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Обновлено: 03.07.2024

Mining Outcrops, also known as Rich Ore Reserves, appear in the open world as clusters of 2 Crystal Chunks (or 1–2 Amethyst Lumps in Inazuma) and 2–3 Magical Crystal Chunks.



Mondstadt outcrops

Brightcrown Canyon

Stormbearer Mountains


Thousand Winds Temple


Stormterror Lair Mining


Liyue outcrops

Lisha - Magical Crystal Outcrops

Guyun Stone Forest

Minlin - Magical Crystal Outcrops


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Повтор баннера Гань Юй

Банер Гань Юй можно было установить на возвращение.

Гань Юй быстро стал одним из самых могущественных персонажей в игре. В результате многие игроки захотят добавить имбу и пользователя Крио лука в свой список, когда будет объявлено повторное прибытие в гача систему Геншин Импакт.

Персонаж превосходно наносит огромный критический урон замороженным врагам, что делает ее незаменимым выбором для любого игрока, стремящегося максимизировать свой DPS.


Before Adventure Rank 30, Magical Crystal Chunks do not appear in Mining Outcrops.

Skyrider Sword


Skyrider Sword ( Chinese: 飞天御剑 ) is a Liyue sword.

Повторный показ баннеров Genshin Impact

Скоро будет несколько повторов Genshin Impact.

По словам известного аналитика Genshin Impact, @ Ubatcha1 , следующие возвращаемые персонажи это:

Эти слитые повторные персонажи повтора не имеют определенного порядка выхода и вполне могут измениться до официального релиза.

На момент написания статьи Баал (Сёгун Райден) является самым новым баннером, а Кокоми следует за ним вскоре после 21 сентября .

После того, как эти два персонажа будут выпущены, miHoYo, вероятно, добавит в игру оставшихся персонажей Инадзумы.


Search Strategies

For all nations, talking to the main blacksmith first will always provide the most information.

Повторный баннер Ху Тао

Если слитый повтор «Хуа Тао» будет правдой, то у большего числа игроков будет шанс добавить жуткого обманщика в свою команду.


Все Повторные Баннеры Genshin Impact: Гань Юй, Ху Тао и другие

Все Повторные Баннеры Genshin Impact: Гань Юй, Ху Тао и другие

Баннеры Genshin Impact постоянно обновляются с каждым новым обновлением , давая игрокам возможность потратить свои камни Истока на новейших персонажей. Хотя многие путешественники надеются добавить Сегун Райден , Кокоми и Кудзе Сару в свои списки, есть несколько пятизвездочных персонажей, которые вернутся.

Как и в большинстве гача-игр , Genshin Impact предлагает повторы, в которых ранее выпущенные персонажи снова становятся доступными. Это особенно хорошая новость для игроков, которые пропустили определенные баннеры или не имели достаточного количества молитв.

Spawning Logic

Mining Outcrop spawn locations in each nation are based on the initial locations for the Ley Line Outcrops in that nation for the day.


The 2 locations immediately west and southwest of Springvale always spawn.

The other 4 locations are chosen randomly from the 6 possible Windwail Highland locations. Wagner marks 3 of these.

Like above, but only 3 locations are chosen from Windwail Highland; the remaining location is east of the Thousand Winds Temple.

The 2 locations east and south of Springvale always spawn, along with 1 chosen randomly from Windwail Highland. Wagner will mark all of these.

The remaining locations are the 2 in Stormbearer Point and the 1 east of Thousand Winds Temple.

All 6 Windwail Highland locations spawn.

All 6 locations spawn randomly from the 8 possible in Stormterror's Lair.


The two locations on Mt. Tianheng are guaranteed to sapwn. The remaining 8 locations will be chosen randomly from the 8 possible in Lisha and the 1 near Luhua Pool. Master Zhang will randomly choose 5 locations to mark, excluding the 2 locations on Mt. Tianheng, the 1 southwest of Mt. Tianheng, and the 1 near Luhua Pool.

Approximately half of the time, the spawns and locations marked by Master Zhang will be the same as above.

The other half of the time, the location near Nantianmen and/or the location near Tianqiu Valley will be included in the pool of available locations for random spawning, and the two locations on Mt. Tianheng will not spawn. In this case, Master Zhang will always mark the location near Nantianmen, in addition to 4 others, with the same exclusions as above.

The 4 locations in the Guyun Stone Forest, the 2 locations on Mt. Tianheng, and the location near Luhua Pool are guaranteed to spawn.

The remaining 4 locations are chosen randomly from the 8 possible in Lisha. Master Zhang will mark all of these and seems to randomly choose one of the two from Mt. Tianheng to mark.

Like above, but only 3 locations from Lisha spawn; the last location will be the eastern-most Minlin location. Master Zhang will mark all 5 locations in Lisha (including both on Mt. Tianheng).

All 10 locations are chosen randomly from Qingyun Peak and the location just east of the northern Minlin Teleport Waypoint. Master Zhang seems to randomly mark any 5 locations.

(It is possible that that version including the Jueyun Karst Ley Line Outcrop is significantly more likely to include the Mining Outcrop east of the northern Minlin Teleport Waypoint.)

All 10 locations are chosen randomly from the locations in Minlin, excluding the eastern-most one. It seems that at most 8 are chosen from Qingyun Peak. Master Zhang seems to randomly mark any 5 locations excluding the one near Tianqiu Valley and the one near Nantianmen.


