Hunted the demon s forge как играть вдвоем на одном компьютере

Обновлено: 08.07.2024

27 июн. 2014 в 6:25

  • Co-op
  • Steam Cloud
  • Partial Controller Support
Co-op at a Distance: Combine E’lara’s ranged attacks with Caddoc’s melee expertise to pull off gruesome co-op kill moves, perform special attacks, and heal one another from anywhere on the battlefield. The characters’ differing combat expertise allows a player’s strategy to vary from one play through to the next.

There is no word on whether the discontinuation of "online co-op" also includes co-op on a local network (and, by extension, Hamachi), but my wife and I have computers on the same local subnet and we have been trying to get our copies to connect via a LAN game to no avail - our game clients do not see each other in the LAN game browser.

In contrast with the description on the Steam Store this game seems to now be a single player game only, and has been for a month since Gamespy was shut down.

30 июн. 2014 в 8:23

I don't actually know if it works or not but did you try.

1: Block all connections to P4DFTRE.DLL through Outgoing rule in Windows Firewall.

2: Launch the game

3: Disable the outgoing rule

4: Sign into your GameSpy Accounts

5: Go to Adventure then Online and try to invite your friend (the friends list still shows up showing them offline). Most likely not since if these connected by GameSpy servers then it won't work.

6: If the online doesn't work, after accessing the Online page, go back and try accessing LAN and Hosting/Joining while connected to Hamachi or Tunngle

I have no idea if this will actually work or not I just found it interesting that blocking and unblocking let's you still log in to your gamespy account and even see your offline friends. And since it will keep you signed in and with internet access, I figure the LAN should have a shot at actually working as well.

30 июн. 2014 в 14:24

I worked with Bethesda Support for 4 days via email to try to get the game working. In the end they ran some tests in their own support lab on a variety of platforms and said they could find "no official method of getting the game to work" in co-op.

Co-op is officially abandoned and I will ask Steam to remove this text from its store.

30 июн. 2014 в 15:09 I also want to mention that Bethesda has really excellent support. They were thorough, reasonable, and apologetic when they couldn't get me up and running. 1 июл. 2014 в 4:17

the "no official method" thing tells me they didn't try hamachi or tunngle, since those are 3rd party programs and could not be considered an official method. Still trying to find time to test mine out.

One thing is for sure though, it does look bleak.

1 июл. 2014 в 6:15 They mentioned both of those products in their support but I told them that I was trying to play on a local LAN subnet, and both those applications just emulate a LAN over ther internet. Plus Bethesda didn't make either of those applications so it wouldn't be an official fix.

To prevent the game from crashing all you need to do is blocking "P4DFTRE.DLL" from connecting to the gamespy ip. there are multiple ways of how to achieve that. once ingame the LAN mode can be used to play the game in CO-OP on a local area network. The game's LAN interface can also be used in combination with a virtual private network to play the game online in CO-OP across the internet.

I justed tested LAN and VPN-LAN CO-OP play and can confirm it works.

4 июл. 2014 в 8:03 This didn't work for me. I blocked that DLL file with the Windows firewall which allowed me to play single player but my wife and I couldn't find each other on the LAN browser. I don't know what else you did to get it working but neither I nor Bethesda Tech Support could do what you accomplished. 4 июл. 2014 в 13:20

Cannot say if this will help anyone else, but my girlfriend and I are on different computers on the same router/lan wireless network and we have little trouble playing Hunted with each other (different copies), but we are not using Steam for this. We just have local copies installed from different disks I bought from Amazon.

To get Hunted to run AT ALL, we first disconnect from the internet and start it up. Then run it for a while in single player, Then use Alt-Tab to switch to the internet connection and re-connect to the internet, then Alt-Tab back to the game. After that, the Host/Join over LAN option works fairly well, although sometimes it takes a couple of "joins" for one computer to see the other one's open wait session.

Hope this helps someone. We both really enjoy the game despite its flaws, it is just so freakin' fun!

Well thats false advertising and complete BS. Im glad i seen this before i bought it. 21 июл. 2014 в 20:53

Response By Email (Josh) (07/13/2014 04:34 PM)

After speaking with several departments it remains that Hunted: The Demon's Forge will no longer support online co-op play on PS3 and PC. Co-op is still accessible for local split-screen play.

Thank you very much for you inquiry and if you have any other questions please feel free to ask.

Best regards,
Bethesda Support
Customer By CSS Email (alex niz) (07/05/2014 12:57 AM)

Thank you very much for escalating my request! Im very excited to see if hunted can be revived :)

Thanks for getting in touch with The Bethesda Support Team. We appreciate you taking the time out to give us your feedback.

