Как выключить tcl fallout 4

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Как выключить tcl fallout 4

вулючил tcl что бы пройти через двери переместился ввел консольные команды что бы лидия переместилась ко мне а tcl не выключил потом пытался его выключить а он не выключается

Попробуйте открыть консоль и убрать ID (номер) Лидии в центре экрана. Нужно кликнуть на удаленное пространство, чтобы этот номер исчез. Или введите prid 14 и tcl .

Народ чё делать включил tcl пытаюсь выключить но не получается

Все отключил перезапустил Скайрим

Как выключить tcl fallout 4

Сразу отмечу, что я стараюсь играть без кодов, ибо знаю, что найдутся умники, которые захотят выпендрится мол "фу, так же не интересно!". Коды я использую или если баги, или если захотела пофаниться (убить всех, полетать над Скайримом и.т.д), и в крайнем случае если все задолбало окончательно (что бывается довольно редко).

В чем заключается моя проблема? Вышеуказанный код не работает. Это мне мешало в некоторых ситуациях, когда появлялись баги (неубираемый валун на пути и.т.д). Как можно решить эту проблему?

Как выключить tcl fallout 4

Fallout 4

18 ноя. 2018 в 9:32 Could some one give step by step instruction how do this ? 18 ноя. 2018 в 9:36 TFC (Toggle Free Cam)
TFC1 (Toggle Free Came but freezes time in game)
Edit: SUCSM 1-5 changes the speed of the camera. 1 being the slowest and 5 being the fastest. It can go above 5 tho. 18 ноя. 2018 в 9:48

left to the 1 on American English keyboards i think, or ö on German Keyboards)
Type tcl
Close the Conole
You should now be able to go through walls. Repeat for turning clipping back on.

18 ноя. 2018 в 9:55 Sometimes the 'tcl' [toggle collision] command quits working for me in the console and I have had to restart (reload) the game to restore it. 18 ноя. 2018 в 10:08 the tcl Command dont work if you have something marked in the Console (showed as a Number on top of the console, an NPC for example). Then you first have to click in the Window above the Console to unselect this. 18 ноя. 2018 в 10:27 TFC (Toggle Free Cam)
TFC1 (Toggle Free Came but freezes time in game)
Edit: SUCSM 1-5 changes the speed of the camera. 1 being the slowest and 5 being the fastest. It can go above 5 tho.

That is not noclip.

18 ноя. 2018 в 11:02 the tcl Command dont work if you have something marked in the Console (showed as a Number on top of the console, an NPC for example). Then you first have to click in the Window above the Console to unselect this.
Thanks. I'm not sure what that means but I will look more carefully if and when this happens to me again. 18 ноя. 2018 в 13:22 TFC (Toggle Free Cam)
TFC1 (Toggle Free Came but freezes time in game)
Edit: SUCSM 1-5 changes the speed of the camera. 1 being the slowest and 5 being the fastest. It can go above 5 tho.

That is not noclip. Yes it is lol.

18 ноя. 2018 в 14:26

That is not noclip.

Yes it is lol.
No, It isn't. NOCLIP allows the player to traverse through solid objects. All you're doing is telling people how to reposition the camera.

Last I checked, A camera is not the player.

18 ноя. 2018 в 14:27

No, It isn't. NOCLIP allows the player to traverse through solid objects. All you're doing is telling people how to reposition the camera.

Last I checked, A camera is not the player. Whatever

18 ноя. 2018 в 14:50

This is the Toggle Collision command.
Repeat to turn it off.

18 ноя. 2018 в 15:27

This is the Toggle Collision command.
Repeat to turn it off.

IT works all the time, Just not when there's a reference ID selected. 18 ноя. 2018 в 15:51

Console users should always be aware of exactly what ID is referenced when using the console. There's no harmful result when using the TCL command other than it just failing to work but people have broken their game with other commands such as Disable or MarkForDelete by thinking they have a useless object targeted when in fact it is Piper or Danse's ID being referenced because that's who they just interacted with ingame.

Admittedly deleting Piper is fun and everyone should try it at least once.

19 ноя. 2018 в 9:48 the tcl Command dont work if you have something marked in the Console (showed as a Number on top of the console, an NPC for example). Then you first have to click in the Window above the Console to unselect this.

Thanks again for pointing this out. I just forgot how the console works :)
On my system the mouse wheel will scroll through previous commands used and any parameters that were used with those commands will display right at the top border of the console window just like you said. I can use the mouse wheel to remove the selection numbers or I can click repeatedly anywhere on the screen for the same effect.

On a similar subject, 'pcb' [purge cell buffer] is still accepted by the console but does not work to clear the console memory. Do you know if this has any useful effect in Fallout 4?

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