World painter minecraft гайд

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

I'm having trouble installing WorldPainter. I get an error message while running WorldPainter, or WorldPainter won't start. How do I fix it?

Check the Troubleshooting page for various problems you may encounter and their solutions or workarounds.

How do I play the world? How do I put the map I made in Minecraft?

Press Ctrl+E (⌘+E on a Mac) or use the File -> Export -> Export as Minecraft map. menu item. It will export the world directly to your Minecraft saves directory, after which it will appear in Minecraft under Singleplayer.

How do I edit existing Minecraft maps?

WorldPainter is a map generator, not an editor! The basic idea is to use it for generating new maps which you then edit with other tools such as creative mode, ​ WorldEdit, ​ VoxelSniper or ​ MCEdit.

Having said that, WorldPainter does have limited support for making changes to existing maps, using the Import and Merge operations. Import (Ctrl+I or File -> Import -> Existing Minecraft map. ) will create a new WorldPainter world based on the landscape (terrain height and type and biome information, but no underground or above ground structures, trees, etc.) of an existing map. Merge (Ctrl+R or File -> Merge world. ) will merge any changes you make back to the existing map.

Important notes:

  • You have to use Merge (Ctrl+R), not Export, to save your changes back to the existing map!
  • When Importing an existing map, any chunks containing man-made blocks will be marked read-only, visible by a black cross across them. This includes underground blocks from mines and strongholds. Chunks that are marked read-only are not merged during the Merge process. You can still make changes to them in the editor, but those changes won't be saved. This is to protect man made structures from the merge process, which can be destructive and mangle structures, especially if you changed the slope of the terrain. If you still want to make changes to those chunks (at your own risk), you can remove the read-only layer (like any other layer: select the Read-only button and right-click to remove it). Note that you can also add the read-only layer to areas where you don't intend to make changes, which will speed up the merge process.

Is Multiplayer supported? How do I put the map on a Minecraft server?

Yes, Multiplayer is supported. Multiplayer maps are exactly the same as Singleplayer maps. Just Export the world like normal. Then, if you run the Minecraft server on the same computer, just move or copy the generated map directory to your Minecraft server installation directory, edit the level-name property in the file to be the same name as the directory, and (re)start the server. If the server is on a different computer the steps are the same, but you will have to transfer the map to the server somehow, generally by zipping it and transferring it to the server using a program such as Filezilla. Those details are beyond the scope of this site though. Ask your server administrator for the best way to transfer maps to the server, or google the subject.

How do I use the Caves/Tunnels layer?

Check out this page for instructions on using the Caves/Tunnels custom layer.

How do I make the borders of the map look nice and integrate well with the Minecraft landscape?

When you leave the WorldPainter-generated chunks, Minecraft will start generating land again, according to the seed you specified and its own algorithms. There is nothing WorldPainter can do to avoid that. If you don't take this into account, the edges or seams between your world and the Minecraft world may be very abrupt and ugly. There are several strategies for making the seams look good:

  1. Make the edges of your world all water, and use the "ocean" Minecraft seed option (the default) on the New World screen. Make sure to use the default water level for your world (62) and make the water depth around the edges at least fifteen blocks so it will match the ocean floor better. This will embed your world into a huge ocean and since the seams are all water they will be almost unnoticeable. Note that this does mean that there will be no other continents anywhere nearby though!
  2. Configure a border on the Export screen. Note that this doesn't get rid of the seams, it just moves them further away. Also note that if the edges of your world are land (instead of water), or if the water level of your map is different than the border level, there will still be an ugly edge between your land and the border.
  3. Use the "bedrock wall" option on the Export screen to make it hard to leave your world. Note that it is still possible to leave it, since you can just build your way to the top of the wall and walk right over it. And of course it means an ugly wall all around your world. You can combine this option with a border, so that you at least can't see the wall from the shores of your world.
  4. Use the Import/Merge functions to smooth the seams after the fact:
    • Export your world
    • Load it in Minecraft, and fly along all the edges, forcing Minecraft to generate all the chunks around the edges
    • Import the map into WorldPainter using Ctrl+I or File -> Import -> Existing Minecraft map.
    • Use the Smooth tool, terrain tools, and any other tool of your choice to merge and smooth the seams
    • Select the Read-only layer, select a large and solid brush and set the intensity to full, and paint the entire interior of the world with the Read-only layer. This will greatly speed up the merge process. Be careful not to mark any chunks near the seams read-only though, as your edits in those chunks would be lost
    • Merge the changes with the original map using Ctrl+R or File -> Merge World.
    • The downside of this is that changing the slope of the land will mess up any trees that were on it. You'll have to visit all the seams again in Minecraft to manually fix problems introduced by the merge

How do I change the water level on an existing world or map?