Regarding a refund, you would need to discuss that with the retailer from which you purchased the game.

Regarding your request for a statement, I'm not in a position to provide that. However, I will escalate your request to the appropriate department.

Please bear with us while we look into this for you.

The Bethesda Support Team

Customer By CSS Web (alex niz) (07/01/2014 02:36 PM)
Please pass this onto your management team in charge of overseeing past projects with a change order request.

FYI, the game actually crashes on startup when it attempts to reach gamespy but that can be avoided by adding an outbound Windows firewall rule that blocks "steamapps\common\Hunted\BINARIES\WIN32\p4dftre.dll". This could be a simple fix that can be included in the patch without manipulating code.

I would highly appreciate a spokesman from bethesda that would confirm whether or not this game will see an update in the forseeable future, if not, i would like to instead request a refund for the two copies i purchased to play coop with my gf.

If your official stance is to not fix the game, please work with distributors, such as steam, to clarify that the game no longer supports coop or online play. Thank you.

Как играть в кооперативе?

Захожу в онлайн, регюсь, нахожу друга, добавляю в друзья, приглашаю на частный матч. Он принимает, игра грузится, потом написано, что не удалось подключиться.
Чрз хамачи искал в ЛАН, не находило.
Пробовал через Итернет шнур - всё работает. Но с ним какае-то фигня случилаь после грозы, теперь не работает. Даже компы не видит.
Через тангл пока не пробовал.
Возможно через хамачи не работает из-за абсолютно разных IP. Для работы вроде нужно, чтоб первые 2 или 3 числа совпадали у обоих компов. Тогда уже и по ЛАНу сыграть можно.

По ссылке которую дал koxacbka советуют открыть определенные порты, если игра не может подключиться.
Вопрос - как это сделать?

Откройте следующие порты:
UDP/TCP 7777
TCP 28900 – 28902
TCP 28910
TCP 29900
TCP 29901
UDP 6500
UDP 7777 – 7787
UDP 9989
UDP 27900

Hunted: The Demon's Forge играть по сети и интернету (онлайн)

Руководство запуска The Hunted: Кузня демонов в мультиплеер:
1) Запускаем игру с помощью ярлыка на рабочем столе или файла \BINARIES\WIN32\HUNTED.EXE .

2) Для начала сетевой игры Вам необходимо пройти пролог, поэтому заходим в кампанию и доходим до момента, когда у нас спросят, желаем мы играть в одиночную игру или выйти в главное меню. выходим в меню.

Создание сервера к Игре:
1) Приключение => Интернет => Создать учетную запись(если ещё нету) => После регистрации вводим указанные данные и входим в аккаунт => Создать сервер игры и ждем другого игрока.

2) Приключение => Локальная сеть (в случае игры через Тангл, Хамачи или настоящую локальную сеть) => Создать локальный сервер => Ожидаем входа напарника.

Подключение к игре:

1) Приключение => Интернет => Создать учетную запись(если ещё нету) => После регистрации вводим указанные данные и входим в аккаунт => Присоединиться сейчас и ждем пока игра найдет нам хоста.

2) Приключение => Локальная сеть (в случае игры через Тангл, Хамачи или настоящую локальную сеть) => Присоединиться к игре => Выбираем сервер из списка.

Hunted the demon s forge как играть вдвоем на одном компьютере


Запуск игры и сетевая игра:

Через Tunngle:
1. Запустите Tunngle и зайдите в комнату где играют в эту игру.
2. Запустите игру.
3. Если первый раз была запущена игра: Start adventure ---> Выберите сложность и начните новую игру. ---> Пройдите обучение и выйдите в главное меню. Если нет желания проходить обучение, тогда сразу выйдите в главное меню игры. Откроется режим сетевой кооперативной игры.
4. Adventure ---> LAN
---> Host LAN game (Создать LAN игру) - для того чтобы создать свой сервер.
---> Join LAN game (Подключиться к LAN игре) - для того чтобы появился список серверов к которым можно подключиться.
5 .После того как оба игрока подключаться, они вместе должны выбрать желаемую сложность, игровой уровень и другие настройки. Если будут какие-то конфликты в выборе настроек, тогда игра случайным обрзом выберет из тех настроек, которые были указаны игроками. Когда будут указаны настройки, нужно нажать кнопку готовности (кнопка F1 на клавиатуре). Произойдет переход в другое меню, там тоже надо нажать кнопку готовности и потом игра будет запущена.

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