Как работает броня в wow

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Бонусы от собранных вещей в комплекте, чаще всего, добавляют персонажу интересные вспомогательные бонусы, которые могут помочь в битве с рейдовыми боссами, если это комплект рейдовых доспехов, и на полях боя, если это комплекты за очки чести или завоеваний.

Абсолютно любой комплект дает бонусы к количеству носимых предметов из этого комплекта.


Classes can wear any tier of armor that falls below their own; for example, a level 40 Warrior can wear Plate, but can also wear Mail, Leather, and Cloth pieces.

Additionally, shields can be equipped by certain classes.


Комплекты подземелий [ ]

Глубины Черной Горы и Пик Черной Горы ), различные части комплекта требуют 52-58 уровней. Patch 1.10 , вещи Obtained from high non-raid instances in Outland ( The Steamvault , Botanica , Mechanar , Arcatraz , and Рейдовые комплекты [ ]

Комплекты доспехов оригинальной версии игры требуют 60 уровень, TBC - 70, WotLK - 80 и т.д. Рыцари смерти впервые смогли получить комплект доспехов Т7, все остальные классы способны получить любой рейдовый комплект.

Faction sets [ ]

Zul'Gurub , and delivering them on Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj and delivering them in Silithus . You will need a given reputation level for the turn-ins. The pieces occupy the back, finger, and mainhand weapon slots. PVP sets [ ]

Classic sets require level 60, TBC sets require level 70, WotLK sets require level 80. Each set is class-specific.

PvP-Rare (6 pieces) These sets can be purchased for Honor points and Marks of Honor in PvP-Epic (6 pieces) These sets can be purchased for Honor points and Marks of Honor in These sets can be purchased for gold from various factions ( Honored reputation. The pieces occupy the chest, hands, head, legs, and shoulder slots. These sets could be purchased with Isle of Quel'Danas . The pieces occupy the chest, hands, head, legs, and shoulder slots. Merciless Gladiator aka S2 PvP armor (5 pieces) These sets could be purchased with Isle of Quel'Danas . The pieces occupy the chest, hands, head, legs, and shoulder slots. These sets could be purchased with Brutal Gladiator aka S4 PvP armor (5 pieces) These sets could be purchased with Savage Gladiator (5 pieces) These sets could be purchased with Emblems of Heroism . The pieces occupy the chest, hands, head, legs, and shoulder slots. These sets could be purchased with Arena Points at a discount during Season 5, with Vault of Archavon , and later purchased with Deadly Gladiator aka S5 PvP armor (5 pieces) These sets could be purchased with Vault of Archavon , and later purchased with These sets could be purchased with Vault of Archavon , and later purchased with Emblems of Triumph . The pieces occupy the chest, hands, head, legs, and shoulder slots. These sets could be purchased with Vault of Archavon , and later purchased with These sets can be purchased with Vault of Archavon . The pieces occupy the chest, hands, head, legs, and shoulder slots. These sets can be purchased with Non-class sets [ ]

Non-class sets are not restricted by class. Any class that is qualified to wear the armor type can wear the set. Technically, all World of Warcraft [ ]

Low level sets [ ]

The following sets are available to players leveling up to 60.

Set Level range Armor class Slots Source Type
Defias Leather 13-19 Leather Chest, Feet, Hands, Legs, Waist Embrace of the Viper 14-18 Leather Chest, Feet, Hands, Legs, Waist Scarlet Monastery Physical
Green Dragon Mail 47-51 Mail Chest, Hands, Waist Leatherworking Nature resistance/Magical
Ironfeather Armor 49-53 Leather Chest, Shoulder Leatherworking Magical
Imperial Plate 47-57 Plate Chest, Feet, Head, Legs, Shoulder, Waist, Wrist Blacksmithing Physical
Volcanic Armor 49-56 Leather Chest, Legs, Shoulder Leatherworking Fire resistance
Stormshroud Armor 50-57 Leather Chest, Hands, Legs, Shoulder Leatherworking Physical
Black Dragon Mail 53-57 Mail Chest, Feet, Legs, Shoulder Leatherworking Physical

Instance sets [ ]

The following sets can be found in Scholomance .

The following sets were available to fight the Scourge invasion. Since the invasion has ended, the sets are no longer available. Each set occupied the same three slots: chest, hands and wrist.

Those sets are available at Arathi Basin vendors. They are class-restricted, thus they can only be worn by the listed classes. Each set uses the same three slots: feet, waist and shoulders.

А / О
Restricted to Type
The Highlander's Will / The Defiler's Will Druid, Rogue Magical/Physical
The Highlander's Purpose / The Defiler's Purpose Druid, Rogue Physical
The Highlander's Determination / The Defiler's Determination Hunter, Shaman Physical
The Highlander's Resolve / none Paladin Physical
The Highlander's Resolution / The Defiler's Resolution Warrior, Paladin Physical

Quest sets [ ]

The only quest set so far is the Zandalar crafted sets [ ]

The Zandalar tribe can provide the knowledge to craft the following sets.

