Как играть в sea of thieves без xbox live

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Ok guys, i really start to get fed up. I can not LITERALLY play a damned match .
This is a problem I do not have in ANY OTHER GAME!
Now the launch of the game is really close and for now I can pass on being a beta, but this problem should NEVER be repeated MORE when the game is released!

Restart your router/check console.
It's not the games fault.

'Cyanbeard means your connection to Xbox Live and/or the Sea of Thieves services has been disrupted or lost. Please check your console's network status via the Settings > Network menu.'

Restart your router/check console.
It's not the games fault.

'Cyanbeard means your connection to Xbox Live and/or the Sea of Thieves services has been disrupted or lost. Please check your console's network status via the Settings > Network menu.'

I'm playing from the computer, not on the Xbox.
Anyway now I try restart the router.

Restart your router/check console.
It's not the games fault.

'Cyanbeard means your connection to Xbox Live and/or the Sea of Thieves services has been disrupted or lost. Please check your console's network status via the Settings > Network menu.'

I'm playing from the computer, not on the Xbox.
Anyway now I try restart the router.

Err yes, a network error.

@magnaxbox360v PC or not, it still uses Xbox Live services

Cyanbeard error again guys.
I restarted both the computer and the router.

Do you own any other Play anywhere games? Halo Wars 2, Gears of War, Cuphead that use the app? Just asking to test and see if it is an app/game issue connecting to the servers or if it is something else entirely.

Do you own any other Play anywhere games? Halo Wars 2, Gears of War, Cuphead that use the app? Just asking to test and see if it is an app/game issue connecting to the servers or if it is something else entirely.

Unfortunately I do not own the games you mentioned.
But any other game like Battlefield 1, Frotnite, League of Legends, Rocket League, etc . does not give me problems.

@magnaxbox360v The other games you mentioned are not cross platform. I do not know what the answer to your problem is, but the reason you don't have the same problem with the other games you have mentioned probably relates to the fact that those other games are not "cross platform" games.

Cyanbeard error again guys.
I restarted both the computer and the router.

How did you restart the router? ONLY remove power cable for 10 seconds, no button.
Disconnected from wifi and reconnected?

Ahoy there - I know it says console here, but the same can be applied to PC

AlabasterBeard, AllmondBeard & CyanBeard
Your connection to Xbox Live and/or the Sea of Thieves services has been disrupted or lost. Please check your console's network status via the Settings > Network menu.

Likewise this help page on Xbox Support - check your network settings via the Xbox app (I know it's not chat problems but this applies to multiplayer connectivity as well)

@katttruewalker okay thank you I will try this when I get home I hope it helps I really want to play this game

I played first in the second scale test, tried again in the third, and - obviously - now in the beta. I experienced these CyanBeard-Errors every time, usually after five to fifteen minutes, 30 at most.
I attributed it to the nature of the scale test, but since its all the same today i opened a support ticket.

According to the xbox app the live-service is running, multiplayer NAT-type open and server connected with 16ms latency and 0% packet loss. I even bought a LAN-cable today, just to make sure the powerline adapter i use normally aren't part of the problem.
The windows resource monitor (sorry if that's not how its named, i'm translating from german) doesn't report any packet loss either. My router has not a single error (not even a correctable one!) on the dsl line.
Since sea of thieves is the only game (or application, for that matter) that supposedly has some network issue, i don't think the problem is on my end (but of course i could be wrong).

If anyone had this problem and managed to solve it for him-/herself , please share your solution!

Anyone experiencing CyanBeards after a few minutes of game play: please leave a note here so Rare gets an idea how many player are affected.

Yes please other people having the same problem please comment to keep this near the top so rare can see and try to help us

Me and my friends have the same problem.
I wrote a support ticket last beta and they told me:
"This is an active bug that the test team are aware of. Your report has been sent over for further investigation. "
I hope they will fix it until release.