The first step is to change the default water level setting by opening the Dimension Properties (Ctrl+P or Edit menu), going to the Theme tab and adjusting the number at the bottom of the screen. You may have to temporarily enable "beaches around water level" to be able to change the setting.

Then you have a choice. You can either reset the water level across the entire world in one go with the Global Operations tool , or you can adjust the water level manually using the Flood and/or Sponge tools.

To reset the water across the world in one go, open the Global Operations tool (Tools panel or Ctrl+G), select "reset all water or lava" and press Go. The advantage of this is that it's quick and thorough, and it also resets the groundwater level in dry areas, so that the water level remains correct even if you change the elevation of currently dry areas. The downside is that it will remove all lava, and bodies of water that were above sea level, and will flood valleys that are below sea level.

To do it manually, use the Flood tool to raise the level of bodies of water by left-clicking on them, or lower them by right-clicking on them. Be careful not to interrupt the flooding operation, that may cause tiles with incorrect water levels to be left behind. You can also use the Sponge tool: right-clicking with it will reset the water level to the default in the area covered by the brush. Left-clicking the Sponge tool removes the water (or lava) altogether.

How do I control WorldPainter with the keyboard? What are the keyboard shortcuts?

There are keyboard shortcuts for many aspects of WorldPainter. Check the KeyboardShortcuts page for an overview.

How do I add custom blocks from mods to the map?

WorldPainter supports custom mod blocks with non-standard ID's (even ID's between 255 and 4096). Note: for block ID's above 255 you have to enable "extended block IDs", either on the New World screen, or afterwards from the Edit menu.

We can't help you with which block ID's to use, you'll have to find that out from the mod website or ask the authors or other users. Once you know the block ID to use there are four ways of adding custom blocks to the world:

  1. Use one of the Custom terrain types (one of the buttons with a question mark on them). This will set the surface layer of the world to the custom block wherever you paint that terrain.
  2. Create a Custom Underground Pockets layer (from the + button on the Layers panel). This will create random underground pockets of the material wherever you paint the layer. Good for things like underground ores or pockets of oil, etc.
  3. Create a Custom Ground Cover layer. This will create a layer of the material on top of the surface. Make it one block thick and sprinkle the layer around for things like plants and flowers, or make it several blocks thick and paint it in solidly to create glaciers, etc.
  4. Create a Custom Object Layer. This will load bo2 files and/or schematics and spawn them randomly on the map where you paint the layer. Schematics and bo2 files can contain custom blocks from mods if you export them from a map containing such blocks.

Please note: many mods have dynamic block ID's at runtime which are different than the block ID's stored on disk. The clue is often that these ID's are higher than 4095, which is not possible on disk. Make sure to find out from the mod's authors or documentation what the static, on-disk block ID's are and use those in WorldPainter.

How do I control WorldPainter with a tablet?

WorldPainter support pressure sensitivity (to control the layer intensity or tool speed), eraser and pen buttons of tablets. Make sure the device driver for the tablet is installed and check the Controls page for details.

Why do I get chunk errors / missing chunks / weird square patches with water or different landscape after exporting the world?

Probably for one of two reasons:

  • You Exported a world you previously Imported from an existing map, instead of Merging it with the map from which you imported it, which is what you should do with Imported worlds.
  • You made changes to chunks that were marked read-only (with a black cross across them) and neglected to remove the read-only layer (by right-clicking with the Read-only button selected) from those chunks before Merging.

How do I get it to create villages, ravines or strongholds?

WorldPainter can't generate any type of structure by itself. However it can direct Minecraft to generate structures in the generated map. You can do this by either selecting "allow Minecraft to populate the entire terrain" on the Export (or Dimension Properties) screen, to get them everywhere, or by painting in the Populate layer locally. Also make sure to leave the Structures option enabled on the Export screen.

