Почему sonic heroes нет в стиме

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Для многих Sonic Heroes - игра детства. Какой бы кривой и косячной она ни была, мы вспоминаем ее с теплотой. И вот мы немного подросли, у нас появились наличные деньги, и мы ищем ее в интернете, чтобы легально.

Что?! Ее невозможно купить.

*лицо Соника, когда он узнал, что игру (столь любимую фанатами) с его участием не продают в Стиме* *лицо Соника, когда он узнал, что игру (столь любимую фанатами) с его участием не продают в Стиме*

Долгое время я не задумывался над этим вопросом. Ну, невозможно, и ладно, ведь в режиме "свободного доступа" (а, точнее, в пиратских водах) в интернете найти ее не сложно. Но все же.

Помню тот странный момент, когда в стиме вышла. Нет, не Sonic Riders (кстати, тема отдельной статьи), и не Sonic Heroes , и даже не Sonic R . А Sonic Lost World , которая по контракту с Nintendo должна была быть эксклюзивом на Wii U , но что-то пошло не так!

А где же наша Sonic Heroes ?!

Покопавшись в интернете, я наткнулся на 2 вещи:

  1. Информацию о том, что игра была создана под старую версию Windows XP , а дорабатывать для современной версии операционной системы они ее не очень хотят (странно, ведь, скажем, Sonic Adventure они в свое время доработали и успешно продают до сих пор, а игра еще более ранняя);
  2. Петицию от фанатов игры на то, чтобы игра появилась в Steam . Которую подписало. 26 человек. Я, кажется, начинаю понимать, почемуSEGAне торопится с исполнением этой задачи.

Я бы не сказал, что эти 26 человек - и есть все фанаты игры, ведь их намного больше. Кто знает, что было бы, если бы все они вовремя увидели эту петицию и хором в ней поучаствовали?

Но уже так или иначе поздно. А мы можем продолжать наслаждаться "официально-пиратской" версией игры, просто потому, что другой просто нет :))

Спасибо, что дочитал статью до конца! Каково твое мнение начсет этой игры? Напиши в комментариях!

Почему sonic heroes нет в стиме

Sonic Forces

13 мар. 2018 в 12:54 Sonic Heroes Remastered comming in late october/early november 2018 to steam! 13 мар. 2018 в 13:16

Was already hard to believe they'd give Heroes special treatment by putting it on the Hedgehog Engine 2 (because SADX and SA2B didn't get any special treatment like that), but saying that the Avatar would be a thing in it is pushing it way too far to be believable.

I'd say that's fake.

13 мар. 2018 в 13:21 then we wait until october / november, let's see what happens 13 мар. 2018 в 13:22 I love Heroes, but i think the rumor is fake. Especially when both Adventures would probably be remade before Heroes for story reasons. 13 мар. 2018 в 13:31 I love Heroes, but i think the rumor is fake. Especially when both Adventures would probably be remade before Heroes for story reasons.

Same, if this does come out though, I hope it comes with the original version if at all possible since the original was not on Steam.

(I also hope they give us options to either use the new cast or old cast, I would love to hear Ryan Drummond in a new game if at all possible.)

13 мар. 2018 в 13:42 I love Heroes, but i think the rumor is fake. Especially when both Adventures would probably be remade before Heroes for story reasons.

Same, if this does come out though, I hope it comes with the original version if at all possible since the original was not on Steam.

(I also hope they give us options to either use the new cast or old cast, I would love to hear Ryan Drummond in a new game if at all possible.) I think that would satisfy everyone. I much prefer the older voices, even if they could be cheesy.

13 мар. 2018 в 13:44 13 мар. 2018 в 14:07

Same, if this does come out though, I hope it comes with the original version if at all possible since the original was not on Steam.

(I also hope they give us options to either use the new cast or old cast, I would love to hear Ryan Drummond in a new game if at all possible.)

I think that would satisfy everyone. I much prefer the older voices, even if they could be cheesy.
Imo, Heroes had the best voice cast. Ryan was at the peak of Sonic's performance compared to his last two performances and so was Knuckles, Amy, Rouge and Shadow compared to SA2.

