Monster hunter world err12 graphics device crashed как исправить

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Тем не менее, игра очень яркая и увлекательная. И ведь есть в ней, чем увлекаться. Мир сразу со старта приятно радует и даже удивляет огромными вирутальными просторами.

Ну, и разнообразием жуткой фауны, за которой, собственно, геймеру хоть в одиночку, хоть совместно с коллегами по опасному бизнесу как раз и предстоит охотиться.

минимальные системные параметры (более-менее качественный геймплей на 30 FPS):

  • требуются 64-разрядные процессор и ОС;
  • ОС: WINDOWS 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (64-разр);
  • проц: Intel Core i5-4460 на 3.20 ГГц или AMD FX-6300;
  • оперативка: 8 GB;
  • видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 или AMD Radeon R7 260x (VRAM 2GB);
  • DirectX: v.11
  • связь: широкополосный интернет;
  • место на диске: 20;
  • звуковая карта: DirectSound (DirectX® 9.0c).

рекомендованные системные параметры:

  • требуются 64-разрядные процессор и ОС;
  • проц: Intel Core i7 3770 (3.4ГГц), Intel Core i3 8350 4ГГц или AMD Ryzen 5 1500X;
  • оперативка: 8 GB;
  • видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 (VRAM 3GB) или AMD Radeon RX 570 (VRAM 4GB);
  • DirectX: v.11
  • связь: широкополосный интернет;
  • место на диске: 20;
  • звуковая карта: DirectSound (DirectX® 9.0c или лучше).

Ну, а теперь о то, что и где может не работать, и что сделать, чтобы заработало. Итак, по порядку:

Происходить это может по нескольким причинам, однако устаняется трабл сравнительно просто (в особенности, если комп у вас с процессором AMD):

Ξ Ребятам о зверятах: гайд по уязвимостям в Monster Hunter World
игра сама включает режим Big Picture

Проблемы в Monster Hunter World: какие бывают, и как устранять

как устранить ошибку подключения 5038f-MW1

Ошибка 5038f-MW1, по данным разработчика, возникает именно по причине каких-то сбоев в подключении игры. Её наверняка тоже пропатчат в ближайшее время, а пока не пропатчили, делаем следующее:

игра не находит сервер (Server is not reachable)

Потому сначала проверяем статус сервера (иногда там тоже бывают сбои), и если он функционирует нормально, то:

  • либо вручную вносим игру и отдельные её программные компоненты (в частности Denuvo) в список исключений антивируса и/или Защитника;
  • либо отключаем на время антивирус и/или Защитник, чтобы Monster Hunter World подключилась к серверу;
  • либо переустанавливаем игру.
не работает объемный звук 7.1

Судя по отзывам, эта ошибка в большинстве случаев происходит или сразу при запуске игры, или когда игрок заходит в Астеру. Устраняется она путем обновления драйверов видеокарты компа.

черный экран в Monster Hunter World

Вторая: если отображается черный экран в игре (любой), то тоже надо проверить драйвер видеокарты и при необходимости обновить его.

не работает геймпад, не работает Steam Controller
ошибка E-Fail_hr

Проблемы в Monster Hunter World: какие бывают, и как устранять

низкий FPS в Monster Hunter World

Как мы сказали с самого начала, данная игра относится к категории ресурсоемких, потому даже если ваш комп и соответствует рекомендованным требованиям, то все равно лучше перед тем, как её запускать, повырубать лишние/ненужные фоновые процессы в компе и освободить немного мощности процессора, про запас.

Easily Fix MHW ERR12 Graphics device crashed Error [4 Methods]

err12 graphics device crashes

While playing Monster Hunter World, the error “ERR12: Graphics device crashed” suddenly occurred and the game was forced to close. That’s frustrating. Not to worry if you’re in this situation. You can fix the problem with the methods below.

Try these methods

Method 1: Turn off HDR mode

Some Monster Hunter World users have reported they resolved this error by turning off HDR (High Dynamic Range) mode on the game. So you can give that a try.

You can refer to these steps to turn off HDR mode.

