Где найти qubesly trove

Обновлено: 01.07.2024

Most of the Expertise quests have been reworked to provide better experience and easier learning curve for new players.

Qubesly's Quest

Starts when players first enter the game. This very first quest can always be re-done if player enters Tutorial World which is accessible through Trovian Atlas and /tutorial chat command. Movement, gear and other basic functions are explained in this tutorial.

Rewards earned: unlocked Neophyte's Wings, small amount of resources and one Jumping Jadefin

This quest continues as player enters the Hub for the first time, but steps from here on cannot be done repeatedly.

Note: After completing that first Tutorial world, players can also enter Geode Sanctuary and start Geode Caves questline. This is optional and can also be done at any moment afterwards.

Qubesly's Quest - Hub

Talk with Qubesly in the Hub (near Trovian Atlas), complete few dungeons in Medieval Highlands and other biomes. You will be returning back to Qubesly in the Hub multiple times. Be sure to read the text of the quest, Qubesly moves! This questline explains some basic things about Trove and shows new players around the Hub.

Rewards earned: few Starter Chaos Chests, small amount of Flux and other resources, Patron (1 Day)

To complete this quest a player must interact with one of the following quest-giving NPC. They provide more tutorial quests that explain various Trove activities. Their quests can be completed in any order.

Building Expertise Quest – Talk with Bubs on the roof of Crafter's Corner.

Gemsly's Gem Expertise Quest – if you have reached level 10 with any class, talk to Gemsly near workbenches by Leaderboard Lounge.

Geode Caves Quest – Talk with Amberine in the basement of Guild Halls or in Geode Sanctuary.

If you have completed all those Expertise quests before their NPCs will be gone. However, you can always interact with Hero on the top floor of Leaderboard Lounge or with Marakeet by the Market Stall at Character Corner to complete this quest, they stay in the hub after their quest has been completed.

Geode Caves Quest

This questline takes you through Geode Caves and resources, explains Modules and their upgrades and teaches how to treat and raise your own Companions. You will also learn about obtaining, charging and revealing Reliquaries.

Rewards earned: unlocked various Modules, Module Parts for their crafting, some Geode materials and Reliquary Token.

Building Expertise Quest

Bubs can be found on the roof of Crafters Corner building.

This tutorial teaches you about basics of placing blocks of various types, crafting decorations and unlocking recipes. You will also learn how to craft and use bombs.

Rewards earned: unlocked Barreling Bomb mount, few hundred of various colored building blocks and some Bombs.

Tomes Expertise Quest

Hobbes can be found on the ground floor of Crafters Corner building once you have obtained any Tome.

Obtain any Tome to start this short questline. You can craft one yourself at Runecrafting Bench, purchase one form the Marketplace or get some unlocked by buying packs in the Store.

With this questline you will learn how to use Tomes – and they essential for obtaining rare resources.

Rewards earned: unlocked Corn Rollio mount, some Flux.

Gemsly's Gem Expertise Quest

Gemsly can be found in font of the Leaderboard Longue.

Once player has reached level 10 with any class, Gemsly will appear near workbenches on outside of the Leaderboard Longue. This questline explains everything about Gems: where to obtain them, how to use them, how to upgrade etc. This quest can take much longer time than previous Tutorial questlines since you unlock Gem worlds as you level up and increase your Power Rank.

Rewards: lots of Water Gem Dust, Air Gem Dust and Fire Gem Dust, few Gem boxes, few Empowered Gems, Class Gem Key and most importantly - Gemsly as a personal ally!

Marketplace Expertise Quest

Marakeet can be found by the Market Stall at Character Corner building.

Player has to have a Total Mastery of 20 or above to start this ques. Talk to Marakeet at Character Corner in the Hub to begin this questline. It explains how to sell and buy things from other players through Marketplace. Claim profits from your sold listings to complete 'sell' objective.

Rewards earned: ally [Mark, Mini Marakeet], two Trove of Wonders lootboxes.

