Dyson sphere program где сохранения

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Получение почвы Dyson Sphere Program может быть сложной задачей. Почва важна, так как именно на ней вы будете размещать все свои новые заводские детали и все остальное, что вам потребуется для добычи всех ресурсов. Если у вас возникли проблемы с получением почвы в Dyson Sphere Program, прочитайте оставшуюся часть этого гайд.

Where is the Save File Location for Dyson Sphere Program

Dyson Sphere Program

Imagine building an intergalactic production empire for over 1000 hours. Painfully optimizing all of your lines, getting all of our ratios right, expanding to other planets. Only to find that one day your save files got corrupted after some update. It happens, and to help protect yourself you should always backup your save files for any game you care about. Here is the save file location for Dyson Sphere Program.

Why else Would I need my Save File?

Another reason you might need your save file beside a backup is to share your builds with other people. You can send your save file to your friends and have them check out your factories. A nice alternative for a game that doesn’t have multiplayer.

Save File Location for Dyson Sphere Program

The save file location on PC is:

%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Dyson Sphere Program\Save

You can copy/paste that directly into your file explorer address bar and it will take you to your files.

Dyson sphere program где сохранения

Dyson Sphere Program

15 фев в 14:53 The save files went from 17megs to 256megs to now 1gig and i'm only in 2 systems. I'm not sure but it seems to be related to some updates. 15 фев в 15:17

was it a big star?

There seems to be an issue where huge dyson sphere plans (which a blank plan is created when you first explore a system) use a stupid amount of file space to save.

15 фев в 15:45

Not really related to the original post, but as a side note if your boot drive is an SSD, change the location to an HDD using the "mklink /d <source dir> <target dir>" command if you haven't done so.

Save location is %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Dyson Sphere Program\Save.

Say you played 3 hours (easily) with the default 8 minute autosave. That's

22 saves. 22 gigs being written to your SSD. Will it take a little longer to save the game on an HDD? Yeah, but if your drive is newer it should cache most the save and write it later. Either way, it's worth the few seconds to avoid the wear on the drive imo.

15 фев в 16:20

"To get over a guaranteed TBW of 70, a user would have to write 190(!) GB daily over a period of one year "
Seen saves as big as 2GB. So 15GB an hour or 180GB after 12 hours of playing. Would still take a year of that abuse to pose a risk.

If your save gets that big, just up the auto save interval, to save both the drive and reduce save lag spikes

15 фев в 16:35

Not really related to the original post, but as a side note if your boot drive is an SSD, change the location to an HDD using the "mklink /d <source dir> <target dir>" command if you haven't done so.

Save location is %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Dyson Sphere Program\Save.

Say you played 3 hours (easily) with the default 8 minute autosave. That's

22 saves. 22 gigs being written to your SSD. Will it take a little longer to save the game on an HDD? Yeah, but if your drive is newer it should cache most the save and write it later. Either way, it's worth the few seconds to avoid the wear on the drive imo.

Thanks for the tip, I just might do that.

I avoid putting anything on my boot drive, it's one of those super fast M.2 drives, which at the time were expensive AF, so I do actually have a second SATA SSD that's several times the size, and would rather save. like, ALL save games for ALL games there.

I hate that modern convention defaults to saving in %Appdata%, at least saving in My Documents is a little better, as you can tell Windows to store that somewhere else. (I haven't, but am thinking I should.)

And I'm doing it for different reasons than yours, my boot drive is almost full, my other SSD is not. I'm doing it so as not to fill my boot drive.

15 фев в 16:41 The save files went from 17megs to 256megs to now 1gig and i'm only in 2 systems. I'm not sure but it seems to be related to some updates.
Try to keep the dyson sphere to a minimum as it is the real cause of save file bloat. One or two should be best until the devs optimize their saving algorithm. 15 фев в 16:41

Not really related to the original post, but as a side note if your boot drive is an SSD, change the location to an HDD using the "mklink /d <source dir> <target dir>" command if you haven't done so.

Save location is %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Dyson Sphere Program\Save.

Say you played 3 hours (easily) with the default 8 minute autosave. That's

22 saves. 22 gigs being written to your SSD. Will it take a little longer to save the game on an HDD? Yeah, but if your drive is newer it should cache most the save and write it later. Either way, it's worth the few seconds to avoid the wear on the drive imo.

If your SSD is less than 2 years old, or you are using a M.2 drive (NVMe or SATA doesn't matter) the life of the storage cells has gone up about 10x. My Samsung 970 (last gen) have a life of something like 250k complete re-writes with 20% overage. That would take literal years to reach the total failure point.

