Что значит daylight robbery

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

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Whichever way one looks at it, it is daylight robbery, and it will go on.

Пример из архива Хансарда. Содержит парламентскую информацию, лицензированную в соответствии с лицензией открытого парламента v3.0.

Surprise, surprise: the predators who bought that chunk of privatised land committed daylight robbery.

Пример из архива Хансарда. Содержит парламентскую информацию, лицензированную в соответствии с лицензией открытого парламента v3.0.

The opposition called the results scandalous daylight robbery, claiming an outright victory in the first round with 50.3% of the votes.

Why should he conceivably undertake the risks associated with manslaughter when he can get away with daylight robbery scotfree?

Пример из архива Хансарда. Содержит парламентскую информацию, лицензированную в соответствии с лицензией открытого парламента v3.0.

After nationalisation in 1977 the old owners were given a golden handshake in return for their daylight robbery.

Пример из архива Хансарда. Содержит парламентскую информацию, лицензированную в соответствии с лицензией открытого парламента v3.0.

I made it quite clear that this is going beyond privatisation—it is sheer daylight robbery.

Пример из архива Хансарда. Содержит парламентскую информацию, лицензированную в соответствии с лицензией открытого парламента v3.0.

What happens at present amounts to nothing less than daylight robbery.

Пример из архива Хансарда. Содержит парламентскую информацию, лицензированную в соответствии с лицензией открытого парламента v3.0.

However, capital gains tax that does not take account of inflation is confiscation for that inflation amount, and, therefore, daylight robbery.

Пример из архива Хансарда. Содержит парламентскую информацию, лицензированную в соответствии с лицензией открытого парламента v3.0.

These are absolutely unspeakable practices that are bordering on daylight robbery, and these operators are responsible - they provide no transparency for consumers.

Considering what those councils do with the money, those figures represent not cuts but daylight robbery.

Пример из архива Хансарда. Содержит парламентскую информацию, лицензированную в соответствии с лицензией открытого парламента v3.0.

I welcome the changes to council tax benefits, as a response to the "daylight robbery" campaign.

Пример из архива Хансарда. Содержит парламентскую информацию, лицензированную в соответствии с лицензией открытого парламента v3.0.

We have heard cries of, "daylight robbery", and "windfall profit" from time to time during the past few months.

Пример из архива Хансарда. Содержит парламентскую информацию, лицензированную в соответствии с лицензией открытого парламента v3.0.

Otherwise, such a tax is confiscation and daylight robbery.

Пример из архива Хансарда. Содержит парламентскую информацию, лицензированную в соответствии с лицензией открытого парламента v3.0.

Монолингвальные примеры

English Как использовать "daylight" в предложении

Another study described foveal (daylight vision) damage in six habitual poppers users.

The larvae spun a light web over their daylight shelters in crevices in the bark of tree trunks.

December 25 was commonly indicated as the date of the winter solstice, with the first detectable lengthening of daylight hours.

At the poles, the equinox marks the start of the transition from 24 hours of nighttime to 24 hours of daylight (or vice versa).

At daylight some of the group went down the trail to retrieve firewood and the gear abandoned on the trail the day before.

English Как использовать "daylight robbery" в предложении

She said the move will set a bad precedence in the country and would amount to daylight robbery against the public coffers.

If us taxpayers all stood together against this daylight robbery, we would bring govt to its knees.

The artistes, especially of the yesteryear's generation, have expressed a major concern about their hard-toiled work subject to daylight robbery from time to time.

Daylight robbery, fears of number plates and licence disks being cloned or forged, and the impact on business were some of the concerns voiced.

It is completely unfathomable, the mind boggles, that people would choose to manufacture excuses to allow daylight robbery to be swept under the carpet?

English Как использовать "daylight-saving" в предложении

The cautious conclusion is that the daylight-saving time policy should possibly be even more controversial for, at minimum, its economic implications.

She said many councillors wanted to make the beach dog-free for the entire year, with a compromise met by enforcing the closure only during daylight-saving.

If we are not saving energy, let's drop daylight-saving time!

In sum, yes, there are plenty of negative things to say about daylight-saving time.

