Как очистить швабру в viscera cleanup detail

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

17 июн. 2015 в 19:11

Ive been attempting to get Clean Freak for a while now, but there seems to be a blood splat somewhere in the office that I can't seem to pin down. First I tried cleaning my existing office and getting rid of it, then used the Clear option to reset out the office and it still won't go away.

Signal for it seems to be coming from the backroom where the murder victims were kept (the one with the super long password). Does the bloody water toilet in the back count on the radar, and can it be cleaned? I know on other levels that bloddy toilets won't show up on radar. Not sure about this achievement, it can kill any collections you may have going

17 июн. 2015 в 19:18 No, toilet water shouldn't count, no matter what, if I'm not mistaken.
Something might have gotten stuck in the floor, too.
Anyways, press

to open the developer console, stand as close to the source of the mess as possible, and type "killnearestmess" without the quotes, then hit enter. That'll remove the nearest mess, and hopefully get you the achievement.

17 июн. 2015 в 20:06 Thank you so much for the help, now I can restart my collection of gasmasked heads!
17 июн. 2015 в 22:02 Yeah, i've been trying for it too but i'm not getting it despite a completely inactive sniffer. maybe my medkit dispenser needs a medkit inside it? idk. 17 июн. 2015 в 22:26 Yeah, i've been trying for it too but i'm not getting it despite a completely inactive sniffer. maybe my medkit dispenser needs a medkit inside it? idk.

Well, did you try the console like I said? Something might have fallen out of the floor and kept going until it was out of range. You never know.

to open the developer console, stand as close to the source of the mess as possible, and type "killnearestmess" without the quotes, then hit enter. That'll remove the nearest mess, and hopefully get you the achievement.

You might hace to do it a few times just in case there's something else closer to you just to get everything. 17 июн. 2015 в 22:40 Well, did you try the console like I said? Something might have fallen out of the floor and kept going until it was out of range. You never know.
Would the command still clear it even if it wasn't in range of the sniffer? it'd have to be pretty far for the sniffer to not even blip. 17 июн. 2015 в 23:10 clean all the blood trash and body parts buckets bins gone sniffer not find anything wait about 10 minutes and clean freak triggers without leaving the office! thats how i got it!
I cleaned office 2 times looks like I left my office too early on the 1st try:) 17 июн. 2015 в 23:55 18 июн. 2015 в 7:10 Well, did you try the console like I said? Something might have fallen out of the floor and kept going until it was out of range. You never know.
Would the command still clear it even if it wasn't in range of the sniffer? it'd have to be pretty far for the sniffer to not even blip. Yep, it'll remove the nearest mess, no matter how far away it is. 27 июн. 2015 в 23:12

I have tossed and cleaned out basiclly every single item in my office and no achivment. The sniffer tells me there might be something in the "thropy room" but i have cleaned it from top to bottom.

Im out of ideas.

Gratful for help/tips.

Edit: I solved it with a Killnearestmess command. Its all good now

29 окт. 2015 в 15:28 ok i found out what some of the stuff is in the backroom. Did you bring the Laser to your office? Cause you gonna need it. Look at the floor next to the toilet and you will see bulletholes. Laser them and that should do it. 26 мая. 2016 в 14:55 Did you bring the Laser to your office? Cause you gonna need it. Look at the floor next to the toilet and you will see bulletholes. Laser them and that should do it.

This is not true. There are no bulletholes in the office.

The achievement is bugged and may not unlock on the first try, in that case enter the office again, run around, use killnearestmess a few times, etc. But there isn't a single bullethole to weld. I never brough the welder into my office and I've got the achievement.

Do not mislead people.

4 мая. 2017 в 11:46 I solved this problem by cleaning shelves in room with meat experiments. I guess there was some blood I couldn't see 18 янв в 18:18 I just had to get rid of my head collection, i could even keep the facehugger and the huge alien egg i snatched from the detention center, the blood-covered bonesaws and blood-covered lawnmover! 24 янв в 10:10 for anyone that would stil lcheck this thread there a secret spot in the backroom with bodyparts so in the backroom there a spot that goes down with water right if you go in that water and look up youl see there something up there so stack stuff like biohazard bin to get there at the end of that tiny place there 1 blood spot your welcome
24 янв в 13:33

1 metal table jam it on the pipe in the water. A barrel on its side in the water for a step n put a J harm on top of the table and you have an elevator to get up there. Just take a couple of buckets of seeds with you and don't get your feet dirty
There's no achievement for planting the seeds:)
Ya probably gonna need several buckets of water too vs sewer water!

Clean freak not working for you=
If ya trophies bleed clean em up vs clean freak
Not sure= killnearestmess the office save the office wait ten minutes and use the office exit door to trigger clean freak if something Bugged out of the map especially if ya set off TNT in there or if your trophy save is older than the Vulcan DLC

Make sure ya trunk is in the basement to be able to get a J harm down there cuz they don't fit through the tunnel and the trunk already a really tight squeeze??

Restore backup trophy save after ya get clean freak
My office stash is 7 years old

Unusable Mops

Several unusable mops are found in the Office, and one can be found in Uprinsing. These mops behave as regular items, which can be picked up and moved, but not taken into inventory. These mops are prone to clipping issues which cause the front end of the mop to get "stuck" in the floor, against a wall, or on a shelf.


Black Wheel Industrial Sanitation Inc. The new A-Series Space-Mop is here! With its sleek ergonomic design and Haladium Yellow paint job. The new A-Series Space-Mop is a work of art. With just a single swab of its tentacle design head, it's goodbye mess! Proven to remove all tough stains, no matter the cause. Pre-Order now for only *55.99 Vaders!


