Anno 1404 сколько потребляют

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

В зависимости от количества населения статус колоний постепенно меняется: 90 крестьян — селение, 355 горожан или 195 кочевников — деревня, 510 патрициев или 440 кочевников — городок, 1190 патрициев или 1040 посланников — город, 950 дворян или 1740 посланников — большой город, 2200 дворян или 3480 посланников — торговый центр, 3500 дворян или 5240 — метрополия, 7500 дворян или 10000 посланников — город мирового значения. На каждой стадии открываются ранее закрытые постройки и новые возможности.

Условия открытия строений в Западных поселениях в Anno 1404:

  • Доступно сразу: центральный рынок, дом, малый крытый рынок, грунтовая дорога, рыбацкая хижина, малая контора
  • 60 крестьян: сидровая ферма
  • 90 крестьян: часовня, деревенский колодец, цветочная клумба
  • 15 горожан: плантация конопли, ткацкий цех, хижина каменотеса, мощеная дорога, средний крытый рынок, средняя контора
  • 240 горожан: железный рудник, хижина угольщика, доменная печь, инструментальный цех, канатный цех, малая верфь, колодец
  • 355 горожан: контора начальника порта, причальная стенка, малый склад, ремонтный кран, портовая оборонная башня, домик плотника, пожарная команда, тайный кабинет, турнирная арена, таверна, большая статуя, фреска, крылатый лев Святого Марка
  • Патриции: зерновая ферма, мельница, пекарня, оружейная, городская стена, сторожевая башня, городские ворота, крупная верфь
  • 510 патрициев: монастырский сад, монастырская пивоварня, крепость, хижина стекольщика, стекловарня, церковь, резиденция фогта, прямоугольный водоем
  • 690 патрициев: соляная шахта, солеварня, свиноферма, дубильня, сходни
  • 940 патрициев: бумажная мельница, типография
  • 1190 патрициев: тюрьма, роскошная площадь, дворец властителя, жилой флигель дворца, угловое здание дворца, сторожка дворца, венецианская площадь
  • Дворяне: коровья ферма, скотобойня, военная мастерская, угольная шахта, лекарь, оборонная башня, укрепленные городские ворота
  • 950 дворян: хижина охотника, скорняжная мастерская, продовольственный склад, пушечный двор, большой склад, фундамент городского амбара, портовая статуя, боковой корпус дворца, большой зал дворца, смежный корпус дворца
  • 1500 дворян: кипарис, вельможная площадь, виноградник, бондарня, винодельческое хозяйство
  • 2000 дворян: фундамент императорского собора, работа по дереву и возведение каркаса собора, живая изгородь
  • 2200 дворян: медная шахта, медеплавильный цех, оптическая мастерская
  • 2500 дворян: кладка стен и перекрытий императорского собора
  • 3000 дворян: пасека, свечной завод, мастерская канделябров
  • 3500 дворян: установка витражей императорского собора
  • 4000 дворян: золотая шахта, золотоплавильный цех, шелкоткацкая фабрика
  • Кочевники (посетитель ближнего востока): дом кочевника, центральный базар, восточный рынок, нория, финиковая плантация, восточная контора
  • 145 кочевников (посетитель ближнего востока): козья ферма, плантация пряностей
  • 295 кочевников (гость бедуинов): шелковичная плантация, плантация индиго, ковровая мастерская, пальма
  • 440 кочевников (союзник шейха): глиняный карьер, место добычи кварца, мозаичная мастерская, восточная верфь, мечеть
  • Посланники (фаворит калифа): плантация кофе, обжарочная
  • 1040 посланников (фаворит калифа): большая нория, восточная площадь, восточная статуя, хижина ловцов жемчуга, жемчужная мастерская
  • 1400 посланников (советник великого визиря): восточная крепость, восточный колодец
  • 1740 посланников (доверенные лица султана): фундамент султанской мечети, работа по дереву и возведение каркаса мечети
  • 2600 посланников (советник великого визиря): питомник роз, цирюльня, баня
  • 3480 посланников: кладка стен и перекрытий султанской мечети
  • 4300 посланников (доверенные лица султана): плантация сахарного тростника, плантация миндаля, сахароварня, кондитерская
  • 5240 посланников: установка витражей султанской мечети

Призовые постройки: образ Девы Марии, пруд, майское дерево, малая и средняя рыночные палатки, малая и средняя базарные палатки, кладбище, позорный столб, цирк, восточный цирк, флагшток, знамя, золотая статуя, статуя льва, квадратный водоем, орган, качели, художественная мастерская, вольер, сцена.

