Как отключить eac в watch dogs 2 ubisoft

Обновлено: 04.07.2024


Hey, did you find a solution for this? I'm having the exact same problem after they gave it for free. I can either play it without EAC or don't play at all.

Ошибка Easy Anti-Cheat в игре Watch Dogs 2

Столкнулся с такой проблемой, при запуске Watch Dogs 2 мне выдаёт эту ошибку:
Untrusted system file: Watch_Dogs2\bin\DbgHelp.dll
Что делать? Заранее спасибо!

Та же самая ошибка, попробовал удалить этот файл, теперь игра просто бесконечно запускается, пересмотрел иностранные видосы, там говорят вписать -eac_launcher, это тоже не помогает. Уже не знаю что и делать.

Я решил этот вопрос у меня видеокарта не поддерживает DirectX 11 поэтому игра и не запускается, не знаю может у тебя тоже самое.

Если ничего не помогает, не бойтесь обращаться в тех поддержку создателей игры и ясно описывать проблему.

сделал все так как ты сказал но все ровно игра вроде запускаеться но вылетает

Can't play Watch Dogs 2 without using "-eac_launcher" command

Can't play watch dogs 2 since Jan 2017.

The game crushes from the beginning without error.

Later I found out that I could play the game while putting -eac_launcher at the file path.

But I couldn't play multi since it closes the anti-hack mechanism.

What should I do?

I've checked the file and reinstalled using steam.

Please help me with it, thanks a lot.

Как отключить eac в watch dogs 2 ubisoft

29 янв. 2017 в 4:32

You select Allow a Program or Feature through Windows Firewall on the left side in Windows Firewall, then Allow another program. if Watch Dogs 2 is not in the list then select Browse and browse to C:\Steam\SteamApps\common\WatchDogs2\bin\watchDogs2.exe and make sure the box for Home and Public is ticked.

You then must do this for EAC.exe in the WatchDogs2 main folder also, and likely also SplashScreen.exe also in the bin folder.

Then you have to repeat it for C:\program files (x86)\ubisoft\ubisoft game launcher\upc.exe,
c:\program files (x86)\ubisoft\ubisoft game launcher\uplaywebcore.exe and also C:\program files (x86)\ubisoft\ubisoft game launcher\ubisoftgamelauncher.exe.

That should allow Uplay and Watch Dogs 2 through the firewall now.

For some reason Watch Dogs 2 is not prompting my Bitdefender firewall to create rules to allow it through the firewall, so it may well not be prompting Windows Firewall either. I'll test it on my system.

I'll just have to stuff around a bit, as I usually have Windows Firewall disabled as I use other firewall programs usually, but my favourite old firewall program got the best bits removed from it so now I am using Bitdefnder one instead and it's Paranoid Mode to prompt when new programs access the internet.

There are quite a few executables in the Uplay folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher, and without Watch Dogs 2 prompting the firewall properly for access to the internet it's sometimes difficult to be sure that something else does not need access for EAC, WD2, and Uplay to connect everything the game requires. Sometimes though this is caused by some strange Windows behaviour, and developers have to work out how to avoid a certain quirk of the system that only pops up with certain combinations of software or security updates installed, then make a new update with different versions of files that avoid the problem.

29 янв. 2017 в 7:21

Please check our FAQ pages:

I have verified integrity from Steam (couldn't do it on Ubisoft as the game is from Steam), and when I started playing Watch Dogs 2, it said "Installing Easy Anticheat", but when I went in-game, it still said it's disabled. And no, restarting hasn't worked. 29 янв. 2017 в 7:30 Try and copy EasyAntiCheat_x64.dll from the EasyAntiCheat folder to the bin folder (bin folder and EasyAntiCheat is in Watch Dogs 2 folder). For some reason the installer is failing to copy it to that folder. Make sure you remove the eac_launcher command from Set Launch Options if you had previoulsy tried it. 29 янв. 2017 в 8:40 Try and copy EasyAntiCheat_x64.dll from the EasyAntiCheat folder to the bin folder (bin folder in Watch Dogs 2 folder). For some reason the installer is failing to copy it to that folder. Make sure you remove the eac_launcher command from Set Launch Options if you had previoulsy tried it. Haven't done anything for the eac_launcher, will try what you said tomorrow. 29 янв. 2017 в 8:54 Try and copy EasyAntiCheat_x64.dll from the EasyAntiCheat folder to the bin folder (bin folder and EasyAntiCheat is in Watch Dogs 2 folder). For some reason the installer is failing to copy it to that folder. Make sure you remove the eac_launcher command from Set Launch Options if you had previoulsy tried it. I tried that, didnt work :/ Do you have any other solutions? 29 янв. 2017 в 9:26