As the player uses the mop, it will become dirty in stages, until it is fully saturated. The degree of mop saturation can be gauged by the color of "mop drips" (mess dripping off the end of the mop) and the degree of colored mess on the mop itself. When the mop is fully saturated with mess, attempting to clean an area will instead leave a large splatter the color of the saturated mop, adding to the existing mess.

Mop drips are turned on by default, but may be turned off in the main menu, under "Options", then "System".

The stages of mop saturation with blood are shown below. Stage 1 is a clean mop, and stage 8 is a saturated mop. Mop drips begin at stage 5. Note that mopping some especially dirty areas may saturate the mop more quickly than shown below.


Other Uses

Two unusable mops in their niche in the Office.

Using the secondary trigger (right-click by default) will cause the player to swat with the mop, hitting walls or objects with much greater force. This method will not remove any mess, but it can be used to "sweep" small objects together (in the absence of a Broom).

Как очистить швабру в viscera cleanup detail

Mops found in the Office.

The mop is one of the primary cleaning devices in Viscera Cleanup Detail. It is a permanent part of the player's inventory in every level, and can only be removed using Developer Console commands.

Shadow Warrior Mop

The bamboo mop in Shadow Warrior

The Shadow Warrior level uses a unique bamboo-handled mop with a round mop-head. This mop takes longer to saturate than the other mop. Apart from that, it still functions the same.



The shovel is a special tool appearing in the level Unearthly Excavation.

Unlike other tools such as the Mop or Sniffer, the shovel is not immediately given to the player upon starting the level. Instead it must be found as an object, much like the Laser Welder or Broom. However unlike the laser welder, when picked up with the hands, the shovel will become a part of the player's inventory, occupying the fourth slot for the entire duration of that level, unless the player is to die or otherwise restart the level in some way. Any shovel picked up after the first shovel has been claimed will simply behave as a normal object. The shovel can be brought to The Office with the Janitor's Trunk.

The shovel worldmodel.

To use the shovel, the player must equip it and take aim at any patch of sand on the ground which isn't directly below the player. To pick up the sand, the player must use the primary trigger (left-click by default). To drop the sand, the player may use either the primary trigger again to toss it lightly, or the secondary trigger (right-click by default) to throw it slightly further away. Using the secondary trigger with the shovel without holding any sand will cause the player to hit the area in front of them and push any nearby objects, much like the mop or broom. If the player aims a shovel filled with sand directly at the ground beneath themselves, the sand will immediately fall out of the shovel and onto the ground.

A small pile of sand made by the shovel.

When the player drops sand, it will form a small pile on the ground. If more sand is added, the pile will continue to grow in size. This method is the only way to neutralize the Pit Monster, which is the primary purpose of the shovel within the level. The player must toss sand inside the pit monster's "mouth" until the creature is entirely buried and stops moving or making gurgling noises. At this point it is no longer a hazard to the player, and safe for the player to walk over the filled pit. Note that the player can also use the shovel to remove sand from a filled pit monster. This will "wake up" the creature, and if enough sand is removed, eventually it will be able to swallow objects (and the player) once again.

The players can remove placed sand with either the shovel or the mop. Attempting to remove sand with the mop will eventually dirty the mop, so this is not recommended. It should be noted that sand cannot be taken from or placed on areas covered with mess decals such as blood or soot. However, sand placed with the shovel can itself become covered in various splatters. Sand placed anywhere on top of an object will simply fall through the object, creating a pile beneath it and pushing up the object. If the object cannot be moved, the sand will still fall to the ground, but the top of the object will be seen clipping through the sand pile.

The Shovel can be used to detonate Mining Explosives by hitting them.


The mop can be selected either by scrolling the mouse wheel, by pressing "1" on the keyboard, or Dpad up on a controller by default (this can be changed in the options menu).

Using the primary trigger (left-click by default) with the mop selected will thrust the mop forward and back. If this is done on or near a mess, the mess will begin to fade and the mop will absorb it. Depending on the size of the mess, it may take multiple swipes of the mop to completely clear it. The mop can be used to clean up messes on any reachable area on walls, ceilings, floors, or stationary objects.

The mop creates a small splash radius each time it is used, meaning players may clean certain messes without ever actually touching them with the mop (e.g., mopping a wall may clean part of a mess on the floor). Each mess decal has a hitbox, which may extend outside the colored portion of the mess. With some messes, the hitbox that removes it may be off-center, or not intuitive for new players to find.

Как очистить швабру в viscera cleanup detail

Viscera Cleanup Detail

6 апр. 2014 в 19:03 6 апр. 2014 в 20:26 When it's blue, it's set to stains. The faster it beeps, the closer you are to stains.
Green works the same way except instead of detecting stains, it detects debris such as gibs and garbage. 15 апр. 2017 в 15:35 When it's blue, it's set to stains. The faster it beeps, the closer you are to stains.
Green works the same way except instead of detecting stains, it detects debris such as gibs and garbage. 15 апр. 2017 в 16:57

Blue is organics; blood and guts and goo.

Green is inorganics; trash, bullet holes, soot, etc.

Some small items and nearly cleaned splatters have very weak "signals" and the sniffer won't react noticibly unless you're really close to them. Larger messes can be detected halfway across the map (or so it seems sometimes). With practice you'll be able to tell the *very* subtle difference between "clean" and "there's one tiny bit of something nearby"

Cleaning the Mop

Two buckets, one full, one empty, both dirty.

Buckets containing water that has been used to clean a mop even one time are detected as organic trash by the Sniffer. Knocking over such a bucket will create the same mess as a fully saturated bucket of water.


The advertisement for the shovel.

The Ultimate Workman's shovel!

The new Space-Shovel is everything a planetary workforce needs.

Along with our classic handle, we've added extra strength to the shovel head.

Perfect for whatever you're shoveling, the X5 Space Shovel is the right fit for you!

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