Как посмотреть свой дота баф

Обновлено: 27.04.2024

You can sign in with Steam to access your Dotabuff profile.

My statistics are missing, out of date, or I am missing some matches. How can I fix it?

Sometimes it can take up to an hour for your missing matches to appear. Please be patient and check back shortly.

Note: we only have access to the last 500 matches for each hero that you play. If you have played more than 500 matches with any single hero since the last time you had your stats enabled, we may not be able to get them.

I won my match but it resulted in a personal loss for me. What happened?

This typically happens if you AFK or disconnect for more than 5 minutes, resulting in an abandon.

If you abandon a match you are assigned a personal loss, regardless of whether your team won or not. We understand that this is frustrating, but it helps discourage players from leaving matches. We are not able to manually change these statistics.

Dota said that "no stats will be recorded" but Dotabuff counted the match anyway, why?

The process we use for determining whether or not a match "counts" or not is slightly different from what Valve uses. The Dota API does not supply enough information or a concrete process for making this determination. We have developed an algorithm that has over 99% accuracy, but it cannot be sure in all situations.

If and when Valve adds support to the API that allows us to determine whether a match counted, and if each player received a win, loss or abandon, we will retroactively fix all matches and recalculate records. Please do not contact support regarding this issue, we are powerless to fix this.

Due to the issue with determining matches that are "no stats recorded", your record may be off by a few matches in each field. If and when Valve gives us the proper data to fix this, we will fix all matches and recalculate your wins and losses.

Friend lists on player profile pages only update once per day. We hope to improve this limitation in the future.

Why don’t I have more Truesight data with roles and lanes?

Role and lane data requires TrueSight (replay parsing) to get. The most reliable way to get data is to subscribe to Dotabuff Plus. We do make an effort to parse as many matches as possible, but can only guarantee that matches with Plus users are analyzed. If you recently signed up for Plus, you may not have a ton of historical data. We go back and analyze all available replays, but replays are only kept for a few days. Keep playing and your profile will fill out before you know it!

What are Skill Brackets?

Every Dota 2 match falls into one of three skill brackets: Normal, High or Very High. Valve assigns a skill bracket to each match based on the skill of the players in the match. You can find this label in the upper-right corner of a match page, or in the left-most column of the match list on a player profile.

Why are some matches missing a Skill Bracket?

Why does my Skill Bracket change when I play with friends?

Because the skill bracket is assigned based on the skill of the players in a match, your skill bracket may change if your friends are significantly lower or higher skill than you. It also may fluctuate based on other matchmaking conditions like lobby (normal or ranked), server region, or time of day.

What is the breakdown of Normal/High/Very High matches?

Skill Brackets are determined by Valve using their matchmaking data, and serve to indicate the average skill of players in the match. Skill Bracket assignment will vary based on region, time of day, and other factors.

Speaking in averages, about 76% of matches are Normal skill, 12% are high skill, 12% are very high skill.

How do I get into a higher Skill Bracket?

There are a lot of resources out there for increasing your skill. Focused practice and improvement is one of the fastest ways to get better. Many players find success by focusing on a limited group of heroes that are good in the meta. Learn from players that are better than you.

Compare your stats on Dotabuff to other players that you admire and look for major differences in key stats and item choices. If you are looking for examples check out our Hero Rankings and Guides for a specific hero you're working on.

Where can I learn more about specific Dotabuff features?

There are dedicated pages for Dotabuff Plus, TrueSight and Hero Rankings.

Как посмотреть свой Dotabuff?

Больше о том, как можно использовать сервис Дотабафф для анализа своего и чужих профилей вы сможете узнать в других статьях нашего блога.

Как посмотреть свой Dotabuff?

Как посмотреть свой Dotabuff?

Для того, чтобы узнать свой Дотабафф, первым делом необходимо перейти на официальный сайт сервиса, а затем следовать нижеприведённой инструкции.

Как посмотреть свой дота баф

Evil Geniuses
Quincy Crew
SG esports

Team Aster
Team Secret
Team Spirit
Thunder Predator
Vici Gaming

Monkey King





The first couple of days of TI10 main event fantasy are going to be quite easy. There are no potential repeating teams, and we don’t need to guess whether a team needs to play extra matches.

The last day of the group stage is going to have less regular games, but there is always a chance of tiebreakers, so we have to factor those in. Luckily, some of the top fantasy earners are also among the players with the highest chance of tiebreakers.

After two days it is still incredibly hard to say who is going to emerge from TI10 victorious, as teams are testing out a lot of different strategies and heavy favorites lose to underdogs. However, while the overall power levels between teams are still being figured out, there are now clear runaways in terms of fantasy scorers, so our job is a little bit easier this time around.


