Как сделать байт зе даст в yba

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

Многие из нас слышали хотя бы раз о таком мультсериале , как ДжоДжо. Это известный по всему миру мультсериал, который считается как аниме. Даже в Роблокс можно найти режим, созданный по мотивам мультфильма.


Killer Queen


"I told you. My Killer Queen can turn anything it touches into a bomb. I turned this 100-yen coin into a bomb. I can push the switch whenever I want, and my opponent is blown to bits from the inside out."


E - Barrage: Killer Queen does a flurry of slow punches. Damage depends on the upgrade of Destructive Power. 1.2 damage at max upgrade.

R - Barrage Finisher: Pressing R will allow you to do a heavy punch dealing good damage and sending your opponent flying back.

T - Primary Bomb: Killer Queen plants a bomb on players, NPCs, and surfaces. Press the key again to detonate the Bomb instead of pressing Y.

Y - Detonate Bomb: If you have a bomb planted, Killer Queen will detonate it. You can now choose which bomb to detonate as of the update on March 29th.

H - Bomb Leap: Killer Queen will put the bomb in the ground. then automatically detonate the bomb and launch the user and Killer Queen to the air, The Bomb also deal 18.6 damage (at max upgrade) if someone near the user when using bomb leap. This is blockable (Note: This only work on the ground, you can't use this on air).

X - Scattered Coin Bombs: The user will throw coins at the enemy and automatically detonate them. Damage depends on the upgrade of Destructive Power. It will deal 1.6 damage at max Destructive Power

C - Sheer Heart Attack: Release Sheer Heart Attack. SHA is indestructible and will track the closest player or hostile NPC until it comes in contact with its target. Upon doing so, SHA will detonate. It will change targets if another player is standing nearby. As of the new update on March 29th, Sheer Heart Attack can be detonated early, but it destroys Sheer Heart Attack and the explosion is blockable. Press the key again to detonate the Bomb instead of pressing Y.

Z - Explosive Coin Throw: The user throws single coin at the enemy. Any player or hostile NPC that comes close to the coin will detonate it, and the coin will despawn. Press the key again to detonate the Bomb instead of pressing Y.

Коды YBA

В режиме есть коды, которые могут дать разные вещи. А именно:

  • Yay251k — дают некоторых бойцов и небольшое количество стрел.
  • Yay242k — вновь ряд бойцов, снаряжение.
  • Yay237k — арсенал и персонажи.
  • EXP2 — дают засекреченный подарок.
  • ThxFor200k — дают подарок.
  • EXP4 — умножают количество полученных навыков в несколько раз, но на 25 минут.
  • EXP3 — дают вновь умножение полученных навыков в несколько раз. Ограниченно временем — 25 минут.

Это лишь небольшой список тех кодов, которые вы можете использовать в игре. На самом деле их гораздо больше и узнать о всех них вы можете на YouTube у русскоязычных блогеров. Однако и эти коды отлично помогают при прохождении режима.


Passive - No one will know my identity - When Killer Queen's final blow to an opponent is an explosion, they will be completely incinerated and vaporized to an atomic level, leaving no trace of their corpse.

LMB - Punch: Does 7.3 damage with maxed destructive power.

RMB- Heavy Punch: Killer Queen does a punch that does knockback or breaks blocks dealing 10 damage.

E - Stand Barrage: Killer Queen releases a flurry of slow punches each dealing 1.2 damage with max destructive power. Around 1.5 charged with Hamon

R - Heavy Punch: Killer Queen does a finisher punch that temporarily stuns the enemy, this move is good for quick follow ups to explosions. Deals 14.6 damage with maxed destructive power.

T - Plant Bomb: A bomb you can plant on any surface, including players. Killer Queen rushes forward and throws a punch that deals 7.3 damage and planting the bomb. This bomb is only visible for a moment, and upon placement almost instantly becomes invisible. This bomb requires manual detonation with the Y Ability, and will do 31.9 damage with max destructive power. This bomb does not despawn unless detonated, Must be placed by hand. The range of the bomb depends on the "Explosive Power" upgrades. Press the key again to detonate the Bomb instead of pressing Y. Placing it on an enemy will cause the explosion to have a slight delay as their body rapidly changes size.