Please note that WorldPainter has no control over where these structures will be generated! Minecraft will place them randomly according to the seed and its own algorithms. Also, using Populate will also cause Minecraft to generate trees, tall grass and flowers, underground resources, small water and lava lakes everywhere. If you used WorldPainter's tree layers, or the Resource layer (which is on by default) you may get double the trees and/or resources.

If you don't want this, you do have one option: you can set the world type to Superflat, and then use the Superflat preset to configure exactly what you want Minecraft to do during the population step. For more details about this technique, see ​ this YouTube video by Fornan II. For more details about the proper use of the Populate layer, see the Populate page.

Note that you could use custom object layers to add structures to the world. See the CustomObjects page for more details.

How do I create arches, overhangs, floating islands or other types of overlapping land?

You can use Custom Cave/Tunnel layers to achieve such effects. By setting the roof and ceiling heights and other settings judicously, you can configure a "cave" which is actually entirely above the ground of the valley, and will carve out overhangs, arches or other structures from the surrounding cliffs. For one example, see ​ this YouTube video by Lord Dakr showing how to create arches.

Why does my virus scanner say there is a virus, trojan or other malware in WorldPainter?

It is a false positive. There is no virus, trojan or other malware in WorldPainter. If your virus scanner says that there is, please report it to the makers as a false positive, and then use your virus scanner's "unquarantine" or equivalent functionality, or temporarily disable it, to be able to install and use WorldPainter. See the FalsePositives page for more information, including why you should upgrade to a better virus scanner.

How do I add custom objects to my map?

For placing complete objects you can use a Custom Objects Layer. You need a copy of the object you want to place in bo2, bo3, schematic or nbt format. One way to do get these is to export the object from Minecraft using WorldEdit or MCEdit. You can also find collections of them online. Then create a Custom Objects Layer (from the + button on the Layers panel) and load the file (or multiple files).

See the CustomObjects page for more details (including links to online custom object collections). For an excellent tutorial by Lentebriesje, see ​ here.

How do I change what Minecraft does when I use Populate? How do I get rid of all the small water and lava lakes?

The small water and lava lakes aren't created by WorldPainter, they are created by Minecraft when you use the Populate layer, or enable the "allow Minecraft to populate the entire terrain" option. WorldPainter has no control over what Minecraft does when it populates a chunk, at least not for the Default and Large Biomes world types. All it can do is tell it to populate the chunk, or not, for each individual chunk. If Minecraft populates a chunk it will add underground resources, vegetation, trees, small water and lava lakes, snow and ice, villages, ravines, strongholds and abandoned mines. It will not generate caves. For more details about the proper use of the Populate layer, see the Populate page.

If you don't want the small water and lava lakes, you do have one option: you can set the world type to Superflat, and then use the Superflat preset to configure exactly what you want Minecraft to do during the population step. For more details about this technique, see ​ this YouTube video by Fornan II.

You should also consider whether you need Populate, as WorldPainter has its own layers for almost everything. The only thing that WorldPainter can't generate itself is structures (mines, villages, etc.). By default the Resources layer is "on everywhere", so WorldPainter already generates underground resources. You can use the other layers to add things like Deciduous or Pine forests, snow and ice, underground Caverns and Chasms, etc.

How do I add custom brushes?

Note: you can organise the custom brushes into separate subdirectories inside the brushes folder, which will show up as separate palettes in WorldPainter. This is especially convenient if you have many custom brushes, to prevent the palette from becoming so large that it doesn't fit on the screen.

How do I customise the biomes without creating any land, letting Minecraft generate the land according to the biomes?

Unfortunately due to the way Minecraft works this is not possible.

How do I use the Populate layer?

There is a lot of confusion about the correct usage of the Populate layer. This page tries to explain exactly what it does and how to use it.

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WorldPainter — это программа, созданная для редактирования карт в Minecraft. WorldPainter похож на Paint, и им пользоваться так же легко. Она широко используется для создания карт.

Использование [ ]

Запустите программу, после чего рассмотрите интерфейс (См. галерею).

