Pillars of eternity иовара что делать

Обновлено: 16.05.2024

1 сен. 2019 в 12:22

Я играю только на английском, поэтому не знаю как имена, топонимы и названия квестов переведены на русский, поэтому опишу, употребляя английские варианты.

Без сильных спойлеров:

В игре основной сюжет делится на несколько актов. Второй акт заканчивается, когда в герцогском дворце вы принимаете участие в слушаниях по Анимантии (Animancy Hearings).

1) До того как вы примете участие в этих слушаниях вы должны завершить первую стадию квеста вашего сопартийца - мага Алота (Aloth). Его личный квест называется Two-Sided. В определенный момент вы должны посетить вместе с Алотом Психлечебницу (Sanitarium) и выполнить там часть его личного квеста. Если вы не посетите с ним Лечебницу и не просканируете его душу до конца Второго Акта, то квест продолжить будет невозможно.

2) В городе-столице "Defiance Bay" вы сможете встать на сторону одной из трех фракций-группировок. За каждую фракцию можно выполнить только один первый квест. Как только вы примете второй квест любой из фракций - вы автоматически будете отрезаны от квестов оставшихся двух, поэтому выбирайте тщательнее, какую фракцию поддержать.

3) Для того, чтобы продвинуть вперед квест священника-сопартийца Durance, нужно не только периодически разговаривать с ним, но и регулярно "отдыхать" (разбивать лагерь) с ним в дикой местности или в подземельях (не в крепости или тавернах).

В дополнении White March:

4) В определенный момент у вас будет возможность спасти людей из горящего дома. Это нужно сделать, как только вы с ней столкнетесь - при первом посещении селения Stalwart. Если вы покинете карту, не "войдя" в дом через "текстовое приключение", то эта возможность будет упущена.

5) В квесте про Волка-Оборотня: если вы решите вылечить оборотня и покинете его пещеру, оставив там охотников, то их съедят. Но если вы перед этим спасете от смерти раненного волка на карте с пещерой, то он заступится за охотников и они выживут. Это оптимальное решение квеста.

Walkthrough [ ]

  • Go to The White Forge and forge a hammer from the Fragment of Abydon's Hammer.
  • Talk to the people of Stalwart and its surrounding area.
  • Depending on your choices during the White March, you will have a number of allies in the coming battle:
      , obtained during The Iron Flail, will give you the Burning Pitch Trebuchettalent. , obtained during The Ogre Matron, will give you the Beregan's Battle Hornfigurine. with Durgan's Battery's artillery, obtained during Ready the Cannons, will give you the Heavy Cannon Blasttalent.
    • There will be another pool, into which you can send someone to dive. Passing a Constitution 17 check will allow you to take it without losing endurance. Unfortunately, this will attract a group of lagufaeths. If you have Athletics 13, you can out swim them, but they will still follow you to the surface and will initiate a fight. If you have Stealth 10, however, you can avoid the fight entirely. Failing both checks will result in both getting an injury and having to fight.
      is a natural candidate, as she doesn't feel cold and doesn't need air, so she'll just casually walk out (though the murk does get in the way of a pleasant stroll).
    • Sacrifice an ogre in place of a companion with Beregan's Battle Horn if you sided with Matron Beregan and accepted her aid.
    • Use Iverra's Diving Helmet (the helmet must be in your inventory and not equipped). The Watcher will pass the helmet to the chosen companion if they don't volunteer directly.
    • Pass a 19 constitution check. Eder with the Girdle of Eoten Constitution may work.
    • If you released the Pargrunen souls at the White Forge, they will possess the lagufaeth in the depths and hurry the drowning volunteer to the surface.
    • The first check is to distract several Eyeless. Several abilities count towards remediating the danger; Mirrored Image, Repulsing Seal, Ringleader, or Smoke Cloud, otherwise they need to dodge past the Eyeless.
    • The second challenge comes in the form of a clogged passageway. You need Twin Stones, Frenzy, Outlander's Frenzy, or a prybar and Mechanics 7 to clear the obstacle in time for the party to escape out to the ice outside.
    • Finally, to clear the lake, you need either good scouting abilities (Survival 12, or as a Naasitaq), Kalakoth's Freezing Rake, Zealous Charge, Blessed Was Wengridh, Quickest of His Tribe or to have the character background The White the Wends.

    Ending [ ]

    • After the moon is gone, the Eyeless' souls will gather and decide to have a final talk with you, accusing you of consigning them to oblivion. You will be able to learn about their history with the Engwithans and use Perception 14 to point out that the destruction of memory upsets them. The Eyeless believe that people cut off from their history will wither - and deserve no less. Ultimately, they will decide that they need to return to themselves and restore Abydon.
    • Your decisions so far in the game, and which directions you steered your companions will have an impact on the ending and your ability to persuade them. You will have two base choices (1, 2), and a third (3) if you can provide convincing evidence for your statements.
      • Ask them not to reforge Abydon.
      • Let them reforge Abydon with the memory of Ondra betraying him.
      • Convince them to reforge Abydon, but a tempered version, where his memories are restored but given context beyond what he remembered at his death. There are three convictions on which you need to provide at least two examples to convince them: the burden of memory, the burden of legacy, and conflict between the gods.