Tails was probably the worst voice actor, but I don't blame the actor, Sega should have just gotten a girl VA to play Tails from the start. While the SA1 and SA2 Tails were alot better than the Heroes actor, the fact that they get changed every game because they go through puberty kinda ruins it. That's probably why Tails is always played by a girl VA now though. 13 мар. 2018 в 15:01

Thank god it's coming out. Now they also need to do the same to Shadow the Hedgehog in an uncensored/uncut version, and maybe support the New Sonic the Hedgehog Unity Remake team with their project, ala Sonic Mania.

After that, a remastering and expansion of Sonic R with more tracks, characters and both the Saturn and PC version engine benefits in one package and everything will be peachy.

13 мар. 2018 в 15:43 Sonic Heroes comming, i like it, better is for the next a Sonic Boom Remke PC Steam (Sonic Synergy) and Sonic Riders PC Steam for me 13 мар. 2018 в 15:59 Sonic Heroes comming, i like it, better is for the next a Sonic Boom Remke PC Steam (Sonic Synergy) and Sonic Riders PC Steam for me Don’t count on a Heroes remake just yet. You might get disappointed if it turns out fake. Just don’t get your hopes up just yet. Unless gameplay leaks online. 13 мар. 2018 в 16:01 13 мар. 2018 в 16:03 Heroes was my first Sonic Game, so I’d be reeeeeeeally happy if it’s true. Egg Fleet in HD would look amazing 13 мар. 2018 в 16:08 Heroes was my first Sonic Game, so I’d be reeeeeeeally happy if it’s true. Egg Fleet in HD would look amazing
sonic & knuckles was my first sonic game, the second was Sonic Heroes, SH is the best sonic game forever. Hang Castle, Seaside Hill, Ocean Palace, Egg Fleet, Final Fortress, Fog Forest, Rail Canyon and Grand Metropolis in HD to see look wonderful for me 14 мар. 2018 в 10:53 Heroes was my first Sonic Game, so I’d be reeeeeeeally happy if it’s true. Egg Fleet in HD would look amazing

sonic & knuckles was my first sonic game, the second was Sonic Heroes, SH is the best sonic game forever. Hang Castle, Seaside Hill, Ocean Palace, Egg Fleet, Final Fortress, Fog Forest, Rail Canyon and Grand Metropolis in HD to see look wonderful for me
Sonic R PC for me. I saw ads and an Xbox original magazine preview of Heroes before I owned my own Sonic games as I had only played Sonic R in school until now. My first proper Sonic games were Sonic Advance 3 as my 2D one and Sonic Adventure 2 Battle for my brother's Gamecube for my first 3D one.

Shadow was one of my next 3D ones after trying out Heroes at a friend's house. I learned about the former from a neighbour while I was playing Half Life 1 and I said at the time that if they actually made a Sonic game like that, I'd be all over it like Robbie Coltrane on a plate of chips.

I didn't know about the cursing until I played it but that just made it better in my opinion. As I said above, I hope we get an Uncensored/Uncut remake of that after Heroes Remastered comes out.

In the meantime, I am also looking forward to the full release of New Sonic the Hedgehog PC.

Почему sonic heroes нет в стиме

Sonic Adventure DX

20 янв. 2017 в 6:14 21 янв. 2017 в 2:18 I think I need it on steam as I only have the ps2 version as I didn't own a GameCube 22 янв. 2017 в 19:27 that's a nice question XD many other games will too but no :c 24 янв. 2017 в 16:23 There's already a pre-existing Sonic Heroes PC port, and it works perfectly fine, just needs widescreen support which would be ridiculously easy to implement. In fact, the Sonic Heroes PC port already has a widescreen patch that makes it look great aside from the menus. It baffle's me SEGA hasn't capitalized on it yet and updated it like they did with SADX. 25 янв. 2017 в 11:02 There's already a pre-existing Sonic Heroes PC port, and it works perfectly fine, just needs widescreen support which would be ridiculously easy to implement. In fact, the Sonic Heroes PC port already has a widescreen patch that makes it look great aside from the menus. It baffle's me SEGA hasn't capitalized on it yet and updated it like they did with SADX.

