Ads apex legends что это

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

17 ноя. 2020 в 15:15

At first: This may read itself like raging, but I'm actually not exaggerating, just a bit frustrated. All the examples and what I describe happened to me over the last few weeks (even before the steam release).

Hi, I've got questions about aiming. Everybody (every Streamer, every Youtuber, every guide) is saying that hipfire is soo damn strong in apex, but I can't seem to hit someone with that.

But when someone is standing right in front of me so that his head is at the top of my screen and his feet are at the bottom and he's right in the middle of the screen too a full purple 301 mag is going miracally around them. Just an example, the weapon doesn't matter. I have to ads when people are in my face to hit something at least, what costs time, what costs every single fight. At least when I'm not meeting 80% of the playerbase that has godlike aiming and hit every bullet on a moving target.

And people are beaming me every round no matter how much I shoot at them, jump, crouch or dodge, and from quite every distance. I can slide and jump down a building and they still hit me with almost any bullet (didn't count, panicing away). I can go out of cover, turn left, right, crouch, jump -> some guy with a Longbow from over 200 meters away will hit 4 shots in a row. I can flank somebody and hit every bullet of my r-99 while the target is firing at my teammates, they turn to me and I'm dead (both purple shields, purple helmet on my side) -> Looking at the death summary, 7 headshots in a row while I was dodging because I had to reload.
Am I encoutering just cheaters in this game nowadays?

So, concludingly:
- why is everybody hitting almost every shot always?
- why does hipfire work for others but not the slightest bit for me?

Thanks in advance for any try to help.

17 ноя. 2020 в 15:36 17 ноя. 2020 в 16:34

I can't tell if really someone's cheating in this game due to the lack of replay. I'm sure that 50%+ of the players are better than me and also that there are a few "Shroudish" people out there. But they shouldn't be in any lobby and every team I encounter. I played for 2 hours straight today with only 2 knockdown, both at the start without a weapon on both sides, and both times I got knocked out too. My team and me didn't win a single fight. Even when we surprise others.

About your help:
I'm playing every shooter with quite the same sense since a few years. From L4D2 to Borderlands 1/2/PS/3, Pubg, Paladins, Overwatch aso. Always with a 180° turn of the character from the one to the other side of the mousepad. As I'm so used to that I don't think a change will help, more likely it will make it even more unplayable.

Positioning could be a thing. But:
My buddy and me were at the waterfall today near the lab (don't know the english name because I'm playing in german language), both with snipers, watched down to left side with scopes and shot both at the same time, he hit I didn't, they snapped onto us and we were dead before we could dodge. This can't be normal.

Recoil is definitely a thing as its impossible for me to move my mouse to counter them horizontally but I can do it vertically.
Thats why hit every bullet from my r-99 (grey mag) as mentioned above. And the positioning was fine there. I came out of the cover of an opened box, he didn't know I was there, he turned to me, I was dead.

Another strange thing happened to me the other day: Me and an enemy ran into each other in a house, heard him and I'm sure he heard me too, but at the moment I saw him I was dead. I rightclicked as I have to hit anything, heard one bullet from him, lost 200 hp, dead. 6 headshots in a row. But you can't tell if he was cheating or not. This kinda looked like he was, but how to know?!


2000 kills, or even a kd of 15/10 would be nice. Usually I had a kd around 0,8 - 1,0, but I'm mostly sinning the fact that hipfire doesn't work for me. To give another example:

An Enemy, me and my teammate were on one of the circle buildings near the large teleporting thingy today. I had a fully equipped 301 and a decent flatline with me, while the enemy was jumping around like me. But even while jumping he (Horizon) dealt 225 damage to my teammate (Wraith) and then 200 on me (Loba). My Teammate managed to shoot his purple shield away while I missed two purple mags 301 and almost a blue mag flatline from around 3 meters away while half of the time he didn't fight me. I had to hipfire at that moment because I had a 2x on the 301 and a 2-4 on the flatline (hard to track with that this close).

But I had this problem since always, not just since the steam release. Your problems sound weird too though.

Apex Legends 1x ADS multiplier only works for 70 FOV

When aiming down sights with 110 FOV I noticed that I felt a small drag that would increase the more scoped in I was. At first, I tried to adjust it manually to match my hip-fire sensitivity so that the same movement on my mouse would equal the same distance in the game.

To test this, I first aligned my crosshair on a target. Then, I marked where the end of my FOV was on one side unscoped. After this, I moved my crosshair unscoped from the middle of the screen to where I marked. I then marked the physical distance I moved using my mouse.

The FOV problem is manageable, but when there is only one scope sensitivity that you can change, you can only really adjust perfectly for one scope. Each scope lowers your sensitivity a little more than it should.

What I decided to do was find the correct ADS sensitivity that matched proportionally using 110 FOV for my favorite gun, the wingman (which uses a 1x iron sights by default). I repeated the process multiple times until I got the rough result of 1.2 for 1x scopes and 1.25 for 2x scopes, the problem being that I can only pick one.

In conclusion, I believe that Apex Legends used their lowest FOV as a baseline for calculating their ADS sensitivities while neglecting other FOVS. With scopes, they may have overcompensated by making it too slow instead of just slow enough to make it match proportionally.

Ads apex legends что это

1 мар. 2020 в 8:30

In apex legends my base sens and fov is 1.5 and 110 and my ads sens multiplier is 1.2 . My mouse dpi is 800 and resolution is 1920x1080. I set the base sens and fov to the same in kovaaks using apex legends sensitivity scale but in kovaaks weapon zoom sens settings for 'ADSable Hitscan Cone', when I set 'zoom fov measure' to apex legends and put 'zoom sens multiplier' to 1.2, it reverts to 1 and the zoom sens is still much faster than apex ads sens. I don't know how I match it to apex legends and I also don't know what to set the zoom fov to if I'm practicing for 1x scopes in apex.

