Как сделать бинго в майнкрафте

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

I have made a Python 3 script and a datapack skeleton allowing you to generate a simple Bingo board.
The generator includes items from Minecraft 1.16.4 split into multiple categories allowing you to customize your game.

  • default (Most items from overworld obtainable in low to medium amount of time)
  • silktouch (Items requiring silktouch tool to obtain)
  • nether (Items requiring to enter the nether - mostly, some are at ruined portals etc.)
  • end (Items requiring to enter the end, some of them killing the dragon and going to end cities)
  • rare (Ultra rare items - music disks and chain armor)
  • oceanMonument (Items mostly from underwater monuments)

You can play with this datapack in singleplayer or multiplayer.
Feel free to redistribute or modify the datapack (or update it for future versions), just don't forget to mention the source.
Also recording or streaming with this datapack is encouraged, just tag this post so others can find it.


Minecraft BINGO был создан доктором Брайаном Лоргон111. Он сделал оригинальные версии. Его твиттер можно найти здесь.
Его оригинальную версию Бинго можно найти на его веб-сайте здесь.

Эти новые версии, найденные здесь (для minecraft 1.16-1.17+), были сделаны с нуля мной самим с разрешения Брайана.


These rules (and goal descriptions) represent the recommended way to play Minecraft Bingo, however if you play alone or everyone in the race agrees, then use whatever rules you want!

You can export the current sheet as JSON for use in other tools such as Bingosync.

Minecraft Bingo

Use this seed to create a new world in Minecraft. Remember to adjust ingame settings such as difficulty if necessary.

If you've been linked this page for a race, you are not allowed to change the seed/goals. See the full rules below.

The table is currently hidden, you may show it when the Bingo starts (unless otherwise agreed upon by the players).

Как Установить

Есть 2 различных способа, которыми вы можете скачать и играть в Майнкрафт Бинго.

1) Во-первых, это собственный пакет данных. Затем вы можете добавить это в новый мир minecraft. Более подробную информацию об этом смотрите ниже:

Особенности игры

Существует пул из 83 предметов, которые могут появиться на карточке Бинго.

Поддерживается любое количество игроков. Есть 4 цвета команды, из которых можно выбрать один. В лобби есть возможность рандомизировать или очистить команды.

Пользовательский Мир
В Бинго играют в пользовательском мире, с 4 изменениями в мире по умолчанию.:

  • Биомы надземного мира были настроены и уменьшены в размерах. Некоторые биомы, такие как Березовый лес, были полностью удалены. Это означает, что вам не нужно часами путешествовать, чтобы найти Джунгли или Болото; большинство биомов будет поблизости.
  • Частота подземелий увеличивается, так что у всех игроков есть хорошие шансы найти подземелье во время обрушения.
  • Капли гранита, диорита и андезита были изменены таким образом, чтобы вместо них падал булыжник. Это должно помочь в управлении запасами и уменьшить беспорядок.
  • Заброшенные шахтные стволы отключены, так что поиск биома Бесплодных земель не дает огромного преимущества, основанного на удаче на местности.

Advancement Bingo

A few weeks back, Twitch Rivals ran a Minecraft Bingo challenge, where different four-player teams competed to get the most lines on an Advancement Bingo scorecard as quickly as possible. I ended up playing a few rounds myself, but tabbing back and forth between the scorecard and the game was a pain and there was no easy way to keep track of your score.

So I made a data pack to do all that in the game instead.

Advancement Bingo v1.0 for 1.16+

Advancement Bingo is a game mode where you have 4 hours to complete as many bingo lines on the Advancements tab as you can. It's a mix of speedrunning, strategy, and pure luck depending on the seed you get - and it's fun as hell. Play by yourself or with a group of people on a server (advancements sync up with everyone else online) and try to get the lowest score after 4 hours that you can.

Get the lowest score you can

Once you start moving, you have 4 hours to get as many lines on the Advancement Bingo scoreboard as you can. That's right - individual advancements don't do anything, you only get points when you complete a row, column, or one of the two diagonals.
If you're playing on a single player world, you can pause the timer by opening the Advancements tab or opening the menu. This gives you 4 hours of in-game time to play, but you can open to LAN or host it on a server to make it 4 hours of real-world time.
Every time you get a line, the time remaining is subtracted from your total score, so a low score is better. At the end of the 4 hours (or if you somehow finish the whole board in less than 4 hours), you'll get a message in the chat with your score.

Post your score!

Let me know how you did! Drop a comment here with your score, the seed you played on, and how many people you played so you can compare your score with anyone else you played.

There's just one bingo card at the moment with completely vanilla advancements, but if people like this one I'll put some more together with other vanilla advancements (and maybe some custom advancements down the line).