Except on Windows 10 because I tried to install my Sold Out Software disk copy a while ago, and it installed fine, but the game wouldn't run, neither executable nor launcher and I was forced to uninstall it again.

That could just be that it was a different version of the port, but I'm not that sure.

2 фев. 2017 в 16:11 Music licensing, perhaps? I can't think of anything else in the game that could deter them.
It was rated by the ESRB for release as a PS2 Classic and then they didn't release it in North America, so at some point they were invested in making the game available through digital distribution and something stopped them.
But Heroes and Shadow have seen digital rereleases in other regions, so I'm guessing it's not completely out of their hands, just not financially viable right now. 3 фев. 2017 в 23:30 I'd love to see Sonic Colors too, considering it was a Wii exclusive, and the Wii is now almost 2 console generations behind. 4 фев. 2017 в 11:37 Music licensing, perhaps? I can't think of anything else in the game that could deter them.
It was rated by the ESRB for release as a PS2 Classic and then they didn't release it in North America, so at some point they were invested in making the game available through digital distribution and something stopped them.
But Heroes and Shadow have seen digital rereleases in other regions, so I'm guessing it's not completely out of their hands, just not financially viable right now. I doubt that because music from Heroes appeared in Generations. Jun Senoue was the only composer of Sonic Heroes, so if they can use Seaside Hill, Ocean Palace and Egg Emperor, they can use anything else.
I'd love to see Sonic Colors too, considering it was a Wii exclusive, and the Wii is now almost 2 console generations behind. Sonic Lost World was Wii U exclusive and it was ported. They can port Colors whenever they want. 6 фев. 2017 в 7:07 I doubt that because music from Heroes appeared in Generations. Jun Senoue was the only composer of Sonic Heroes, so if they can use Seaside Hill, Ocean Palace and Egg Emperor, they can use anything else. The vocal themes for each team performed by outside bands are what I'm thinking of, not stage BGM. 9 фев. 2017 в 13:48 I doubt that because music from Heroes appeared in Generations. Jun Senoue was the only composer of Sonic Heroes, so if they can use Seaside Hill, Ocean Palace and Egg Emperor, they can use anything else. The vocal themes for each team performed by outside bands are what I'm thinking of, not stage BGM. But then again, the game IS on PSN. 15 фев. 2017 в 14:10

Honestly, steam can use more Sonic. I would love Heroes, Shade and Taxman's Mobile Ports of Sonic 1+2, and a few others like Colors. We're getting (if it doesn't get canceled or SEGA does Cease & Desist) a Unity made Sonic 06 in the near future.

Overall, Sonic's life on the PC is more than welcome, and it's more opprutunity to have more variety in Johnny's Annual Hacking Constest showcase.

16 фев. 2017 в 9:41 Honestly, steam can use more Sonic. I would love Heroes, Shade and Taxman's Mobile Ports of Sonic 1+2, and a few others like Colors. We're getting (if it doesn't get canceled or SEGA does Cease & Desist) a Unity made Sonic 06 in the near future.

I don't think SEGA will attack it because unlike nintendo, they seem to understand why fan projects help the company as well as the community whereas C&Ding them for "copyright theft" ironically hurts sales.

When Nintendo did it to AM2R, I put my copy of that fan game on my onedrive for anyone to take and pirated the original Metroid 2 in color.

Nintendo even removed AM2R despite it also being a tribute to one of their dead employees, which was just tasteless considering the memorial in question was for their former boss.

I can give you guys the link to AM2R as well as a copy of my copy of the Sonic Utopia demo and the Sonic 2006 PC demo.

EDIT: Have to update the link to google drive instead due to needing to make space on onedrive.

Почему sonic heroes нет в стиме

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Название: Sonic Generations Collection
Жанр: Экшены

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