SSD's of today are nothing like they were even 3 years ago, and completely different of SSD's from 5+ years ago. I'm a IT Infrastructure Engineer by trade, and Storage is my specialty. I have drive that re-write themselves 2-3 times /week and have for over 2 years and never had a drive failure.

15 фев в 17:02

Not really related to the original post, but as a side note if your boot drive is an SSD, change the location to an HDD using the "mklink /d <source dir> <target dir>" command if you haven't done so.

Save location is %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Dyson Sphere Program\Save.

Say you played 3 hours (easily) with the default 8 minute autosave. That's

22 saves. 22 gigs being written to your SSD. Will it take a little longer to save the game on an HDD? Yeah, but if your drive is newer it should cache most the save and write it later. Either way, it's worth the few seconds to avoid the wear on the drive imo.

If your SSD is less than 2 years old, or you are using a M.2 drive (NVMe or SATA doesn't matter) the life of the storage cells has gone up about 10x. My Samsung 970 (last gen) have a life of something like 250k complete re-writes with 20% overage. That would take literal years to reach the total failure point.

SSD's of today are nothing like they were even 3 years ago, and completely different of SSD's from 5+ years ago. I'm a IT Infrastructure Engineer by trade, and Storage is my specialty. I have drive that re-write themselves 2-3 times /week and have for over 2 years and never had a drive failure.
Yeah with my EVO 970 Plus 2TB, I've had it about 2 years and written only 24TB of it's expected 800TB lifespan. The thing is going to be obsolete and replaced in less than half the time I could possibly cause it to write fail. Even a few thousand 2GB saves from DSP won't change that. It's still just a couple more TB in the wind to a good SSD.

For older 1st, 2nd and 3rd gen SATA SSDs that have been around a while, this could be a concern, but if your drive is from 2016+, especially a higher-end VNAND NVMe like Samsungs, then no. You can use it like you would an HDD and have no concerns. Their write endurance is insane.

15 фев в 18:06

If your SSD is less than 2 years old, or you are using a M.2 drive (NVMe or SATA doesn't matter) the life of the storage cells has gone up about 10x. My Samsung 970 (last gen) have a life of something like 250k complete re-writes with 20% overage. That would take literal years to reach the total failure point.

SSD's of today are nothing like they were even 3 years ago, and completely different of SSD's from 5+ years ago. I'm a IT Infrastructure Engineer by trade, and Storage is my specialty. I have drive that re-write themselves 2-3 times /week and have for over 2 years and never had a drive failure.

Yeah with my EVO 970 Plus 2TB, I've had it about 2 years and written only 24TB of it's expected 800TB lifespan. The thing is going to be obsolete and replaced in less than half the time I could possibly cause it to write fail. Even a few thousand 2GB saves from DSP won't change that. It's still just a couple more TB in the wind to a good SSD.

For older 1st, 2nd and 3rd gen SATA SSDs that have been around a while, this could be a concern, but if your drive is from 2016+, especially a higher-end VNAND NVMe like Samsungs, then no. You can use it like you would an HDD and have no concerns. Their write endurance is insane.

Today SSD live longer that the good old HDD, because no moving part.

15 фев в 18:19

Not really related to the original post, but as a side note if your boot drive is an SSD, change the location to an HDD using the "mklink /d <source dir> <target dir>" command if you haven't done so.

Save location is %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Dyson Sphere Program\Save.

Say you played 3 hours (easily) with the default 8 minute autosave. That's

22 saves. 22 gigs being written to your SSD. Will it take a little longer to save the game on an HDD? Yeah, but if your drive is newer it should cache most the save and write it later. Either way, it's worth the few seconds to avoid the wear on the drive imo.

If your SSD is less than 2 years old, or you are using a M.2 drive (NVMe or SATA doesn't matter) the life of the storage cells has gone up about 10x. My Samsung 970 (last gen) have a life of something like 250k complete re-writes with 20% overage. That would take literal years to reach the total failure point.

SSD's of today are nothing like they were even 3 years ago, and completely different of SSD's from 5+ years ago. I'm a IT Infrastructure Engineer by trade, and Storage is my specialty. I have drive that re-write themselves 2-3 times /week and have for over 2 years and never had a drive failure.

On a regular HDD, there are signs of end of life. Is there some kind of warning on SSD SATA/SSD M.2 pcie ?

15 фев в 18:53

If your SSD is less than 2 years old, or you are using a M.2 drive (NVMe or SATA doesn't matter) the life of the storage cells has gone up about 10x. My Samsung 970 (last gen) have a life of something like 250k complete re-writes with 20% overage. That would take literal years to reach the total failure point.

SSD's of today are nothing like they were even 3 years ago, and completely different of SSD's from 5+ years ago. I'm a IT Infrastructure Engineer by trade, and Storage is my specialty. I have drive that re-write themselves 2-3 times /week and have for over 2 years and never had a drive failure.

