Weapons of chaos swtor прохождение

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I have now spent over 5 hours. across a few days just trying to get the seed on Taris. W T F. I have lost count of the greens, blues and even acouple purples I have dug up, but no dam seed. I dare any Bioware rep to come on here and try to explain how this stupid quest is fun in any way shape or form.

Man, I thought Archaeology was bad in WoW. ( OK, it is pretty much as boring) but this is just stupid, no real indication if I am doing something wrong, if I am getting close, just NOTHING.

i know no one is forcing me to do this, but its gotten to the point i'm just mad and want to find this f'ing seed.

I think I will submit a bug report, this can't possibly be "working as intended "? I say it must be a bug.

definitely envious of people who say they found it in 10 minutes.

5 hours and counting . :mad:

05.06.2013, 10:05 PM

I don't understand how people are struggling with this.

What is everyone doing differently that makes them struggle so? Is it a server population issue? Do the Seeds move if one person finds one? If that's the case then being on JM would be why I found this so easy I guess.

05.07.2013, 01:49 AM

To my experience some easy advice helps a lot with finding the dread seeds:

Totally forget about the signs, that your probe returns to you.

Just scan the area methodically. I personally was doing real fine with using my probe on any pool of water and any strange root growing from the ground. I took no more than 20 minutes per seed.

The green indication is NOT exclusive to the direction of the seed. It shows you just where to find ANYthing. Since you do not want to find just about anything, you can safely ignore the green indicator.

05.07.2013, 01:51 AM took me about an 2 hours to get it all. Just need to do the last quest. Lung_Tien_Lien 05.07.2013, 02:20 AM

Wow, I think the longest I spent on any of the seeds was 15 minutes. Maybe twenty.

Here's what I did: use the Seeker Droid, run right underneath it and wait until it shows you the direction of the next item. Then I'd just place the droid as far away from where I was standing as possible (in the suggested direction, of course). If that turned up nothing, I'd use the droid again but closer to my character this time.

If an area was messing with me (i.e. the next item appears to be on top of an enormous rock that I can't even target), I'd relocate. I don't think there's just one seed buried per character or anything.

Sorry, but I found spending my entire evening to find groups for the Heroic 4's much, much worse.

OddballEasyEight 05.07.2013, 02:21 AM

Each location took me between 5-10 minutes. longest i spent was on taris because i kept fighting the enemies instead of avoiding them.

If its taking you more than 20 minutes, you are doing something wrong.
Dont just run around randomly popping down the drones. use the triangulation system that they have. Follow the green indicator.

SleepyJoeFriday 05.07.2013, 09:31 AM Just remember that there are places where you can use your seeker droid where all you'll find is assorted stuff but no dread seed.
Make sure that your scanning near some dread corrupted growth and you'll find it soon enough.
As a previous poster has mentioned once the seeker droid has started to search you can stand underneath it so that the semicircle indication is easier to judge.
It took me no longer than 10 minutes per area to locate the seed.
I guess finding the armour is another story though. 05.07.2013, 10:49 AM Lol at people spending 3 hours. You are either seriously unlucky, or just cant use the Seeker Probe. I got all seeds 20 minutes per seed tops No idea what would you have to be doing there for 3 hours. Powervette 05.07.2013, 03:13 PM

To my experience some easy advice helps a lot with finding the dread seeds:

Totally forget about the signs, that your probe returns to you.

Just scan the area methodically. I personally was doing real fine with using my probe on any pool of water and any strange root growing from the ground. I took no more than 20 minutes per seed.

The green indication is NOT exclusive to the direction of the seed. It shows you just where to find ANYthing. Since you do not want to find just about anything, you can safely ignore the green indicator.

Will give this a try, thanks

05.07.2013, 04:43 PM

Lol at people spending 3 hours. You are either seriously unlucky, or just cant use the Seeker Probe. I got all seeds 20 minutes per seed tops No idea what would you have to be doing there for 3 hours.

Or how you could take sitting there for 3 hours dunking the fishing rod in.

05.11.2013, 05:32 PM make sure you guys aren't just trying to find it in the wrong area 06.02.2013, 10:06 PM

I love how everyone says we're doing something wrong, but none of them have any actual useful tips or instructions on how to do it right.

