Resident permit что это

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

residence permit — ➔ permit * * * residence permit UK US noun [C] LAW ► an official document that allows you to live in a country that you were not born in: »More people are working in the country with or without a residence permit … Financial and business terms

residence permit — / rezɪd(ə)ns ˌpɜ:mɪt/ noun an official document allowing a foreigner to live in a country ● He has applied for a residence permit. ● She was granted a residence permit for one year or a one year residence permit … Dictionary of banking and finance

residence permit — noun right to legally reside in a country … Wiktionary

permit — per‧mit [ˈpɜːmɪt ǁ ˈpɜːr ] noun [countable] LAW an official document stating that someone is allowed to do something: • The government would issue permits for fishing. permit to do something • The company requested a permit to operate a hazardous … Financial and business terms

residence — noun 1 house ADJECTIVE ▪ desirable (BrE) ▪ palatial ▪ official ▪ royal ▪ personal (AmE), private … Collocations dictionary

permit — >I.> noun ADJECTIVE ▪ federal, government ▪ temporary ▪ special ▪ valid ▪ necessary … Collocations dictionary

Home Return Permit — Back of current card Traditional Chinese 回鄉證 Simplified Chinese … Wikipedia

How a residence permit, permanent residence and citizenship differ from a visa

A visa is the official way to go to another country for some time. Usually, a visa is obtained in advance, but there are exceptions. Some countries might allow foreigners with just a passport and others issue a visa at the airport.

The visa’s validity period is limited to a few days, weeks or months. For example, a Schengen visa, which gives you the right to enter the European Union, is valid for up to 90 days every six months.

Many clients of Immigrant Invest have faced inconveniences due to visa restrictions. They were unable to attend business events, meet with foreign business partners, or their travel plans were postponed. To go to another country at any time and live there for as long as you would like, you will need a more significant status. This can be supported by a residence permit, permanent residence or citizenship.

Residence permits and second citizenship open up new opportunities:

  • travel without a visa;
  • buy real estate in another country and live in it all year round;
  • open accounts in reliable foreign banks;
  • study at prestigious universities without issuing student visas;
  • seek medical service from the best European clinics.

Difference between citizen and resident status will be further explained.

The difference between a visa and a residence permit, permanent residence and citizenship

Most often, a visa looks like a sticker in a passport. It shows the type, duration, travel frequency and period of stay. The photo shows a visa for Denmark

Перевод "and resident permit" на русский

If it's the passport and resident permit it's completely different.

Другие результаты

There are two types of resident permits - temporary resident permits and permanent resident permits.

A foreign person who married a Maldivian automatically received a resident visa and his resident permit fee was waived.

Иностранец/иностранка, вступившая в брак с жителем Мальдивских Островов, автоматически получает визу жителя и плата за разрешение на проживание с него/нее не взимается.

(b) Foreign citizens with permanent and temporary resident permits in BiH, regardless of their whereabouts at the time of the census;

Ь) иностранные граждане, обладающие постоянным или временным видом на жительство в БиГ, независимо от их местонахождения на момент переписи;

Resident permits and the grounds for granting residence permits in 1998.

Those with undetermined citizenship held resident permits and travel documentation.

Лица с неопределенным гражданством имеют вид на жительство и проездные документы.

These supplementary decisions reinstated permanent resident permits and regulated the registration of permanent residence from erasure onwards.

В соответствии с этими дополнительными решениями восстанавливается постоянный вид на жительство и регистрация по месту постоянного проживания начиная с даты "исключения из реестра".

There was no driveable road, and residents with valid permits were forced to walk several hours or use donkeys.

Поскольку проезжих дорог в этом районе не было, жителям, имевшим необходимые разрешения, приходилось идти по нескольку часов пешком или ехать верхом на ослах.

Resident permits and the grounds for granting residence permits in 1998.

Выданные разрешения на работу и основания для выдачи разрешений на работу в 1998 году. "Иммигранты в Норвегии".

The Interior Ministry reported that by 31 December 1995, 34,693 foreigners were registered as permanent residents in the Republic of Bulgaria and 40,838 held temporary resident permits.

Despite the dependence on external labour, the immigration policy of the Territory with respect to granting work permits and resident status was thought to be rather slow and still lacking transparency.

