An instance of gta province is already running как исправить

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

23 сен. 2019 в 11:19 An instance of Grand Theft Auto is already running. Please allow the game to fully exit before attempting to play again. An instance of Grand Theft Auto is already running. Please allow the game to fully exit before attempting to play again. 28 сен. 2019 в 21:44 28 сен. 2019 в 22:19 this sucks got the same issues and cant seem to fix it either 28 сен. 2019 в 22:43 I'm having the same issue man wtf is wrong with this new launcher 29 сен. 2019 в 3:41 29 сен. 2019 в 3:55 I'm one of the many suffering from crash issues and now this problem not being able to launch so I can crash randomly lol. It really sucks balls. I've had such a ball ache with R* tickets about the crashes and now this! Think its time to give up on GTA5! 29 сен. 2019 в 11:02 I'm one of the many suffering from crash issues and now this problem not being able to launch so I can crash randomly lol. It really sucks balls. I've had such a ball ache with R* tickets about the crashes and now this! Think its time to give up on GTA5! I'm having the same issue man wtf is wrong with this new launcher this sucks got the same issues and cant seem to fix it either
To everyone that having same issue: we fixed it with Nvidia 436.02 driver. Remove the latest driver and download the 436.02 . I hope you can fix it too. 3 дек. 2019 в 0:10 Exit Steam, then click exit on the Rockstar Launcher in the taskbar (where the clock and stuff is). After that it works 19 апр. 2020 в 8:23 still happening to me man, the thing is i have no idea what half of the steps mean and ive tried almost every other thing and this might be my last hope lol, if anyone can help me that would be great 5 июл. 2020 в 17:15

I found the problem .
You have to go these ways .

Please open Command Prompt and use the command tasklist.

If you find GTA 5.exe there, then you need to kill the process using the command taskkill /IM GTA5.exe /F
If it still doesn't work, run Command Prompt as administrator or use Windows Powershell.

I found the problem .
You have to go these ways .

Please open Command Prompt and use the command tasklist.

If you find GTA 5.exe there, then you need to kill the process using the command taskkill /IM GTA5.exe /F
If it still doesn't work, run Command Prompt as administrator or use Windows Powershell.

Of Course it won't work!
Tried PowerShell, cmd, task manager, reboot, processhacker, processexplorer.
Every solution is not working for me. 2 авг. 2020 в 19:16

Oke guys i fixed mine.

I'm pretty sure what i did. Why i say that is because i just tried weird stuff and i didnt expect it would work so i didnt really take it seriously but i think i know what i did.

When you launch GTA5 and then the rockstar social club blabla pop up and sign you in it is where the issue is right? "An instance of Grand. " What i did was i opened the task manager found all the stuff that has to do with GTA i mean the rockstar club etc. i had a couple of them opened and i just clicked "quit job" (i think it is what it is called in english) then it gave me an error on the rockstar club sign in application, you can click "ok" - "help" and "x" top right corner, i just clicked "ok" then tried to open gta5 again then it launched it normally.

1. open GTA5
2. When rockstar club sign in page pop up where the issue showing "An instance. "
3. Open task manager close all appliciation that has to do with GTA5
4. It should give you an error on rockstar club application when you try to close it in task manager then click "ok"
5. When all application that has to do with GTA5 is closed.
6. Launch GTA5

Ребят у меня проблема: An instance of GTA: Province is already running. It needs to be terminated before MTA:Province can be started. Do you want to do that now? И ПРОИСХОДИТ ЭТО ПОСЛЕ ЗАХОДА НА СЕРВЕР, ТОЕСТЬ, Я НАЖИМАЮ НА СЕРВЕР А ИГРА ВЫКЛЮЧАЕТСЯ И ВЫХОДИТ ТАБЛО С ЭТОЙ НАДПИСЬЮ что делать?

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ГТА Провинция вылитает и пишет уведомление.

An instance of GTA:province is already running. It should be terminated, MTA:province can be stayted. Do you want to do it now?(Экземпляр ГТА: провинция уже выполняется. Это должно быть прекращено, МТА: провинция может быть запущена. Ты хочешь сделать это сейчас?) Что делать?

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Решение Ошибки [CL10] MTA Province

Решение Ошибки [CL10] MTA Province

Решение Ошибки [CL10] MTA Province - данная ошибка становится все более частой на просторах MTA Province, потому что частые обновления порождает большое количество ошибок и багов, главным образом это проблема на уровне разработчиков.

Решение проблемы:
1. Нужно полностью удалить с Вашего компьютера игру и все её компоненты (через панель управления => программы и компоненты).
2. Выключить все защитные программы(антивирусы и прочее).
3. Выполнить установку MTA Province от имени Администратора(устанавливайте корректную версию на момент установки, в данный момент это 2.0).
4. Выполнить установку согласно инструкции и сделать каждый пункт

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