I'd recommend playing with a mod that increases the size of the Advancements window (like Better Advancements or Advancements Enlarger), and I play with Optifine (for dynamic lighting and just generally improving performance) and some resource packs from Vanilla Tweaks. But hey, you do you.

Load the data pack

Open up the data pack folder for your new world, drag and drop AdvancementBingo_v1.0.zip in and go back to your game. Use /reload the reload everything, and you should get all the starting information. Press "L" to open your advancements and look at the bingo scoreboard, and start moving to start the game!

How to Play

The objective is to get a "Bingo" as quickly as possible by completing the goals in five squares in a line horizontally, vertically or diagonally.

  • Items: Goals written as just Item names (such as "Iron Block" or "Milk Bucket") require you to get that item and have it in your Inventory at the end of the game. If you lose the item by completing the Bingo by dying (e.g. "Kill yourself with an Ender Pearl" as the last goal) you do not need to recollect the item.
  • Actions: If the goal describes an action (for example "Tame a Wolf"), the goal is completed once you Tame the Wolf. It doesn't matter what happens to the Wolf after.
  • Builds: For goals which ask you to place something in the Minecraft world (like "Build a 2x2x2 leaf cube"), you must make sure that the build does not get destroyed for the duration of the Bingo. You don't have to show the build at the end, so if you didn't see it get destroyed it counts.
  • Stats: Goals which list stats (such as "Crouch a distance of 50 meters") make use of the Statistics screen in the Minecraft pause menu. You need to ensure that stat shows the given amount (or greater). The Statistics screen often updates slowly, so leave some time between checking it when you're trying to complete a goal.

Tip: You can click on the squares to change their colour which is useful for planning or to mark off completed goals. Use the colour slider in the Options menu to choose how many colours you want to use. You can also hover over the square and press (1-6) to select a colour or (0/q) to remove the colour! Distinct symbols on the squares for each colour can be toggled in the Options menu.

Tip: Hover over a "?" to get more information about that goal.

Creating the World

Create a new world in Minecraft and use Copy as the Seed (this is the same random seed used to generate this sheet). Load the world so that it can generate but don't move until you're ready. Pause the game to make sure time of day doesn't change or you get attacked. When you're ready, reveal the sheet if it's hidden and start playing!

Note: Third-party applications or mods (for example Optifine, MCEdit or online Seed Maps) are not allowed.

Playing with Others

If you're racing together with other players, generate a Bingo sheet and then link it to them so that everyone has the same goals. You can hide the table in the Options menu before generating the seed so that everyone can reveal the sheet when you start. Make sure everyone uses the same Seed for the world too!

How to play Advancement Bingo

Start a new world

Make sure you have Cheats On (so you can reload the pack) and Generate Structures on (so it's not boring). Don't move from the spawn point.

I normally play on a random seed to keep things fresh, but you can play with set seeds as well (I'd recommend playing on AdvancementBingo if you want to compare scores). If you're on a random seed, this gives you a chance to take a look around and make sure the seed doesn't suck. If you wanna start on an island in the middle of nowhere, be my guest though.

MC Bingo

MC Bingo

Бинго-это ванильный режим игры на выживание в Майнкрафт, в котором игрокам нужно исследовать, убивать, добывать и создавать, чтобы заполнить карточку Бинго.

Игровой процесс

Каждый раз, когда вы получаете предмет на карточке, будет воспроизводиться звук, ваш счет будет обновляться, а в чате появится текстовое уведомление.


The various versions of the Bingo are designed for specific versions of Vanilla Minecraft (Java Edition, Bedrock versions have minor differences). Try to match versions whenever possible for the best experience.

To ensure that each created Bingo sheet always stays the same (even if goals are added or modified in the future) a version identifier is encoded into the URL.

You are not using the latest stable version. This may be intended, for example if you want to look at a linked sheet or play on an older version of Minecraft. However, if you want to generate a new Bingo sheet, consider changing version.

You are using an in-development version which may change at any time causing the same link to produce different goals. This is good if you want to make use of the latest updates to goals and Minecraft and for looking at a sheet someone else just linked to you, otherwise consider changing to a stable version.

Варианты игры

Все настройки могут быть изменены в лобби Бинго, которое появляется при запуске функции настройки.

Режимы игры
В Бинго есть множество различных режимов игры. Все эти режимы (за исключением блокировки) включены по умолчанию. Когда условия для каждого режима будут выполнены, в чате появится объявление, и вам будет предложена возможность закончить игру там или продолжить игру.

Автоматическое Завершение
Если вы хотите, чтобы игра автоматически завершалась при выполнении условий для определенного режима (исключая блокировку), вы можете включить это в лобби, в противном случае игра будет проходить в обычном режиме. Это если ВЫКЛЮЧЕНО по умолчанию.

Игровые Конфигурации
Bingo позволяет настраивать игровой процесс с помощью различных предустановленных конфигураций:

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