Эта секция содержит эксклюзивную информацию для The Burning Crusade.

Uncommon crafted sets [ ]

The following sets are craftable. They are designed for players leveling from 60 to 70.

Set Armor class Slots Profession Type
Felscale Armor Mail Chest, Feet, Hands, Legs Leatherworking Physical
Scaled Draenic Armor Mail Chest, Feet, Hands, Legs Leatherworking Magical
Fel Iron Chain Mail Chest, Head, Hands, Wrist Blacksmithing Physical
Fel Iron Plate Plate Chest, Feet, Hands, Legs, Waist Blacksmithing Physical

Rare crafted sets [ ]

The following sets are craftable. They are designed for players at or near level 70.

The following sets are craftable. They are designed for advanced level 70 players.

The following sets provide high resistances against a school of magic. They are craftable.

Set Resistance Armor class Slots Profession
Soulcloth Embrace Arcane Cloth Chest, Hands, Shoulder Tailoring
Flame Guard Fire Plate Chest, Hands, Head, Wrist Blacksmithing
Enchanted Adamantite Armor Arcane Plate Chest, Feet, Legs, Waist Blacksmithing

Dungeon Set 3 [ ]
Anti-Scourge sets [ ]

The following sets were available to fight the second Scourge invasion, shortly before the launch of WotLK . Since the invasion has ended, the sets are no longer available. Each set occupied the same four slots: chest, hands, legs and shoulders.

Эта секция содержит эксклюзивную информацию для Wrath of the Lich King.

Uncommon crafted sets [ ]

The following sets are craftable. They are designed for players leveling from 70 to 80. Each set uses the same eight slots: chest, feet, hands, head, legs, shoulder, waist, and wrist.

These sets are designed for players who want to pvp at or near level 80. Each set uses the same eight slots: chest, feet, hands, head, legs, shoulder, waist and wrist.

Set Level range Armor class Profession Type
Eviscerator's Battlegear 78 Leather Leatherworking Physical
Stormhide Battlegear 78 Mail Leatherworking Magical
Ornate Saronite Battlegear 78 Plate Blacksmithing Magical
Savage Saronite Battlegear 78 Plate Blacksmithing Physical

Cataclysm [ ]

Эта секция содержит эксклюзивную информацию для Cataclysm.

Uncommon crafted sets [ ]

The following sets are craftable and mostly uncommon . They are designed for players leveling from 80 to 85. Each set uses the same eight slots: chest, feet, hands, head, legs, shoulder, waist, and wrist.

Set Armor class Profession Type
Deathspeaker Cloth Tailoring Magical
Spiritmender Cloth Tailoring Magical
The Big Wave Mail Leatherworking Magical/Physical
The Dark Brand Leather Leatherworking Magical/Physical

See also [ ]

Armor Equipment Slots [ ]

Armor augments a character's health to a higher number (if the armor is positive), which represents the amount of physical damage a player can withstand. For instance, a character with 5000 health and 50% armor would be able to absorb 10000 damage before dying.

The formula for determining damage absorption is:

DA = (player health) / (1 - (% damage reduction given by armor in decimal form).

For example, a character with 1000 health and 31.24% damage reduction would be able to absorb 1000 / (1 - .3124) = 1454 (rounded) damage.

A character with 1000 health and 99.98 damage reduction would be able to absorb 1000 / (1 -. 9998) = 500,000 damage.

Damage absorption only applies to physical damage.

Armor Damage Reduction Formula [ ]

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Armor vs. Damage Reduction for Level 70 Characters

According to the Blizzard UI elements, the formulas for Damage Reduction are as follows for WoW 2.0.8 in which Attacker = either player or mob.

Attacker Levels 1 - 59

DR% = Armor / (Armor + 400 + 85 * AttackLevel)

Attacker Levels 60+

DR% = Armor / (Armor + 400 + 85 * (AttackerLevel + 4.5 * (AttackerLevel - 59)))

Simplified, the formula becomes: DR% = Armor / (Armor + (467.5 * AttackerLevel - 22167.5))

Consider the following table which can be derived from the above formula for a lvl 70 tank taking 1000 DPS of "raw" damage:

Stat Base AC1 AC2 AC3 AC4 AC5 AC6
Armor 0 5k 10k 15k 20k 25k 30k
DPS taken 1000 666 500 410 350 300 260
DPS reduced by the last 5k armor 0 333 166 90 60 50 40
Relative DPS reduction by the last 5k armor 0 33% 25% 18% 15% 14% 13%

As can be seen, the effectiveness of adding another 5k of armor is getting lower, there is a "diminishing returns" effect with respect to the DPS reduction. It isn't as pronounced as it may seem looking at the absolute numbers, though. The last line shows that the relative value of 5k armor drops from 33% to 13%, meaning that at the start, one point of AC will be about three times as effective in terms of DPS reduction as near the end. Thus, armor exhibits diminishing returns with respect to the total amount of healing needed to keep a tank alive.