Civilization levels [ ]

Anno 1404 makes a distinction between the terms "population" and "civilization." Population measures the number of people, referred to as "inhabitants" in Anno 1404, either on an island or worldwide, as discussed in the population sections.

The term "civilization" refers to how advanced or sophisticated your various cities are, and is measured by what inhabitant civilization levels are present in a given city. Civilization levels (also called classes) are the different social groups that make up your cities.

Each civilization class lives in a 3x3 house type (the only exception being the unique Beggar class that has a 4x3 house type). All regular houses start out as either peasant or nomad houses, and the inhabitants upgrade their houses as their needs are met. See Ascension Rights and Needs.

There are a total of seven different civilization classes in Anno 1404:

Peasants [ ]

Peasants are the default class that move in when houses are built in the Occident. They are the lowest of the four occidental classes (excluding beggars). They represent the common folk of society, wanting only the simple necessities of life. A peasant house can hold up to 8 peasants.

Peasants need Food, Drink, Community, and Faith. Basic needs are Community and Food, without these your peasants will start moving out.

Peasants need for Community is satisfied by an occidental marketplace (or an Imperial Cathedral, interestingly). Food is satisfied by fish. Drink is satisfied by cider. Faith is satisfied by having a chapel, a church, or a cathedral in the neighborhood.

Citizens [ ]

Citizens are the second class, representing the "middle class" of society, being just well-off enough to desire more refined goods. A citizen house can house up to 15 citizens.

Citizens need Food, Drink, Clothing, Community, Faith, and Amusement.

Food is satisfied by spices. Clothing by linen garments. Amusement by a tavern in the neighborhood (or an Imperial Cathedral, strangely). These are in addition to all the needs of peasants, which citizens also require.

Patricians [ ]

Patricians are the third class, representing the well-to-do business class, the entrepreneurs and financiers of society. Accordingly, they desire much more refined and exotic goods and services. A patrician house can house up to 25 patricians.

Patricians initially need Food, Drink, Clothing, Community, Faith, Amusement, Property, and Security. They later develop additional desires for more Property.

Food is satisfied by bread. Drink by beer. Clothing by leather jerkins. Faith is by being in the influence of either a chapel and church or just a cathedral. Property by books and later candlesticks. Security by being in the influence of a debtor's prison (or an Imperial Cathedral, strangely). These are in addition to the needs of citizens, which patricians also require.

Noblemen [ ]

Noblemen are the fourth and highest class, representing the most sophisticated and rich upper-class of society. Due to their affluence, they desire the most exquisite and exotic goods and services of all inhabitants, and tend to be quite snobbish about it. A noblemen house can house up to 40 noblemen.

Noblemen need Food, Drinks, Clothing, Community, Faith, Entertainment, Possessions, and Security.

Food is satisfied by meat. Drink by wine. Clothing by fur coats and later brocade robes. Faith is satisfied by having a church in the neighborhood (chapels won't work, although an Imperial Cathedral will). Property by having glasses. These are in addition to the needs of patricians, which noblemen also require.

Nomads [ ]

Nomads are the default class that move in when oriental houses are built. They represent the common oriental populace, having simple needs at first but slightly more refined needs as times goes by. A nomad house can house up to 15 nomads.

Nomads initially need Food, Drink, and Community. They later develop desires for Property and Faith once enough nomads move in.

Food is satisfied by dates. Drink by milk. Community by a bazaar. Faith by access to a mosque or Sultan's mosque. Property by carpets.

Envoys [ ]

Envoys are the second and highest oriental class, representing experienced traders and ambassadors, having fine tastes for luxury goods. An envoy house can house up to 25 envoys.

Envoys initially need Food, Drink, Property, Community, Faith, and Amusement. They later develop a taste for fancy Food, Drink, and Property once enough envoys move in.

Food is satisfied by marzipan. Drink by coffee. Property by pearl necklaces and perfume. Faith by having a Mosque. Amusement by having a bath house nearby. These are in addition to the needs of nomads, which envoys also require.

Beggars [ ]

Rejecting beggars can result in them coming back as Bandits and attacking your city. If you have the add-on Anno 1404: Venice, you will be offered 10 coin per patrician and 5 coin per nobleman for a total of between 5,000 and 25,000 coins if you reject them.

Accepting beggars has the advantage of granting additional Ascension Rights for Peasants, which allows more Peasants to ascend to Citizens. Upon accepting beggars into any of your cities, the alms house opens up on the citizen building construction tab.

All beggars are initially dumped onto the streets of your settlement. While there they cost you between -0.2 and -1.7 coins each and also increase the chance of infection and plague in your city.

