Как участвовать в ралли my summer car

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

can be seen driving on the dirt roads on Saturdays and Sundays between 10:00 and 18:00 when the Peräjärven Suvi-Sprint rally is active. Extreme caution must be taken when travelling on the dirt roads during the weekend as the cars are very fast and can kill you easily.

Rally basics [ ]

The first stage starting area in Peräjärvi.

After paying the entry fee and driving to the starting point, wait for the "Get ready. " text to turn into a countdown and start rolling forward just before it hits 0; this is done to prevent wheelspin from a standing start. Driving past the two red signs before the countdown finishes will add a two minute penalty to the player's time.

The course takes the player from Peräjärvi all the way to the strawberry field in Rykipohja via the local dirt roads. The route must be followed to receive the result at the end. Using the railroad tracks as a shortcut will cause the player to not be able to finish at the end. The race ends once the red signs have been passed and a text appears at the top of the screen saying "Finish!". The first stage result form can be found in the tent just past the finish line, before the turn to the asphalt road. It lists the top 19 times for the first stage.

After the first stage has been finished, drive back to Peräjärvi using the highway by turning right at the end of Rykipohjantie, and drive to the parc fermé area (the schoolyard). Park the car and leave it in the yard overnight, and come back on Sunday between 10:00 and 18:00. Start the car and drive it all the way back to Rykipohja, this is the starting point for the second stage.

Fleetari should be sitting in the rally result tent; use the registration form to sign up for the second stage. The second stage is the same route as the first stage, but in reverse. Drive to the starting point once again, do another rolling start, and race the car back to Peräjärvi.

The rally supervisor's tent, featuring rally supervisor

The rally results form can now be found in a tent inside the parc fermé area, it will list the total time of both stages for the top 19 drivers. The weekly sprint races are now over, and the player must wait another week before participating again.



There are three different rally car models in the game: the Costo, the Orca and the Pollo. Each car has three different liveries it can spawn in, meaning that there is a total of nine rally cars that can spawn.

Prizes [ ]

The three amateur trophies and their differing sizes.

Main article: Trophies

The three junior trophies and their differing sizes.

The player will be awarded with a trophy if they finished in first, second, or third place, as well as some prize money. The Junior and Amateur Cups have different prize pools.

Rally registration form

The rally registration form is a piece of paper that can be found near the school in Peräjärvi before the first stage of the Rally Sprint Race on Saturdays between 10:00 and 18:00, and by the strawberry field in Rykipohja before the seconds stage of the Rally Sprint race on Sundays between 10:00 and 18:00.

The form is used to enter the rally, this is done by clicking the name field once all of the requirements are met. The text on the form is written in Finnish and English.

Achievements [ ]

There are six Steam achievements that can be obtained by finishing the rally in different ways.

Rally Sprint Race

Peräjärven Suvi-Sprint, often simply known as the rally (Peräjärvi Summer-Sprint) is the Rally Sprint race that the Player can join every Saturday between 10:00 and 18:00. The Saturday portion is the first stage of the rally, which takes the player

9.2 kilometres from the end of Peräjärventie near the school in Peräjärvi, all the way to the end of Loppentie near the strawberry field in Rykipohja. The second stage is the same route but in reverse, starting in Rykipohja and ending in Peräjärvi.

After signing the registration form in front of Fleetari at the organiser tent in Peräjärvi and paying the initial 500 mk fee for Junior Cup, the player will need to get in their car and drive it to the starting spot. A unique numbered sticker will appear temporarily on the car doors which is your number for the race.

The player can advance to the Amateur Cup after racing in the Junior Cup a few times, two 1st place podiums will advance the player to Amateur Cup quickly, but other podium places will eventually earn a spot in the higher ranked race. The prize pool is different for the Junior and Amateur Cup, as well as the entry fee.

Cup Entry fee Prize pool 1st place prize Requirements
Junior 500 mk 5,250 mk 2,500 mk None
Amateur 1,000 mk 16,000 mk 8,000 mk Two 1st place podiums in Junior cup, or equivalent points

Penalties [ ]

Certain actions will result in getting time penalties added to the player's total rally time for S1 and S2.

