Как по английски сталкер тень чернобыля

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Game lovers if the project Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl download torrent you can get one of the best parts of it. A stunning plot, changing at the request of the player and the decisions he makes. There are a lot of technical innovations. A separate issue is gameplay, in which the player gets almost complete freedom of action. If there is a clear storyline, the gamer himself does what he wants.

Features Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl download torrent

"Shadow of Chernobyl" is the first part of "Stalker", and, according to the players, the best of the series. The ability for characters to behave similarly to real life is a plus for the entire project.

  1. first of all, it is the realism of the living world. The main character eats, sleeps and everything else. Stalkers and mutants do the same. This project is a real life simulator with a touch of action;
  2. if Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl download torrent, it will interest players in the absence of fictional locations. They can visit the real Chernobyl, carefully crafted by the developers. In addition, locations are almost immediately open for movement;
  3. the hero is constantly in danger. But in the Chernobyl zone it cannot be otherwise. In the anomalous zone, the hero takes risks all the time. The unpredictable can happen to him, so he should avoid dangerous places. In addition, criminals and mutants can be found everywhere.

The gameplay can be appreciated by anyone. Enough for this Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl download torrent on our website by the button below. You will learn a lot in technical and gaming terms. This is a study of the territory, confrontation with monsters, trade in artifacts, puzzles.

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Купить S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Bundle

Приготовьтесь войти в Зону на свой страх и риск, стремясь разбогатеть на этом или даже найти Истину, сокрытую в Сердце Чернобыля.


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Об этой игре

В 1986 году на Чернобыльской АЭС произошла худшая в мире ядерная катастрофа. Советские власти установили вокруг места катастрофы 'Зону отчуждения', но второй взрыв сотряс реактор в 2006 году, создавая ту Зону, которую мы знаем – опасное радиоактивное место, заполненное странной, аномальной энергией, ставшее местом обитания для мутировавших существ. Зона огорожена военными, которые готовы стрелять на поражение во всех, кто будет настолько глуп, чтобы пробраться в нее.

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Plot Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl download torrent

Six years have passed since the second major disaster struck. The exclusion zone threatens all of humanity, and it seems that no one dares to approach it. However, the anomalous zone is occupied by mercenaries and criminal groups.

In the exclusion zone, the main character wakes up, who does not remember anything. There are many questions, but is there a way out? Anyone can get an answer if Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl download torrent. Players must complete several mandatory tasks of the game, but they have a unique opportunity to just live in the zone, enjoying the colorful atmosphere and side, constantly generated tasks.

The game surprisingly combines storyline blanks with complete freedom of action. A large number of riddles prevent players from quickly going to the truth. Only at the end of the game will they be able to understand why the protagonist was sent to the exclusion zone, for what purposes.

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