1 - Поле для рисования. Это самая нужная часть WorldPainter'а, на которой и создаётся карта.
2 - Панель блоков. С помощью её можно выбирать блоки, которые надо наносить кистью. Можно также выбрать свои блоки (в ячейках с цифрами, см. шаг 2).
3 - Панель инструментов. здесь находятся тоже довольно важные предметы - инструменты. (Слева направо:пирамида, вторая пирамида, залить водой или лавой, создать горы (или если нажать ПКМ, то впадины), разровнять блоки с уровнем, где вы нажали, искажения берегов (помогут, если надо сделать более реалистичные острова), тоже самое, что и "создать горы", только быстрее, сменить точку спауна игрока, губка (убрать воду и лаву), глобальные операции.
4 - панель слоёв. Здесь отображаются отдельные слои (сверху вниз: снег, пещеры, деревья - обычные, хвойные, болото, джунгли, Пустота, ресурсы, частота ресурсов, биомы.
5 - панель кистей. Здесь находятся различные кисти для рисования - квадратные и круглые. Ползунок внизу показывает "рассеяность" кистей (чем он левее, тем она меньше).
6 - информационная (далее информ.) панель, показывающая координаты курсора мыши (x и z соответсвенно).
7 - информ. панель, показывающая высоту, на которой находится курсор мыши.
8 - информ. панель, показывающая блок, на который наведён курсор мыши.
9 - информ. панель, показывающая параметры некоторых инструментов (таких как Пустота или снег).
10 - информ. панель, показывающая биом, в котором находится курсор мыши. Биомы могут появляться при установке некоторых блоков (например, если установить мицелий, то там будет биом грибного острова).
11 - информ. панель, показывающая радиус кисти (в блоках).
12 - информ. панель, показывающая уровень увеличения (в процентах).
13 - информ. панель, на которой показывается много различных инструментов, нужных для настройки мира.

WorldPainter provides various tools for editing the dimension currently loaded in the editor. They are located in the toolbox, the panel by default located in the top left corner of the window.

In general the tools are used as follows:

  1. Select the tool
  2. For the painting tools (the top row), select a Paint (in other words a layer, terrain, biome or annotation colour) from one of the palettes
  3. Select and or modify the desired brush. See Brushes? for detailed information. Note that the painting tools (the first row) and the terrain modification tools (the third row) remember the current brush separately, so choose the tool first, and then the brush.
  4. Apply the tool by left-clicking with the mouse
  5. Most tools can also be reversed by right-clicking with the mouse. This removes the paint or applies the inverse operation. What this means exactly depends on the tool and the selected paint type

The following tools are available:

[[Image(. )]] Spray Paint

Continuously applies the current paint while holding down the mouse button.

  • Discrete layers (such as Frost, Biomes or Annotations) are dithered.
  • Right-clicking while having a layer selected removes it.
  • Right-clicking while having a terrain type selected resets the terrain to the default according to the Default Terrain tab of the Dimension Properties?.
  • Right-clicking while having a biome selected resets the biome to automatic.

[[Image(. )]] Pencil

Draws dots and continuous lines of the current paint, either freehand or straight and optionally constrained to 45 degree angles.

  • Discrete layers (such as Frost, Biomes or Annotations) are not dithered. They are applied where the brush intensity is 75% or higher.
  • Click and release to paint a dot.
  • Click and drag to draw a freehand continuous line.
  • Shift+click to draw a straight line from the previous dot or line-end.
  • Use Ctrl to constrain the line to a 45 degree angle. This works both for freehand lines (Ctrl+click and drag) and straight lines (Ctrl+Shift+click).
  • Left clicks apply the paint, right clicks "remove" it. See Spray Paint for what that means for the different paint types.

[[Image(. )]] Fill

Flood fills an area with the current paint.

For terrain types, biomes and annotation colours the contiguous area of the terrain type, biome or annotation colour respectively that you click on is filled. For layers, the contiguous empty area (where the layer is not present) you click on is filled, bounded by pre-existing presence of the layer. In other words, paint the edges of the area first using the other tools, then fill the empty area. For continuous layers (such as the tree layers and Custom Object Layers) the area is filled to the intensity you have currently selected, and is bounded by areas where the layer exists at the same or higher intensity. Right clicks "remove" the paint. See Spray Paint for what that means for the different paint types.

