Fallout 4 quest stopped как исправить

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

This is the situation I am facing:

After I have killed the Z2-47 and looted the Couser chip , the quest finish animation and XP Earning bar appear on screen. The "The Molecular Level" quest (b1752), which is suppose to be triggered next, doesn't appear at all.

Following are some of my own findings:
- I have search thru the Internet for few days and so far I have only found 1 or 2 posts regarding the similar situation and without any solutions. In that sense, this is a very very rare situation.

- Upon checking the quest with console commands with sqs and sqv, it seems that the reason for that is that the Hunter/Hunted Quest (229eb) is "stuck" at Running stage even thou it has already reached the stage 100 (the last stage of the quest). I have tested with other quest that once it reach the final stage, the quest status would change from running to stopped

- I have tried using stopquest and completequest on 229eb. Both changes its running stage to stopped but didn't trigger the b1752 quest.

- startquest doesn't seems to be working on main quest. The b1752 quest status remain stopped.

- With the quest status remains at stopped, the setstage doesn't seems to work as well. (Well, the stage value changes, but the script doesn't seems to load where the conversation with Tinker Tom not able to be triggered.

Any help would be much appreciated. I want to get into the Institute!

18 июл. 2016 в 3:36

Did you ever get this problem fixed? I'm having the same issue and have tried everything I can think of, including console commands to complete the Hunter/Hunted quest (which does work to complete), finishing the quest manually again from a previous save, and trying to force The Molecular Level quest to start via console commands, but nothing I do will trigger it to start. I simply have no more main quests after finishing Hunter/Hunted.

I am at a point where I just started doing missions for The Railroad so I have access to Tinker Tom, but even after getting the Courser Chip he doesn't give any options for analyzing it, and his computer doesn't contain the prompt for decoding it manually. I believe it must only appear once the quest becomes active, which it won't for me.

I just started playing Fallout 4 again after months and Hunter/Hunted was the quest I left off on, so I really don't know if something I've done previously has caused this to happen. I was at the point where I was finding the source of the Courser signal, but going to that building and finishing the quest simply won't trigger the next quest to begin and I'm unable to progress after 100+ hours put into the game--it's really disheartening and I want to be able to continue.

Do I need to finish out the current Railroad quest I'm doing or should that even matter? I assume once completing a main story quest the next one should automatically trigger regardless of the state of the world, am I wrong to assume this?

Вроде - SetStage ID нужного квеста 0
Чтобы увидеть все квесты - ShowQuestTargets
Потом набираешь SQS ID квеста
Чтобы переместиться к квесту - MoveToQT ID квеста

вообщем, квест называется: "Призыв к оружию" вот его ID- 0006f5c1, а теперь еще раз, что мне точно нужно вводить?

Призыв к оружию - это BOS100, вроде.
BOS000 - это когда ты спешишь им на помощь, гулей отстреливать.
Потом будет BOS200 - отдать коротковолновой передатчик и начать служить во славу БС
А что за ID у тебя - без понятия. Такие ID бывают у неписей или предметов.
Если хочешь перезапустить квест - жми SetStage BOS100 0
Посмотреть, на каком этапе квест - SQS BOS100

"Призыв к оружию" - это самый забагованый квест в Фолыч 4 ,я его тоже с помощью консоли вводил чтобы пройти,иначе этот Паладин Данс гонимый стоит не шевелится ,либо тупо валит с задания. А как там его(этот квест) запороть можно - я не знаю,ведь он изначально запоротый разрабами.

Как перезапустить квест?

Можно ли с помощью какой-нибудь консольной команды перезапустить квест сначала?

Тот же вопрос. Перезапустить или хотя бы завершить. У меня ветка квестов минитменов застряла, квест дали, а я только через два дня решил за него взяться, а маркер не указывает на локацию. Я нашел её, зачистил и ничего не происходит. Сохранок перед квестом тоже нет, за два дня я их не раз перезаписал уже. Не знаю, что делать.

10 мая. 2016 в 23:15 I don't know what happened during my playtrough, but now Preston don't give me ANY quests, same with the minutemen radio alert.
This seems fine at first look, but not being able to do any minutemen quests mean something in your game got seriously bugged. Not to mention that minutemen quests help to gain some friends respect, so.
Anyone have a solution?
10 мая. 2016 в 23:24 You sure you don't have any quests/sidequests to investigate kill off stuff? 10 мая. 2016 в 23:30 At this point I have 4 active quests.
Cleansing the Commonwealth
From Within, to Locate Doctor Li
and The Molecular Level, on the final part to use the signal inteceptor and teleport into the institute. 10 мая. 2016 в 23:31 10 мая. 2016 в 23:34 10 мая. 2016 в 23:38

Alright, first thing that springs to mind is whether or not you have got all the settlements (that you know of)? Also congratz on breaking Preston haha that must have been a hard slog lol. Time passing ingame should effect settlement % chance being attacked, and also the Defense of each settlement - I read somewhere that Water + Food = optimal Defense for minimal attacks.

I guess you won? lol Settlement master!

10 мая. 2016 в 23:51 I have 9 days of gametime, at level 102 now.
I noticed that minutemen quests stopped after I linked my settlements with suply lines(but didnt linked all btw). Maybe killing the provisioners can fix it? heheheh
Oh now that you mentioned, there's a settlement that I dont have yet. Warnick Homestead.
As you can guess, the quest to get this settlement isnt given to me. 11 мая. 2016 в 0:14

Just checked this:

Radiant Minutemen quests: Garvey will assign the Sole Survivor up to three radiant quests every time he is spoken to, provided none of the quests mentioned above are currently active.

One of the "quests mentioned above" is The Molecular Level.
I'll complete it and see if something changes.

11 мая. 2016 в 3:31

If you are playing survival mode (I don't know about the other difficulties) it happens. There are several threads about this.

It will take a long time but he will start again. In the meantime settlers will ask you to unlock more settlements for their friends, kill enemies, rescue kidnapped settlers, and so on.

I was level 4 when he stopped and it was not until I was in the 30/40s when he started again. I am now level 75 and he floods me with quests. Radio Freedom too.

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