It's a race against time and seeding, not to mention daylight hours and with daylight-saving finished, that's definitely an issue.

«daylight basement» - перевод на русский

And it's time to add a few closets -- or more accurately, a

Originally, the stairs, which descended from the main floor to a

, were accessed through a doorway off the kitchen and the entire staircase was walled in.

daylight robbery

I never shop in the more fashionable parts of London. Some of the prices are daylight robbery. — Я никогда ничего не покупаю в модных районах Лондона. Некоторые цены там — просто грабёж средь бела дня.

English-Russian dictionary of expressions . 2014 .

Смотреть что такое "daylight robbery" в других словарях:

daylight robbery — see under ↑rob1 • • • Main Entry: ↑day daylight robbery Glaring extortion • • • Main Entry: ↑rob * * * daylight robbery UK US noun [uncountable] british … Useful english dictionary

daylight robbery — See: HIGHWAY ROBBERY … Dictionary of American idioms

daylight robbery — See: HIGHWAY ROBBERY … Dictionary of American idioms

daylight robbery — UK US noun [U] UK (US highway robbery) ► a situation in which someone is charged a price that is much too high: »The banks should not be able to get away with this daylight robbery … Financial and business terms

daylight robbery — If you are overcharged or underpaid, it is a daylight robbery; open, unfair and hard to prevent. Rip off has a similar meaning … The small dictionary of idiomes

daylight robbery — noun uncount BRITISH SPOKEN HIGHWAY ROBBERY … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

daylight robbery — ► NOUN Brit. informal ▪ blatant and unfair overcharging … English terms dictionary

daylight robbery — N UNCOUNT (disapproval) If someone charges you a great deal of money for something and you think this is unfair or unreasonable, you can refer to this as daylight robbery. [BRIT, INFORMAL] Daylight robbery that s what it is, she would declare … English dictionary

daylight robbery — British, American & Australian, American & Australian a situation in which you are charged much more for something than you think you should have to pay. Three pounds for an orange juice? It s daylight robbery! … New idioms dictionary


daylight robbery

You wouldn't believe some of the prices they charge; it's daylight robbery.

Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого . И. Мостицкий . 2002-2012 .

Смотреть что такое "daylight robbery" в других словарях:

daylight robbery — see under ↑rob1 • • • Main Entry: ↑day daylight robbery Glaring extortion • • • Main Entry: ↑rob * * * daylight robbery UK US noun [uncountable] british … Useful english dictionary

daylight robbery — See: HIGHWAY ROBBERY … Dictionary of American idioms

daylight robbery — See: HIGHWAY ROBBERY … Dictionary of American idioms

daylight robbery — UK US noun [U] UK (US highway robbery) ► a situation in which someone is charged a price that is much too high: »The banks should not be able to get away with this daylight robbery … Financial and business terms

daylight robbery — If you are overcharged or underpaid, it is a daylight robbery; open, unfair and hard to prevent. Rip off has a similar meaning … The small dictionary of idiomes

daylight robbery — noun uncount BRITISH SPOKEN HIGHWAY ROBBERY … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

daylight robbery — ► NOUN Brit. informal ▪ blatant and unfair overcharging … English terms dictionary

daylight robbery — N UNCOUNT (disapproval) If someone charges you a great deal of money for something and you think this is unfair or unreasonable, you can refer to this as daylight robbery. [BRIT, INFORMAL] Daylight robbery that s what it is, she would declare … English dictionary

daylight robbery — British, American & Australian, American & Australian a situation in which you are charged much more for something than you think you should have to pay. Three pounds for an orange juice? It s daylight robbery! … New idioms dictionary

«daylight» на русском

Данные предложения взяты с внешних ресурсов и могут быть неточными. bab.la не несёт ответственность за их содержание.

This is often called Summer Time or Daylight Savings Time.

This is often called Summer Time or Daylight Savings Time.

We evolved as a species near the equator, and so we're very well-equipped to deal with 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness.

Если мы живем в районе экватора, мы очень хорошо ладим с 12-ти часовым днем и 12-ти часовой ночью.

And you take the piece out into the daylight.

All of the lights are daylight bulbs.

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