Paints one or more lines of text with the current paint.

Click where you want the text to be placed and a popup will appear allowing you to enter the text and specify the desired font, decoration (bold or italic), size and angle (in 90 degree steps). The text may have more than one line. The top left corner of the text is placed where you click. If you selected a non-zero angle the text is rotated around its top left corner. Right clicks "remove" the paint. See Spray Paint for what that means for the different paint types.

Floods an area with water, or raises an existing body of water.

Click on a dry place to fill an area where the terrain is the same height or lower with water. Or click on an existing body of water to raise the level of water by one block. This may flood additional areas. If the water spills over somewhere it may even fill large areas. Right click on an existing body of water to lower the level of water by one, drying up the areas where it was only one block deep. Keep right-clicking to dry up a body of water completely. If you click on a body of lava it will be turned into water without changing the level. Note: if you change the shape of the terrain at the shores of a body of water the water is not automatically adjusted! To prevent malformed cliffs of water around the edges, re-flood the area by right-clicking once on the body of water and then left-clicking to flood it to the original level up to the new shorelines. Note: if you lower dry terrain which had previously been flooded the "ground water" may reappear and flood the area in strange shapes. If that happens use the Sponge tool to either mop it up or reset the water level to the default.

Floods an area with lava, or raises an existing body of lava.

Click on a dry place to fill an area where the terrain is the same height or lower with lava. Or click on an existing body of lava to raise the level of lava by one block. This may flood additional areas. If the lava spills over somewhere it may even fill large areas. Right click on an existing body of lava to lower the level of lava by one, drying up the areas where it was only one block deep. Keep right-clicking to dry up a body of lava completely. If you click on a body of water it will be turned into lava without changing the level. Note: if you change the shape of the terrain at the shores of a body of lava the lava is not automatically adjusted! To prevent malformed cliffs of lava around the edges, re-flood the area by right-clicking once on the body of lava and then left-clicking to flood it to the original level up to the new shorelines. Note: if you lower dry terrain which had previously been flooded the "ground lava" may reappear and flood the area in strange shapes. If that happens use the Sponge tool to either mop it up or reset the lava to water at the default level.

Removes or resets water and lava.

Left click to remove any water and lava. Right click to reset the fluid type and level to the default. By default this is water at level 62, but the both can be changed on the New World screen, and the level additionally on the Default Terrain tab of the Dimension Properties?.

Raises or lowers the terrain in the shape of the brush.

Left clicking raises the terrain; right-clicking lowers it. Hold the mouse button down in the same place or while moving it to keep raising or lowering the terrain. The brush intensity slider determines how fast the terrain is raised or lowered. Lowering the terrain below the ground water level will flood it; raising the terrain above it will dry it out.

Flattens the terrain in the shape of the brush.

The terrain is raised or lowered towards the level of the terrain where you click. Hold the mouse button down in the same place or while moving it to keep flattening the terrain. While the mouse button is held down the terrain is flattened to the level of the terrain where it was first clicked.

Tip: this makes it a good tool to quickly raise or lower large areas to the same level: First use the Height tool to lower or raise the terrain to the desired level, or pick a location where it is already at the desired level Then click the Flatten tool at the point where the terrain is at the desired level, hold the mouse button down, and drag it everywhere you wish the level to be the same To equalise large areas more quickly choose a large brush and/or a high intensity. To keep some variation use a lower intensity or drag at a high speed

The brush intensity slider determines how fast the terrain is flattened. There is no difference between left and right clicking.

Smooths the terrain in the shape of the brush.

The terrain is averaged resulting in blunting of sharp edges, smoother transitions and reduced height differences. Hold the mouse button down to keep smoothing the terrain. The brush intensity slider determines how intensely the terrain is smoothed. There is no difference between left and right clicking.

Raises a mountain from the terrain in the shape of the brush.

