Kenshi как изменить внешность персонажа

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

29 мая. 2018 в 5:44

You can edit it in the FCS, but I'm not totally sure what the value for variable this represents.

A few steps involved and it's not overly user friendly, but I am a little OCD and the angle I had was annoying me. ^_^

You basically need to have another character with the angle/direction you want so you can just copy and paste the value. I've also noted that the other character should be the same hight (guessing it offsets from the head position?).

So the best way to do this is:

1. Move the character you want to change into a squad by themselves.

2. Move the character you want to copy the portrait angle/direction into another squad by themselves.

3. Save the game and quit.

You'll notice there are a bunch of entries with just "0" and the last one will be the characters name.

5. Open the last "0" entry.

6. Scrolls down the list for Portrait Serial and then copy this value.

8. Save and exit FCS.

You can then just load back up your save and the angle will be changed.

29 мая. 2018 в 7:39 Good for you Wyatt! I had this same issue in my last game. The portrait angle had the head down enough that when I put on a hat, the whole face would be covered. I was annoyed and I found the portrait was auto generated. I started a new game a couple times just to get that right angle. 29 мая. 2018 в 9:45 Nice , is there a clue which portrait serial value is the most correct? 11 сен. 2018 в 11:17

You can edit it in the FCS, but I'm not totally sure what the value for variable this represents.

A few steps involved and it's not overly user friendly, but I am a little OCD and the angle I had was annoying me. ^_^

You basically need to have another character with the angle/direction you want so you can just copy and paste the value. I've also noted that the other character should be the same hight (guessing it offsets from the head position?).

So the best way to do this is:

1. Move the character you want to change into a squad by themselves.

2. Move the character you want to copy the portrait angle/direction into another squad by themselves.

3. Save the game and quit.

You'll notice there are a bunch of entries with just "0" and the last one will be the characters name.

5. Open the last "0" entry.

6. Scrolls down the list for Portrait Serial and then copy this value.

8. Save and exit FCS.

You can then just load back up your save and the angle will be changed.

Пластический хирург (местоположение)

Благодаря пластическому хирургу ему вы сможете придать уникальный вид своему персонажу, изменить имя, но только при определенных условиях. Пластический хирург не спавнится в барах, как многие НПС, у него фиксированная точка местоположения. Найти его можно в башне Воров Шиноби. Безусловно вы можете воспользоваться его услугами, но есть одно но – ваши отношения с Ворами Шиноби должны быть положительными.

Воры Шиноби - где их найти

Вторым нюансом является то, что услуги Пластического хирурга не бесплатные. Цена, которую вы отдадите за изменение своей внешности 200 катов. После оплаты у вас откроется редактор изменения внешности, где на своё усмотрение можете менять внешний облик своего персонажа. Так же можно будет дать новое имя вашему герою. После внесённых изменений достаточно подтвердить их закрыть редактор, можете считать, что пластическая операция прошла успешно J.

По сути, Пластический хирург это такой НПС, который наделён скриптом, открывающим редактор изменения внешности персонажа. Так что если вас не устраивает внешний вид вашего героя или хотите дать ему новое имя, ваш путь в башню Воров Шиноби. Ещё раз напоминаем, чтобы операция состоялась необходимо иметь хорошие отношения с Ворами Шиноби и иметь при себе 200 катов.

Смена внешности

Ребят только начал играть и вопрос возник, возможно ли сменить имя и внешность в игре?

Да, в городах некоторых есть башни такие, там фракция Шиноби, платишь 2000 главарю, становишься членом фракции, в каждой башне есть челик меняющий внешку, ну и иногда в барах они бывают.

Иногда в барах попадается хирург, можно у него сменить внешность

Только в барах крупных городов их нет, как правило они сидят в барах на небольших аванпостах техохотников.
В поселениях Святой Нации их тоже можно не искать, у них нет ни башен воров Шиноби, ни пластических хирургов.

Kenshi как изменить внешность персонажа

Here you can find a simple guide along with an expanding catalog of portraits and their respective serial numbers so you can edit your Characters Potraits to have them face however you would like.



606 уникальных посетителей
17 добавили в избранное

Welcome to the guide! The second one to boot! I've seen some questions start popping up recently on how to change portraits and how to edit them. Here is a Quick Guide on how to do so.
  • Portraits Appearing Blank
  • Portraits Appearing misaligned
  • Potraits having characters partially in the frame

For the above issues, you may find that if you do not care about editing exactly how the portrait looks that you can simply use one of the below solutions to fix the issue and move on.

  • Unequip and Re-equip different armor pieces like hats, masks, and chest armor.
  • Visit a plastic surgeon in-game and change your character's stance, height, muscle mass etc.
  • Double-check any modded armor and see if removing anything resets the character portrait. An issue can arise where a modder updates the mesh and the character portrait gets pushed into an odd position because of this.
  • Save/Exit/Reload the game. Some changes may not apply until this happens.

  • Move the character you want to change into a squad by themselves.
  • Move the character you want to copy the portrait angle/direction into another squad by themselves.
  • Save the game and quit.

  • -1927047424
  • 1013305664 Thank you to MaruWeave for the Image and ID.

Thank you to vagrant for posting this guide and other anonymous users for posting pictures of the portrait looks.

If you would like to add your picture and serial number to the list please leave a comment and a link to your picture so i can add it :)

This is a very good guide.

I've been doing some research when I have time, but I don't think these values are angle calculated values.
And from the range of maximum and minimum values that can be entered in FCS, I don't think it's being used as a number.
I think it's more like a bit flag converted to binary, based on the behavior when changing the value, but I haven't figured out the full rules yet, so I can't make a proper guide yet.

Why no one wrote an comment here? This guide Is amazing. I was looking for something like this for a long time!

It was a major problem for me, to a point I was restarting a new save again, again and again, because the portrait was horrible.

Thank you! Thank you very much!

The one I am using Is this one: 1013305664

But I do plan to have different portraits for different squads. For example, heavy armor troops will have one. Workers will have another. It will be awesome, something that fits them of course.
I wish I had an old save where my character was looking directly to the camera, dam, It was awesome. He was wearing that ashland hat, quite amazing. I would totally see the number of that portrait If I had :D

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