Где найти попугая в sevtech ages

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

The Medieval Age is the third Age encountered in the game. Four ores are revealed in this Age: Iron, Gold, Lapis lazuli and Rock crystal ore. Some of the new tech includes tinkering, exploration and astral sorcery mod. The previous Age is the Bronze Age and the next Age is the Industrial Age.

In order to progress to the next age, you need to craft a Coal Engine. This is a deceptive task in how simple it appears - this age has the least number of advancements in the main progression, but notably the coal engine will require the player to travel to the Twilight Forest and slay the Naga, Lich, Ur-Ghast, and Hydra. Prior to this, the player will also need to visit the Betweenlands, which is comparable to starting the tutorial again, except with more dying this time. 10/10 would recommend.

All in all, the Medieval Age features large amounts of exploration in a variety of interesting new locations, and features the perk of Journey Map as an available unlock!

Materials [ ]

Steeleaf is a very useful material introduced in this age, because it can be used with Tinker's Construct items to quickly replenish their durability. Of course, the main materials introduced in this age are the ores gold, iron, lapis, and rock crystal. The rock crystals are extremely useful for crafting in Astral Sorcery, partially for the recipes including them but also for the liquid starlight they produce in a lightwell (they can produce much more than aquamarine - despite what JEI may say). Gold is most useful for making Tinker's casts and buying things in the market. Iron is useful for making stronger items, as well as star metal ore. Lapis is useful for luck on pickaxes, nocturnal powder, and a few other small recipes.

Stardust is another important material in this age - and it is accessible through two recipes! - either by starlight infusion in the Astral Sorcery multi block structure, or by crafting it in a hellfire forge. Options!

Additionally, the middle ore gems from the Betweenlands are used for creating more complex Tinkers devices, and octine ingots are used for creating pistons (if you can't find any!).

JourneyMap Token Recipe

Journey Map [ ]

A fair warning that the JourneyMap Token is extremely resource intensive. It requires the completion of all of the Twilight forest to obtain the Lamp of Cinders, as well as Charms of Keeping, which can only be found in Twilight Forest dungeon chests. The Ring of Ascent is only found in loot chests in the Betweenlands. If you're able to collect these pieces, the rest of the token should be easy peasy. Unlocking Journey Map will transfer all your location markers from the antique atlas, as well as reveal all the area you have ever visited prior to this point.

If you do not eat a JourneyMap Token in age 2 (medieval) or 3 (industrial), you will unlock advanced mapping automatically in age 4, the Modern Age. However, this will not count towards completion of the advancement (sorry, completionists).

Endermen are the most notable mob that show up in the medieval age. They may spawn in any biome. Notably, two new dimensions become available, and all the mobs in them as well. These include the Betweenlands and Twilight Forest. Any mob capable of holding an item will now have 50% odds of an iron sword and 25% chance of a gold sword. All mobs capable of wearing armour have 50% odds of wearing iron armour, and 25% chance of gold armour. Additionally, all skeletons will now be equipped with bows, excepting trumpet skeletons.

Main Advancements [ ]

Filling in the Gaps - Acquire Constellation Paper.

Liquify - Acquire a Lightwell

Starlight Upgrade - Place the Starlight Crafting table

Enter the Twilight - Create a portal to the Twilight Forest

Push it Real Good - Obtain a Piston

Train-ing with Coal - Craft a Coal Combustion Engine

The medieval age has just 6 main advancements!

Sevtech Ages; Tips, Tricks, Showcases and More

Put your tips, tricks, and whatever else here for this very heavy but interesting modpack!

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Tasty Sandwiches and Pork Dinners are excellent Age 0 food.

Put logs in your off-hand when using the chopping block.

The Cart functions as a double chest when you sneak-rclick on it, making by far it the best Age 0 storage option (if bulky).

Making a stone-braced wooden shield will make handling darklands combat a lot easier.

The Stone Axe is the strongest Age 0 weapon.

Stripping logs in-world yields far more bark than using the crafting recipe. Hold sneak-rmouse with the work blade to do so.

Playing 3.0.6, fresh world for the new biomes/better biome banding.

We've spent over a dozen hours hunting a ¬2000 block radius around our start point for a swamp or jungle - which is needed for age 1 vines for creeping moss and for the assistance in providing corallium(sp?) gems - will be digging in the ocean for that. No luck with either yet.

Also fewer abyssal stairways than the game we tried in 3.0.5 - only 2 in that whole search, and we've done most of our searching by raft, so I expected to find many more.

Also having far fewer wild dogs spawn than in 3.0.5 - which is a blessing for survive-ability but a curse when you want the wild dog pelt boots.

In general, I'm loving the pack, the amount of work evident in it is amazing, but the dependency on RNJesus for certain critical elements is starting to wear thin. I like the travelling about - the pack's worldgen is very pretty - but it'd be nice to have some additional ways to generate what you need or find those critical biomes and world items.

The Twilight Forest [ ]

Carminite Acclimation and Hydra Slayer are technically the only two required advancements, since you only need Steeleaf, Fiery Tears, Ghast Tears, and a Carminite Reactor from the Twilight Forest. Since you're here, you may as well complete some of the others to aid you, but none of the others are actually required.

The Twilight Forest has many optional advancements and loads of food available!

Misc. Advancements [ ]

  • The Betweenlands (1) - Find a swamp with a druid circle, make a talisman, and enter the Betweenlands
    • The Betweenlands (2) - Craft a weedwood sword
    • Weedwood - Collect weedwood sticks from a weedwood bush
    • Controlling - Craft a smeltery controller
      • They Be Stealin' My Bucket - Cast an iron bucket
      • Get Lost, Oh Wait. - Craft a compass
        • Speedrunner - Craft a stopwatch
        • What's My Biome? - Craft a biomealyzer
        • Into the Depths - Craft a depth meter
        • Upgrade Your Prospects - Create a tough dowsing rod
          • StarPower - Obtain Star Dust from a rock crystal sample
            • Extended Crafting: Iron - Create the most basic extended crafting table
              • Advanced Mapping - Eat a JourneyMap Token Iron Apple
              • Smelter Tank - Make a porcelain or seared brick tank for smeltery heating
                • Fast Farm - Craft a watering can
                • The Market - Use the Farming for Blockheads market
                • Casting a Nugget - Make a nugget cast
                • Part Maker - Make a part maker
                  • Tools Station - Make a tool station
                  • Top 10 Weirdest Gadgets - Craft a weirding gadget
                  • Resonation - Craft a resonating wand


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