Err sys invalid resource 5 gta 5 как исправить

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

23 мар. 2018 в 7:57

Me and my friend get error message "ERR_SYS_INVALIDRESOURCE_5" after 1.43 updare.
I checked hash 5 times, (after getting error message i always see 27 corrupted files = 15gb)
And completely deleted the game two times.
[Delete together with the game folder,after install on different physical disk drive]
,after 10 minutes i see this error again. Again, the hash check reports 27 corrupted files.

How to fix this bug? Please,help me :(

23 мар. 2018 в 8:04

Verify cache - is all your need to do.
Unless you are comparing CURRENT hashes from the release 2-3 days ago.

23 мар. 2018 в 8:19

My hosts file has only one textcode localhost
and its normal hosts file >_>

Verify cache (after getting error) always reports about 27 corrupted files after check, and automatically start re-downloading 15 gb
But if i check cache after 2 min of playing and exit without error message - cache check is "OK,all good"

23 мар. 2018 в 8:20

The hosts file - is not the only attempted fix to the problem in that thread.

If steam keeps thinking you have corrupt files and everything is in order. scan hdd for errors and test your ram, probably scan for malware/adware/virus too.

I would also open msconfig, and disable ALL non-MS services and ALL startup apps.

If you are doing anything else not mentioned in your timeline - it would be wise to skip it.

23 мар. 2018 в 9:03 The hosts file - is not the only attempted fix to the problem in that thread.

problem on both my hdd drives, its not a hdd problem
files really wrong/corrupted (because steam redownloading it after error), its not a ram problem
malware/adware - no. (you really believe what virus can kill only one game? XD) i has antivirus)
maybe..steam downloaded update 1.43 in

23 мар. 2018 в 9:10

I'd explain my reasoning but. why bother.

Problem being on both drives - and after multiple reinstalls =
I doubt it's your drives = but you check anyways and be 100% sure.
Ram is used in both cases = you check and be sure.

I gave you the current appmanifest to be sure steam is doing it's job properly and you are actually getting what you need / correctly from it. Steam doesn't download 100% correct. and the files magically transform into something else afterwards.

Hence, malware/virus/adware perhaps causing issues in your ram, or how you/the game sees files. I've had plenty of people tell me they has antivirus only to strip ridiculous amounts of crap off their pc. You scan, you check, you clean - you rule it out.

Let's not even bring crappy internet/wifi/downloadregion into the equation

IF you really wanna giggle - I'm half tempted to tell you to move your entire steamapps/common - and steam / userdata folders OUT of your steam folder - and blast everything else in the steam folder and reinstall it.

Did you infact close everything else open in the background/restart your computer?
(because you know - antivirus "can" interfere with verify cache. -.-)

Кто-нибудь сталкивался с подобной ошибкой при запуске игры? Можно ли решить без переустановки? Проблема возникла после неудачной установки какого-то мода.

Если не ошибаюсь эта ошибка указывает на поврежденные архивы игры! Бекапы надо было делать на архивы в которых производились изменения! А еще в корневой папке игры есть такие файлики: OpenIV.asi, OpenIV.ini ?

Спасибо, что откликнулся! Бэкапы, не делал, признаю). OpenIV, только один текстовый файл есть.

asi тоже нужен без него не запустится игра

чтоб asi появился зайди в openIV в раздел инструменты и выбери ASI Менеджер, а там уже загрузиш то что нужно тебе

Эта публикация удалена, так как она нарушает рекомендации по поведению и контенту в Steam. Её можете видеть только вы. Если вы уверены, что публикацию удалили по ошибке, свяжитесь со службой поддержки Steam.

Этот предмет несовместим с Grand Theft Auto V. Пожалуйста, прочитайте справочную статью, почему этот предмет может не работать в Grand Theft Auto V.

Этот предмет виден только вам, администраторам и тем, кто будет отмечен как создатель.