Penalty Cost Description
Late to parc fermé 60s Arrive late to the parc fermé between S1 and S2 of the rally.
Late to start of second stage 60s Arrive late to the start of second stage after leaving parc fermé.
Jump start 120s Cross the starting line before the countdown.

Как участвовать в ралли my summer car

Эта публикация удалена, так как она нарушает рекомендации по поведению и контенту в Steam. Её можете видеть только вы. Если вы уверены, что публикацию удалили по ошибке, свяжитесь со службой поддержки Steam.

Этот предмет несовместим с My Summer Car. Пожалуйста, прочитайте справочную статью, почему этот предмет может не работать в My Summer Car.

Этот предмет виден только вам, администраторам и тем, кто будет отмечен как создатель.

В результатах поиска этот предмет сможете видеть только вы, ваши друзья и администраторы.

Это руководство написано для тех, кто не может пройти ралли.


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Итак, для получения первого места нужно проехать первый этап ралли и сохраниться. Затем открыть MSCEditor и в появившемся окне в левом верхнем углу нажимаем на кнопку "File", после нажимаем на кнопку "Open". После выбираем "defaultES2File". Затем напротив Filter пишем "rallytimeplayer" и нажимаем на него. После меняем значение на 60. Далее опять нажимаем "File", потом "Save". Теперь ждём начало второго этапа, спокойно его проезжаем и получаем 1 место и ачивку.

Для получения второго места нужно проехать также первый этап и изменить своё время на 60. Далее в редакторе сохранений пишем "rallytimes", далее слева от rallytimes будет написано "Dictionary (String, String [100])", мы на него нажимаем ЛКМ и видим таблицу. В первом столбце ищем цифру 1. Напротив цифры 1 в 3 столбце в кавычках будет время. Мы его меняем на 10 и справа появится две кнопки, мы нажимаем на "Set" и время меняется на 10. Теперь напротив цифры 2, в третьем столбце меняем значение на 800 и нажимаем "Set", потом напротив цифры 3 меняем значение на 900 и также нажимаем "Set". После внизу нажимаем "Apply" и сохраняем изменения. После заходим в игру, спокойно проезжаем второй этап и получаем ачивку.

Для получения третьего места достаточно напротив цифры 2 поставить 20 и сохранить изменение.

Parts dealer [ ]

Used parts salesman

The Used car parts dealer will appear at the Parc fermé next to the school. Similar to Leif at his repair shop, the dealer will provide car parts to replace some heavily worn or broken parts for the Satsuma. However, the parts he provides are generally already worn between 50% to 10% of their life (lower being worse). Use this as a last resort to get parts for your engine.

Like Leif, the parts needing replacement must first be removed from the Satsuma, then the replacement part will appear on the tarpaulin to be bought, next to the hooded trailer.

Opponents [ ]

Your racing opponents are never shown in the game (the Rally cars driving on the track are professional drivers, competing in an entirely different league to you). Each opponent's racing time will be randomly generated according to the following table:

Cup SS1 time SS2 time
Junior 5:55 - 8:10 6:25 - 7:00
Amateur 5:25 - 7:40 5:55 - 6:30

Мод Станция подготовки к ралли (RPS) (Rally Preparation Station (RPS)


Мод Станция подготовки к ралли (RPS) (Rally Preparation Station (RPS)

Добавляет палатку рядом с каждым этапом ралли, которая поставляется с индивидуальным подъемником и несколькими столами, которые должны хранить ваши инструменты, запасные и новые детали в одном месте, а не разбросаны по сторонам. А с подъемником работать эффективнее и быстрее.

Вы можете купить каждую палатку за 10 000 мк, так как ралли - это скорее финальное мероприятие, думаю цена подходящая.

распакуйте содержимое архива в папку Mod, которую вы выбрали для установки модов в MSC mod Loader

Requirements [ ]

The rally registration form lists five (six for experimental branch) requirements for entering the rally:

Satsuma requirements [ ]

To be able to take part, the Satsuma must have the following modifications to be rally legal:

    via fire extinguisher holder ("roll bars") ("4-point harness") – requires driver bucket seat
  • EURopeiska Rally, Gommer Gobra or Standard tires
  • Inspected by Lindell inspection shop

The player must be wearing the helmet when signing up, though after the rally starts this may be removed for better visibility and better chance of dying instantly. Additionally, the player must also not be drunk whilst signing up.

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