If an alms house is built and has all its needs fully satisfied, beggars will move in, taking them off the streets and they will no longer contribute anything negative. They will, however, consume their needs goods of cider and fish. It is interesting to note that beggars have totally identical needs as peasants (fish for food, cider for drink, and community and faith). An alms house can hold up to 500 beggars. Also note beggars do not pay any taxes at all.

Overall, it is always recommended to build alms houses for beggars. A quick way to tell if you need more alms houses is to click on the detailed balance overview in the bottom-left of the screen and see if there's a negative red number for the beggars. You can also click on the population overview in the bottom-left corner of the screen, and hover over the beggar icon and a tooltip will tell you how many beggars are in alms houses relative to the total beggars worldwide.

Key Population Thresholds [ ]

Progression in Anno 1404 is almost completely determined by your population, and generally by the quantity of your highest Class. Key technologies/buildings become available at specific population levels, and planning for these triggers requires knowing how many Houses need to be built. The calculation seems straightforward. ie. 1190 Patricians are required to unlock the Bailiff to get Noblemen. Since 25 Patricians live in each house, 48 Patrician houses are required. However, due to adhering to population portions, only 60% of all Citizens can become Patricians, and 20% of the total population must be Peasants. This makes the total number of require houses much more complicated. If you built only 48 houses, you would not even have half the number of houses needs to ascend to Noblemen. As there are only a few important thresholds, they are listed in a chart below with the minimum required houses assuming no Beggars or Envoys.


Population is a measure of how many people live in your current game. The total number of inhabitants worldwide is given in the lower-left corner of the screen. You can left-click on the population total to display how many people of each civilization class live in your world. See the screenshot to the right for an example, showing all civilization levels' population totals plus total ships and military units.

Population is also broken down per-island. If you click on a city marketplace, the total population for that island is listed on the "Inhabitant overview" tab.

Population overview display.

Inhabitant overview tab.

Population levels [ ]

Population is broken down into ten different levels for each island, listed as roman numerals I through X on the City list (F12 by default). When you reach each level, the game notifies you and displayed the icon to the left in your news bar. The following chart lists each population level:

An example City list (F12 shortcut)

A Metropolis city, showing 7 out of 8 ranks.

You can also check what population size your city is by left-clicking on an island warehouse (not market buildings).

A display in the upper-right corner of the screen will show what population level your city has reached, but confusingly this display only shows eight total ranks, since it skips the first two "Small Settlement" levels.

Skipping the first two ranks from the above chart, the eight ranking symbols represent Settlement, Village, Small Town, City, Major City, Commercial Center, Metropolis, and Cosmopolitan City.

Attaining different population levels is critical to advancing your game. Most new buildings, ships, & farms are unlocked as soon as a given threshold of Population is reached. Once a new building is unlocked it is never "locked" again if you lose population.

Как развивать поселения?

Запад и Восток тесно связаны друг с другом. Процесс развития колонии разбит на несколько этапов. Западные колонии проходят четыре этапа развития: крестьяне, горожане, патриции, дворяне. Восточные колонии проходят два этапа развития: кочевники и посланники. Главной колонией всегда считается западная, та, что на севере, восточная (южная) — дополняет ее. Без товаров с востока нельзя полностью развить северную колонию. Восточная же колония может достичь полного развития без товаров с севера. Чтобы развить поселение, необходимо постоянно удовлетворять возрастающие потребности жителей. На каждом уровне развития требования к товарам и зданиям возрастают. Запомните, численность населения между островами не суммируется. Каждый отдельный остров — отдельное «государство», несмотря на то, что все они принадлежат одному управленцу. Добиться бурного развития колоний помогают правильное планирование и использование эффективных схем застройки.

Похожие факуши
  • Панель отображения ресурсов
  • Как строить и эффективно управлять поселениями?
  • Что такое производственная цепочка?
  • Как нанимать и управлять войсками?
  • Что такое нория и зачем она нужна?
  • Как брать корабли на абордаж?
  • Зависит ли производительность ферм от количества полей?
  • Как изменить уровень налога?

Прямой эфир

FAQ — список часто задаваемых вопросов по определенной тематике и ответами на них. Принятые сокращения: ОВ — общие вопросы, ТВ — технические вопросы, ВП — вопросы прохождения, ВМ — вопросы моддинга.

