Project zomboid как играть вдвоем на одном компьютере

Обновлено: 03.05.2024

В Project Zomboid позволяется играть вместе с другом, используя подключение онлайн. Также можно играть по сети с рандомными людьми со всего мира, используя все мультиплеерные функции, доступные бесплатно на пиратке. Сеттинг позволяет окунуться в мир пост-апокалипсиса, где человечество оказалось под угрозой смертельного зомби-вируса. Для исследования представлен большой опенворлд, которые в одиночку, либо используя возможность бесплатной сетевой игры, предстоит исследовать.

Игровые механики направлены на выживание. Предстоит бороться с голодом, паранойей, депрессией, травмами и другими параметрами, нарушающее нормальное состояние персонажа. События разворачиваются в Ноксе, штате Кентуки. Одиночная кампания и сетевая игра начинаются с создания аватара. Можно выбрать имя, пол, расу, будь-то европеоиды или негроиды, задать параметры прически, бороды и многое другое. Также задаются начальные параметры протагониста. К примеру, бывший полицейский хорошо управляется оружием, плотник может построить здания, санитары лечить и т.д.

Характеристики определяются такими параметрами, как везение, ловкость, высокая сила, высокая сопротивляемость болезням и т.д. Можно исследовать такие районы, как Вест-Поинт, Малдро, Роузвуд и Риверсайд. Каждый выбирает свой путь в Project Zomboid: мародерство, собирательство, помощь выжившим, грабежи с бандитами и т.д. Нужно заботиться о еде, воде, сне, отдыхе, развлечении и т.п., иначе персонаж может оказаться в депрессии. Сложность возрастает динамически. Враги становятся сильнее, поэтому требуется выстраивать базы, помогающие защититься от нежити. Для функционирования построек требуется электричество и водоснабжение. Позволяется выращивать овощи, а еду герой способен приготовить на костре.

Перейдем сразу к делу: разработка мультиплеера находится в активной стадии. Разработчики даже решили повременить с НПЦ ради его добавления, однако все еще предстоит проделать нелегкую работу. Они не собираются делать из Project Zomboid второй Rust или DayZ. Основной игровой частью останется одиночная игра, но мультиплеер также будет одним из важнейших аспектов. Примечательно то, что сетевую часть планировалось ввести в конце этого года.

Дальше кратко и по порядку.

Сколько игроков смогут одновременно играть на сервере?
Пока точно неизвестно, скорее всего, до 12 игроков; чем больше их количество - тем мощнее понадобится система.

Можно ли будет установить мод на сервер?
Использовать моды на серверах можно, но, конечно-же, с небольшим гемором.

Можно ли будет убивать других игроков в мультиплеере?
Ответ - да. PvP будет одной из основных частей геймплея на публичных серверах. После убийства игрока, он больше не возродится, так что придется создать нового, но Project Zomboid не будет держать под напряжением игроков, которые предпочитают играть в одиночку.

Будет ли возможность интерактировать с НПЦ в мультиплеере?
Да, такая возможность будет. Игроки смогут вместе выполнять их поручения. Однако НПЦ, скорее всего, появятся позже мультиплеера.

Когда в игру добавят мультиплеер?
Как говорят разработчики "Не через неделю, и не через две. Возможно через несколько недель, но может быть больше, а может и меньше".

Сложно ли будет создать собственный сервер?
Нет, это будет очень просто. Владельцы лицензионной копии смогут сделать это без особого напряжения. Хост сможет самостоятельно настроить параметры сервера (PvP, Whitelist и т.д).

Сейчас мультиплеер находится в стадии ЗБТ, уже сейчас можно посмотреть на геймплей мультиплеера глазами разработчиков.

На этом всё. Пока же рекомендую купить игру, дабы не заморачиваться с бесплатным запуском. Напомню, что с переходом на бета-тест цена вырастет.

Project zomboid как играть вдвоем на одном компьютере

Project Zomboid — официальное русское сообщество

[1] Создание сервера:

Для начала откроем игру и посмотрим номер нашей версии:

Project Zomboid — официальное русское сообщество

[2] Подключение к серверу:

4)Нажимаем Add, а затем Join.

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[3] Создание белого списка. Работа с SQLite:

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[4] Где посмотреть публичные серверы игры:

Project Zomboid — официальное русское сообщество

[5] Проблемы с подключением к серверу

2) Не открывается порт | Как открыть порты? | Что такое роутер? | Что такое порты?

[7] Ошибка ". ", или "Ошибка создания db" | "Не могу зайти на свой сервер" | каракули в пути к настройкам

1) Создайте новую учётную запись в Windows без использования кириллицы.

Project Zomboid — официальное русское сообщество

[8.1] Зашел в игру - всё черное, как быть?