Geode Topside Quest

Hero can be found on the top floor of Leaderboard Lounge in the Hub.

Once a player has completed Gem Expertise tutorial and reached a Power Rank of 5.000 or above, Hero appears in the Hub offering questline about Topside worlds of Geode. This questline explains Cosmic Gems, Crystal gear and ways to obtain and upgrade them.

Rewards earned: three Greater Geodian Topside Caches, some Crystalline Cores, Pearl of Wisdom and other resources.

Hubdate Tutorial Quests content powered by Mustaches and Bunnies.

St. Qubeslick 2021

March 9, 2021 (updated 7 months ago) by Etaew

Event Summary

This event focuses on hunting Luckbeasts and Fluxbeasts, but to see them, you need to craft special food!

Main Quest Chain

St. Qubeslick's Feast 1/7: Trovian! How is your stomach? I have some plans this year for St. Qubeslick! Meet me in the hub!

Qubesly can be found next to Gardeners Wagon on the left side of the spawn platform.

St. Qubeslick's Feast 2/7: Check out my wares! And my costume! Aren't I amazing? I know, I know, thank you! This year I wanted to teach you how to bake the Feast of St. Qubeslick! The first step of the recipe is the fabled Sevenspice of St. Qubeslick! I've got enough to get you started, but it comes from the TREASURE ISLES biome in Adventure Worlds!

The St. Qubeslick's Sevenspice can be obtained from reward chests in dungeons and from world-bosses. Dungeons from Treasure Isles biome in both Adventure world and Drowned worlds work.

St. Qubeslick's Feast 3/7: Next step? Starch! I mean Totter Tates! I've been authorized to sell you some, but I need to be honest, it would be MUCH cheaper if you could source the Totter Tates yourself. There's even a sink you can use behind my chair to wash 'em! If you don't have a green thumb, consider checking the MARKETPLACE.

St. Qubeslick's Feast 4/7: Now that you've got the ingredients, you can cook it right up on this Min-E Bake Oven next to me!

St. Qubeslick's Feast 5/7: Equip that Delite right in your Food slot, head over to the JURASSIC JUNGLE, and find a Luckbeast! Remember, they're INVISIBLE unless you've got a St. Qubeslick's Delite or Feast equipped!

Equip St. Qubeslick's Delite! and while it is active hunt for Green and Yellow T-rex dinosaurs in Jurassic Jungle biome. Eventually one of those will drop Luckbeast Haunch - found in your Crafting Materials inventory.

St. Qubeslick's Feast 6/7: Ok! Remember how to make the St. Qubeslick's Delite? Well, the Min-E-Bake Oven can also make the Feast! It's next to me in the Hub, give it a shot once you've obtained the ingredients!

St. Qubeslick's Feast 7/7: Great work, Trovian! Now that you can make the Feast, you can spend more time hunting the Luckbeast for some of its treasure!


This precious friend is here to help you become stronger. Gemsly loves you just the way you are. Earned from Gemsly's Gem Expertise Quest.

Designed by: Trove Team

50 75 JSON


  • 10.0% Critical Damage
  • -10.0% Incoming Damage
This precious friend is here to help you become stronger. Gemsly loves you just the way you are. Earned from Gemsly's Gem Expertise Quest.

? Ally will create a non combat pet to appear alongside you and provide you with bonuses.

Last updated 6 days ago by Kaen


Using the following items can unlock this collection

Ally | | 10.0% Critical Damage | -10.0% Incoming Damage |


Earned from completing the Gem Expertise beginner quest thread.

Где найти qubesly trove


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При заходе в игру после 08.07.2020 Вам автоматически зачисляется на аккаунт монета.
За эту монету Вы выбираете свой "дом", у которого будете проходить дальнейшие квесты.

When you log in to the game after 08.07.2020, a coin is automatically credited to your account.
For this coin, you choose your "home", where you will pass further quests.

Итак, первым делом Вам надо выбрать "дом". Для этого используйте НПС, которого зовут Кьюбсли.