The following is the same formula for a lvl 80 tank against a level 83 mob

Stat Base AC1 AC2 AC3 AC4 AC5 AC6 AC7 AC8 AC9 AC10
Armor 0 5k 10k 15k 20k 25k 30k 35k 40k 45k 50k
DPS taken 1000 769 625 526 454 400 357 322 294 270 250
DPS reduced by the last 5k armor 0 231 144 99 72 55 43 35 28 24 20
Relative DPS reduction by the last 5k armor 0 23% 19% 16% 14% 12% 11% 10% 9% 8% 7.5%

Armor vs. Effective Time to Live for Level 70 Characters

However, in terms of absolute time to live with respect to melee attacks, armor has no diminishing return effect. Given a constant melee DPS amount, each additional point of armor (whether it be from 0 to 1 or from 30000 to 30001) will increase the tank's time to live by the same effective amount. 1k additional armor increases time to live by approximately 9.47% (6.01% at level 80??), as shown by the graph. The formula for calculating time to live with respect to melee attacks is:

Effective time to live = 1 / (1 - DR%) * Base time to live

Where DR% is calculated according to the above formula. In this way, armor can be thought of as increasing the effective health of the tank with respect to melee attacks. Since DR caps at 75%, effective time to live caps at 400% of the tanks base time to live (time to live if the tank had no armor).

Prior to hitting the cap, armor is certainly a very desirable stat for tanks, but difficult to find. Most items of similar quality and rarity have similar armor values, and extra armor can be found only very rarely.

Armor Caps [ ]

The armor caps for various attackers are as follows:

70 31,672
71 33,075
72 34,477
73 35,880
80 45,697
83 49,905

See also [ ]

World of Warcraft для новичков. Оружие и доспехи

Thoridal 4

Начнем с типов предметов. Они делятся на три категории:

Как получить предметы? Всего есть четыре источника:

  • предметы падают с убитых монстров или находят в сундуках или коробках;
  • предмет можно сделать, если вы владеете определенным ремеслом;
  • предмет можно купить на аукционе, чаще это либо BoЕ, которое упало с монстра или предмет, созданный другим игроком;
  • предмет можно получить в награду за выполнение квеста;

Еще одни важный момент. Есть предметы, которые предназначены для PvE, а есть то, что заточено под PvP. Первые не очень для боев игроков друг против друга, а если вы оденете вторые в рейд, то вас там засмеют. PvP-предметы имеют характеристики, которые нужны только для PvP-игры.

Теперь о качестве предметов. Его легко определить по цвету названия предмета.

Что еще важно помнить? Важно помнить, что предметы могут быть частями комплектов (сетами) из двух и более вещей. Если на персонаже одето несколько предметов из такого сета, то он получает дополнительные бонусы. Особенно это важно для рейдовых сетов.

Артефакты это особый тип оружия, который игрок сможет совершенстовать по своему усмотрению. Это относится как к прокачке его характеристик, так и внешнему виду. По сути это еще одна плоскость развития персонажа на левелкапе. Каждый класс и каждая специализация этого класса будут иметь свой уникальный артефакт. Детали можно почитать в отдельном постинге по артефактам.

В общем и целом, это главное, что вам нужно знать об экипировке в World of Warcraft.

Формула действия рейтинга пробивания брони

Аватар для Ponovolk

Для любителей точных формул Ghostcrawler привёл пример расчёта влияния рейтинга пробивания брони (Armor Penetration rating) в патче 3.1 на окончательный показатель брони цели. Из-за некоторых ограничений рейтинг пробивания не всегда уменьшает броню на указанный в подсказке процент. Это связано с желанием разработчиков сделать его не таким эффективными против слабо и сильно бронированных целей, как в TBC.

Все хитросплетения действия рейтинга связаны с искусственным "кэпом" (ограничителем). Перед расчётом кэпа надо определить некую константу брони ("С").

Для целей ниже 60-го уровня:
C = 400 + 85 * уровень цели
Для целей от 60-го уровня:
C = 400 + 85 * уровень цели + 4,5 * 85 * (уровень цели - 59)

Для цели 80-го уровня "C" будет равно 15232,5, для цели 83-го - 16635.
Кэп для рейтинга пробивания брони затем высчитывается по формуле:

(значение брони + C) / 3

Итак, допустим, Воин 80-го уровня имеет 9729 брони. "C" для 80-го уровня равно 15232,5. Таким образом, кэп равен (9729 + 15232,5) / 3 = 8320.5. Допустим, игрок имеет 30% показатель пробивания брони и никаких модификаторов к этому показателю (от талантов, способностей и т.д.). При нанесении удара в расчёт берётся наименьшее значение из 8320,5 и 9729 (в данном случае - 8320,5). Чтобы рассчитать количество игнорируемой брони, это значение затем умножается на 30%: 8320,5 * 0,3 = 2496,15. Теперь вычитаем полученное число из значения брони цели (9729 - 2496,15) и получаем 7232,85 - именно такое количество брони "останется" на цели после удара игрока, имеющего 30-процентый показатель пробивания брони.

В этом примере броня Воина снизилась на 25,66%, что чуть меньше заявленных в подсказке 30%.

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