Yakuza kiwami 2 majima saga как открыть

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

Disguises [ ]

Majima has a variety of different personas that he takes on during the events of Kiwami, including:

Officer Majima [ ]

Goromi [ ]

Main article: Goromi

Zombie Majima [ ]

If Kiryu walks in front of Bantam, a worker out front will invite him to have a drink. At first, Kiryu refuses, but after the continuous insistence of the barker, Kiryu will accept on the condition that, if the drink isn't as good as he says, he will leave. After taking a seat, he notices that the bartender is, in fact, Majima, and Kiryu attempts to leave. Majima tells him to stay put and offers him a bunch of drinks, aptly named after Majima, in one way or another. After two drinks, Majima will charge Kiryu for 560,000 yen. Kiryu can then either pay him and leave intact, or fight him.

Everyone's Idol Goro [ ]

After reaching the end of B rank, Nishida will call Kiryu, telling him to go to Deborah as Majima is waiting for him. Upon arriving and entering the club proper, Kiryu finds Majima breakdancing to the tune of 24-hour Cinderella, amassing a large crowd around him. Majima then challenges Kiryu to a Breaker Battle using his signature Breaker fighting style. Upon defeating Majima, he will congratulate Kiryu and Kiryu will progress to A rank.

After this fight, Everyone's Idol Goro can be occasionally found wandering the streets to harass Kiryu.

Taxi Driver Majima [ ]

After getting to the S rank and traveling in taxis a certain number of times, Kiryu gets into the taxi on Fishing Pier. At the pier, Majima says that Kiryu has no choice but to fight him, otherwise he will have to walk back to Kamurocho. Kiryu relents, and the pair have another fight. As promised, after the brawl, Majima drives Kiryu back to Kamurocho free of charge.

Hannya-Man [ ]

"A mysterious man wearing a mask depicting a one-eyed Hannya. Although his fighting style is odd and distinctive, he himself is usually very calm and rarely speaks. According to those who have heard him muttering to himself in the waiting room, the man apparently speaks in a Kansai dialect."

— Individual Match Info Hannya-Man, also known as Mysterious Man in Black, is Majima dressed in a suit and wearing a Hannya mask. Nishida calls Kiryu about a man with a terrifying face who wanders West Park and sucks the soul out of unsuspecting victims. As opposed to his other incarnations, Majima remains completely in character even after Kiryu defeats him. Strangely enough, Majima wears his eyepatch over the mask instead of under it.

He can also be fought in the coliseum after receiving an email from Nishida.

Special Encounters [ ]

Majima Everywhere.jpg

Majima may be encountered at the following locations:

  • The streets of Kamurocho - either walking down the streets, barging into street fights, hiding behind corners, under manholes, on rooftops, or hiding in objects such as giant traffic cones, trashcans, and car trunks.
  • Vincent - where he will challenge Kiryu to a game of darts and pool.
  • Smile Burger - after Kiryu orders anything from the menu.
  • Poppo, Tenkaichi Street - after Kiryu buys a bento box.
  • M Store, Shichifuku Street West - after Kiryu inspects the magazine rack.
  • Mach Bowl - where he will force Kiryu to go bowling with him.
  • Bantam - where he will attempt to con Kiryu as a bartender.
  • Beam - after Kiryu requests Passionate Manly Bathhouse Battle!
  • Yoshida Batting Center - where he will jump Kiryu after he finishes a session.
  • Deborah - where he will challenge Kiryu to a fight after talking to him.
  • shogi.
  • Club SEGA, Nakamichi Street - where he will challenge Kiryu in MesuKing.
  • Club SEGA, Theater Square - while Kiryu uses the photo booth.
  • race.
  • In an alley way on Park Alley.
  • In West Park, near the entrance.

Rank G [ ]

Rank F [ ]

Majima will continue to roam the streets and if Kiryu successfully defeats him three times they will be able to encounter Goromi. After he is defeated, Majima will later hide inside a giant traffic cone. Finding and defeating him in battle will bring Majima Everywhere to the next rank.

Rank E [ ]

Rank D [ ]

After defeating Majima five times in battles and/or mini-games, Kiryu can encounter Rank C [ ]

Upon defeating Majima four times in mini-games or battles, Majima will appear at the M Store on Shichifuku Street after Kiryu inspects the magazine rack there. If Chapter 4 isn't completed by this time, Majima Everywhere will no longer rank up until it is completed.

Rank B [ ]

Rank A [ ]

Rank S [ ]

Rank SS [ ]

Rank SSS [ ]

Mad Dog Battle [ ]

Under "Climax Battles" in the main menu, Mad Dog Battle allows the player to take on missions that concern Majima.