Y - Bomb Detonation: Used to manually detonate whatever bomb was most recently thrown. Also has the benefit of giving that bomb a constant increase of damage, increasing it to 31.9 damage. Manual detonation effects Stray Cat, Coin Bombs, and Plant Bomb.

U - Bites the Dust: When pressing U Killer Queen and it´s user will start doing a pose for about 4 seconds. In the first 2 seconds you will be vulnerable to incoming attacks, and can die. After those 2 seconds everybody that's near you will not be able to move as the user activates "Bites the Dust," dealing 77.7 damage and rewinding time 20 seconds. This move can be used if a SPTW, TW, CD, SP, or any close range power stands tries to get close to you. This has no upgrades and will revert anyone who was exploded back into the position they were in 20 seconds ago. The user also gets sent back to where they were 20 seconds ago, and it heals the user 20% of their max health. This move, like barrages, can be used in hitstun. This move's cooldown is one of the longest in the game, around 3 minutes and 20 seconds. Note that this move can be delayed by a Time Stop. Bites the Dust will not activate when nobody is in the explosion's range.

H - Bomb Leap: Plants a bomb on the ground, sending you flying upwards and forwards and dealing 21.3 damage to anyone nearby. The explosion can be blocked by others and cancelled with attacks like M1s.

Z - Coin Bomb: Throw a single coin on the ground. If the coin comes in contact with the Target, it will blow up. They can act as landmines, or manual bombs. Press Y or Z to manually detonate them. Deals a total of 29.3 Damage. Getting the "Coin collector" upgrades will reduce the cooldown of this attack.

X - Scattered Coin Bombs: The user throws multiple coins like Coin Bomb. However, these explode mid-air and damage people within range, dealing 1.8 each hit similar to a barrage. This can be blocked and cancelled.

G - Stray Cat Bubble Bomb: The stand moves forward quickly and opens up it's chest revealing Stray Cat. Stray Cat releases an air bubble and Killer Queen makes it into a bomb. The bubble has good range and explodes upon impact with a player. However, if it hits a building it passes through it. Press G again to detonate it quickly or hold Y to open up the detonate menu and select the bubble and detonate it. The cooldown for this move can be reduced by getting the Stray Cat Tame skills.

C - Sheer Heart Attack: A mobile indestructible explosive sub-stand. Sheer Heart Attack will track whatever opponent is closest, and can fly. The time it stays out depends on the "Sheer Heart Attack Duration" upgrades. The bomb can scale up GE and GER's Trees. Deals 18 damage without any upgrades and 24 damage with maxed destructive power. Press the key again to detonate the Bomb instead of pressing Y.

The Activation and colorful cutscene during the usage of Bites the Dust. Notice how players must be nearby for its activation to work.

Killer Queen: Bites the Dust


Killer Queen: Bites the Dust, is a stand obtained with a Requiem Arrow used on Killer Queen. This stand belonged to Kira Yoshikage, the main antagonist of Part 4 of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. He attained KQ: BTD after being stabbed by The Arrow the second time. The ability let him attain a 3rd bomb which re-winded time by an hour every time his identity was exposed.

Killer Queen: Bites the Dust is a humanoid cat that emits a purple-black aura. It features a crack on its face signifying the damage it took in Part 4 from Josuke. It also features Stray Cat stowed away in its stomach chamber. Instead of red eyes, it has glowing pink eyes with white pupils.

This Stand is most commonly paired with Hamon thanks to it's easy to use nature and damage increase. Sword-Style and Vampirism do make their appearances from time to time due to Aerial Ace increasing your mobility options and Vampirism's Vaporization Freeze and Space Ripper Stingy Eyes.

Killer Queen: Bites The Dust and it's pre-evolution are a point of controversy within the fanbase. Some people think it's one of the most powerful, spammable Stands in the game while others believe it's flaws are too apparent to make it a viable, consistent pick and the rest are indifferent.