In Uplay in Watch Dogs 2 if you select Game Details and the click on Help, there is a link to Ubisoft FAQ with a section for Watch Dogs 2. In the FAQ is a heading about Watch Dogs 2 PC Connectivity where there is a link to Globalsigns new ROOT V3 certificate and GlobalSign Extended Validation CodeSigning CA - SHA256 - G2 certificate that you may need to download and install for the Watch Dogs 2 certificate (game.cer) included with EAC to be validated. You just double click and install those certificates after downloading them to install. They are Trusted Root Certificates for Authenticating all the new files in 2017.

If sometimes games or programs don't work you can view their Digital Certificate in the files Properties and Install the certificate, but it will need a ROOT certificate, and often also an Intermediate certificate for the publishers certificate to validate. A lot of files just expired end of 2016 so new Digital Certificates are being distributed with files, but many need new ROOT or Intermediate certificates installed in Windows to do this.

Unistall EasyAntiCheat, restart windows, Install EasyAntiCheat, and make sure to select Watch Dogs 2 when you unistall and Install EAC again. Now run a Verify File Integrity Check and it should properly fetch and install EasyAntiCheat_x64.dll to the bin folder. Keep running File Integrity Verify from Steam until it gets that EasyAntiCheat_x64.dll and puts it in bin folder.

Same here

Have you got the solution yet,same problem here.Help pls.

posted my solution in another thread. Will copy paste to try and reach as many people as possible:

1. UNinstall easy anti cheat through the watch_dogs 2 easy anti cheat setup.exe in WATCH_DOGS2\EasyAntiCheat . The uninstall button is left from the "repair service" button.
2. Once uninstalled, restart your computer.
3. Head back to WATCH_DOGS2\EasyAntiCheat and open the setup.exe. This time install Easy Anti Cheat for Watch_Dogs 2
4. Go to uplay (or steam) and to verify game files/Verify game integrity (steam).
5. Pay attention to the bin and bin_plus folders in the watch_dogs 2 folder. EasyAntiCheat_x64.dll (and x86) should appear in the folders after verifying the files, start the game.

Optional in case the files didn't appear:
6. Go to the easy anti cheat folder, copy the easyanticheat_x86 and x64 dll's.
7. paste the dll's in bin and bin_plus.
8. start the game.

For some reason the stupid thing does not put the easyanticheat dll's in the right folder. EasyAntiCheat is the blocking issue for this game. That's why the -eac_launcher argument lets the game work. Now you can have a working game + multiplayer if that's your thing.

Enjoy, everyone. I hope this made it easier. Don't forget to share the solution to others in need.

Как отключить eac в watch dogs 2 ubisoft

Watch_Dogs 2

29 янв. 2017 в 10:19 29 янв. 2017 в 10:22

Yea keep playing game.

When you disconnect that msg tends to show up but it doesn't tell you when you back online and when you are back online EAC gets back on too again without notify.

29 янв. 2017 в 10:34

Yea keep playing game.

When you disconnect that msg tends to show up but it doesn't tell you when you back online and when you are back online EAC gets back on too again without notify.

So you want me too keep roaming around untill it get online but itself ? 29 янв. 2017 в 10:47

Yea keep playing game.

When you disconnect that msg tends to show up but it doesn't tell you when you back online and when you are back online EAC gets back on too again without notify.

So you want me too keep roaming around untill it get online by itself ? In short yes. There is no other fix for disconnection.

Unless you used that launch command that disables EAC then that you should obiviously delete it before launching game but that is only if you added any command in first place.

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