Arc Warden



Naga Siren

With the first day behind us, we now have a little bit more to go on when selecting our roster for Day 2. Once again, the selection is going to be from teams that play three series tomorrow and once again we are going to concentrate on heavy tournament favorites for core roles, but select statistically best performing supports, regardless of team standing.

Once again the International group stage has one group playing more matches in a given day, making some of the calculations easier. Day one is Group A, so we are going to be picking exclusively from the nine teams in it.

Whereas tournament and hero predictions are firmly based on stats and it is easy to stay objective, the team and player predictions are often influenced by our own perceptions. We will try our best to remain impartial and pick our predictions based solely on statistics, but that is not necessarily the most effective approach. So for most categories, several viable options are going to be presented, from which you will be able to pick the one you feel is the best.

Predictions are especially hard this year. Few DPC tournaments, problems with international competition in general and multiple small patches after the last big event all make guesses unreliable at best. We will still try to do our best to provide the reasoning behind our picks and oftentimes discuss the alternatives.

Перед началом TI10 нужно вспомнить про одну команду, которая обязательно обратит на себя внимание. OG, несмотря на тихий 2020-й год, будут участвовать на The International, защищая свой титул. Их путь к третьему Аегису в этому году кажется еще более сложным.

Нет команд интереснее для просмотра, чем Темные Лошадки. Команды, которые могут как забрать турнир, выиграв фаворитов, так и вылететь в первом раунде. В этом году Темные Лошадки The International особенно интересны, хотя бы своим разнообразием причин, по которым они попали в эту категорию.

The International всё ближе и ближе и сейчас самое время посмотреть на участвующие команды. Сегодня мы бы хотели сконцентрироваться на ростерах, которые по нашему мнению имеют самые высокие шансы на победу в турнире — бесспорные фавориты крупнейшего киберспортивного состязания года.

The International начнется меньше чем через месяц и сейчас самое время посмотреть на то, какая мета нас ждёт на крупнейшем киберспортивном событии последних лет, а также порассуждать о том, какие сюрпризы ещё может таить в себе патч.

С момента выхода патча 7.30, Венга начала набирать популярность, при этом выигрывая всё больше и больше своих игр. Практически в любой игре Ancient+ можно встретить этого персонажа: ею играют в 13% игр, выигрывая более 55%. Причём работает герой на нескольких позициях.

Изменения Тинкера изначально встретили со скептицизмом. Герой потерял свой основной инструмент фарма, однако взамен получил то, почему ему вообще изначально надо было фармить. Так не стал ли и без того сильный герой лучше? Давайте разбираться.

Клинкз терроризирует пабы. В патче 7.30 героя заметно изменили, забрав у него Strafe и выдав Burning Barrage. Поддерживаемое заклинание, которое отправляет волны физического урона и может прокать все модификаторы атак очень похоже на Swashbuckle, и сегодня мы бы хотели обсудить как готовить нового Клинкза.

Знаете ли Вы, что можно безопасно войти через Steam в Ваш личный профиль Dota 2?

Как посмотреть свой дота баф

Сервис по поиску dotabuff статистики игроков,если игрок скрыл профиль* статистики в Dota 2 и dotabuff.
Определяет Dotabuff статистику по Steam Id и Dota id,точность поиска 100%.
The service statistics dotabuff players this player even if the player hidden profile* statistics in DotA 2 and dotabuff.
Specifies the statistics dotabuff about this player Steam ID and Dota id,so the accuracy of the search 100%.

1,649 уникальных посетителей
1 добавили в избранное

Если вам нужно быстро найти профиль dotabuff игрока по его Steam id.
Найти профиль dotabuff игрока во время battle cup
Найти профиль dotabuff игрока,если он скрыл историю матчей
Важно! *Если игрок хотя-бы раз делал статистику общедоступной,а потом закрыл её.То сервис найдёт профиль dotabuff игрока.
If you need to quickly find the profile dotabuff player by his Steam id.
Find the dotabuff profile of the player during battle cup
Find the dotabuff profile of the player,if he hid match history
Important! *If the player at least once did the statistics available to the public,and then closed it.The service will find the dotabuff profile of the player.

26.07.2017 - update 1.5 Last Update
Поддержка SteamID32 link /Add SteamID64 link
Добавлен поиск скрытых профилей dotabuff - точность поиска 100%

10.06.2019 – update 1.6
Обновлена база удалённых аккаунтов с dotabuff (теперь доступны все удалённые или скрытые профили в dotabuff)
18.07.2017 - release v 1.0
The launch of the service Get DOTABUFF Hidden Search

26.07.2017 - update 1.5 Last Update
Add SteamID32 link /Add SteamID64 link
Attached find hidden profiles dotabuff - search precision 100%

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