Mad Dog Battle 1 [ ]

"Overcome the Mad Dog of Shimano within the time limit!"
Using only Rush, the player needs to defeat Breaker Majima within a minute and thirty seconds.

Mad Dog Battle 2 [ ]

"Overcome Officer Majima within the time limit, but. if you attack a REAL patrol officer, you will lose!"
Using only Beast, the player must defeat Officer Majima without hitting the other hostile officers within three minutes. When Majima's health drops, the other officers begin to use Slugger and start sounding like Majima in order to confuse the player.

Mad Dog Battle 3 [ ]

"Ma-Z-Ma: Dead Souls
Time. limit. of the End. BRAAAIIINS!"

Using Brawler, the player must fight through hordes of zombies while defeating Zombie Majima four times within six minutes.

Mad Dog Battle 4 [ ]

"Overcome the mysterious Hannya-Man within the time limit!"
Within three minutes and thirty seconds, the player must defeat three Hannya-Men. When only a quarter is left of the first Hannya-Man's health-bar, another Hannya-Man will enter the fight and a third one after the second one's health drops.

Mad Dog Battle 5 [ ]

"Survive Majima Everywhere in the ultimate Majimarathon!"
Within three minutes, the player must defeat Zombie Majima, Officer Majima, Everyone's Idol Goro, and Goromi in that order.

Yakuza Kiwami 2. Сага Горо Мадзимы

В издании Kiwami, помимо дополнительного оружия и красивой графики, добавили еще небольшой сюжет (всего на 3 главы), рассказывающий о том, почему Горо Мадзима, один из самых харизматичных героев серии, ушел из клана Тодзе и стал владельцем немного странного строительного бизнеса.

Действие начинается почти сразу по завершении первой части Yakuza. Терада только вступил в должность главы клана Тодзе и начинает устанавливать свои порядки (деньги решают все). Вместе с этим он привлекает две семьи из альянса Оми, которые особо не чтят негласные правила, занимаются грязным бизнесом и с новыми правилами в клане очень быстро занимают лидирующее положение. Самое же интересное начинается тогда, когда главу одного из кланов находят с пулей в голове, а все подозрения падают на Горо Мадзиму.

В течение трех глав главному герою необходимо найти настоящего убийцу и его заказчика, а заодно ненадолго столкнуться со своим прошлым, которое Мадзима оставил в Сатенбори почти два десятка лет назад.

Глава 1. Реформирование клана Тодзе

It feels that they force you to do around a 1.5 hrs content to witness one fanservice moment, not to mention that imho most of the moments dont fit with the main story.

Like why Majima got some random new guy to drive him around? Where is Nishida? I understand that it had to be done to dispose him laiter but still. The "villan" motives are some hot garbage even for the yakuza villans. Majima told Kiryu that he was sick of Terada bs and quit but in Saga we see that he disbanded the family as a punishment for that Omi guy. Why he would lie to Kiryu? Arent you a all for honesty man, Majima? (The bothel scene in K1 reference). Is all this even a canon? There is more but youve got the point.

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Idk man the Makoto subplot made me cry hard af

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As i said, fanservice. They could just show us the video in the bonus section.

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Also it would be naive to think that he never lied at all. Aside from the fact that he managed to survive in Tojo, he was running a successful business, so. Also I felt like it was not dishonesty he hated, but emotional manipulation. I might be mistaken though.

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I dont know, but for me kiryu is the one of those who get true Majima, without Mad Dog act. Especially in k2 you see him doing his usual shit than suddenly he speaks to Kiryu in his regular calm voice (check scene in purgatory before and after ladycop leaves).

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The main purpose of the Majima Saga in Kiwami 2 is to try and bring closure the best way they could with Makoto. And the writing team had to try its best to ham fist the Majima saga storyline into the Yakuza 2 storyline as best as they could.

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Yeah, i understand all that, but as i said i ve found zero ending pretty fitting. You know. Also if we take yakuza1 majima and not majima everywhere he fits pretty good. Majima everywhere makes him too much of a clown which he isnt in the next games. Hes a wild card, yeah but not a joker.

Report Save Report Save Report Save Pee Pee Man

Yeah, I agree. Both Majima Everywhere and Majima Saga are rather questionable additions created only because people who started with Y0 expected more of him.

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Oh shit you are right. Ive heard do much good about that track but i was so upset at that moment so i completly missed it. Need to give it another listen lol.

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It was a phenomenal conclusion to the Majima and Makoto story, it had a solid arcade feel, some funny lines out of Majima, Kashiwagi being the bro that he always is, and in true Yakuza fashion, a super cheesy main villain (with one of the undoubtedly best dynamic intros across the entire series).

All said and done, it was a great way to kill 2 hours. We all wish it was longer, but what we did get was good shit.

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