Why won't my houses advance to the next level? [ ]

To advance to the next class of population, the following requirements must be met:

  1. All needs must be met and in Green (Very Well Satisfied)
  2. Taxes must be set to their lowest possible value (Dark Green, resulting in Euphoric)
  3. There must be an adequate "base" or proportion of lower classes. ie. Only 80% of all houses can be Citizens or above.
  4. The house must be full.
  5. Once the above conditions are met, an internal timer of

40 in game seconds starts. Ascension will be granted if none of the above conditions are broken. If you've blocked automatic ascension, a green arrow will pop up over houses that meet the criteria. Even if many houses meet criteria, only one house is granted Ascension rights at a time. Every

If your population is not ascending, check their needs wheel first for any yellow or unfilled bars. Then confirm their tax rates, & finally click on any Marketplace in the island to check the proportions. Unlike Anno 1701, you can't get far at all if your civilization is only peasants. Citizens need peasants to live, patricians need citizens and peasants to live, and so on. To determine how many houses can still ascend, click on the city's market place and look at the pyramid. For example, if it shows there are 31/31 noble houses, it means you've reached the maximum number of noble houses.

Advancement [ ]

In order to grow your Cities, you want to ascend as many Inhabitants to higher classes as possible. This represents economic growth and prosperity. Unlike prior Anno games, you can never have all your Inhabitants become wealthy folk. Anno 1404 institutes a sort of pyramid-hierarchy or classes, where only certain numbers of people can reach the top.

Ascension Rights are granted automatically by default (this can be changed, see below). Houses automatically upgrade when all conditions are met: 1) House is at full capacity, 2) Their taxes are the lowest possible, 3) All needs are fulfilled, 4) The Population proportions are correct (see below) and 5) You have the required Wood/Tools/Stone/Glass needed.

House Capacity [ ]

Before a house can advance, it must be at full capacity.

Occupancy per house per civilization level:

Peasants 8
Citizens 15
Patricians 25
Noblemen 40
Nomads 15
Envoys 25

If a house is not at full capacity, people will move in if the tax range is in the light or dark green levels. At the yellow level no one will move in or out. At the orange and red levels the population will move out.

Taxes [ ]

The population will only advance if their taxes are set to dark green, resulting in Euphoric. Make sure you set your tax rate at dark green if you want houses to ascend.

Needs [ ]

All needs must be very well satisfied for a house to advance. What "very well satisfied" means varies; see the Needs page for more information.

Population Proportions [ ]

  • Citizenships: 80% of the number of houses + number of beggars / 40 (improved by Beggar prince).
  • Trade privileges (Patricians): 60% of number of houses with citizenship + number of Envoys / 110 (improved by The Envoys' favour).
  • Noble titles: 40% of the number of houses with trade privileges.
  • Number of beggars: 10% of number of Citizens + 20% of number of Patricians + 30% of number of Nobles. Observed numbers can be off by a maximum of 50 due to minimum size of beggar ships. It can take a while for all the beggars to arrive as they can spawn every 20 minutes (in ships carrying between 90 and 200).
  • Envoy licenses: 70% of the number of houses.

Mathematics of Ascension Rights:

Peasants = (Number of Houses x 20%) - (Number of Beggars / 40)

Citizenships = (Number of Houses x 80%) + (Number of Beggars / 40) - (Number of Envoys / 110)

Trade Privileges = (Citizenships x 60%) + (Number of Envoys / 110)

Nobles = Trade Privileges x 40%

From what I can see, higher ascensions always round down (eg 97.8 mean 97 ascensions available)

Note that ascension rights are not "lost" when used to upgrade a house: if you have 40 Patrician and 10 Noble houses, it counts as having 50 trade privileges and will grant 50 * 40% = 20 Noble titles (of which 10 are already in use).

The Ascension Window

The Ascension window (see right), found by clicking the Marketplace, provides a lot of useful information to help diagnose and plan your city. Note this information is strictly for a specific island, not your entire map wide population. Ascension rights can be denied or released by clicking scroll at the top of the menu that pops up (in the image to the right, Ascension Rights are denied currently, signified by the red X). Houses have to be manually upgraded to ascend when rights are denied.

The bottom arrow, Peasants, has two numbers. The bottom one (170) states the current number of houses that are Peasant houses. The bold number (9) above the arrow is the number of Peasant houses that meet ascension requirements and can be upgraded to Citizens. You can click this arrow to Ascend a random house, or shift click the arrow to upgrade 9 random houses that meet requirements.

Above the Peasants are Citizens. Again the bold number above the arrow (7) is the number of Citizen houses that meet ascension requirements and can be upgraded to Patricians. However we have a new ratio below the picture of the Citizen (197/280). The first number (197) is the current total number of Citizen houses on the island. The second number (280) is the most amount of Citizen houses you could have under the current conditions. It is not the total number of Citizen that have all their requirements met or that are ready to achieve ascension right now. Once 83 more Peasant Houses have been upgraded, no further ones can be added even if the requirements are met.