1) Access Title Screen Menu > Options.

access monster hunter world options

2) Select Display > Screen Mode / HDR Setting.

set HDR as disabled

3) Then change the option to HDR mode (Disabled).

After that, play the game and see if the error resolves.

Method 2: Enable Ultra Low Latency Mode

If you’re using NVIDIA graphics cards, to resolve the problem, you can enable Ultra Low Latency Mode in NVIDIA Control Panel. This can reduce game lag and resolve problems like “ERR12: Graphics device crashed”.

Follow these steps:

1) Open NVIDIA Control Panel.

2) Expand 3D Settings and select Manage 3D settings.

manage 3d settings

3) Under the Global Settings tab, set the Low Latency Mode to Ultra.

enable low latency mode to ultra

4) Play the game and see if the error resolves.

If Method 1 and Method 2 don’t work for you, the problem can be caused by driver issues. Move on and try other methods.

Method 3: Update graphics card drivers

When error “ERR12: Graphics device crashed” occurs, it’s possible that the graphics card doesn’t have the latest drivers.

You can go to the PC manufacturer’s website to download the latest graphics card driver. Before getting started, you need to find out what Windows version you have and what graphics card you have.

Manually updating drivers can take time, and can cause errors if incorrect drivers are installed. So if you don’t have much driver knowledge, you can use a driver update utility to help you.

Many driver update utilities allow you to update drivers with a few clicks. You just need to find a trustworthy one.

If you’re not sure which driver update utility is good to use, you can use Driver Easy. Download and install the latest version of the program, and update the graphics card driver now.

Method 4: Roll back graphics card drivers

If the error occurs after you update the graphics card drivers, the cause can be the new drivers. If that’s your case, you can roll back the graphics card drivers to fix the problem.

Here’s how to do it:

1) On your keyboard, press Win+R (the Windows logo key and the R key) to invoke the Run box.

2) Type ‘devmgmt.msc’ into the Run box and click OK to open Device Manager.

open device manager

 open properties window

4) Select the Driver tab and click on Roll Back driver, then follow the on-screen instructions to roll back the driver.

roll back driver

5) Click OK to save the changes and then close the window.

6) Play the game and check to see if the error persists.

Hopefully you find this article helpful. If you have any questions, ideas or suggestions, feel free to leave a comment below.

17 авг. 2018 в 12:32 The game keeps crashing randomly. I haven;t been able to get past the first expedition. One run I killed 2 jaguars and a ku ku thing before it crashed. It's very frustrating. I'm running a 7559 Dell laptop, 960m GTX and driver is 398.98 and was wondering if anyone has managed to fix it? Game is basically unplayable until then. 17 авг. 2018 в 12:37 Are your GPU temps under 80C while playing the expedition? 17 авг. 2018 в 14:04 Are your GPU temps under 80C while playing the expedition?
I heard about that. I'm downloading a monitor program to check if that's the case.
If it is, how do I keep my laptop cooled? I already play with a cooling pad under it (a moderate one) and turn on the AC in my room :/ 17 авг. 2018 в 14:17

If it is indeed temps causing your GPU to throttle and then crash, and you already have a pad to bring the temps down, the other option in my mind is for you to make your GPU work less (e.g. setting frame limiter to a set value, turning down graphics settings, anything to make your GPU work less and produce less heat).

With laptops if you have a can of compressed air, I would use that to blow all the dust it can out of the machine. Dust really kills cooling efficiency. When I gamed on a laptop I did this at least once a month, as it would collect massive amounts because of all the air being moved while gaming.

17 авг. 2018 в 15:10 So I just checked and upon crashing it was around 60C 17 авг. 2018 в 16:27

60C at it’s max? That’s pretty good for a laptop setup.

Next though, I would suggest trying a clean install of your GPU drivers using a utility called Display Driver Utility (DDU). I’m on my phone right now and so getting a link is kind of iffy, but if you google it there are plenty of pages explaining its use.

Laptops can be interesting in the fact that even though they claim a 970m is installed, it may not be the same 970m in terms of the way it is hooked to the motherboard as the next 970m, and so I would suggest installing the drivers provided by your Laptop Manufacturer on their website first, as they are the only ones specifically tailored to your laptop setup. Now, this doesn’t mean that newer drivers are incompatible, but moreso that the Dell drivers will have the highest compatibility/stability with your laptop.

