Pxe structure was not found in undi driver code segment что это

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

I have a compaq presario C500 laptop and I love it. I have Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium pre-installed to the hard drive when i purchased it. I later decided to try Linux Fedora 10. I added a partition to my HDD and installed Linux Fedora 10. It worked fine for a while, but then one day I got a black screen of death. Haha (forced laugh). So I ask a computer person what I should do. He said to re-isntall Linux to the HDD and that would fix the problem. He said that this was fairly normal with the Fedora version of Linux. So I did. But guess what? It made it worse. The next time I tried to boot my computer, I got another black screen of death, but a different one. This one says "PXE-EC8 !PXE structure was not found in. " or something like that. Is there anyway to fix this? If not he owes me about $700.00. PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP ME! This is my only working computer and I use it as a school resource, for entertainment, as a tool, and for many other things. Just to show how important this is, I lost about 3000 songs when it "crashed" plus a few gigs of pics and other stuff.

Computer Type: Laptop
Manufacturer: Compaq
Model: Presario C500
HDD: Hitatchi (69.7 GB)
Processor: Intel DualCore (about 1.00 GHz i think)
Primary OS: Microsoft Windows Home Premium
Secondary OS: Gnome Linux Fedora 10
Age: about a year
Screen Type: Widescreen

у меня проблема с этим нетбуком. мне его дали посмотреть-починить в случае, т.е. я не знаю что с ним делали до меня.

при первом включении была заставка Asus (также отображались хоткеи на вход в BIOS и прочее) потом появляется окно загрузки WinXP, полоса прокрутки бегает и резко появляется BSOD примерно на 0,25 секунды, я успеваю увидеть, что это "синий экран" и сразу ребут.
после этого лого Asus с хоткеями на вход в Bios не отображается, а только надписи на черном фоне (там что-то про конфигурацию), а потом появляются несколько строчек, вот последние 3 строчки:

for Atheros L2 PCIE Fast Ethernet Controller v/ (2007/11/28)

PXE EC8 !PXE Structure was not found in UNDI driver code segment
PXE MOF Exiting Intel PXE ROM

следом появляется экран выбора загрузки Windows (как при F8), и опять "синий экран", ребут и так по кругу.

я не могу войти в BIOS, чтобы отключить загрузку по LAN'у, не могу найти батарейку в ноуте, чтобы обнулить CMOS. батарейки тупо нет, я вскрыл его, смотрел и сверху мат.платы и снизу, не могу найти хоть тресни :@

помогите, пожалуйста, разобраться с этой проблемой. мне хотя бы зайти в BIOS, поставить загрузку с USB и попробовать поставить систему новую.

Заранее благодарю за ответ

спасибо, с этим (методом тыка) разобрался.
немного повоевал с биосом - все-таки выставил не быстрый запуск и загрузку с флешки, потом скопировал на флешку WinPE (которая была на диске с дровами от ноута) пытаюсь загрузиться с нее - пишет "система не найдена".

теперь копирую на флешку сборку (которая меня выручала не раз) Sever CD, буду пробовать.

еще на диске от ноута есть папка Recovery и файл *******.gho? я так понимаю это для Norton Ghost? а как его можно открыть на ноуте без cd-rom'a? только с флехи?

при загрузке с флешки sever cd - та же проблема "missing operation system"

Поставить операционку на этот девайс можно двумя способами:
1. Купить USB адаптер для CD-Rom и в этом случае установка протекает тривиально.
2. Сделать загрузочную флешку (метод "я переписал туда дистрибутив" не пойдет), тут могу посоветовать скачать USB Reanimator, либо делать дистрибутив "с нуля".

2. Сделать загрузочную флешку (метод "я переписал туда дистрибутив" не пойдет), тут могу посоветовать скачать USB Reanimator, либо делать дистрибутив "с нуля".

можно подробнее пожалуйста. а еще лучше с ссылками. я конечно пороюсь в сети сейчас, попробую найти что-то про "сделать загрузачную флешку"

я нашел такую Windows Emergency LiveCD LiveUSB 1.0 Final (2008) ISO, в описании написано, что нужно записать образ на диск, загрузится с этого CD, после этого, из этой Win через встроенную программу, записать этот образ на флешку, предварительно отформатировав ее. как считаешь - так получится?

