Кто такие ассасины в мортал комбат

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

Assassin Jade is an amazing addition to any team, especially on defense. Her ability to evade is even stronger than Jason Voorhees/Nightmare as she can not only dodge special attacks but also combo enders, making her a bigger threat to tempted foes. Players can avoid the risk by playing cautiously, intentionally missing combo enders and building up enough power for an X-Ray or Fatal Blow Attack, which she can't evade. After evasion, she will launch an unblockable counterattack that cripples the current opponent, temporarily stalling them from using specials. Note that it does not disable X-Ray attacks, which she's still susceptible to. She can still evade while frozen. Her signature equipment, the Bojutsu Staff, works with her passive and allows her to gain a permanent and stackable attack boost after an enemy attack misses, which makes Jade as deadly on offense as she is on defense.

Unlike Jason Voorhees/Relentless, who provides offensive support, Jade instead offers utility support, by reducing the tag cooldown for faster tagging. This makes her great with characters that have tag attacks or effects and also with Jade herself, who possesses both a tag-in and tag-out attack. Note that her tag-out attack cannot KO the enemy.

As tag cooldown is reduced, she and her team can greatly benefit from the talent "Spec Ops Tactics", which allow teammates who tag in gain increased power generation, allowing Jade and her teammates to gain power faster for a quick special attack.

After Update 2.0 however, Jade is no longer able to reduce tag cooldown. Instead, she is able to share her evasion with other Assassin teammates, making them a bigger hassle to deal with. Kitana/Assassin and Skarlet/Assassin cannot counterattack themselves however, only coming back in after evading. Jade's counterattack can also be upgraded to deal really heavy damage, encouraging players to be more cautious when facing against her.


Here are Jade's abilities.

Assassins do 10% more damage versus Circle of Shadow.


Please note that battles are highly situational: this section only mentions cards that have mechanics that, for any reason, are particularly effective with/against, or particularly ineffective against Skarlet. Having a card that "counters" Skarlet does not mean it is always a good choice.

Good With

  • Any characters that can inflict Bleed. : Skarlet's stolen power from bleeding enemies also added to her teammates. & Reptile/Noxious: Both of these characters increase damage of Bleed DOT.
  • Bojutsu Staff, Killer Wasp, Kintaro's Tiger's Eye, Razor Sai, Sacrificial Knife, Shaolin Bow & Bloodsucker equipments: All these equipments have damage boost against opponents affected by Bleed (if maxed), which let Skarlet hit much stronger. Additionally, Bloodsucker equipment makes Skarlet heal by attacking Bleeding enemies.

Good Against

Countered By

    : They reduce chance to evade combo-enders and special attacks she get from Jade/Assassin by 10%. , Kitana/Ronin, Katana & Champion's Nunchaku: All of these characters and the equipment pieces deal more damage versus Outworld cards, which include Skarlet. & Kitana/Day of the Dead: These cards are immune to bleed. : She and fellow MK11 teammates can heal from Skarlet's bleed. : Liu Kang gains a critical chance boost from Skarlet's bleed. : Mileena will immediately get a bar of power from Skarlet's bleed at the start of the match, and throughout the match from Skarlet's SP1 and Fatal Blow attack or if she is equipped with her signature equipment Vial of Infinite Blood. : He can reverse the effects of bleed and power drain, which turns off the aspect of Skarlet's power steal from a bleeding enemy. : Raiden and fellow MK11 teammates are immune to Skarlet's power steal.
  • Champion's Leather Bracers: This equipment gives the wearer a chance of immunity to Lethal Blow.


В данной статье мы детально рассмотрим Скарлет Ассасин из Mortal Kombat Mobile.

Скарлет Ассасин появилась в обновлении 2.4.0. Получить её можно только из одноимённого набора «Скарлет Ассасин».


10 000 ДУШ + 1 666 000 ЗОЛОТА

Пассивная способность: Кровопускательница

В начале битвы Скарлет накладывает кровотечение н всех противников, которое длится 15 секунд. Когда Скарлет активна, каждую секунду она похищает 1,66% силы противника с кровотечением. Все ассасины имеют 30% вероятности провести смертельный удар противникам, чьё здоровье ниже 50%.

Ассасины наносят на 10% больше урона против персонажей Круга тени.

Джейд даст вероятность уклониться от атак противника.

Также отличным напарником для Скарлет Ассасин станет любой персонаж, накладывающий кровотечение на врага. Это Милина Вампирша, Классическая Милина, Коталь Кан Тёмный Властлин, Китана Ронин, Сайракс, Скорпион Порождение Ада, Неудержимый Джейсон и Джейсон Слэшер или Скорпион MK11. Но в первую очередь рекомендуется поставить в отряд Хищную Милину, которая увеличивает урон от кровотечения. Также интересной пассивкой обладает Карающий Барака, которая наносит кровотечение с суммирующимся уроном.