Apex Legends - Best Settings And Options Guide

Apex Legends is a game that seemed to come out of thin air completely, and while the insane peak of initial popularity might be past us it's still a game that's enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of people each day, and the best part is that everyone can join in on the fun since the game is free to play.

In this article we'll be going over the settings and gear that the Apex professionals are using, supplying you with averages and interesting statistics throughout. Getting the right settings will increase the performance of your game and with that your own performance will also increase, so this article should be useful for new players and veterans alike.

Quick Reference:

Best Mouse Settings for Apex Legends

If you want to become a consistent and reliable aimer getting a good gaming mouse is only half the battle. You'll want to make sure that you're using it correctly, otherwise it'll be like casting pearls before swine.

It's an often repeated myth that a higher sensitivity equals better aim, but that is not the case at all if you look at our data. In fact it's quite the opposite. The average eDPI of professional gamers is way lower than what most newer or casual gamers would expect. A lower overall sensitivity is simply way better for building muscle memory and making tiny micro adjustments when aiming, which is why the vast majority of professional gamers are using large gaming mousepads. Regular pads simply cannot support the large sweeping motions that you have to make when playing at lower sensitivities.

Mouse DPI & eDPI for Apex Legends

Peripheral companies like to boast about their mice being able to reach absurdly high DPI counts, but the reality is that that's mostly for marketing purposes. As you can see in our data the vast majority of professionals are on either 400 or 800 DPI. In fact only 3% of professionals use a DPI that's higher than 1600, and none at all have their DPI set to something higher than 2500.

DPI alone doesn't tell you much though, which is why we've also calculated the average eDPI of Apex Legends professionals. This should provide you with a good starting point for figuring out your own sensitivity in the game.

Most used DPI

ADS mouse sensitivity multiplier for Apex Legends

The ADS (Aim Down Sights) sensitivity in Apex Legends is a bit of an odd one. A lot of people note that aiming down sights somehow feels 'off' in this game, and that's because setting the ADS sensitivity to 1 in the game doesn't mean that your ADS sensitivity matches your hipfire sensitivity 1:1.

In other words; aiming down the sights of your gun means that your aim is slowed down a bit if you've set the ADS sensitivity to 1. To further complicate the issue there's a variety of different scopes with different zoom levels in the game as well. We do hope that Respawn (the developers of Apex Legends) add in different sensitivity sliders for each different level of zoom, but for now we'll have to make do with that we've got.

Most pros opt to leave their ADS sensitivity at 1. It's a good starting point to go for, but if you want your ADS sensitivity to more closely match your hipfire sens we can recommend experimenting with values between 1.2 and 1.5. Whatever works best for you will depend on your FOV settings and on what type of scope you like to use the most, but for most people the 'sweet spot' for approximating a true 1:1 conversion seems to be between 1.2 and 1.5.

ADS sensitivity

Best Refresh Rate for Apex Legends

We've been saying it for a while now, but if you ask us (and the overwhelming majority of professionals that we analyze) 144 frames per second is the current minimum standard for competitive gaming refresh rates.

Entry-level 144Hz monitors are getting cheaper and cheaper, and something like the BenQ Zowie XL2411 is an ideal esports monitor for people on a tighter budget. Do be wary that in order to get the best out of a higher refresh rate monitor you'll want to make sure that your PC can handle pushing the required amount of frames. There's no need to have a state of the art 240Hz gaming monitor if your PC is only pushing 40 frames per second to said monitor.

Regardless; professional gamers are always out to get the most fluid experience possible, which is why almost every professional (in every game) that we've analyzed is using a monitor that's capable of pushing at least 144 frames per second and a system with a dedicated graphics card that push enough frames to said monitor.

Getting a high framerate is pretty much essential if you’re looking to play games at the competitive level, not only because you’ll want to be running a 144Hz (or higher) monitor to get that smooth image but also because of the fact that higher framerates give less input latency. Someone who’s gaming at 60 frames per second will experience end to end latencies between 55 and 75 milliseconds while someone who’s gaming on a rig that’s pushing 240 frames per second has a latency between 20-35 milliseconds (regardless of what kind of display you’re hooked up to).

We’ve been analyzing what systems and graphics cards the professionals are using. You can see the three most popular cards (along with the expected average fps they’ll produce on our recommended settings) to the right. The RTX 3080 is currently the most powerful graphics card in our article, so if you want the absolute maximum amount of frames you can go for that, though that one's obviously not a budget card. If you’re interested in the GPU side of things you can read the full guide here.

NVIDIA Reflex Low Latency Technology

As we've explained already, lowering the overall system latency of your setup is one of the primary goals when you're playing at a competitive level. NVIDIA has recently unveiled their Reflex Low Latency platform to aid gamers with that, and given the fact that their GPUs are used by almost all professional players we thought it would be a good idea to add a small section to this guide on the tech.

The Low Latency Mode (which is available for all 900 series and newer cards) reduces the overall system latency between the user and the game. It's something that developers actively have to put into their game so it's not available for all games out there (click here for a list) but Apex: Legends is one of those games, meaning that this tech can drastically (depending on your setup) reduce your system latency by forcing the GPU and CPU to sync up in a more efficient way.

The second part of the Reflex platform is the Latency Analyzer. This allows you to measure your system latency (as long as you've got compatible gear) and can be really handy to determine if there are any bottlenecks somewhere in your setup.

This is of course all explained in nutshell, so if you want to read more about Reflex you can check out NVIDIA's article or read our own article.

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