No minion mage hearthstone как играть

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

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Mage Cards (30)
Latest Changes - Aug 12, 2021
Copy Deck For

Did this a while ago and forgot to update here. Cut 1x Font of Power and 2x Hot Streak. Added 1x Ice Barrier and 2x Primordial Studies. Ice Barrier is excellent vs agressive strategies and Primordial Studies is superior to Font of Power in this deck as the random mage minions just clog up your hand. This deck is godlike if you can get off 1-2 Incanter's Flow early. Hit Legend with this version of the deck a few days ago.


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"Hi Guys my name is CrimsonPanda. For those of you that don't know me. I have been posting decks on Hearthpwn for some time now along with a video guide of all the decks. Please show your support by hitting the upvote at the top left of the page and that free sub button on my yt channel it means soo much to me. Thank you in advance :)

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Honestly I built a similar list prior to viewing this that had Deck of Lunacy instead of Cthun and it works fine. It is extremely rare to ever get Cthun off in this high aggro meta, but where adding it in does help is giving you more removal and decent cards to convert into higher cost spells with deck of lunacy, which is good against the seldom occasion that you run into a priest because you'll have 3 more cards in your deck to hopefully stall the fatigue match just those couple extra turns longer.

You can make the argument to switch out fireball for polymorph, but if you draw a bunch of damage spells that can go face, this deck actually does a decent job as an aggro deck itself.

If I were to replace anything in the list, it'd actually be the ray of frosts because the deck has so much removal that freezing stuff doesn't matter much in the long term. Either you have the removal or you don't, and delaying 2-3 damage from these wide boards that these aggro DH, hunter, and shaman decks are putting out won't do much. If it were me, throw in a Deck of Lunacy and a Polymorph and see how it goes. I made it to P3 with that loadout with a slightly higher than 50% wr, and could have probably gone higher, so the deck performs well for sure.



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Latest Changes - Nov 17, 2020

C'Thun No Minion Mage

Small update guys. The deck performs very well from Bronze to Diamond 5. From Diamond 5 it´s very hard to climb contantly. But it´s more of a fun then try-hard deck.

The cards in the deck performs all very well. T he only exchange that makes sense is Devolving Missiles for Mask of C'Thun. the rest should be fine.

Thank you all for your good and constructive feedback :)


Swapped one Devolving Missiles with one Font of Power. There are a lot of no minion quests deck (warlock and mage), this card saves my life every time I draw it.

srsly a deck for losers.

every new expansion has this 1 deck every sh1t nub plays. The community of HS is so fkn bad its unbelievable.

This deck is absurd lol. 10-0 so far. Have hardly broken a sweat.

That's because you are an amazing deck pilot. Really hard to pull off

Crazy that the questless version of this deck is FAR superior.. shitty Blizzard designers.

this deck is very fun to play and easy to learn . on top of that it does win more than loses !

I dont get why do you like this deck.

This deck is lose against almost all decks, for example - lost against deathrattle demon hunter, lost against hunter, etc.

I play 5 games with this deck, and result is 1-4.

Guess against who i win? Against other mage in mirror mage.

There is always something missing, draw or frost spells.

And if opponent play many minions - u just cant clean board.

This deck is wins only against new quest warlock.

Ok so I counted here

Has 10 fire spells, 4 frost, and 11 arcane.

The fire spells can generate more fire spells (First Flame, Ignite). Arcane are all important shouldn't be touched imo, so really need to remove a couple of fire spells.

Agree with guy above, removing a Hot Streak for Cone of Cold

Good advice, but I removed Hot Streak all toghether. It's very situational and a second cone of cold seems to make the questline move on quicker.

This deck is absurd lol. 10-0 so far. Have hardly broken a sweat.


Personally, I dropped the two Apexis Blasts, and added the 2nd Ice Barrier, and Evocation. Having Evocation's potential reach near the end of a game is excellent.

seems like a pretty nice idea :D will give it a try

Evocation is okay, but you rarely get much value out of it compared to double incanter's flow on your deck. You'd mainly use it to fish for quest completion, and you're playing full cost spells to do it, which isn't the meta. A big reason why this deck is so broken is because of cheap spells, and if you're rolling 5+ mana spells from an evoc its almost never worth it.

This deck is unbelievable. 90% WR for 10 games. Maybe it can be added a few frost spells but this is not be must.

Please explain the maths behind this

You're a little bit right. I was playing when im writing here. I didnt complete 10th game. %88 WR in 9 games but after this i won and %90 WR now. OK mate ?

Hear me out: it's an arcane spell, can get 0 cost frost and fire spells, fire spell of which can allow you to play another fire spell.

It goes really well with the quest, if you get lucky. It's worth a look.

Also just a note, Apexis is no longer arcane tagged.

the loss of frostbolt from the frost pool really hurts this deck. Have been able to go 3 wins 4 losses with it so far, but either you hit the frost spells quickly, or go down swinging.

despite the tons of damage you lose from pulling an apexis, I think possibly pulling one for a cone of cold and then dropping one of the hot streaks for either a second cone of cold, flurry, or ice barrier, may make up for the current high highs and low lows of the frost draw in this deck.

have not experimented with it yet.

update: my meta shifted big time. Lots of no minion decks or decks running very few minions.

I made the following changes:

i have enjoyed both versions, the one posted here is doing much better against minions that stick on the board.

I have only found myself wishing I kept devolving in this version once or twice in the last 15 games.

How do you play no minion mage?

I crafted this deck and I really liked it, but I have no idea how to win with it? What is it’s win condition?

Is there a deck-list that’s good? I really have no idea how people win with it, what’s the game plan?

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Burn/kill your opponent. Just a midrange/tempo deck.

But how though, you can’t do anything until like turn 5 with Apexis summon a minion.

Do you run fireball in the deck?

Font of power dictates the way you have to play the game. Sometines you get kadghar and you want to make a power play with power of creation. Sometimes you get mana cyclone and you want to make a strong invocation turn. Sometimes you just get Antonidas. Sometimes you get a strong secret-based minion package and you might want to play a tempo early game and finish off with burn.

You need to be flexible when you play as spell mage and understand properly how To win the game and when to pull the trigger.

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