As stated above, 20% of your houses must be Peasants. That is how this second number is derived. In this example, there are 170 Peasant Houses out of a total of 642 (26%). This means only 83 more Peasant houses can become Citizens. The remainder must be Peasant Houses to maintain the proportion. You may note that upgrading 83 Peasants would leave 87 Peasant houses out of 642 houses, which is 14%. How come the 20% rule is broken?

The answer is Beggars, the curving arrow on the left. The number (1700) states how many beggars in total are in your town. This includes those in Alms Houses and those on the streets. They do not contribute to your total population. Its arrow pointing to the Citizens is signifying it increases the number of Peasant houses that could become Citizens. The number of extra Peasant Upgrades allowed is the total number of beggars divided by 40. In this example, 1700/40 = 42.5 extra Citizen or above houses are allowed to convert. Without the Beggars, the Citizen ratio would be 197/238. Allowing Beggars into your city decreases the number of Peasant Houses you must have. Note Beggars never Ascend, they only help Peasant Houses ascend to Citizens.

The arrow above Citizens is Patricians. They follow similar rules to Citizens. In this case there are 169 Patrician Houses. Up to 19 more Patrician Houses could be made from Citizen Houses to reach a maximum of 188 total Patrician Houses. Similar to Beggars, having Envoys will increase the proportion of Citizens that can become Patricians, but this is not graphically reflected in the Marketplace Window. 4 Patrician Houses are eligible for Ascension at this time. Above Patricians are Nobleman. There are 160 Nobleman, and up to 4 more could be made.

There is an online calculator that will let you quickly determine the number of houses needed to reach a target number of population. There are also easy ways to estimate it:

    For Occidental populations, divide the target number of class population by its current number, then multiply the current number of houses by this. Let's say you want 2,200 Nobles (for glasses), and currently have 1,600 (wine) and 177 houses. 2,200 / 1,600 = 1.375; x 177 =

243 houses. (This also tells you that you need to increase your consumable production by

Materials [ ]

In order for a house to advance to the next level, there must be enough materials in the warehouse.

Peasant to Citizen 1 Tools; 1 Wood
Citizen to Patrician 1 Tools; 1 Wood; 4 Stones
Patrician to Nobleman 1 Tools; 1 Wood; 3 Stones, 3 Glass
Nomad to Envoy 1 Tools; 1 Wood; 4 Mosaic

Anno 1404

Разработчик: Blue Byte / Жанр: Strategy / Дата выхода: 7 июля 2009 г.

Зависит ли производительность ферм от количества полей?

Каждой ферме для эффективного производства сырья требуется три-четыре поля, отводить больше территории под дополнительные поля не имеет смысла. Производительность от этого все равно не увеличится. Предприятие не будет обрабатывать больше полей, чем это положено по лимиту. К тому же, опция автозасеивания — далеко не лучший способ использования территории с точки зрения экономии пространства и логистики. Ручная расстановка полей поможет лучше контролировать процесс расширения колонии.

Похожие факуши
  • Панель отображения ресурсов
  • Как строить и эффективно управлять поселениями?
  • Что такое производственная цепочка?
  • Как нанимать и управлять войсками?
  • Что такое нория и зачем она нужна?
  • Как брать корабли на абордаж?
  • Как изменить уровень налога?
  • Как уничтожить корсаров или заключить союз с ними?

Кстати, проводились замеры и доказано, что чем больше плантаций, тем быстрее воспроизводится товар.

Проводились замеры не немцами, а простыми игроками, оказалось, что если до ферми добавить лишнюю плантацию, то за минуту будет воспроизводится не 5 тонн а 7 тонн (имеется в виду сидровая ферма). Не сомневайся, я сам проводил замеры, поля давали ощутимый эффект.

Тоже интересно, есть ли прибавка? Мне кажется что есть, но не такая значительная, как производство от полноценной фермы.

В свое время немцы, большие любители АННО, проводили тесты с замерами, прибавки от большого количества полей в итоге не нашли. То есть все, что выходит за лимит, не приносит никакой пользы, кроме разбазаривания места. Возможно, патчами это было поправлено и теперь дополнительные поля, сверхлимита, дают ощутимую прибавку к эффективности, но я сомневаюсь, что это происходит.

Anno 1404

Разработчик: Blue Byte / Жанр: Strategy / Дата выхода: 7 июля 2009 г.

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