Запустите игру в безопасном режиме (ПКМ по Project Zomboid -> Свойства -> Установить параметры запуска. Там прописываем -safemode)

[8.2] Вместо значков и менюшек белые квадраты, что делать?

Отключите в настройках игры многоядерную обработку

Project Zomboid — официальное русское сообщество

[9] Как сбросить сервер?

Перейдите в директорию C:/Users/<User>/Zomboid/sandbox и удалите папку servertest.

[10] Включение/Отключение PVP на сервере

Project Zomboid — официальное русское сообщество

[11] Консольные команды и описание к ним:

Чтобы вызвать список команд в игре, введи /help в игрокой чат

adduser = Добавить пользователя в белый лист, используйте : /adduser "логин" "пароль"
save = Сохранить мир
quit = Выйти из мира
chopper = Запустить вертолеты(генерирует звук для рандомного игрока)
gunshot = Выстрелить (генерирует звук для рандомного игрока)
startrain = Запустить дождь
stoprain = Остановить дождь
grantadmin = Выдать права админа пользователю, пример: : /grantadmin "username"
removeadmin = Забрать права администратора у пользователя, пример: : /removeadmin "username"
reloadoptions = Переподключить конфиг (ServerOptions.ini)
banuser = Забанить игрока, добавьте -ip чтобы забанить его ip, добавьте -r="причина" что-бы уточнить причину бана
unbanuser = Разбанить игрока : /unbanuser "логин"
kickuser = Кикнуть игрока , используйте /kickuser "логин"
addalltowhitelist = Добавить он-лайн пользователей в белый лист.
addusertowhitelist = Добавить игрока, использующего пароль в белый лист, use : /addusertowhitelist "логин"
removeuserfromwhitelist = Убрать игрока из белого листа: /removeuserfromwhitelist "логин"
showoptions = Выводит на экран текущие настройки сервера.
changeoption = Используйте для изменения пункта настройки сервера, используйте : /changeoption название_настройки="значение"
godmod = Сделать игрока бессмертным. /godmode логин
invisible = Сделать игрока невидимым для зомби, использование как в предыдущем пункте)
additem = Выдать предмет игроку , используйте: /additem "логин" "название предмета"
createhorde = Спаунит орду зомби вокруг вас : /createhorde количество зомби
changepwd = Изменить ваш пароль.
dragons // .

Project Zomboid — официальное русское сообщество

2) Можно задать пользовательские координаты для спауна (если играете на своём сервере):

В файле servertest_spawnpoints.lua задаются координаты.
В файле servertest_spawnregions.lua задаются регионы для выбора при подключении к серверу.

Чтобы быстро заспавниться в одной точке, просто уберите "--" из строчки

в файле servertest_spawnregions.lua и сохраните изменения.

После этих действий в списке регионов для спавна в игре кроме Мальдро и Вест Поинт вы обнаружите новый пункт - Бар Твигги.

Project Zomboid — официальное русское сообщество

[13] Разделенный экран (Split Screen)

0) Итак, сперва определимся, к какой группе мы относимся:
1 - У нас есть xinput контроллер (xbox, logitech и т.д.)
2 - У нас есть dinput контроллер (все остальные)

1 группа смело переходит к следующему пункту (пункт 1)

Для начала создадим новый мир / зайдем в старый.

A Guide for Playing Project Zomboid Co-op

For obvious reasons, this guide applies to an original copy of the game, bought on Steam.

1 - How do I configure my controller for playing the splitscreen co-op mode?

Start this whole process by connecting your desired controller into your PC. Ensure that it works correctly and all the inputs are being read correctly.

To ensure that your controller works properly inside Steam, follow the steps below:

Activate the Big Picture Mode on Steam (click on the white square with pointing arrows in the upper right corner of Steam)

With the Big Picture Mode enabled, try using your controller to navigate the menus. If you can move and click the icons, you are about 80% done!

On the main screen, click the cog icon in the upper right corner to access the Settings menu.

In the Controller category, select Controller Settings.

Navigate into the detected controller, and press the Calibrate button.

Close this menu and click on Define Layout.

Ensure that the controller is being detected by the game. To do this, Player 2 should press any button. If the controller is being detected, a little "A" button should appear next to the selected menu option, like so:

r/projectzomboid - A Guide for Playing Project Zomboid Co-op

After this test, I recommend restarting the game. Zomboid tends to mix which input is being received next, and you might start a new/current save as Player 1, but end up using the inputs of Player 2.

2. After restarting the game, being Player 1, start a new save or load an old one. If you opt to start a new one, create your character normally and proceed to load the game. Player 2 should not be pressing any buttons right now, for the reason stated above.