      Tempering Abydon [ ]

      • To provide him with context, you need to convince the Eyeless on three counts:
      1. That history doesn't always serve progress or provide a good example;
      2. That memory can be a burden, and;
      3. That some knowledge should be forgotten due to the inherent danger it poses.
      • To convince them, you need to present six arguments (two per category). These depend on your choices throughout the storyline, so save before climbing down to face the Kraken.
        • To convince them that history can be a hazard, rather than a benefit, you can bring up the Pargrunen, the strife between Dyrwood and Eir Glanfath, the Iron Flail, and the Devil of Caroc (if you resolved her quest). Each example needs to backed up with an explanation as to how history and obsession over legacy can go wrong.
          • For the Pargrunen, it's pointing out how their legacy and marvels they created eventually tore them apart.
          • For Readcerans and Dyrwood, it's the fact that experience of history is subjective and whatever common ties they have pale when you consider the fact that kith care about what is immediate and recent over what's in the past.
          • For the Devil of Caroc, it's how her memory of the past drove her to murder people.
          • If you have have Pallegina in your company and know about the ducs' plans to undercut the Dyrwood, you can bring it up.
          • For yourself, you can argue that moving on is in itself development and growth; that some questions cannot be resolved.
          • The Eyeless will also accept Maneha's argument if she chose to forget. 's arguments will actually serve the Eyeless' stance if you decided to keep his Legacy low.
          • As of version 3.7.0, there is an exploit where the Eyeless will accept Maneha's argument even if you didn't let her forget the past. There's also a bug that always makes Zahua's arguments fail to convince the Eyeless, no matter how much Legacy and Persistence he has.
          • Argue that the White Forge is too dangerous for mortal hands. This will be dismissed by the Eyeless if:
            1. You did not join the Knights of the Crucible, but helped create the Forge Knights by completing Built to Last.
            2. You joined the Knights of the Crucible and did not discourage Commander Clyver from pursuing the Forge Knights in Winds of Steel.
            3. You bound the Pargrunen souls to the White Forge in the conclusion of The White Forge.
          • Argue that animancy is dangerous because mastery over souls would bring about stagnation with no further challenges before kith.
            • This will fail if you convinced the duc to let animancy research continue unfettered in the animancy hearings.
            • This will fail if, during your travels, you pushed Aloth to stand up for himself against authoritative figures such as his father and Thaos (meaning Aloth's Autonomy value is greater than his Authority value).


            Journal [ ]

            ID Objectives
            0 Council of Stars
            10000 Sîdha and Rîhenwn, the delemgan of Elms' Reach, told me that Thaos has destroyed the route from Teir Evron to Breith Eaman. To reach him, I will have to descend through the pit in the Burial Isle.

            That requires the aid of the gods.

            To ask for their favor, I'll need to pray to them in Teir Evron, where they are said to commune with mortals.

            It seems, however, that the gods are willing to offer great power in exchange for a promise to deal with the stolen souls in the manner of their choosing. There would, however, be a price for betrayal.

            Lair of the Eyeless

            The quest is automatically obtained after completing The Rising Tide.

            Council of Stars

            The delemgan of Elms' Reach, told the Watcher that Thaos has destroyed the route from Teir Evron to Breith Eaman. To reach him, they will have to descend through the pit in the Burial Isle. The gods are willing to offer great power in exchange for a promise to deal with the stolen souls in the manner of their choosing. There would, however, be a price for betrayal.

            Pillars of eternity иовара что делать




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            Берас(вернуть души в цикл):

            Хайлия(вернуть души пусторождёным детям):

            Римрганд(предать души энтропии):

            Галавэйн(преобразовать души, чтобы укрепить Дирвуд):

            Дважды убить лорда Редрика:

            Один раз убить лорда Редрика:

            Не выполнить квест Лорд Пустошей:

            Поддержать союз с рыцарями:

            Выступить против союза с рыцарями:

            Рыцари Горна:

            Отказ от анимансии:

            Подбросить символ дюжин в крепость рыцарей:

            Не подбрасывать символ дюжин:

            Отключить,но не уничтожить машину:

            Не поддерживать анимансию:

            Поддержать анимансию в суде:

            Выступить против анимансии:

            Поддержать культ Скейна:

            Уничтожить культ Скейна:

            Безопасность и престиж равно или больше 30 :

            Безопасность больше или равен 30 ,а престиж меньше 30 :

            Престиж больше или равен 30 ,а безопасность меньше 30 :

            Безопасность и престиж меньше 30 :

            Пересилить душу дракона в тело охотницы на драконов:

            Пойти против воли дук белз и не укреплять души Дирвуда:

            Пойти против воли дук белз и укреплять души Дирвуда:

            Выполнить задание дук белз и не укреплять души Дирвуда:

            Выполнить задание дук белз и укреплять души Дирвуда:

            Не выполнить личный квест:

            Помочь вернуть веру в Галавэйна:

            Поддержать веру в Ваэля:

            Не выполнить личный квест:

            Поддержать в уничтожение Ключа:

            Уговорить возглавить Ключ:

            Помочь в поисках таблички и поддержать его взгляды на опасность знаний энгвитанцех:

            Помочь в поисках таблички и убедить его в важности знаний:

            Помочь в поисках таблички, но не его взглядов на миссию:

            Выполнить квест и поддержать взгляды на изоляцию:

            Не выполнить личный квест:

            Не выполнять квест или после личного квеста не стирать воспоминания:

            После выполнения личного квеста пообещать стереть ей воспоминания:

            Выполнить личный квест:

            Не выполнить личный квест:

            Сагани перечислила имена жителей своей деревни Персоку:

            Рассказать Сигани о важности семьи:

            Сагани рассказала Персоку о достижениях его деревни:

            Не выполнить личный квест:

            В инвентаре есть дитя орлана:

            Пройти первую часть длс,но не закончить вторую часть:

            Убить леди Вебб самостоятельно:

            Прыгнуть в яму без благословения богов:

            Безглазым разрешено вернуться к Абидону :

            Безглазым разрешено вернуться к Абидону,но они признали,что некоторые знания опасны:

            Безглазые полностью уничтожены:

            Подписать мир между народами и принять их помощь в битве с Безглазыми :

            Journal [ ]

            ID Objectives
            0 Lair of the Eyeless
            10000 Ondra has said that the Eyeless are gathered together in a fragment of Ionni Brathr that lies in Cayron's Scar, and that there may be a way to stop them if I can reach this place.

            However, Ondra has advised me that I'll need to recreate Abydon's Hammer first in order to be able to summon them to their deaths.

            Ondra believes this will be adequate to be able to hold sway over the Eyeless.

            Synopsis [ ]

            After reforging the recovered piece of Abydon's hammer into a hammer of your own, Ondra has instructed you to go to Cayron's Scar. There you must enter a large fragment of the Ionni Brathr, the crashed moon, in order to stop the Eyeless in their quest to destroy the Dyrwood.

            Notes [ ]

            • If you cannot convince the Eyeless, then you'll have to edit the source files or cheat. This tutorial provides a handy guide on how to ensure success if you can consistently win 5/6 arguments. See the talk page for more information.

            Walkthrough [ ]

            You automatically get this quest after completing The Assassin at Large.

            Enter Teir Evron (the Glanfathan temple) in Elms' Reach. Pick up the Luminescent Adra Shard from the altar on the right, and place it into the pillar inside the big circle in the middle of the room. This activates four pulpits surrounding the circle. You can interact with each of them to speak to the god whose symbol is closest to it. (The remaining gods are not available.)

            The first time you pray to each god, you must correctly recite their ritual words. You can figure these out by reading the books in the bookshelves on the left and top wall of this room, or from the lore you've already encountered throughout the game - or just consult the table below. If you recite the wrong words, the god will end the interaction abruptly and summon monsters to attack you.

            Deity Ritual words Quest received
            Galawain "Survival begins with strength from within." The Old Queen and the New King
            Hylea "Live every note of life's song." The Nest Above the Clouds
            Berath "There is life in death, and death in life." A Servant of Death
            Rymrgand "All life ends in stillness." Into the White Void

            Note that you only need the favor of one of the Gods in order to continue the main story, but feel free to do all four of those quests if you want. After completing one or more of them, return to Teir Evron and pray again to the god(s) who gave it to you. This will gain you their favor.

            Furthermore, each of the gods whose quests you completed will make you an additional offer: They will give you a boon (making you more powerful), but in return you must promise to make your endgame choice according to their preference. The boon is given to the protagonist only (as a permanent passive talent that stacks with everything). If you accept such a proposal but then end up breaking your word, it will dramatically affect the end-game slides.

            It was planned to gain Wael's Boon which gives +10 Defense against confusion, +1 Intellect if you do not take any of the boons from the four gods. Unfortunately that possibility was cut from the game, and the boon is accessible only through console commands.

            Deity Promise Boon for agreeing
            Galawain Distribute essence to existing souls in Dyrwood to strengthen them +1 Might, +1 Athletics
            Hylea Return souls to the bodies they were intended for +1 Perception, + 1 Lore
            Berath Send souls back into the reincarnation cycle +1 Resolve, +5 Defense against paralyze and petrify
            Rymrgand Entropically disintegrate the souls, ending their existence +1 Constitution, +1 Survival

            After you've completed one quest and discussed the resulting offer, you will be granted an additional 1458 experience points. On exiting Teir Evron you will have a surreal encounter with Iovara and one of her guards. A dialog will ensue.

            Next, travel to the Burial Isle (from the pier in Oldsong). The Quest will complete when you jump into the pit (see also Court of the Penitents). WARNING! Jumping into the pit is a way of no return, it starts the endgame.

            Trivia [ ]

            • In the scripted event at the end of the quest, Godlike characters are suddenly able to wear the diving helmet as an option of escape, even though they aren't permitted to equip any helmets during the entire playthrough, save another scripted event with the Woedica Hood.

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