у меня есть внешний диск - если удастся загрузиться с флешки, нужно будет запустить Norton Ghost и скормить ему образ с оригинального диска для восстановления?

an idea I had

I also have access to the Intel(R) Boot ROM Creation Utility IBABuild version . It also includes a pdf guide which elaborates on configuration bits for building your own PXE image a.k.a. Boot Agent version 1.3.72 . So maybe i could "force flash" that. The pdf made me think, that maybe the EEPROM Image of the NIC is just not configured properly and it's fixable that way. Before I start diving into that, I thought maybe you could pull an easier solution out of your sleeve or help me in case I have to use this tool and configure my own EEPROM.

I attached a ton of logs in the zip file with every information I could gather from the system.(dmesg,ethtool,lspci,lshw,modinfo,bootutil) Let me know if you need more.

I have a compaq presario C500 laptop and I love it. I have Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium pre-installed to the hard drive when i purchased it. I later decided to try Linux Fedora 10. I added a partition to my HDD and installed Linux Fedora 10. It worked fine for a while, but then one day I got a black screen of death. Haha (forced laugh). So I ask a computer person what I should do. He said to re-isntall Linux to the HDD and that would fix the problem. He said that this was fairly normal with the Fedora version of Linux. So I did. But guess what? It made it worse. The next time I tried to boot my computer, I got another black screen of death, but a different one. This one says "PXE-EC8 !PXE structure was not found in. " or something like that. Is there anyway to fix this? If not he owes me about $700.00. PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP ME! This is my only working computer and I use it as a school resource, for entertainment, as a tool, and for many other things. Just to show how important this is, I lost about 3000 songs when it "crashed" plus a few gigs of pics and other stuff.

Computer Type: Laptop
Manufacturer: Compaq
Model: Presario C500
HDD: Hitatchi (69.7 GB)
Processor: Intel DualCore (about 1.00 GHz i think)
Primary OS: Microsoft Windows Home Premium
Secondary OS: Gnome Linux Fedora 10
Age: about a year
Screen Type: Widescreen

the working configuration

There is a configuration where this whole setup works. If I boot with empty slots, then insert the RJ45 SFP module and then the MMF module, everything works fine. The problem only occurs, when I remove the RJ45 module and the insert it in any of the slots again (or if I boot with it inserted). It's rather unpleasent to have to do this everytime I want to reboot.

I also tried all of this on a FreeBSD and Windows machine with a different motherboard and the error remains the same.

Intel Ethernet Drivers and Utilities

I'm not sure if this is the right place to report this or if this card is even supported anymore, so please let me know if that's the case. Unfortunately I don't know very much about all of this, so I can't tell if this problem is related to the igb driver, the firmware of the chip (eeprom?), the sfp module or something else.


OS: Ubuntu 20.10
Kernel: 5.8.0-25-generic
NIC: Intel 82576 EF-SFP (8086:10E7) aka E1G42EF (Serdes?)
NIC PXE: 1.3.98
Driver: igb-5.6.0-k

(tons of logs and outputs attached in the zip, sorted by command)

problem description:

Using this card with my Cisco MGBSX1 MMF SFP modules is absolutely no problem. Removing and inserting the modules, getting a connection, everything works fine.

The problem arises when I try to use my Cisco MGBT1 RJ45 SFP module.

When I insert the module, remove it and then insert it in either of the ports again, the card looses its pcie link and disappears from the system.

Reloading the driver with rmmod igb and modprobe igb yields the following error:
some big stacktrace (full dmesg logs in the zip). and then:

If this happens, I have to powercycle the machine to be able to use the NIC again. It's almost like the RJ45 SFP module "poisons" the ports.

If I boot with the RJ45 SFP module inserted, the port doesn't even come up in linux. The second port works fine.

I can "revive" the port by taking out the RJ45 SFP module, inserting my MMF module and reloading the driver.

a broken eeprom might be the reason

One potential reason besides the driver might by the NIC's firmware. I don't know what exactly I'm talking about here. I don't really get the difference between EEPROM, firmware, SPI Flash, SPI EEPROM and controller BIOS.

Anyways, the Intel Bootutil a.k.a. Intel Ethernet Flash Firmware Utility says, the NIC has a PXE 1.3.98 firmware version on its flash. Unfortunately I can't update the firmware with ANY version of this tool. Tried it in Ubuntu and DOS environments. For the combo image I get the error that the flash is too small and for PXE I get the error that PXE is not a valid image type for that port.

Versions I've tried:

I also dumped the current firmware with this tool and it doesn't look good (included in the zip). Also, ethtool -e output shows me a big adress space. How can my flash be too small in that case?
Looking into the (EEPROM?) Image dump from the Intel BootUtil, lines like these make me concerned:

Nevertheless, somehow the NIC works with the MMF SFPs and in the configuration above. so I guess it's not completely broken?

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