Like it's pre-evolution, Killer Queen: Bites The Dust possesses a unique, offensive niche. All of it's attacks are unparriable and unblockable while ragdolling and Stand Crashing the opponent. Plant Bomb, although both blockable and parriable, will always plant a bomb on the opponent, even if it is parried as long as it connects. Sheer Heart Attack is an indestructible summon that will relentlessly pursue it's target and can even be placed at the beginning of Time Stop to prevent the opponent from getting nearly any damage in. Half of the Stands usually have no choice but to eat the damage if they want to progress the match. Coin Bomb is a powerful disjoint that users have found you can camp in, with more coins being earned in each upgrade. Stray Cat Bubble Bomb will go forwards in a straight trajectory, slowing the opponent down upon contact or detonation. Finally, Bites The Dust deals a lot of damage, restores 20% of the user's HP and, most importantly, can be used during stun.

However, while the Stand has many unique qualities, it has multiple flaws to compensate for it. Unlike other Stands, Killer Queen: Bites The Dust's attacks are very vulnerable to invincibility frames thanks to the fact that they need to explode. This is most apparent with Sheer Heart Attack, who is commonly Time Skipped away from, resulting in no damage. The same applies for counters and damage redirection. All of it's attacks are cancellable, meaning that outside of the Barrage Finisher, it has no truly good 'get off me' options. Bites The Dust looks like the best in the game on paper, but it's overly long startup to the point where dying while using it is common and immense cooldown prevents it from being of much use in that regard. Speaking of which, for a move with one of the longest cooldowns in the game, Bites The Dust does not deal enough damage nor heal enough HP to warrant it's cooldown (worse yet, it can be dealt with by Return to Zero, by far having the longest cooldown of any move affected by it). Although cool, it's passive ability is useless outside of the main game, and even that is situational. Finally, Killer Queen: Bites The Dust has one of the costliest Skill Trees in the game, tying with multiple others for the number two spot, hitting 70 skill points in all.

Killer Queen: Bites The Dust has many ups and downs. How good or bad the Stand truly is still has yet to be determined. It's unique brand of offense does allure the player looking for something different in the current metagame, but it's complete lack of any truly good defensive options and pathetic range thanks to it's slow attacks, despite the large hitboxes holds some back from believing it to be good.

В чём смысл режима?

В мультфильме было так, что у каждого героя был свой стенд. Стенд представляет собой его суперспособность, которая есть только у данного героя. По сути, получить стенд просто так нельзя, для этого нужно много тренироваться. В целом, в данном режиме всё именно так.

Первым делом игрок получает свой стенд, прокачивает его и старается стать сильнее со временем. Использовать стенд можно в сражениях и не только.

По сути, данный режим отлично подойдёт тем игрокам, которые соскучились по необычному режиму в Роблоксе , ведь сегодня многие из них достаточно схожи друг с другом.

Режим достаточно простой и удобный, поэтому каждый сможет найти занятие для себя.

Как сделать байт зе даст в yba

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Никита Ъутов

Никита Ъутов ответил Максиму

Максим Кочетов

Максим Кочетов ответил Никите

Никита Ъутов

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Никита Бессмертный ответил Никите

Никита, это кринж, а не шутка, если ты без авакенинга нихуя не можешь

Никита Ъутов

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Никита Бессмертный

Никита Бессмертный ответил Никите

Никита Ъутов

Никита Ъутов ответил Никите

Никита Бессмертный

Никита Бессмертный ответил Никите

Никита Бессмертный

Никита Бессмертный ответил Никите

Максим Кочетов

Максим Кочетов ответил Никите

Никита, Ебать герой а я дьяволло с вайт албумом и крейзи даймондом убил ,и что?

Никита Ъутов

Никита Ъутов ответил Максиму

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Константин Веселовский ответил Никите

Никита Бессмертный

Никита Бессмертный ответил Константину

Константин Веселовский

Константин Веселовский ответил Никите

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Никита Бессмертный

Никита Бессмертный ответил Константину


Killer Queen is the Stand of Yoshikage Kira in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Its most notable feature is being able to transform anything into a bomb with a touch of its finger and detonating it by pressing its thumb on its index finger, similar to activating a detonator (note that Roblox characters don't have thumbs, so Killer Queen just moves its hand similar to detonating it in the anime/manga.) It has a 2.5% chance of being obtained from a Stand arrow. It is primarily a close-range Stand but uses some ranged attacks.


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