If you're not going to be helpful, don't post.

Applicator 06.03.2013, 03:14 AM

I love how everyone says we're doing something wrong, but none of them have any actual useful tips or instructions on how to do it right.

If you're not going to be helpful, don't post.

Yes they did, they said aim it on the funny root looking things in the pools of water. Takes 10mins tops

06.03.2013, 04:17 AM

Yes they did, they said aim it on the funny root looking things in the pools of water. Takes 10mins tops

Every planet except Balmorra (bad luck there) took me 4-9 min. Most of the time spent on this mission series was traveling from corrupted zone to corrupted zone.

Hammamelis 06.03.2013, 04:57 AM

I love how everyone says we're doing something wrong, but none of them have any actual useful tips or instructions on how to do it right.

Having finishing this quest line with two characters, and working on it with two more, I'd venture to say:

- skill has not much to do with finding the seeds quickly. There are too many other objects scattered around, so no matter how closely you follow the seeker droid indicator, most of the time you'll be chasing grays and greens.

- don't spend more than about 5 minutes in the same area, even if you still get green circle segments. Especially if these keeps sending you back and forth between the same two or three dig locations. Move to a different part of the corrupted zone instead

- as previously mentioned, probe each of those pools with twisted roots in them, starting from the most centrally located. More often than not, the seed will be in one of them.

And sometimes (happened to me twice so far), you just have to admit defeat. If you found any blues and purples, go to the fleet and put them on GTN. Or, for a change of pace, kill the champion roaming around, unless it is a WB like Lucky. They drop more loot to sell, so at least you'll get some credits.

DuckimusPrime 06.03.2013, 05:14 AM

- skill has not much to do with finding the seeds quickly. There are too many other objects scattered around, so no matter how closely you follow the seeker droid indicator, most of the time you'll be chasing grays and greens.

The seeker droid scans lead to seeds (in the appropriate corrupted areas and "interesting objects", not greens and greys.

06.03.2013, 06:35 AM

I have emptied my bags 6 times by my companion.

Maybe it is my dirty mind but I was laughing hard when I read this.

Seriously though back on topic, it is a very tedious questline, I am so glad my main has finished it, got his 'Star Forager' title and is done with it, this is one quest I will NOT be repeating on my alts.

I have had mixed results, some planets I have found the seed on my first attempt, Alderaan being one of them, some I have wandered around for a few hours losing the will to live. Definitely use the buffs that are available as they did seem to help.

I have to say that I raged pretty hard a few times when the green marker appears in the targeting circle, so you go that way, then it changes its mind, it just never seemed to make any sense and I got the impression that I was finding them more by chance as opposed to design.

Tedious quest, good riddance!

CorwinStark 09.09.2013, 01:48 PM

Seekers droids in their current implementation are the biggest pile of steaming bantha poodoo I've ever had the displeasure of dealing with.

Archaeology in WOW and Exploration in EVE are shining examples of edge of your seat excitement in comparison. (and only in comparison to SWTOR, as a stand alone, both of the above are tedious, claw your eyes out from boredom . poodoo)

I wasted two hours on tatooine on the "weapons of chaos" quest and abandoned it in disgust.

Will never touch that again.

captpickles 09.09.2013, 03:16 PM

I have now spent over 5 hours. across a few days just trying to get the seed on Taris. W T F. I have lost count of the greens, blues and even acouple purples I have dug up, but no dam seed. I dare any Bioware rep to come on here and try to explain how this stupid quest is fun in any way shape or form.

Man, I thought Archaeology was bad in WoW. ( OK, it is pretty much as boring) but this is just stupid, no real indication if I am doing something wrong, if I am getting close, just NOTHING.

i know no one is forcing me to do this, but its gotten to the point i'm just mad and want to find this f'ing seed.

I think I will submit a bug report, this can't possibly be "working as intended "? I say it must be a bug.

definitely envious of people who say they found it in 10 minutes.

5 hours and counting . :mad:

At least in wow you can $%^&ing fly. as opposed to having to travel the sometimes hard paths and through piles of mobs .

