Что такое триггер бот в гта 5

Обновлено: 19.05.2024

Всем привет!
В этот раз хотел поделиться с вами простым внешним читом для GTA 5.
В чите минимум функций, надеюсь они вам пригодятся.

-Триггербот для всех видов оружия, включая всех снайперов и т.д.
-Опции Триггербота для различных типов пешеходов.
-Блокировка и разблокировка максимального зума (более чем в два раза превышает стандартное значение увеличения).

Как использовать:
Просто нажмите F4, чтобы активировать чит и выберите опцию, набрав ее номер, если хотите.

Что такое триггер бот в гта 5

A quick & simple release because I didn't end up having enough time today to do much else, but wanted to release at least something.

Speed is very fast & working distance seems very expansive so no problem there. Functional through penetrable surfaces like glass.

I don't have time to upload a demo video atm.


1. Start GTA5
2. Start vUltra GTA5
4. Aim over an enemy while holding one of the hotkeys, bang.

Holding Mouse3, Mouse4, or ALT, will enable the triggerbot.
'I' to enable players, 'O' to enable NPCs. Same again to disable.

Known bugs:
1. No difference between players and cops atm. Discovered this just before posting, too late to look into. Will find out tomorrow.
2. Not functional with the heavy sniper and/or the advanced scope.

Что такое триггер бот в гта 5

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I'm not coding for GTA V but simple triggerbot alghoritm looks like:
1. Select target entity by FOV/Distance/Damage etc.
2. Check if player in your crosshair (it's may be variable in player struct or global variable).
3. Simulate a shot.

So, you need reverse a bit or find similar functions/structs in reversal thread. Good luck

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I'm not coding for GTA V but simple triggerbot alghoritm looks like:
1. Select target entity by FOV/Distance/Damage etc.
2. Check if player in your crosshair (it's may be variable in player struct or global variable).
3. Simulate a shot.

So, you need reverse a bit or find similar functions/structs in reversal thread. Good luck

Just to expand on what you mentioned:

Check if the ped is in sight using Raycasts. If they are, get the ped which the ray goes through else keep looking.

Get the ped's coords.

SHOOT_BULLET_BETWEEN_COORDS (or something like that) using the ped you found via raycast. Rinse n'repeat.

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Try gazing on this.
It's edited a bit wuth ease .

Last Achievements

Try gazing on this.
It's edited a bit wuth ease .

That's a generic (as in - does not allow you to select targets) aimbot + triggerbot, not just an triggerbot. It also doesn't take into account if the nearest ped is behind a wall (so you'll be stuck shooting the wall until they come out from behind it).

My suggestion prevents that and allows the player to aim in a general direction + shoot.

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I made a trigger bot when I was a noob, I don't remember exactly how it worked but it was something like this:

get direction you are looking
get locations of all entitys you want to shoot
subtract your location from your location from your victims location
get the angle from your view direction to the modified victim location
if angle is low enough, send click

Last Achievements

That's a generic (as in - does not allow you to select targets) aimbot + triggerbot, not just an triggerbot. It also doesn't take into account if the nearest ped is behind a wall (so you'll be stuck shooting the wall until they come out from behind it).

My suggestion prevents that and allows the player to aim in a general direction + shoot.

This was meant to be an easy, go to.

I think this one is easier in scenarios, depending on how your one to use alike functions, you may only activate it when you got tons of cops near you, so put that bad boy in a hotkey and start aiming (in the open environment your in, cause cops chase us and don't hide much). I don't have a "aim-bot" in my menu at the moment, created that example for OP but true it's a bit useless in some scenarios and downright not needed over yours.

Чит трейнер GodMode, Triggerbot, NeverWanted 2020 для GTA 5

Чит на GTA 5 Online GodMode, Triggerbot, NeverWanted, Freeze, RpLoop, FlyingCars, WeaponMax, Teleport to waypoint, Boost Vehicle, Boost Player с помощью которых можно наворотить кучу дел,выделавая выкрутасы и троллить других игроков. Одна функция GodMode(Бессмертие) чего только стоит,ведь вас нельзя будет убить,даже из базукии. Бугагашеньки!


В игре режим Полноэкранный Оконный.
Потом запусти чит,функции активируются на горячие клавиши.

Клавиши активации
ALT : Показать меню
H : Помощь
F2 : GodMode
F3 : Triggerbot
F4 : NeverWanted
F5 : Freeze
F6 : RpLoop
F7 : FlyingCars

Num1 : WeaponMax
Num0 : Teleport to waypoint
Num2 : Boost Vehicle
Num3 : Boost Player
Num8 : Menu Up
Num5 : Menu Down
Num4 : Menu Left
Num6 : Menu Right

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