Как вылечить укус пчелы в энимал кроссинг

Обновлено: 09.05.2024







Regional names

Pavé ( ベルリーナ, Berurīna ? , Berlina) is a peacock character who appears in City Folk, New Leaf and New Horizons. His name may originate from the word pavão, which is Portuguese for peacock. He appears on the day of Festivale's as its special character.

He is featured on the cover of K.K. Samba.

Пожертвование в музей

В Animal Crossing

Blathers will comment on your donation as follows:

"Why, I'd imagine it took more than a bit of skill and daring to catch bees! You've got 'moxie,' as I believe they say. I'm certain you must have been stung numerous times. How terribly painful that must have been, eh wot? Incidentally, do you know how some honeybees protect their hives when attacked by giant wasps? The giant wasps can't survive heats above 113 degrees, but the honeybees can live at heats up to 122 degrees. The canny honeybees use this nine-degree difference to their fullest advantage, wot! When the wasps arrive, the bees attack them en masse. A single wasp may be swarmed by up to 500 bees! Now this is truly amazing. The bees then begin to vibrate, creating a veritable cocoon of suffocating heat. Do you see the genius at work here? This swarming is but a feverish defense against the giant wasps' weakness. The temperature? Hoo hoo! Lo and behold, 120 degrees! Just below the bees own threshold of survival! In this incredible fashion, the honeybees literally lay their lives on the line to protect the hive! Stupendous! To be honest, I learned that from a wee documentary I saw on the telly! Of course, incredible feats can only go so far. When all is said and done, they're still insects, and still ghastly!"

В Wild World

Blathers will comment on your donation as follows:

"I once thought that its stinger was a bee's lone defense, but. . I've recently heard that they also possess terribly repulsive breath! Of course, the gent who told me this was a bit of a rabid liar, but still! I would heartily endorse the following action if you see another: FLEE LIKE MAD! Stingers and bad breath, honestly! What monstrous little beasties. "

В Let's Go to the City

Blathers will comment on your donation as follows:

"It can be quite dangerous to receive a large dose of bee venom-- for example, by being stung. That said, did you know that same substance is actually used in some women's perfumes? Indeed! A potent venom and a potent perfume. Which do you suppose is more devastating, wot?"

The bee can be found buzzing about on the highest tier of the bug room, among the trees.

В New Leaf

In New Leaf, an information board in the bug exhibit will list information about this bug.

"Bees are prone to attacking anyone who comes too close to their hive, so be careful when approaching! The yellow and black you see on their bodies are colors often used to convey danger. This danger is pretty significant, as many varieties of bees are capable of stinging multiple times."

The bee can be found flying from tree to tree along the back wall of the museum's bug exhibit. It will occasionally leave the tree and fly around for a bit before returning to its hive.

В New Horizons

In New Horizons, upon donation or selecting "Tell me more about this!", Blathers the curator will say (with abhorrence):

"Hoo! Allow me to share a fact with you! Wasps are sometimes called "meat bees" because. They. Eat. MEAT! MEAT! Of almost any sort! Surely you've seen what a menace they make of themselves at picnics. 'Tis hardly the worst of it, wot wot! Aggressive predators with venomous stingers, wasps not only hunt and eat other insects. they paralyze their prey, then drag their victims home ALIVE, leaving them for their larva to feed upon. Suddenly a simple sting seems quite tolerable."

The wasp can be found just above the main entrance to the museum's insect exhibits. Its nest hangs from a tree to the right of the Цитаты после ловли

Как вылечить укус пчелы в энимал кроссинг

Оса ( ハチ , Хачи ? , Оса) (Пчела до New Horizons) is a "harmful" Animal Crossing. Though wasps appear in large numbers, they can only be caught in singular form, like New Leaf, beehives can appear in any trees including fruit trees, whereas in previous games only regular non-fruit trees can hold them.

In New Leaf, beehives can be picked up and sold for 500 Bells . In New Horizons, the wasp nest's value has decreased to 300 Bells, but it can be used in a DIY recipe with 3 medicine .


Pavé is a peacock of a green, yellow, purple, and turquoise coloration. He wears a rainbow choker, white dance clothes with colorful details, and black dance shoes.

In City Folk and New Leaf

Candy in City Folk and feathers in New Leaf are won during the event of Festivale, and can be supplied to Pavé depending on the color that he requests. This will result in Pavé giving the player furniture from the Pavé Series. Candy can be received from buying it in Tom Nook's stores, from town villagers giving up their candy to the player, or from the Halloween and Bunny Day events, while feathers in New Leaf can be received by catching them with a net on the day of the Festivale.