3. After loading the game, ensure that Player 1 is controlling his selected character, not Player 2.

4. To insert Player 2 into the game, Player 2 should press the Primary Action ("A" on Xbox, "X" on Playstation controller) and a tiny menu should appear on the upper left corner, just like this one:

r/projectzomboid - A Guide for Playing Project Zomboid Co-op

The menu on the top left corner. Ignore the debug window.

r/projectzomboid - A Guide for Playing Project Zomboid Co-op

The same character creation screen, but with a new option :o

At this point, the character creation will be exactly the same. Player 2 can create all of his character using only the controller input, although Player 2 can use the mouse and keyboard to create their character more easily. At the end of the creation, the input of Mouse and Keyboard will be returned to Player 1 normally.

Controls here might be a bit finnicky, especially moving from one submenu to another; you just have to get the hang of it with a bit of practice.

r/projectzomboid - A Guide for Playing Project Zomboid Co-op

Occupation and Traits screen for Player 2.

It should be noted that, in the Select Occupation and Traits screen, the descriptions for each occupation and trait is displayed on the botton left corner of the same screen, since Player 2 does not have a cursor to hover over the selected option.

r/projectzomboid - A Guide for Playing Project Zomboid Co-op

From this point forward, if the Gods and Spiffo itself are shining a light in your way, Player 2 should be able to be moving and looking around with no issues using the analog sticks.

If your controller was configured correctly both outside and inside Project Zomboid, and Player 2 can get the hang of the controls by trial and error, then congratulations! You are now playing this magnificent game, in its most magnificent version, with (hopefully) a magnificent friend!

3 - How the heck do I (or my friend) play with a controller?!

After some extensive testing, I think I found what appears to be the default input options for a controller. That is, if you press a button and it does not correspond to the same button on the list below, that button is likely configured incorrectly (and by incorrect, I mean different from default; you can customize your controls to play however you feel like c:).

DUALSHOCK 3 ButtonSteam Big Picture ButtonAction
XPrimary ActionInteract / Open and Close Windows/ Select
SquareSecondary ActionContext Menu
TriangleTertiary ActionInventory
CircleGo backWhile running: Sprint / While not running: Go back / Jump Windows/ Smash Windows/ Other Actions
D-pad LeftDPAD LeftRadial Menu for Belt (equipped weapons)
D-pad UpDPAD UpRadial Menu Inside a Car
D-pad RightDPAD RightUnclear*
D-pad DownDPAD DownEmotes
Left Analog Stick (X)Left Stick XMovement (North / South)
Left Analog Stick (Y)Left Stick YMovement (East / West)
Right Analog Stick (X)Right Stick XLook / Ready Weapon (North / South)
Right Analog Stick (Y)Right Stick YLook / Ready Weapon (East / West)
PSN ButtonGuide---
SelectBackRadial Menu for Character Options (health, zoom, crafting, etc)
StartStartPauses Game
L1Left ShoulderInventory Navigation (selecting previous tab) / Window Navigation
L2Left TriggerShove
L3Left Stick clickSneak
R1Right ShoulderInventory Navigation (selection next tab) / Window Navigation
R2Right TriggerWhile aiming: Hit / While not aiming: Run
R3Right Stick clickUnclear*

*I tested these inputs on all kinds of differents contexts, and I saw no actions happening. If anyone knows what these buttons do, please let me know!

While most of the actions are listed here, you can only memorize them by playing and mashing buttons until a certain action works (trust me, Player 2 will spend a considerable time just navigating on the TV screen to turn it on/off). So go out there and explore!

So, in a game that is absolutely FILLED with different windows, how does Player 1 and Player 2 manage the space between them?

Short answer: not so greatly.

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r/projectzomboid - A Guide for Playing Project Zomboid Co-op

Just imagine this materializing into your screen while you fight a horde. Fun!

Also, I am pretty sure a few of you might be bothered to play with such a reduced screen space. After all, you do lose 50% of your horizontal vision, which can be pretty dangerous when fighting multiple zombies from all sides. Unfortunately, you cannot split the vision between two separate screens, so you pretty much have to adjust youself to play in a reduced screen space.

You see, a pretty smart person figured that you can leave the game in Windowed move, and you can stretch the game window all the way into the other monitor, effectively separating the two screens! While incredibly ingenious and pretty useful, bear in mind that problems such as opening maps still exists while using this life hack, and remains perhaps even more accentuated.

Other than that, playing with splitscreen is pretty straight forward. Player 2 can adjust his zoom by using the Radial Menu opened by the Select Button, extending the view feels like playing with a Mouse (albeit with less sensitivity) and, as an added bonus, Player 2 can even extend his view inside a car without opening his car windows! Hooray for cheated vision!

This might be the most important bit for folks who look to co-op as the absolute standard of how the final version of online multiplayer should behave.

What co-op DOES add:

A new player for you to cope with your crippling depression after eating 15 stale cabbages.

