Где найти джотаро в yba

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

Jotaro is one of the NPCs you must meet in order to obtain Made In Heaven. He will assign you to gather all the Corpse Parts so Heaven Ascension DIO can take you to him. You will be sent by Pucci to befriend him and obtain DIO's Bone, and later on, betray him to get his Disc. This NPC has been renamed "JOE" in-game in order to avoid copyright issues.


  • JOE: Good Grief.
  • Player: What? (Continue) Bye. (Decline)
  • JOE: That fool. after I beat his bricks in once, he's come back for another beating.
  • Player: Who? (continue) Bye. (Decline)
  • JOE: The man I will never forgive, DEO.
  • Player: . (continue) Bye. (Decline)
  • JOE: He's already dead. but somehow he's BACK. and I can't beat him unless I get closer. But unfortunately, he's out of my reach.
  • Player: What the. how come? (Continue) Bye. (decline)
  • JOE: I need to obtain the "Saints Corpse Parts" in order to get his current location. There are about 4 of them.
  • Player: I'll help you. (accept) Bye. (decline)
  • JOE: You're a great guy. come back to me when you have the items. (QUEST BEGINS)

JOE: Do you have the "Saint's Corpse Parts" yet?

JOE: "DEO should summon us to his realm any minute now. Get ready to beat his face in."


Jotaro Kujo (Boss)


While he can be fought at any level, defeating him does not award that much experience unless you first get the quest from the DEO (which requires being at least level 35.) Joe is a fairly hard boss, as he is one of four enemies that can stop time.

Gives $200 upon defeating him, ($200 more if you take DIOs quest), meaning you get $400 in total if you receive the quest from DIO's quest then kill him.


If you avoid his barrage, you avoid his entire "combo." Therefore, it is essential to dodge or block to stop him from damaging you.

Knocking him down is the easiest way to defeat him. You can spam any move that can knock him down until he dies.


Jotaro appears to be identical to the boss at the Train Station.

Где найти джотаро в yba



ЭКСТРЕМАЛЬНЫЙ РАШН ФАНДОМ ФО YBA / Your Bizarre запись закреплена

Tommy Boon

Александр Мотыгин

Александр Мотыгин

Кира Валентинов

Кира Валентинов

Tommy Boon

Кира Валентинов

Кира Валентинов ответил Tommy

Tommy, мне так один челик с михом сказал,так что скорее всего да

Кира, Взять квест у Пуччи -> Получить все части трупа -> Убивать Овер Хевен Дио до тех пор, пока с него не получишь кость -> Берёшь следующий квест у Пуччи -> Убиваешь Джотаро(6 часть) до тех пор, пока не получишь его диск -> Взять последний квест -> Встать на самую высокую гору


Jotaro is a Quest NPC that will send you off to defeat Heaven Ascension DIO to obtain his bone and complete one of the steps on obtaining Made In Heaven. Jotaro will give you a quest before teleporting you to HAD (Heaven Ascension DIO.) You need all the Saint's Corpse Parts (Redeemed Corpse Parts also work) in order to enter the Heaven's Arena.

Где найти джотаро в yba

Дневник Дио или Путь по достижению Рая — это ключевой предмет, фигурирующий в Каменном океане.

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Джотаро Куджо находит этот дневник после событий третьей части; думая, что дневник может быть опасен в будущем, он сжёг его. Однако, так как Джотаро помнит содержимое дневника, он становится целью Энрико Пуччи, который хотел заполучить диск памяти Джотаро.

Дневник содержит в себе план по достижению Рая.

Тебе понадобится мой стенд, The World.

user uploaded image

Чтобы достичь Рая, тебе нужно выйти за пределы сил моего стенда. Тебе понадобится друг, которому ты сможешь довериться. Он должен быть способен контролировать свои желания. Он не должен быть заинтересован в получении власти, славы, богатства, или сексуального удовлетворения, и должен избрать волю Бога выше закона людей

Найду ли я, DIO, однажды кого-нибудь похожего?

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Так же понадобятся жизни 36 грешников, ибо те, кто согрешили, таят особую силу внутри.


Jotaro will always Start with a Barrage if you don't ragdoll him as your first attack. After barraging, he will use clicks into a Star Finger. After Star Finger, he will start clicking again and use a barrage finisher. Throughout the fight he often use clicks and Star Finger, which are both blockable so make use of Blocking. At 50% HP or below, he will Activate Rage Mode and Stop Time. This Jotaro uses the Old Time Stop meaning he stops time for a full 7 seconds, however unlike the Current Time Stop, his attacks during stopped time won't get the rage boost. As long as you jump at the right time or he just stands still in TS, you should be good in terms of HP. If you take too long to Kill Jotaro after he stops time, his Rage Mode cooldown will end and he will Activate Rage and Stop Time again.

This Jotaro does not have Access to Ora Kicks, Inhale, Stand Jump or Time Skip.

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