Though, if those drivers provided on Dell’s webpage are really old, then I would suggest installing the 398.36 drivers, as some have said this release worked better with their gpu’s than the game-ready drivers.

Sorry to drone on, but I would also suggest looking at your CPU temps, as throttling due to heat can cause the same issue. The reason I keep on the temps idea is that it seems that the crashes happen under heavy load only, which points to the hardware either being overheated/overworked, or faulty drivers not behaving correctly when certain processes have to execute, such as managing the texture cache on the GPU if the VRAM is full.

So basically, i played for 2hours straight at high settings.

All of a sudden, the game started crashing giving me

"Fatal Error
Err12 : Graphic device crashed"

I tried to set the game on the lowest settings possible, still crashes.
Tried to update my drivers(which i did the very morning of the release date, no new update found), tried to verify the game folders, nothing changes.

i've got a Nvidea GeForce 1060 3VRAM, I5 7600K 3.80GHz, Asus Strix Z270F motherboard, 16GB RAM.

If anyone has a fix to this, it would be very much welcome since i'm kind of mad that i paid €70 for a game that doesnt work( i've played 3hours as well so i can't ask my money back :c )

9 авг. 2018 в 18:04

Same issue after trying the same fixes. Would love to see this fixed.

Can't even get into the game. Every time I press "Start Game" it starts the cutscene but at somepoint through the cutscene it crashes. I basically have your specs and Can You Run It says I surpass the recommended specs.

9 авг. 2018 в 18:14

I had the same issue, only it always crashed right after the camera moves away from the flag when starting a new game.

It was fixed by updating my windows (8). You guys tried that?

9 авг. 2018 в 18:15 Same here my game crash alsou at the Cutscene but i dont know why woud me nice wen there is a way to fix it 9 авг. 2018 в 21:29 random crash with this error, at first it is the cutscene, after i got through first 2 missions, it crashed again in the world map. 9 авг. 2018 в 23:50 Same issues as above, and tried the same fixes.. After the flag sequence, the camera moves down the stairs, and freezes on a bar maiden. rx570 8gb, fx 8350, Windows 7
10 авг. 2018 в 1:16

Crash happens at: After flag animation and walking animation. Scene where one man is sitting and a girl is standing. after that err 12.

GPU: rx 570 4gb
Driver version: 18.5.1/18.8.1 (tested on both drivers)
OS: win 10
PROCE: i7 6700

10 авг. 2018 в 1:27 10 авг. 2018 в 1:28 10 авг. 2018 в 1:28

Had this happen once so far. AMD Fx8320, R9 390, Win 10. Giant dinosaur in the first area jumped/crashed into the river where I was when it froze and crashed with that error.

Drivers up to date.

10 авг. 2018 в 8:20 Me too 1080 gtx ti 11gb
Max preset
Vsync : off
frame limit : off
Température : 80° 10 авг. 2018 в 13:00 I have also been having the same "ERR 12: Graphics device crashed" problem during the beginning cutscenes. Can't even get past the tutorial. My computer specs are far past the minimum and I have the game in windowed mode, 30 fps, lowest possible graphics, updated drivers but still can't even play the game. Hope they fix this soon :/ 10 авг. 2018 в 13:26

I literally can’t get past the starting menu. As soon as it threatens to play the opening cutscene, it instantly crashes with the Err12: Graphics Device Crashed.

What’s worse is that I just built a brand new computer mainly to play this game.

I5 8600k
Gtx 1070
Asus ROG strix Z370 mobo
16gb DDR4 ram at 3000mhz

I must have tried every. single. solution posted on multiple forums and not a single thing has worked. Update gfx drivers, reinstall gfx drivers, roll back drivers to 398.36. Turn down settings to minimum, run as admin, run in borderless windowed. NOTHING works!

I swear I’m about to start smashing things, cos I have waited months for this to come out and have now spent the better part of 2 days (that I booked off work) bashing my head against a wall.

PLEASE tell me they are working on a fix for this and that it releases soon :(

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