After the Welcome Amiibo update, when visiting Pavé's Camper Van the description will read:

While he's camping, Pavé can finally drop the act and relax completely. Just kidding - he's even more Pavé than ever. Viva Festivale!'

New Horizons

Pavé appeared in the Festivale event in New Horizons, where red, green, blue, purple, and rainbow feathers floated around town. Players could catch these feathers in their bug net similar to previous Festivale events, and could give three of each color to Pavé for a random Festivale item matching the color of the feathers. Giving Pavé one rainbow feather would also let the player obtain a random Festivale item in a rainbow color, and also could be used to customize the color of Festivale items. Rainbow feathers can also be crafted by the player using a DIY provided by Pavé himself, using one of each color feather, sans rainbow. At certain points, Pavé would ask the player to bring him three rainbow feathers in exchange for a Festivale float. At this time, players cannot trade any other feathers to Pavé.

Как вылечить укус пчелы в энимал кроссинг

Sky Hawk

Sky Hawk

Нужно либо быстро забежать в любое здание, либо поймать пчелу сачком.

Дуся Зайцева

Дуся Зайцева ответила Sky

Евдокия, держите сачок в руках, трясите дерево, и как только падает улей, сразу ловите. за пчелу с ульем дают 3 тысячи )

Как вылечить укус осы

Если вы поговорите с Томми Нуком, когда он бродит по острову, он может случайным образом рассказать вам один из многих способов вылечить укус осы.

Tommy Nook from Animal Crossing: New Horizons explaining wasp sting cures

Изображение: Nintendo EPD / Nintendo через Polygon

Если вас ужалили, вы можете обратиться в Службу резидентства и попросить Nooks продать вам необходимое лекарство.

Если вам не хочется тратить с трудом заработанные колокола или вы не находитесь рядом со Службой резидентства, вы также можете поговорить со своими односельчанами . Один из них может предложить вам рецепт DIY, чтобы вы могли изготовить столько, сколько захотите, в качестве запасного варианта на случай, если вас снова укусят.

К счастью, у осы нет серьезных недостатков (если не считать свой внешний вид). Однако, если вас снова ужалили, когда вы уже ужалили и показываете это, вы можете потерять сознание. Так что будьте осторожны.

Как не укусить ос

Если вы уверены, что собираетесь встряхнуть несколько деревьев, чтобы получить побольше веток или поискать неуловимых мешочков, всегда берите с собой сеть .

Если вы будете достаточно быстры, вы сможете поймать выпавших из гнезда ос прежде, чем они успеют вас ужалить. С вашей сетью встряхните дерево, и, если гнездо упадет, в тот момент, когда осы вылезут наружу, замахните на них сетью, и вы схватите их, прежде чем они нападут.

Ловля ос будет важным навыком, который нужно освоить, особенно если вы хотите заполнить фигурку жука в вашем музее.


A player takes advantage of the slow turning speed of a bee to catch it.

Wasps, once agitated, will chase the player until the player catches them with a New Leaf, saves and continues. Wasps follow the player and travel faster than running speed, however they are fairly slow to turn which can be used to the advantage of the player. In most games, a simple 5-second run from the tree, net equip, and net swing into the swarm is sufficient to catch them if the timing is right. In New Leaf, it is possible to hit the beehive with the net and catch the bee before they can swarm.

If the wasps catch and sting the player, the house , much like with scorpion or medicine ; in New Horizons, the player will instead receive the DIY recipe card for medicine from a villager the first time they speak to one while stung. If the player tries to talk to a villager while the wasps are still in pursuit, the villager will make a frightened comment about the approaching swarm. This trait is shared with scorpions and tarantulas.

Как вылечить укус пчелы в энимал кроссинг

Бывает, но не волнуйтесь!

A villager with a bee sting in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Изображение: Nintendo EPD / Nintendo через Polygon

Ваш прекрасный отдых на острове в Animal Crossing: New Horizons on Switch станет очаровательным и веселым приключением на долгие месяцы. Однако ваше время в раю не обойдется без очень небольшой опасности.

Встряхивая деревья в поисках новых веток или других вкусностей, вы можете наткнуться на одного из самых опасных жителей острова: ос .

Время от времени, когда вы встряхиваете дерево в Animal Crossing, оно может упасть на осиное гнездо прямо перед вашим жителем. Если не действовать быстро, осы нападут, оставив неприятный укус на вашем лице.

К счастью, повреждения не постоянные, и в Animal Crossing : New Horizons есть несколько способов вылечить укус осы. В этом руководстве мы расскажем вам все разные способы вернуть свое лицо в нормальное состояние, а также мы покажем вам, как защитить себя от ос (которые также выглядят как пчелы, если вы спросите нас).



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