В результатах поиска этот предмет сможете видеть только вы, ваши друзья и администраторы.

Если у вас появляется ошибка ERR_SYS_INVALIDRESOURCE_5, ERR_GEN_ZLIB_2, или просто крашится игра, а вы уже испробовали все обычные методы, вам сюда
If you have ERR_SYS_INVALIDRESOURCE_5 error, ERR_GEN_ZLIB_2 error, or just crashes of the game, and you have tried all the usual methods, this guide is for you.

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If you have ERR_SYS_INVALIDRESOURCE_5 error, ERR_GEN_ZLIB_2 error, or just crashes of the game, and you have tried all the usual methods, such as checking the cache in steam, hash sums of files with various useless programs, reinstalled the game, reinstall Windows, and none of this has helped to correct crashes - then this guide is for you. I've found a solution to these annoying crashes in the middle of a mission or robbery.
The problem lies not in broken files, it is in your hardware - in RAM. Check RAM errors, try to change its frequency, if it is impossible for you to buy new RAM.
Only on one Portuguese forum someone wrote about RAM and I decided to try to replace it - and voila, no more crashes does not bother me.
Hope that helped someone who wanted to play for a long time, but could not because of this errors.

20 мар. 2018 в 9:42 After today's update, after 5-10 minutes in the online game crash the game with error code ERR_IS_INVALID RESOURCE_5. After that, I updated and reinstalled the drivers from the game folder and put the driver update for the video card. But the game continues to crash. Also, the game has been successfully tested for cache. 20 мар. 2018 в 9:49 20 мар. 2018 в 11:46 20 мар. 2018 в 20:47 20 мар. 2018 в 20:49 20 мар. 2018 в 20:51 All files have been successfully tested and I do not use mods and other third-party dll files(such as scripthook). 20 мар. 2018 в 22:06 Do crashes occur in some particular place? Like, every time in the repair shop? It might be worth switching characters and going there, to force objects to load. 21 мар. 2018 в 0:58 Been experiencing this same issue and no one has any idea what to do.

Well hopefully this wont help in one way but might in another. I had the same problem, before the update I had been playing 1-6+ hours continuously without issues (excluding Modder issues). New DLC and I got the ERR_SYS_INVALIDRESOURCE_5.

Can't be my system as nothing has changed on it, as I said - BEFORE UPDATE: 6+ hours with no issues (exlude the normal GTA ones, Hanging in sky when loading into session etc), AFTER UPDATE: Crashes randomly, anywhere, any vehicles, on foot etc, random times, 10 minutes, 45 mintues.

But there is one thing I am finding odd. When I first went in after the update, I got a messge (On screen, top left corner), New Heilcopter (Sorry forgot the name) can be brought from (That website where you get the personal jets, seebreeze etc). Found the cars in Legendary, went down to that site, no Heil, went to Warstock (I am old so thought I read the website wrong), not there, only the 5 cars in total. Literally maybe 5 minutes or less after looking for it, come out of phone, game crashes with that error and has randomly since.

So been looking around other forums and surprise surprise we are not alone, most seem to claim to be in the EU area as well as me. I have noticed in the past others having issues after DLC ERR_SYS_INVALIDRESOURCE_ (1,2,5).

I also saw a few posts where the people reinstalled GPU Drivers, fresh install of the whole game etc, still the same problem. I am wondering if it has to do with a resource (Maybe Heli) being unlocked (Hense my message I got on top left of my screen) but not actually been available to buy, it could be when the message randomly pops up (or should) that it causes the invalid fault. Its only guess work but one things is saying,m come buy me and the other is going, you don't exist in the game. We all know messages often pop up randomly for a while when something new has been introduced, so maybe it might be that or maybe I am so old my brain divorced me :)

I would say, dont try to reinstall game etc for the moment, 5 cases I have read about have done major reinstalls and that hasn't work, I do think its R* end, but I am only guessing, best to maybe wait a while??

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