Что такое gun show

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Adj. Used to express a feeling of awe towards, and therefore assigning prestige to, something. The feeling of awe may be of different degrees, comparable with different levels, of awe:

i. the awe experienced when registering in one's mind the presence of a wide range of powerful firearms; (usually occuring when visiting gun fares/shows)

ii. the awe experienced when, in the heat of argument, a gangster lifts one side of his jacket to reveal his gun.

iii. the awe experienced when, whether in a mood of celebration or of hostility, a group of gansters draw out their guns and wave them around in the air.

"That speech was gun show!"

In football:
"The Redskins used some gun show tactics in the match today"

gun show

Welcome To The Gun Show — Infobox Television show name = Welcome To The Gun Show caption = format = Music runtime = 1 hour(per episode) executive producer = producer = Johnathon Leyland starring = Music bands country = New Zealand network = Alt TV first aired = last aired … Wikipedia

The Gun Show — «The Gun Show» Sencillo de In This Moment del álbum A Star Crossed Wasteland Formato Descarga digital Género(s) Metalcore, metal alternativo Duración 4:46 … Wikipedia Español

Gun laws in the United States (by state) — U.S. Firearms Legal Topics Assault weapons ban ATF Bureau Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act Concealed carry in the U.S. Domestic Violence Offender Gun Ban … Wikipedia

Gun politics — A pyre of confiscated smuggled weapons about to be set ablaze in Nairobi, Kenya … Wikipedia

Show's Just Begun — Studio album by MC Mong Released April 17, 2008 Recorded October 2007–April 2008 Genre K … Wikipedia

Gun politics in the United Kingdom — Gun politics in the United Kingdom, much like gun politics in Australia, places its main considerations on how best to ensure public safety and how deaths involving firearms can most effectively be prevented. Unlike in the United States, there is … Wikipedia

Перевод "gun show" на русский

And it looks like the gun show is under attack, David.

I need your phone to call Officer Barbrady, and we have to get to that gun show fast!

Дай мобильник, я позвоню Барбрэйди, и нам надо срочно ехать на выставку оружия!

We got him on surveillance at the gun show with a picture of your guns.

This gun was illegally obtained by a career criminal at a gun show where background checks aren't mandatory.

Это оружие было незаконно приобретено профессиональным преступником на выставке оружия, где покупателей не проверяли.

For the gun show that they have every year at the fairgrounds.

I got it from a gun show in Cleveland six months ago.

In fact, one of them was the same night as the gun show.

На самом деле, одно из них произошло в ту же ночь, когда проводилась ярмарка оружия.

Welcome to SS Limited, the finest gun show in the west.

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gun show — перевод на русский

I need your phone to call Officer Barbrady, and we have to get to that gun show fast!

Дай мобильник, я позвоню Барбрэйди, и нам надо срочно ехать на выставку оружия!

And it looks like the gun show is under attack, David.

Cell phone records also show he was in Scranton three days ago, as was the Great American Gun Show.

Распечатка звонков с сотового также показывает, что три дня назад он был в Скрентоне, где проходила Большая Выставка Оружия Америки.

gun show — оружейную выставку

Что ж, я ни на какую долбаную оружейную выставку не еду.

We'll run it through IBIS, check the gun shops, gun shows, see what turns up.

Посмотрим по базе данных, проверим магазины продажи оружия, оружейные выставки, может, что всплывет.

Come on, George, any headcase, felon or terrorist can buy an assault rifle from a gun show, the Internet or his buddy at the Bowl-O-Rama without so much as an ID.

ƒа ладно, ƒжордж, любой псих, преступник или террорист, может купить штурмовую винтовку на оружейной выставке, через "нтернет или у при€тел€ по боулингу, безо вс€кого удостоверени€ личности.

That box of ammo was purchased at the Temecula Gun Show about two months ago, along with four Mini-14 assault rifles.

Коробка с патронами была куплена на оружейной выставке в Темекуле месяца два назад, вместе с 4 штурмовыми винтовками Мини-14.

For the gun show that they have every year at the fairgrounds.

С оружейной выставки, её проводят каждый год на ярмарке.

One, remember the charity woman we met at the gun show?

Первое, помните женщину из благотворительной организации с оружейной выставки?

Kurt and I were at a gun show in Wisconsin and we were talking about the generational shifts in the science.

Мы с Куртом были на оружейной выставке в Висконсине и говорили о смене поколений в науке.

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