Несмотря на то, что территория зависит от притока рабочей силы из других стран, иммиграционная политика территории в вопросах предоставления разрешений на работу и статуса постоянного жителя не позволяет обеспечить достаточно оперативный характер их решения и по-прежнему не отличается транспарентностью26.

Conditions for migrant workers were improved in terms of the issuance of resident and work permits.

Условия для трудящихся-мигрантов были улучшены с точки зрения выдачи разрешений на проживание и работу.

In the case of migrant workers attracted to Singapore for economic reasons, she asked about the requirements for securing resident and work permits.

По вопросу о правах рабочих-мигрантов, которые приезжают в Сингапур по экономическим соображениям, оратор спрашивает, какие существуют требования для получения разрешений на жительство и на работу.

According to the State party, he had applied for a permanent resident permit and travel documents in March 1982, which were granted on 29 June 1982.

Согласно государству-участнику, в марте 1982 года заявитель обратился с ходатайством о получении разрешения на постоянное жительство и проездных документов, которые и были предоставлены ему 29 июня 1982 года.

The canton of Fribourg recently gave the right to vote on communal matters to all foreigners holding a permanent residence permit and resident in the canton for at least five years.

Недавно в кантоне Фрибург право голоса по всем касающимся коммун вопросам было в конечном итоге предоставлено всем иностранцам, которые имеют вид на жительство и проживают в этом кантоне по крайней мере пять лет.

4.3 As to exhaustion of domestic remedies, the State party notes that the author has been given leave to apply for visitor's and resident's permits and has applied for the former.

4.3 Что касается исчерпания внутренних средств правовой защиты, то государство-участник отмечает, что автор получил разрешение на подачу заявления о предоставлении временного и постоянного видов на жительство и ходатайствовал о предоставлении ему временного вида на жительство.

With regard to employment in industrial zones, the Ministry took the following action: Conditions for migrant workers were improved in terms of the issuance of resident and work permits.

Что касается работы в промышленных зонах, то Министерство приняло следующие меры: Условия для трудящихся-мигрантов были улучшены с точки зрения выдачи разрешений на проживание и работу.

2.5 On 18 October 1991, the Swedish Immigration Board rejected the complainant's application for a resident and a work permit because of the expulsion order against him.

2.5 18 октября 1991 года Иммиграционный совет Швеции отклонил ходатайство заявителя о выдаче ему вида на жительство и разрешения на работу ввиду постановления о его высылке.

In Australia, of the 24 major classes of temporary resident visas and entry permits at least nine (including Class 414 tabled by Australia) are relevant to the temporary entry of specialty (service-providing) personnel.

В Австралии из 24 основных категорий виз на временное проживание и разрешений на въезд по крайней мере девять (включая категорию 414, предложенную к обсуждению Австралией) имеют отношение к временному въезду специального (предоставляющего услуги) персонала.

In Australia, of the 24 major classes of temporary resident visas and entry permits, at least nine are relevant to the temporary entry of specialty personnel, including educational personnel, visiting academics, medical practitioners, and public lecturers.

В Австралии из 24 основных классов виз, дающих право на временное проживание, и разрешений на въезд как минимум девять имеют отношение к временному въезду специалистов, включая работников сферы образования, приглашенных научных работников, практикующих медицинских работников и лекторов.

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Перевод "resident permit" на русский

If it's the passport and resident permit it's completely different.

However, he was advised that such an application was unnecessary, since he already had a resident permit.

Однако ему сообщили, что такое ходатайство не требуется, поскольку у него уже имеется вид на жительство.

In such a case, she will not be deported immediately but her resident permit will not be renewed and as a result she will have to leave the country as soon as the residence permit expires, thereby losing the right to re-enter the Republic.

В таком случае она не будет подлежать немедленной высылке, однако ее разрешение на проживание не будет возобновлено, в результате чего ей придется покинуть страну как только истечет срок, указанный в разрешении, после чего она потеряет право на въезд в Республику в будущем.

A foreign person who married a Maldivian automatically received a resident visa and his resident permit fee was waived.

Иностранец/иностранка, вступившая в брак с жителем Мальдивских Островов, автоматически получает визу жителя и плата за разрешение на проживание с него/нее не взимается.