The Mining Outcrop spawn logic for Inazuma is not yet certain and is likely to change when additional content is released.

It seems that two islands are chosen to spawn Mining Outcrops each day. The first island will have all of its locations spawn; the remaining location(s) will randomly spawn on the second island. Usually, the two islands are the ones that initially have the Ley Line Outcrops for the day, but sometimes, for unknown reasons, this is not the case.

Hajime will always randomly mark 4 of the locations on the island that had all locations spawn.

Пов торный баннер Альбедо

Альбедо впервые появилась еще в версии 1.2.

Альбедо использует свой меч и гео-навыки, чтобы сокрушать своих врагов, нанося огромное количество AoE-урона всем ближайшим противникам.

Итак, вот оно, все повторные показы баннера Genshin Impact, которые будут доступны в будущем. Мы будем обновлять этот пост подробностями по мере их поступления.

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Паймон считает, что для того, чтобы встретить грядущие приключения, лучше сначала подготовиться.

Детали квеста

Тип квестаМировое задание

Как открыть

Поговорите с кузнецом Вагнером в Мондштадте.


Вы можете найти кузнеца Вагнера в Мондштадте.


Поговорите с Вагнером, чтобы начать квест.


Вагнер отправит вас за 3 кусками железа . Вы можете найти их недалеко от Мондштадта.


Вы можете добывать железные куски из черных камней. Атакуйте их своим мечом, чтобы собрать их.


Разбив черные камни, вы можете собрать их, нажав значок подсказки.


Вернитесь в Мондштадт и поговорите с Вагнером.


Выковайте 1 улучшающую руду, чтобы завершить квест.

Где выращивать железные куски


  • Повтор баннера Ганю
  • Повторный показ баннера Ху Тао
  • Повторный показ баннера Альбедо


Mining Outcrops appear near certain regular Crystal Chunks but respawn independently from them. A number of these outcrops spawn daily: 6 outcrops in Mondstadt, 10 in Liyue, and 8 in Inazuma; the locations are chosen randomly based on the locations of the Ley Line Outcrops for the day.

Mining Outcrops respawn at 6am which is 2 hours after each daily reset, at which point all un-mined outcrops from the previous day despawn, along with any markers from the Mining Outcrop Search feature.

Ascensions and Stats

Level Base
2nd Stat
(Energy Recharge)
0✦ 1/20 38 11.3%
20/20 86 20.0%
Ascension Cost (0 → 1)

Total Cost (0 → 6)

Leap, the master swordsman Skyrider did, from the heights of Jueyun Karst.
He pierced the clouds as the winds hollered by his ears,
But what followed was the sound of shattering.
What he had hoped for was something swordsmanship could not bring him.
He pawned the sword for medicine,
But die it did not, his dream of flight.

Mining Outcrop Search

Upon reaching Reputation Level 2 in any nation, players can speak to certain NPCs in that region to mark nearby mining outcrops on the map. The main blacksmith NPC for the nation will mark half of the outcrop locations in their nation. Each of the other NPCs can mark up to 1 outcrop location nearby whenever the player asks them about nearby mining outcrops.

Markers will disappear after the player mines all the Crystal Chunk and Magical Crystal Chunk in the outcrop or when the outcrop despawns at the end of the day.


  • The main blacksmith NPCs choose locations to mark when the Mining Outcrops spawn.
    • The blacksmiths will mark fewer locations if the player first mines a location the NPC chose to mark.
    • The blacksmiths can only mark a subset of all possible locations for each possible Mining Outcrop spawning configuration, but seem to choose the exact locations somewhat randomly within that subset.
    • Mining the ores spawned by the outcrop at the location marked will allow these NPCs to mark another location that satisfies the same criteria when spoken to again afterwards.
    • Speaking to these NPCs before speaking to the main blacksmith of the nation will not allow these NPCs to mark the locations chosen by the main blacksmith.
    • These NPCs will mark ores in a fixed order; each time they are spoken to, they will mark the first location in an ordered list of locations that that can mark that is unmined and not marked by the main blacksmith.


    NPC Name NPC Location and Possible Spawn Points Max. Marked Simultaneously Notes
    Wagner City of Mondstadt 3
    Draff Springvale 1 Draff will only mark Mining Outcrops during the day (6:00 – 19:00); he is too drunk to care at night. Draff can be an indicator as to whether the other NPC will spawn crystals in Mondstadt or in Stormterror's Lair.

    The point north of the statue will respawn every day unless the blacksmith marks locations at Stormterror's Lair. This can be used as indicator on which NPCs to talk to.


    NPC Name NPC Location and Possible Spawn Points Max. Marked Simultaneously Notes
    Master Zhang Liyue Harbor 5
    Iron Shoulder Blackcliff Forge, south of Mt Tianheng 1
    Pan Guan'er Jueyun Karst, east of Qingyun Peak 1
    Shizhuang the Strong The Chasm, west of Lingju Pass 1
    Guyun Stone Forest 3


    NPC Name Location Max. Marked Notes
    Hajime Inazuma City 4
    Qiuyue Ritou 1
    Miyazaki Saburou Fort Fujitou 1 (Mining outcrop search seems to have been removed in Version 2.1.)
    Ikuhara Gai Kujou Encampment 1
    Kagawa Bourou Village 1

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