Academy remains a favorite of filmmakers, whose "Academy Arches" are recognizable around the world

      Investigative responsibilities moved to or shared with MCD [ ]

      In the real LAPD, RHD also has the following investigative responsibilities but, in the Major Crimes Universe , they have been transferred to the Major Crimes Division, or RHD handles the cases when MCD is unable to do so or when the case doesn't rise to a level requiring Major Crimes' involvement.

      As most of the crimes featured on The Closer and Major Crimes are homicides, it's not fully known if all of the following cases are also investigated by MCD (but just not shown in episodes) or if they are still handled by RHD.

      Robbery [ ]

      Transferred or shared responsibilities of the Robbery Special Section:

      1. ↑ Major Crimes is known to investigate kidnappings, especially when children are involved, or when they are connected to MCD's ongoing investigations. MCD is also responsible for investigating kidnapped LAPD employees/officers. Presumably RHD still has primary jurisdiction on investigations which fit in the outlined categories but don't rise to a level requiring Major Crimes' involvement.
      2. ↑ 2.02.1 When a homicide is committed during a commercial or bank robbery, Major Crimes assumes responsibility for the entire investigation.

      Homicide [ ]

      Transferred or shared responsibilities of the Homicide Special Section:

      When the Priority Homicide Division was disbanded following a damaging news article about the division, it was mentioned that Priority Homicide handled more white murder victims than Robbery-Homicide, confirming that RHD still retains some investigative responsibilites relating to homicides.

      • homicides involving multiple victims (generally three or more) in one incident
      • homicides involving intense media coverage or high profile
      • solicitation, extortion or conspiracy to commit murder (murder for hire)

      Major Crimes has effectively taken over the aforementioned homicide investigations from RHD. On the topic of homicides with multiple victims, Major Crimes often investigates incidents with just two victims, rather than requiring three or more like RHD in the past.

      • assaults against on-duty police officers in the city limits wherein:
        • serious bodily injury or death results
        • officers are shot at and do not return fire
        • non traffic related and officer involved
        • the result of suicide or an attempted suicide

        Major Crimes is responsible for investigating assaults against on-duty, off-duty, and retired police officers when the officers are killed. This responsibility is also extended to other LAPD personnel, such as SID investigators, not just sworn officers.

        • requests for assistance from area detectives
        • requests from outside law enforcement agencies

        Major Crimes has been known to fill in for other homicide divisions when needed (e.g. when the other division is in training or otherwise unavailable). It has also investigated cases requested by other law enforcement agencies. Presumably RHD retains the responsibility to assist geographic detective divisions if the need arises, rather than assuming full responsibility for the investigation as Major Crimes does.

        Special Assault [ ]

        Transferred or shared responsibilities of the Special Assault Section:

        1. ↑ Major Crimes has been shown to investigate sexual homicides when the identity of the victim is high-profile in nature. Presumably SAS retains the investigative responsibility for sexual homicides when the the identity of the victim is not high-profile.
        2. ↑ 2.02.1 Major Crimes investigated a string of high-profile sexual assaults they discovered during a murder investigation (“ Conspiracy Theory, Part 1 ”–“ Conspiracy Theory, Part 4 ”). Presumably SAS has primary jurisdiction for such crimes when they are not connected to MCD's ongoing investigations.

        Major Crimes interacting with RHD [ ]

        After the Priority Homicide Division was established outside of the Robbery-Homicide Division, both of the divisions often responded to the same investigation, most of the time resulting in RHD being forced to leave the scene, causing visible disdain for the new division.

        At times over the series, Major Crimes is mentioned asking for information on open cases from Robbery-Homicide and then effectively taking them over due to the cases tying into their own case in some manner. During Season 5 of Major Crimes, Lieutenant Provenza gets Buzz Watson the Robbery-Homicide case files on the unsolved murders of his father and uncle so that he can finally get justice.

        In the five part "Hindsight" arc, its revealed that in 2004, Michael Tao, Stephanie Dunn and Mark Hickman were all Detectives working in Robbery-Homicide when Officer Malcolm Reese was murdered by Daniel Price. The three investigated the case, but after Hickman's perjury cost the LAPD the case and the murders of DDA Rachel Gray and her bodyguard Eric Dunn, Hickman was fired. Stephanie subsequently transferred to the Narcotics Division. By 2005, in “ The Closer (Pilot) ”, Tao had been promoted to Lieutenant and selected to join the Priority Murder Squad of RHD, which later became the Priority Homicide Division (and even later the Major Crimes Division).

        Command [ ]

        During Season 1 of The Closer, the Commanding Officer of RHD was Commander Scott, though he was never seen.

        During Season 1, Captain Russell Taylor was the Assistant Commanding Officer of RHD. At the end of Season 1, Taylor is promoted to Commander and becomes the Commanding Officer after the retirement of Commander Scott. In “ Hindsight, Part 1 ”​, Taylor mentions that he was the Captain of Robbery-Homicide in 2004 during the "Reese Murders" when Mark Hickman was fired for his perjury.

        After Commander Taylor transferred out of RHD in Season 4 of The Closer, it is not known who assumed command of the division.

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