Iron cthulhu apocalypse что это

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

IRON CTHULHU APOCALYPSE: I’m almost 35 now and I started making music when I was 12. I haven’t made music consistently since then, though, but I’ve made a lot of different genres. I started focusing on ambient a few years ago, and dark ambient in particular. It was after a long hiatus from music entirely. When I started making music, though, my first instrument was just a casio keyboard. It had some basic editing functions on the sounds, though, so I could make ambient-style sounds with a little effort. Technically I would have made my first ambient tracks around age 12, recording direct to tape. I don’t have them anymore but I remember going for a very minimal style even then. A few years later my dad bought me an old synth from the 1980s and I had a drum machine and four-track-recorder, also. Then I moved up to a Roland MC-505 and some samplers. I didn’t start using computers consistently until much later. I’ve never had any formal training though and I’ve never really read any manuals on any of it, except maybe the samplers. At this point, I exclusively use computers, and aside from tutorials on Youtube it’s all been trial and error.

Мадонна устроила шествие к церкви после концерта В Нью-Йорке и помолилась в громкоговорители.

После концерта Мадонны, приуроченного к выходу документального фильма Madame X, певица отправилась в шествие по ночным улицам Гарлема. С ней также были бэк-вокалисты и композитор Джон Батист.

Команда Мадонны взяла с собой музыкальные инструменты и громкоговорители, а поддерживали шествие местные темнокожие жители.

"Господь со всеми нами. Иногда нужно просто помолиться", — произнесла у церкви 63-летняя исполнительница.

Поклонники поп-королевы остались в восторге от вечера, как и сама Мадонна. Она поделилась впечатлениями в своем Instagram-аккаунте и поблагодарила подписчиков с музыкантами.

Недавно стало известно и о том, что Мадонна отказалась сниматься в "Матрице". Певица рассказала об этом спустя 25 лет и подчеркнула, что очень сожалеет об упущенном шансе сняться в такой картине.

Iron Cthulhu Apocalypse

IRON CTHULHU APOCALYPSE: I’m almost 35 now and I started making music when I was 12. I haven’t made music consistently since then, though, but I’ve made a lot of different genres. I started focusing on ambient a few years ago, and dark ambient in particular. It was after a long hiatus from music entirely. When I started making music, though, my first instrument was just a casio keyboard. It had some basic editing functions on the sounds, though, so I could make ambient-style sounds with a little effort. Technically I would have made my first ambient tracks around age 12, recording direct to tape. I don’t have them anymore but I remember going for a very minimal style even then. A few years later my dad bought me an old synth from the 1980s and I had a drum machine and four-track-recorder, also. Then I moved up to a Roland MC-505 and some samplers. I didn’t start using computers consistently until much later. I’ve never had any formal training though and I’ve never really read any manuals on any of it, except maybe the samplers. At this point, I exclusively use computers, and aside from tutorials on Youtube it’s all been trial and error.

Iron Cthulhu Apocalypse

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Iron Cthulhu Apocalypse

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Dark Ambient 100 Songs: Necronomicon / Dead Names (Remastered Version)

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Iron Cthulhu Apocalypse

Мадонна дала концерт и заставила людей помолиться

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