Shared sleep time. Yup, just like Minecraft. If one player is awake while the other sleeps, time does not speed up for the sleeping player, meaning he can go grab a snack (or several, if he got the Sleepyhead trait) in the meantime. In this situation, time can only get accelerated if one of the players decides to manually do so, as long as the awake player does not perform any action that might interrupt with time acceleration (like, anything that includes movement, really). If both players sleep at the same time, time gets accelerated for both of them, though it is very unlikely for both players to wake up at the same time. If one player is sleeping while the other is awake, the former can interrupt his own sleep at any time by moving.

Joint combat and exploration. You can slaughter the same zombies together, essentially doubling the effectiveness of combat with half the endurance cost, or you can take bigger hordes together. Two players means that more stuff can be made per day, like taking care of a farm while exploring the neighbourhood. The pathfinding for zombies can sometimes get a bit iffy though, more on that later.

NPCs. But you can go the Fallout 76 route and BE the NPC :D

Get a second monitor, preferably with the same resolutions as the first monitor, and stretch that screen! Seriously, the ilusion of individual displays makes for a more conforting experince especially for Player 2, who most likely has to compress himself in order to view the tiny screen while also giving you space to player with mouse and keyboard.

Read books together! Avoid getting traits such as Fast/Slow Reader unless every other Player is taking the same trait. Reading at the same time reduces the need to do a slow action even slower, since both players are standing still and, therefore, time can be sped up. Book club!

Unfortunately, this is one area that I fall a bit short on information, as I do couch co-op and not online through Steam Remote Play. However, I do have some experience playing games using this technology, and so I will try to translate it in the context of Project Zomboid.

Only the host needs to own the game in order to share it, the client does not need to own the game, all they need is a Steam account.

Once again, the client, which will be acting as Player 2, has to make sure his controller is working correctly inside Steam in order for it to work on Project Zomboid. The client cannot use his Mouse and Keyboard, as that is already being the input method for the host.

(Warning for Linux Users: If you are joining a session as client while using Linux (specifically, Ubuntu 20.04) and the host is using Windows, there is a very high chance that your controller will not work, even if it is working inside Steam Big Picture! This is known bug for a good time now, and has never been corrected. A bug report on Github can be found here, with a possible solution being found here)

With all that configuration done, the game should be pretty much the same as local co-op, with the same restraints on windows space and input methods. Beware, Steam Remote Play performance is dependant on internet connection. Therefore, if either the host or the client is having a particularly laggy day, the client will most certainly receive some major input delays!

(If you are having issues with input lag with Steam Remote Play, an alternative would be Parsec. I have never personally used it, but given the experience of users u/Niphoria and u/blastradius14, not only you get a more "input delay-less" experience, but you can also specify which screen to share, enabling a way to play with an IRL buddy next to you while simultaneously enabling a remote person to play as well! Thanks to both users for their contribution!)

Currently, there are two ways of tweaking with your controller inputs should you get faulty button mapping: through the Main Menu, or through the .config files.

If you go on the Main Menu, select the Options item, and then browse to the Controlle tab, you will be seeing something like this:

r/projectzomboid - A Guide for Playing Project Zomboid Co-op

The Controller Screen.

The boxes on the left are the configurations files already present in your Zomboid folder. If you have faulty button mapping and see multiple boxes, try selecting the one that corresponds to your controller (in my case, I have 4 nearly identical boxes due to DUALSHOCK 3 to Xinput mapping, generating some weirdness). You can also test if your Analog Sticks, D-PAD and Triggers, as well as the other buttons, are being recognized in here. You should see them "blink" whenever you press a button.

Mark a different box, check the sticks, triggers and D-pad and try to play the game again. If selecting a different configuration box was not enough, it is time for the dreadful .config files.

For Windows, navigate to the following path: Users\<username>\Zomboid\joypads

Inside the joypads folder, you will find the pre-configured files you saw on the Controller settings. You can pick any of them you want for editing, though I recommend picking the one that most closely resembles you controller.

Open the file with Notepad, and you should be looking at something like this:

r/projectzomboid - A Guide for Playing Project Zomboid Co-op

Although this file has some comments and the variables are easy enough to interpretate, unfortunately, this is where we have to do some trial and error. You must identify which button is faulty, and switch the input for something else.

You can use the table I left above to map what each button should do. Then, go to the Controller settings in the menu and check what each button is doing (as in, what funky little numbers are blinking whenever you press a button), and then map what button corresponds with each number. Lastly, switch the numbers based on what they should do, which is in turn based on what the table says.

It is not a straighforward process, unfortunately, but with some trial and error, you should get it working in no time!

With this guide, I do not only wish to raise awareness to the existance of a co-op mode, but also that Project Zomboid is playable on controller, and Player 2 should have just as much fun as Player 1, even when playing with different controls :D

Anyway, this marks the end of the guide. Hope you all enjoyed, and happy surviving!

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