@missashley686 try having someone invite u to the game, every time i have problems this helps

@la-sleepyraptor I have no one to play with I was trying to play solo with no luck I do not understand why it still keeps disconnected when everything is up and running

@missashley686 add me, my gt is La Sleepyraptor

I always told to myself that this must be an alpha "feature", they disconnect us after 30 minutes because reasons. But if this problem is going to be in the final release, well, we are screwed, as it makes progression and enjoyment a chimera.

PC here, I can play my other multiplayer games (Overwatch, Fortnite) till sun goes nova.

4 day at launch and no one news about this error?
I can play only using a VPN , but can't be my only way.. It's so frustrating

The same thing happened to me in the Open Beta. Couldn't turn in half of the chests I found because I'd get disconnected from XBOX LIVE with the Cyanbeard error.

Also had this happen afew times during the test. One was worse cause instead of being with friends i was solo and had chest aboard. If that happened in final game i'd be so triggered.

I have raised a support request concerning my repeated CyanBeard-disconnects one week ago (Friday, march 9th, to be precise), which was answered with a generic "thank you, we got your request"-message.
I made a second post detailing something i had tried but failed to fix the problem :

I connected my PC via LAN-cable, just to rule out my in-home connection as the source of the problem. Still CyanBeard's :(
I've attached the Xbox Apps Network Settings page below (everything seems fine tho :/)

My request was marked as 'solved' on Monday, without any further comment. Assuming my wording "everything seems fine" could have been misunderstood, I reopened the request with a detailed list of what i had tried to solve the issue over the open-beta-weekend, but stating clearly that the issue remained.

Today my request got closed as 'solved' without any comment again.

Considering this experience and the fact, that this issue hasn't even been official acknowledged (never made it on the - no longer accessible - knowen-issues-list during the beta and test-weekends, but every little cosmetic complaint did), I do not expect it to be fixed. At least not until Tuesday.
To me it looks like too few people have this issue to catch rare's attention, so instead they have devoted their time to the infinite pirate generator instead.

Как играть в sea of thieves без xbox live

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Как бесплатно попробовать Sea of Thieves на Win10

На самом деле красивое предисловие съел тупой Microsoft Edge. Ненавижу их дурацкие сервисы, ногу сломал пока разбирался в их отдельных, но хитросплетённых сайтах, каждый из которых ссылается на другой и выдает идиотские, непонятные и несоответствующие действительности ошибки. Можете меня считать сонибоем.

Нам потребуется:
— ПК с Windows 10 на борту;
— Кредитная карта c 30 рублями на счету, как гарант нашей платежеспособности (их вернут через некоторое время). Можно вообще виртуальную (об этом дальше по тексту);
— Аккаунт Microsoft;
— Желание совсем чуть-чуть помытариться ради халявы;

На этом всё. Отписывайтесь в комментах о возникших проблемах и о том, что я упустил. Будем решать и дополнять гайд по мере возможности. Попутного ветра, капитаны!

Как играть в sea of thieves без xbox live

Sea of Thieves Russia | Discord Cервер

Эта ошибка является самой распространенной у steam пользователей. Данный способ можно использовать в решении многих ошибок , если другие не работают.

Способ решения с ошибкой профиля:

• Нужно открыть специального меню, для этого нажимаем комбинацию клавиш Win + X

• В открывшимся меню выбираем параметр - Выполнить

• Далее в открывшимся окне, вводим команду - control , жмем ОК

• В открывшийся Панели управления, выбираем - Учетные записи пользователей

• Управление учетными данными Windows

• Учетные данные Windows

• В открывшимся списке данных находим строчку с именем -Xbl_Ticket|1717113201|Production|*************** (если проблема происходит на версии Insider, то выбираем - Xbl_Ticket|804980065|Production|*************** )

• Кликаем на нее и удаляем ( если способ не сработал, то пробуйте удалять поочередно все данные с именем Xbl|1717113201|**********,после удаления очередных данных, пробуем зайти в игру и проверить успех)

• Далее заходим в игру и если мы все сделали правильно, то у нас появиться окно входа в учетную запись.

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