Ghost town что это

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

ghost town — ghost towns N COUNT A ghost town is a town which used to be busy and wealthy but is now poor and deserted. Mogadishu is said to be a virtual ghost town, deserted by two thirds of its residents … English dictionary

ghost town — A ghost town is a town that has been abandoned or is in decline and has very little activity … The small dictionary of idiomes

ghost town — n a town that used to have a lot of people living and working in it, but now has very few or none … Dictionary of contemporary English

ghost town — ghost ,town noun count a town where most people have left … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

ghost town — ghost′ town n. a town permanently abandoned by its inhabitants, as because of a business decline or because a nearby mine has been worked out • Etymology: 1870–75 … From formal English to slang

ghost town — ► NOUN ▪ a town with few or no remaining inhabitants … English terms dictionary

ghost town — ☆ ghost town n. the remains of a deserted town, permanently abandoned esp. for economic reasons … English World dictionary

ghost town — перевод на русский

evacuatedafter the chernobyl nuclear disaster, pripyat went from a city of 50,000 to ghost town overnight.

Припять превратилась из города с 50-тысячным населением в город-призрак. За одну ночь. Пыль покрыла школьные классы, покинутые учениками чуть более 20 лет назад.

It seem like only yesterday the party would go on forever but in just 12 short months the place known as America's Spring Break Capital has become a virtual ghost town.

Еще вчера казалось бы, что вечеринка не закончится никогда. Ho за короткие 12 месяцев место, известное в Америке, как Столица Весенних Каникул, превратилось в город-призрак.

ghost town — город призрак

If we're all down there, this place will look like a ghost town.

Если мы все спустимся туда, то это место будет выглядеть как город призрак.

The third floor's a ghost town, tons of empty rooms to bang in.

Третий этаж -— город призраков. Тонна пустых комнат чтобы уединиться

Это место превратило мой магазин в город призраков.

Потому что это связано с деньгами, и мы превратим его в город призраков.

Joan Winfield, oil heiress and fiancée of orchestra leader Allen Brice, is alive and safe in a nameless ghost town on the Calivada desert.

Джоан Винфилд, нефтяная наследница и невеста Аллена Брайса, жива и в безопасности в безымянном городе призраке в пустыне Каливада.

ghost town — город будто вымер

ghost town — в городе-призраке

Michael suddenly found himself living in a ghost town he himself built.

Майкл почувствовал себя в городе-призраке который сам же и построил

If we stay in this ghost town, Ava, together or otherwise, how long you think it's gonna be before we turn into ghosts ourselves?

Если мы останемся в этом городе-призраке, вместе или как-то ещё, как скоро, по-твоему, мы сами превратимся в призраков?

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ghost town

ghost town — ghost towns N COUNT A ghost town is a town which used to be busy and wealthy but is now poor and deserted. Mogadishu is said to be a virtual ghost town, deserted by two thirds of its residents … English dictionary

ghost town — A ghost town is a town that has been abandoned or is in decline and has very little activity … The small dictionary of idiomes

ghost town — n a town that used to have a lot of people living and working in it, but now has very few or none … Dictionary of contemporary English

ghost town — ghost ,town noun count a town where most people have left … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

ghost town — ghost′ town n. a town permanently abandoned by its inhabitants, as because of a business decline or because a nearby mine has been worked out • Etymology: 1870–75 … From formal English to slang

ghost town — ► NOUN ▪ a town with few or no remaining inhabitants … English terms dictionary

ghost town — ☆ ghost town n. the remains of a deserted town, permanently abandoned esp. for economic reasons … English World dictionary

ghost town

ghost town — ghost towns N COUNT A ghost town is a town which used to be busy and wealthy but is now poor and deserted. Mogadishu is said to be a virtual ghost town, deserted by two thirds of its residents … English dictionary

ghost town — A ghost town is a town that has been abandoned or is in decline and has very little activity … The small dictionary of idiomes

ghost town — n a town that used to have a lot of people living and working in it, but now has very few or none … Dictionary of contemporary English

ghost town — ghost ,town noun count a town where most people have left … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

ghost town — ghost′ town n. a town permanently abandoned by its inhabitants, as because of a business decline or because a nearby mine has been worked out • Etymology: 1870–75 … From formal English to slang

ghost town — ► NOUN ▪ a town with few or no remaining inhabitants … English terms dictionary

ghost town — ☆ ghost town n. the remains of a deserted town, permanently abandoned esp. for economic reasons … English World dictionary

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