The difference between this and Height is that it is absolute instead of relative. I.e. the shape it creates is independent of the current shape of the terrain. The mountain is shaped like the current brush; its base is at the bedrock (level 0) and its peak is slightly higher than the level of the terrain where you clicked. How much higher depends on the brush intensity slider; at 50% the peak of the mountain will be one block higher each iteration. The terrain will be raised only where it is currently lower than the mountain. The mountain will continue to be raised while you hold the mouse button down. Wherever the terrain is raised its type will also be changed according to the Default Terrain tab of the Dimension Properties?. Right-clicking will cause craters to appear instead of mountains by turning the mountain shape upside down with its base at the map's maximum height and its peak slightly lower than where you clicked and lowering the terrain instead of raising it. Tip: this tool lends itself to creating mountain ranges like this:

Select the Raise Mountain tool and a suitable brush, for instance the Linear Circle. Click and hold the left mouse button somewhere to grow a mountain. Wait until the height is as desired and then start dragging the mouse away while still holding the button to create a mountain ridge. The slope of the ridge will be determined by how fast you drag. Experiment with different drag speeds and with varying the drag speed to make the ridge go up and down. Terminate the ridge by dragging at a high speed so it slopes down and disappears into the terrain; release the mouse button. Draw additional ridges by clicking at the spine of an existing ridge and dragging the mouse away at an angle. Repeat as many times as you want to create an intricate network of mountain ridges. Draw a starburst pattern to create one single mountain shape, or lightning patterns or elaborate networks to create entire mountain ranges.

Changes the spawn point.

Only active on the surface dimension. The spawn point is displayed as a small red cross. The default spawn point is at coordinates 0,0. Click where you want the player to spawn upon first entering the map. Note that Minecraft only takes this as a suggestion. You may actually spawn some significant distance away. This also applies to the altitude. WorldPainter? sets the spawn point on the surface, but if the world has a ceiling Minecraft may decide to spawn you on top of it regardless of the coordinates set by WorldPainter?.

Raise a four-sided pyramid from the ground, rotated 45 degrees.

The terrain is raised one block each iteration, in the shape of a four-sided pyramid at a 45 degree angle. The terrain type is set to Sandstone.

Raise a four-sided pyramid from the ground.

The terrain is raised one block each iteration, in the shape of a four-sided pyramid. The terrain type is set to Sandstone.


World painter - это программа, которая в одиночку может делать хорошие постройки, но лучше её комбинировать с world edit. Неет, вы, конечно, на моем примере можете сделать супер-пупер карту с помощью только пейнтера, но не забывайте, что world edit более широко-широко-специализированный, пейнтер это программа для игры в ладшафт-дизайнера, а едитор это уже для ПОЛНОГО настройки локации. Так же не могу не отметить, что с подводным ландшафтом лучше работает пейнтер. Ну и в заключении описания не могу не отметить. Пейнтер легк в освоении

Ну интерфейс понятен.И как говорил классик

Смотри сюда, нажимай тут, меняй здесь

Ну вообще я составил небольшую картинку для вас с цифрами. 1-типы редактирование(средняя полоса с верху самая полезная); 2-панель которая показывает что выходит в 3д (нажмите ctrl+3 что бы она появилась); 3- кисти; 4- генерируемы вещи(выбраная область будет с этими показателями ,к примеру: Resourses - на выбранной территории будут генерироваться ресурсы); 5-инфа (полезный только показатель Height ака высота блока на который направлена наша МИЩЪ! ); 6- блоки которыми мы будем красить область; 7-Вкладка с сохранением и экспортом.

Ну о вообще вам понадобиться знать об функционале этих кнопок

1-помогает сделать рельеф более гладкой. 2-можно юзать только с 3 или 6 кнопкой и при 5

10% Intensity , ну а так оно закрашивает блоки , блоками выбранными вам в панели с блоками. 3/6- это самые юзаьбельные кисти(не учитовая кастомные). 4-САМАЯ ЧАСТО ИСПОЛЬЗУЕМАЯ КНОПКА . почему?Ну она на ЛКМ поднимает ладшафт, а на ПКМ понижает, усё. 5-просто выравнивает ладшафт. Почему она в этом списке?Ну вообще она очень помогает при создание равнин

Есть куча примеров. К примеру моя предыдущий пост. Ну или ПЕНДОСКИЕ ВИДОСЫ(щютка)

Знаю что этот гайд может не всем поможет. Но я вам рассказал о основах

Ну а если вам этот гайд не помог и ваш инглиш very good то вот вам видос и сайт с самим World painter

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