So, the first thing you need to choose a "home". To do this, use the NPC, whose name is Qubesly.

На выбор представляются три "дома", какой выбирать - решать Вам. Я же буду использовать "Tysorion Badge House".

There are three "houses" to choose from, which one is up to you to decide. I will use the "Tysorion Badge House".

Устанавливаем этот значок в быстрый-слот (R или Т) и используем.

Set this badge in the quick-slot (R or Т) and use it.

Подходим к Вашему "дому" и используем так же значок из быстрого-слота (R или Т).

We approach your "home" and use the same badge from the quick-slot (R or Т).

Внимание: НПС будут разговаривать с Вами ТОЛЬКО если Вы используете его.

После использования значка у большого НПСа появится квест. Смело берем его.

After using the badge, a large NPC will have a quest. Feel free to take it.

Для выполнения этой задачи Вам нужно телепортироваться в любой убер-мир и искать специальных мобов (они просто гуляют по карте). Выглядят они вот так:

To complete this task, you need to teleport to any Uber world and look for special mobs (they just walk on the map). They look like this:

Перед их убийством используем значок с быстрого-слота (R или Т)

Вернитесь в Хаб после убийства пиньят в Убере. Вам нужен костер, который стоит слева от Вас, при телепортации.

Return to the Hub after killing Pinata in Uber. You need a bonfire that stands to your left when teleporting.

Подходим, нажимаем "Е", крафтим (нужно 15 stick, которые Вы выбили с мобов).

Come, press "E", craft (you need 15 stick, which you knocked out from the mobs).

Выполняется так же, как предыдущий квест. Так же используем значок из слота (R или Т) перед убийством мобов.

It is carried out in the same way as the previous quest. We also use the icon from the slot (R or Т) before killing mobs.

Используем "Donation Station", что находится в Хабе. Жертвуем 10 штук. Квест сделан.
(Если у Вас нет айтемов, чтобы пожертвовать - купите их у НПС своего "дома").

We use the "Donation Station", which is located in the Hub. Donate 10 pieces. Quest done.
(If you don’t have items to donate, buy them from the NPCs of your “home”).

Каждые 3-4 часа в Хабе открывается портал голубого цвета. Пройдя через него нужно убить босса.
Требования к порталу: ранг силы 60+, 4-5+ уровень.

Every 3-4 hours a blue portal opens in the Hub. After passing through it you need to kill the boss.
Portal requirements: Strength grade 60+, 4-5 + level.

После того, как Вы зайдете в портал, автоматически начнется квест.
По квесту нужно убить большую пиньяту-босса.

After you enter the portal, the quest will automatically begin.
In the quest you need to kill the big piñatu boss.

После убийства пиньяты Вам в инвентарь попадает айтем, под названием "the orb":

After killing a pinyata, an item called "the orb" falls into your inventory:

Так же перекладываем его в быстрый-слот (R или Т) и используем.

We also transfer it to the quick-slot (R or Т) and use it.

Возвращаемся в Хаб, к первому НПС, у которого брали значок.

We return to the Hub, to the first NPC, who took the badge.



Так же выбираем свой "house", что мы выбирали ранее и так же используем из быстрого-слота (R или Т).

We also select our "house", which we chose earlier (R or Т)

После убийства пиньяты в инвентарь упадет баннер - не удаляйте его.
Идем к лут коллектору, ломаем баннер и получаем летний сундук.
After killing piñata, a banner will fall into the inventory - do not delete it.
We go to the loot collector, break the banner and get a summer chest.

Спасибо, что прочитали мое руководство.
Попрошу поставить лайк руководству, дабы выбить его в топ, чтобы людям было легче его найти.
Если будут какие-то вопросы - смело пишите комментарии, постараюсь быстро ответить.

Thanks for reading my guide.
I’ll ask you to like the management in order to get it on the top so that it will be easier for people to find it.
If you have any questions - feel free to write comments, I will try to answer quickly.
P.s Excuse me for my pepega english :(

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