Work permits would be issued together with the resident permit, in so far as the labour administration authority had given its approval.

Разрешения на работу будут выдаваться вместе с видом на жительство с согласия трудовых административных инстанций.

Only immigrants with permanent status and/or those with a Temporary Resident permit for medical reasons are eligible for income support.

Право на поддержку дохода имеют только иммигранты с разрешением на постоянное проживание и/или с временным видом на жительство по медицинским показаниям.

2.1 In or around 1987, Ms. Aduhene moved to Germany where she was granted a permanent resident permit.

2.1 Приблизительно в 1987 году г-жа Адухене переехала в Германию, где ей был предоставлен постоянный вид на жительство.

The State party considers it unlikely that the police would have advised the complainant not to apply for asylum given that he had only been granted a temporary resident permit.

Государство-участник считает маловероятным, чтобы полиция посоветовала заявителю не обращаться за получением убежища, учитывая, что ему был выдан только временный вид на жительство.

Furthermore, in cases of early termination of the contract, the migrant worker's resident permit becomes null and they have no right to seek alternative employment.

Кроме того, в случае досрочного прекращения трудового договора вид на жительство трудящегося-мигранта становится недействительным и они не имеют права искать другую работу.

Since in the interim the State party had issued a resident permit to the complainants' daughter, the Committee discontinued the part of the communication relating to her.

The resident permit issued to Yasin Al-Qadi, a foreign national, has been revoked by the Ministry of the Interior after he was identified as being included in the Security Council Committee list.

Вид на жительство, выданный иностранному гражданину Ясину Аль-Кади, был отозван министерством иностранных дел после того, как выяснилось, что он включен в перечень Комитета Совета Безопасности.

(a) Protection for foreign victims of trafficking in Canada has been strengthened through guidelines for a fee-exempt temporary resident permit for 180 days.

а) защита иностранных жертв торговли людьми в Канаде была укреплена путем разрешения бесплатно выдавать им временный вид на жительство на 180 дней.

The applicant must have been issued with a permanent resident permit for Denmark and must be resident in Denmark, cf. article 5 of the circular letter.

Согласно статье 5 циркуляра, заявитель должен иметь вид на жительство в Дании и проживать в Дании.

What is the Difference between a Residence Permit, Permanent Residence and Citizenship and How to Get Them

What is the difference between a residence permit, permanent residence and citizenship and how to get them

State permission is required to live in the country. It is confirmed by the following documents: a residence permit, a permanent residence card or a citizen’s passport. We will tell you the opportunities each status brings and how to choose the right one.

What is a residence permit and how to get it

A residence permit is a document that allows you to live in the country for up to five years, depending on the conditions for obtaining it. Residence permit status must be renewed periodically in order to maintain it.

A residence permit usually gives the right to come to the country at any time, buy real estate, take out health insurance, enroll children in kindergarten or school. If we are talking about a residence permit in an EU country, this status will also allow you to stay in other Schengen countries without a visa for up to 90 days every six months.

Most ways to obtain a residence permit are associated with the observance of certain conditions such as marriage, work or study. To maintain the status, you will need to live in the country for more than 183 days a year.

A fast track to residence permit is offered by government programs for investors that operate in several countries of the European Union. In exchange for investment, a foreigner goes through a simplified procedure for obtaining and extending a residence permit.

A residence permit for an investor is often called a “golden visa”, because the document opens free entry to the European Union. It is often received by all members of the investor’s family. There are preferential conditions for renewal, for example, you do not need to live in the country permanently.

In some European countries, it is possible to obtain a residence permit by confirming financial independence. For example, wealthy people can get a residence permit in Austria. However, the procedure for obtaining a status in this case is more complicated and time-consuming. It is important to submit documents on time because the number of quotas is limited. You will need to buy or rent housing and confirm your knowledge of the German language at conversational level.

A residence permit for a financially independent person does not usually give a foreigner the right to work and conduct business in the country. You can only receive passive income like renting out apartments. This type of residence permit is suitable if the property does not meet the conditions for a golden visa: it was purchased before the launch of the program or costs less than the minimum amount.

What is a residence permit: an example of a UK residency card

A biometric UK residence permit card can be obtained by entering the country underan Investor Visa (Tier 1)

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