09.10.2013, 01:56 AM Don't know is it mentioned - circle around you show position around Seeker Droid, so you have to move to droid location to be properly guided.
Most of the time we have found seed on those ugly things in water pools.
Enhancer (blue best) is a good option but cost some credits. GamerIncognito 11.14.2013, 06:48 PM

There are far too many posts to try to quote everyone, so I will just make a generalized response.

Maybe some of you that have managed to get this seeker droid mastered quickly had some assistance from friends or guild members, but try to see it from the perspective of those who have not had that kind of assistance. We come in here to see about getting help, not to get ridiculed for asking the questions. I know I am doing it wrong, this thing did not come with an instruction manual, and everything I found online says what it does, not how to read it.

Tatooine is the first I have tried, and I have been at it for about an hour now. I can't even figure out how to get to the location it says I need to be. I have spent 30 or so minutes riding around this blackened area of my map, not seeing a passageway or lift or anything else that would get me close enough to even try to get in. I have scanned with my bino's, got that part done, but how do I get there now? Y'all have been saying how easy it is to do, have you been playing the game since it came out, and know the map front to back, left to right? Some of us less experienced players do not, and could use some less criticized responses to our questions please.

They tell us to go to the forums for help, yet we have to wade through flames. kinda deters you from posting after a while.

*Thanks to SWToR Spy, I was able to find the location to the entrance, so now I am good. Took me 2 minutes to get my seed once I knew where the hell I was going. I would like to thank those of you that suggested looking near water and roots, it made the find easier since I was able to focus there.*

01.07.2014, 12:11 PM I cant even get the droid to come out. not one time. been to all 4 planets and all i get is nothing detected nearby. useless bioware BS SteelPiranha 01.07.2014, 12:23 PM

I cant even get the droid to come out. not one time. been to all 4 planets and all i get is nothing detected nearby. useless bioware BS

04.07.2014, 01:40 PM

This is simply a poorly designed quest, great in concept, poor in execution.

Have done these kind of quests many times, I surmise that those who completed this relatively quickly, or completed it AT ALL were lucky - as skill, in my opinion, has little to do with it.

How about a post from the developer? Insights from the Master Jedi's?

Dang, i know what it was. I FORGOT TO USE THE FORCE!

This is one I will delete from my quest logs

04.07.2014, 02:02 PM

This is simply a poorly designed quest, great in concept, poor in execution.

Have done these kind of quests many times, I surmise that those who completed this relatively quickly, or completed it AT ALL were lucky - as skill, in my opinion, has little to do with it.

How about a post from the developer? Insights from the Master Jedi's?

Dang, i know what it was. I FORGOT TO USE THE FORCE!

This is one I will delete from my quest logs

Actually, the Seed excavation is rather simple if you bother to read the manual for Seeker Droid. If you cannot find them in 15 minutes each, you are doing something horribly wrong.

04.07.2014, 02:05 PM

This is simply a poorly designed quest, great in concept, poor in execution.

Have done these kind of quests many times, I surmise that those who completed this relatively quickly, or completed it AT ALL were lucky - as skill, in my opinion, has little to do with it.

How about a post from the developer? Insights from the Master Jedi's?

Dang, i know what it was. I FORGOT TO USE THE FORCE!

This is one I will delete from my quest logs

The search quests can be done reliably(unlike the HK-51 one) if you understand that the arc indicator includes the direction, but the majority does not point in the right direction(in order to triangulate its location).

The end heroic however requires 3 other people, and in all likelihood finding a party at this point will be more difficult than doing the rest of the quest chain.

Speaking of which, I thought both the Macrobinocular and Seeker Droid quest chains were really good, but unfortunately destined for obsoletion due to difficulty accessing their final quests.

Darth_Wicked 04.07.2014, 02:09 PM

The search quests can be done reliably(unlike the HK-51 one) if you understand that the arc indicator includes the direction, but the majority does not point in the right direction(in order to triangulate its location).

The end heroic however requires 3 other people, and in all likelihood finding a party at this point will be more difficult than doing the rest of the quest chain.

I did this quest eight times, a couple of them on my own on most planets. Assuming you use a point of reference correctly, it's not that hard to search for the pieces.