Не стоит забывать о персонажах, усиляющих класс, к которому принадлежит Скарлет, а именно Внешний мир. Рептилия Ловкий увеличит здоровье на 30%, а Коталь Кан Бог Солнца даст те же 30% к атаке. Китана Скорбная накинет 1 очко силы в начале боя представителям Внешнего мира. Так же подойдет Китана День Мертвых, с помощью своей пассивки будет восстанавливать здоровье всех представителей внешнего мира.

Ну и всех ассасинов Скарлет также будет видеть в своей команде, поскольку даёт им 30% вероятности провести смертельный удар противникам, чьё здоровье ниже 50%.

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1 500 000 ЗОЛОТА

Support Cards/Equipment

Here are Skarlet's support and equipment cards.

25-35% Unblockable chance on basic attacks.

[Skarlet] Skarlet is healed by Bleed Effects for 50-100% of Bleed damage.

[Fusion Level X] 50% chance to apply Bleed on Combo Ender.

15-35% Critical Hit Chance boost.

10-40% Bleed damage boost.

40-300% Damage boost. Kold War Tower only.

[Skarlet] [Set] If this is equipped alongside Bloodmaster's Iron Curtain, any DIAMOND Skarlet gains 40% chance to perform a Special Combo Ender dealing massive damage. If the last opponent is under 25% health, a Brutality is performed instead of the Special Combo Ender, ending the fight immediately.

[Fusion Level X] DOTs can Critical Hit.

20-50% Max health boost.

Bleed lasts 10-50% longer.

300-1200% Max health boost. Kold War Tower only.

[Skarlet] 15-25% Chance to convert 50% damage to Health on Special Attack 1.

[Skarlet] [Set] If this is equipped alongside Bloodmaster's Bloody Finka, any DIAMOND Skarlet gains 40% chance to perform a Special Combo Ender dealing massive damage. If the last opponent is under 25% health, a Brutality is performed instead of the Special Combo Ender, ending the fight immediately.

[Fusion Level X] Immunity to all DOTs including Dark Magic.


В данном посте мы рассмотрим содержание набора «Ассасин Скарлет» в Mortal Kombat Mobile.

Откройте набор «Ассасин Скарлет» и получите уникальный шанс достать карту алмазного персонажа, включая алмазную «Ассасин Скарлет».

Цена: 400 Душ

10 000 ДУШ + 1 666 000 ЗОЛОТА

Содержит 1 карту персонажа + 2 случайные карты + 3 карты повышения уровня.

Шанс Выпадения:

  • Алмазная Ассасин Скарлет — 4%
  • Алмазная Ассасин Джейд — 3%
  • Алмазная Ассасин Скарлет — 3%

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1 500 000 ЗОЛОТА


Here are Skarlet's abilities.

Assassins do 10% more Damage versus Circle of Shadow.


Skarlet's power steal from Bleeding opponent does not trigger Snare from talent "Weak Attack Points".

Support Cards/Equipment

Here are Jade's support and equipment cards.

15-25% Critical Hit Chance Boost.

[Jade] Every missed attack boosts Jade's attack power by 10-60% .

[Fusion Level X] 25% Damage boost against enemies affected by Bleed or Poison .

25-45% Max health boost.

Opponents affected by Blind have a 30-60% chance to also miss during Special Attacks.

300-1200% Max health boost. Shirai Ryu Tower only.

[Jade] [Set] If this is equipped alongside Edenian Bracelets, any DIAMOND Jade gains a 40% chance to perform a Special Combo Ender dealing massive damage. If the last opponent is under 25% health, a Brutality is performed instead of the Special Combo Ender, ending the fight immediately.

[Fusion Level X] 50% Resistance to all Debuffs .

25-50% Special Attack 2 Damage boost.

20-40% Power generation boost.

75-225% Damage boost. Shirai Ryu Tower only.

150-450% Max health boost. Shirai Ryu Tower only.

[Jade] [Set] If this is equipped alongside Edenian Force Rejection Field, any DIAMOND Jade gains a 40% chance to perform a Special Combo Ender dealing massive damage. If the last opponent is under 25% health, a Brutality is performed instead of the Special Combo Ender, ending the fight immediately.

[Fusion Level X] [Jade] Once per match, Jade avoids death by automatically tagging out before the killing blow. This effect does not trigger if the killing blow is a Brutality.