On a regular HDD, there are signs of end of life. Is there some kind of warning on SSD SATA/SSD M.2 pcie ?
Yes, with good ones, there is software like Samsung Magician that keeps track of the drive's lifespan and tells you what fraction of that lifespan you're at now. That's how I know that after two years of heavy use I'm still only at 0.03% of the drive's estimated lifespan.

Dyson sphere program где сохранения

Dyson Sphere Program

2 мар в 19:00 Wondering when we'll finally get cloud saves? for me it's very useful because I can play on the same save on different computers. (From the FAQ it seems they were some difficulties implementing them but I assume it will come eventually right?) 2 мар в 19:16 Uh.. i dont know. i think the have to first work a little with the size of the safegame itself. I mean, 200 mb is nothing. 2 мар в 21:05 I know you will be smart and do the right thing since this game is very good, and I see many hours invested in it, please for your own sanity make sure you back up your saves and DO NOT trust the process entirely or steam as many gamers are burnt by not backing up their game files!! 2 мар в 21:58 I feel like unless they can cut down savegamesize by about 90% there's not gonna be cloud saves ever. I checked recently and the biggest cloudsave file I have on steam BY far is a factorio save that's 45mb.
I mean I don't know what the conditions are on steam to allow cloud saves to developers but space isn't free and since saves in this game go from about 200mb in a "normal" playthrough to multiple gigabytes if you really get into dyson spheres that doesn't seem like a feasible thing to cloud save.
But fingers crossed who knows. it's not like I wouldn't be happy to play on my cloud computer without uploading gigantic savefiles from my pc first ^^ 3 мар в 3:01 Unless cloud saves are there, playing on GeForce Now is barely impossible (without having to manually transfer save files every time through the browser which is a major hassle). 3 мар в 9:04 I too am looking for this. I have 3 different locations I regularly play from. Cloud saves on steam are a huge part of my game experience. Please consider adding it to this wonderful game. Thanks! 3 мар в 12:55 3 мар в 14:07 16 мар в 14:13 Unless cloud saves are there, playing on GeForce Now is barely impossible (without having to manually transfer save files every time through the browser which is a major hassle). 16 мар в 14:30

Buy a cheap USB thumb drive and put it on your keychain; Poof! Offline Steam Cloud.

The default save location is Documents\Dyson Sphere Program\Save - you could even whip up a quick batch file to xcopy the folder for you.

Something like:
xcopy /S "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Dyson Sphere Program" .
should do the trick.

Then to put it back, just do the opposite:
xcopy /S . "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Dyson Sphere Program"

Don't forget the period, it's important.

16 мар в 14:47

The less data that needs to get uploaded, the more likely and more useful cloud saving will be.

Currently the dyson sphere is a huge data sink. The actual input parameters are not really that high (user settings, total sails in orbit(s), overall pogress, etc.), but the working data (individual sails) ends up being enormous. It would take a pretty serious overhaul to trim that data down.

Planet layouts are overall pretty static. Currently no disasters can modify a planet, and only Icarus has the power to change a planet's layout. So all planet layouts, except for the current one, can be safely recorded as soon as Icarus flies off. The working data (moving items, assembler status, ore deposits, etc.) are constantly changing and would have to be saved with everything else.

Как получить землю (почву) в Dyson Sphere Program

Чтобы получить почву Dyson Sphere Program, вам потребуется большой фундамент, который выкопает ее с поверхности планеты. Вы также можете получить почву, разместив конструкции на возвышенных поверхностях, и они начнут извлекать почву за вас. Вот что вам нужно сделать для этого.

Прежде всего, вам понадобится Фундамент. И вы сможете получить его, разблокировав изменение среды в меню технологий. Это позволит вам создать столь необходимый фундамент для вашей фабрики. Когда вы будете класть его на землю или на водоемы, фундамент перекопает всю почву и сделает территорию пригодной для использования.

Убедитесь, что вы используете землю с большим количеством травы. Планеты в Dyson Sphere Program работают во многом так же, как и сама Земля. Области с травой дадут вам почву в изобилии.

Вы можете изменить размер основания с помощью кнопок + или -. Это поможет вам спроектировать его так, чтобы он идеально вписывался в луг. Размер фундамента не имеет никакого отношения к тому, сколько почвы вы получите.

Обязательно размещайте конструкции на возвышенностях, это поможет извлечь их из земли, и вы сможете использовать их.

Как только у вас появится земля, вы сможете строить на ней все, что захотите. Это все, что вам нужно знать о том, как получить почну в Dyson Sphere Program. Другие гайды по игре здесь.

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