Speaking of which, I thought both the Macrobinocular and Seeker Droid quest chains were really good, but unfortunately destined for obsoletion due to difficulty accessing their final quests.

I do agree to this. Kinda makes you wish these heroics had been added to group finder or whatever. They are some of the best heroics in the whole game, not to mention that the Shroud ones are above and beyond some flashpoints.

DarthDymond 04.07.2014, 02:12 PM

The end heroic however requires 3 other people, and in all likelihood finding a party at this point will be more difficult than doing the rest of the quest chain.

Speaking of which, I thought both the Macrobinocular and Seeker Droid quest chains were really good, but unfortunately destined for obsoletion due to difficulty accessing their final quests.
I think this is absolutely right and gets to a key issue with both quest chains.

In the context of the Macro-binoculars, it is even a bit worse since someone who has completed the first of the two Heroic quests can't even help someone else with it to let them "catch up" so they can do the second part together.

My Sorc had done the car-chase quest, but then the PUG I was in gave up before completing "The Shroud's Last Stand". Later someone was asking for help with the car-chase quest, I figured: "hey, I'll help this guy out, even though I've already finished that step, and then we'll be half-way to having a full group for 'Last Stand'". Get to the location where you click on the elevator/platform to start the car chase and get an "ineligible to interact with this object" error message.

Browse Database Quest List Starting at:
  1. Investigate the Forge Entrance

( Master Orgus is being held prisoner by Bengel Morr somewhere near the ancient Forge.

( Master Orgus is being held prisoner by Bengel Morr near the ancient Forge.

( Master Orgus is being held prisoner by Bengel Morr near the ancient Forge.

Bengel Morr confronted you, and you defeated his Flesh Raider followers. Now you must defeat Bengel Morr in the shadow of the ancient Forge. )

( Master Orgus Din is being held prisoner by Bengel Morr somewhere near the ancient Forge.

I chose to release Bengel Morr

Option :1 Chose to release Bengel Morr

    Speak to Master Orgus

( Master Orgus Din is being held prisoner by Bengel Morr somewhere near the ancient Forge.

    Report to the Jedi Council
    Report to the Jedi Council

Option :2 Chose to punish Bengel Morr

    Speak to Master Orgus

( Master Orgus Din is being held prisoner by Bengel Morr somewhere near the ancient Forge.

    Report to the Jedi Council
    Report to the Jedi Council

Option :3 Chose to capture Bengel Morr

    Speak to Master Orgus

( Master Orgus Din is being held prisoner by Bengel Morr somewhere near the ancient Forge.

    Report to the Jedi Council
    Report to the Jedi Council

I have now spent over 5 hours. across a few days just trying to get the seed on Taris. W T F. I have lost count of the greens, blues and even acouple purples I have dug up, but no dam seed. I dare any Bioware rep to come on here and try to explain how this stupid quest is fun in any way shape or form.

Man, I thought Archaeology was bad in WoW. ( OK, it is pretty much as boring) but this is just stupid, no real indication if I am doing something wrong, if I am getting close, just NOTHING.

i know no one is forcing me to do this, but its gotten to the point i'm just mad and want to find this f'ing seed.

I think I will submit a bug report, this can't possibly be "working as intended "? I say it must be a bug.

definitely envious of people who say they found it in 10 minutes.

5 hours and counting .

I don't understand how people are struggling with this.

What is everyone doing differently that makes them struggle so? Is it a server population issue? Do the Seeds move if one person finds one? If that's the case then being on JM would be why I found this so easy I guess.

The dark is generous, and it is patient, and it always wins.
It always wins because it is everywhere.
The brightest light casts the darkest shadow.
Click my Referral Code for free goodies!

To my experience some easy advice helps a lot with finding the dread seeds:

Totally forget about the signs, that your probe returns to you.

Just scan the area methodically. I personally was doing real fine with using my probe on any pool of water and any strange root growing from the ground. I took no more than 20 minutes per seed.

The green indication is NOT exclusive to the direction of the seed. It shows you just where to find ANYthing. Since you do not want to find just about anything, you can safely ignore the green indicator.

Jhoira , Skarjis , Tr�ntor , Ric-Xano , Sabri-torina , Tir-za , Shaina .
We do not brake for Wookiees !

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