These stats are the final damage, health, toughness and recovery at level 50, per Fusion rank, with ALL support cards, and without any equipment. With Update 1.18, Fusion 8, 9, and 10 have been added. The Fusion 10 stats are for level 60 characters.


Please note that battles are highly situational: this section only mentions cards that have mechanics that, for any reason, are particularly effective with/against, or particularly ineffective against Jade. Having a card that "counters" Jade does not mean it is always a good choice.

Good with

    : This Faction Wars equipment is perfect Assassin Jade equipment. It inflicts Blind at the start of the match, which really helps Assassin Jade when she has her Bojutsu Staff, as every missed attack from her opponents boosts her attack damage. While equipped with the Shadow Sash, she also takes less damage from X-Rays and Special Attacks that she can't evade by 20%, as well as a 40% unblockable chance reduction. , Sub-Zero/Cryomancer, Kotal Kahn/Sun God & Reptile/Nimble: Jade gains 30% Attack from Scorpion or Kotal Kahn and 30% Health from Sub-Zero or Reptile. : Sonya's ice armor can help Assassin Jade against the opponents as they will try to do special attacks instead of X-Rays first to break their icy shields. Jade benefits well with this as she can evade and still keep the icy shield and deal even more damage against the opponent with her Bojutsu Staff. Kold War Sonya's Passive has been changed so Jade might not work as well teaming up with her now. : Both of these characters can evade special attacks and can be a very big nuisance against opponents. : Jade's fellow Assassin companion. Kitana generates more power for Jade and Jade shares her evasion chances with Kitana. : Jade’s other fellow Assassin companion. Skarlet bleeds and power drains the opponent at the start of a match and shares Lethal Blow Chances with Jade against opponents with less than 50% health and Jade shares her evasion chances with Skarlet. : Because Jade is an Outworld Character, she can regenerate health whenever opponents or teammates are dead or resurrected thanks to Kitana.

Good against

    , Kung Jin/Marksman, Scorpion/Hanzo Hasashi, Raiden/MK11, Shinnok/Vengeful, Goro/Tigrar Fury, Baraka/Scourge & Kano/Black Dragon: She would avoid their Combo Enders, nullifying their damage and deadly effects. , Jax Briggs/Heavy Weapons, Shinnok/Vengeful, Liu Kang/Klassic & Sub-Zero/Klassic: She can evade their deadly Special 2 attacks.

Countered by

    : Jade cannot evade them.
  • Characters who can stun like Johnny Cage/Stunt Double or Liu Kang/Circle of Shadow as Jade cannot evade while she is stunned either.
  • Characters who can inflict damage-over-time effect without special attacks such as Kitana/Assassin, Scorpion/MK11 and Reptile/Klassic. : He deals additional damage to tagged out enemy cards with his crit attacks, that can damage Jade with critical specials. , Kitana/Ronin, Kenshi/Ronin, Combat Shotgun, Katana & Champion's Nunchaku: All of these characters and the equipment pieces deal more damage versus Outworld and Martial Artist cards, which include Jade. Especially, Kitana and Kenshi deal +30% for each Ronin card teamed with them. Kitana has critical chance and together can lower Jade’s health faster with just basic attacks. : Jacqui's Rain Kosplay enables Jacqui to gains Dispel for SP1 and +50% Basic Damage against Outworld characters. Jacqui's Subzero Kosplay allows Jacqui to gains Frostbite for SP1 and Combo Ender and +50% Critical Damage against Outworld characters. And lastly, Jacqui's Reptile Kosplay allows Jacqui to gains Blind and Grapple for SP2 and Poison for Combo Ender and Constant Poison Aura against Martial Arts characters. Jade counts as both Outworld and Martial Arts and hence is countered by Jacqui Briggs' Kosplays. : If Jade blocks attacks against Kano, she will get stunned and vulnerable to any of his attacks. : Kano is immune to Jade's Blind Attacks. : Jade cannot evade Special Attacks or Combo Enders from Kabal or his Black Dragon teammates, rendering her Passive useless. Plus, if Jade knocks out a Black Dragon teammate, she is left vulnerable to Kabal’s Fatal Blow. : If she's tagged out, Scorpion would still be able to pull her in and deal bleed damage. : Despite her allowing Jade to evade, when Tanya uses Special 2, she moves so far back that Jade cannot damage or cripple her. Plus, Tanya can destroy Jade’s Bojutsu Staff, rendering Jade even less of a threat. .


These stats are the final damage, health, toughness and recovery at level 50, per Fusion rank, with ALL support cards, and without any equipment. With Update 1.18, Fusion 8, 9, and 10 have been added. The Fusion 10 stats are for level 60 characters.

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