Not enough space on the disk path of exile что делать

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Not enough space on the disk path of exile что делать

7 июн. 2015 в 17:20

For those of you having problems with install errors regarding insufficent space, you will probably get asked to "Verify Game Cache Integrity". While this is good advice it will be totally worthless if you truly don't have spare HDD space, or the less obvious error that your harddrive may be formatted with FAT32. The FAT32 filesystem can't create large enough files to install PoE. You instead need to be running NTFS.

To convert your HDD to NTFS from FAT32 you can do the following without data loss (nothing's 100% foolproof so backup just in case):
1) (Optional) Backup your HDD, to be safe
2) Run "Command Prompt" as Administrator
3) Type convert drive_letter: /fs:ntfs (example: Convert D: /fs:ntfs would convert the D drive)
4) You will be prompted to enter the volume label of the drive
5) You may be prompted with a Y/N to close out anything running on that drive, agree to complete

The time to complete will vary for everyones different amounts of data and hardware specs. My non-flash 1TB drive with 250GB of data took about 3-4 minutes to complete. This fixed my problem with the installer crapping out with PoE.

Not enough space on the disk path of exile что делать

Path of Exile

25 ноя. 2018 в 22:43 I have 4 gb of free space and the update is only 55 mb, any idea what's going wrong?

13GB) and to apply the patch it has to unpack that huge file and your 4GB is not enough space to do that.

At least I think thats the reason. Could be wrong.

25 ноя. 2018 в 22:59

13GB) and to apply the patch it has to unpack that huge file and your 4GB is not enough space to do that.

At least I think thats the reason. Could be wrong.

25 ноя. 2018 в 23:16

13GB) and to apply the patch it has to unpack that huge file and your 4GB is not enough space to do that.

At least I think thats the reason. Could be wrong.

25 ноя. 2018 в 23:21

Steam doesn't update your files, it replaces them (in a way where the old file is kept as long as reasonable for rollback purposes during the update process). There's no need to "unpack" your files or the like, that'd be utterly insane, because steam would need to know how to unpack and pack arbitrary package file formats, which it obviously doesn't.

As PoE uses a large container/package file of about 16 GB, steam will need at least that amount of space to "update". Steam will use other library folders if possible to avoid being stuck, so if you have other drives, you can use them as well, otherwise as you seem to have done, delete some files. OR: Migrate to the standalone client, that one actually updates instead of replacing, hence uses less temporary space.

Not enough space on the disk path of exile что делать

Path of Exile

19 апр. 2017 в 8:37 So, I still have 8gb on my HDD and the update is 500 mb and steam tells me I do not have enough disk space. I already restarted steam so there is no problem. 19 апр. 2017 в 8:43

Steam needs free disk space of the size of the games installation for most patches. and that's around 13 GB last I checked. The standalone clients patching process is done by GGG and doesn't need so much temporary space (and hence even patches faster).

Steam uses the space to create a temporary backup copy of each file that is being patched. We do this because we have no idea if your internet or wifi will cut out during the download, or if your PC will shut down, or if Steam will crash for some reason. If any of those things happen and the patch is only halfway done, and we didn't have the backup files, then the game would be in a totally broken state and wouldn't be playable until you got online again and Steam could do a full re-download of the broken files.

Back when games were 5-10 GB this was totally uncontroversial. Now that many games are in the 20-50 GB range, it's kind of annoying. We could add a prompt like "If your computer or internet access shut down for any reason during the patch process, you may have to redownload the game" and make you click the "I'm a Cowboy" button. But I think you can understand that even if we do that, it will generate a lot of angry people saying "I went on vacation and took my laptop and I don't have internet access and MY GAME DOESNT WORK" and asking for refunds.

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